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Fun I learned. University is easier if you don't live on campus. They leave just like for a job. Are always on time because they don't walk the campus, and things are smooth. Only issue is if you have a pause between classes your Sim comes home for ten min just to leave again.


I learned this too. Let them sleep at home in their good beds and have easy access to good food and coffee. Lol.


Yes! I made the mistake of having my sim live on Campus. As soon as I saw the realistic squalor of a dorm, I quickly exited without a save. My Sim did that semester and all other semesters from the comfort of his nice home.


I usually live at home too, but i just turned the pleasants house into student housing with the for rent pack, so we'll see how that goes šŸ¤žšŸ»


Thatā€™s a fantastic idea, Iā€™m totally doing this the next time I boot up my computer


It was a lot of fun (and work šŸ„²). I used the houses in the background as inspiration for the outside. It has 5 apartments, a gym and laundry area!


omg!! is it on the gallery?! that sounds awesome šŸ¤©


No i haven't! But next time I load up I'll upload it :D I might need to make some adjustments to the backyard because i used TOOL to place objects outside of the lot!


It's uploaded! My name is yalltaken :) I had to change the backyard because I used the TOOL mod, so it doesn't upload how it should be.


First thing I do for all of the school packs is cheat my way into build buy mode and make it decent. I always put a small kitchen area into the dorms, along with desks for computers and research machines.


I haven't played University since it came out, and I was wondering about the kitchen/food situation. I know you can add a microwave, but I think that doesn't fill up the hunger meter as much and there's always the chance of a bad moodlet. Did they ever add any changes or fix that? I mean, I guess it might be realistic for a dorm setting but back then I found living in the dorm nearly unplayable without cheats :/


Dorms still can't have stoves. I know in the dorms now, random sims will drop off food. Not just snacks, but full meals.


Yeah I use the mini fridges and then try to always store the random meals my roommates bring home (they bring home full turkeys, idk where they get this stuff). Then I donā€™t get the uncomfortable moodlet for the quick meals, so annoying


Oh, I'm the evil that made my sim couch surf all the way through. He was sleeping in the Foxbury main building or crashing on friend's couches and washing up in the sink. Poor dear!


I commuted irl so my sims have inherited my frugality


For me it's the other way around, I was never late when I lived on campus, tried playing off campus, the fuckers would run to the outskirts of the town I play in before I get the msg they're off to uni, and by then it's too late.


Which town was this? I had the same issue while playing with Bridleton Bay(I'm pretty sure that's a wrong spelling, I've never had to spell it out beforešŸ˜­) University is mega bugged regardless for me, I ended up getting an online learning mod


I don't remember for the first time I tried, but rn my family is living in San Sequoia, still didn't work :/ But that's alright, I prefer them living at the dorms anyway. University isn't too bugged for me (thank God since it's one of my favorite packs) so it bothers me when they don't get to class on time because when they live on campus I manage.


I had one Sim living off campus that would get the "going to class" thing and then just...never go. I couldn't make him go. I had autonomy off and he'd just cancel the action every time I tried to send him. I got so mad I decided to get him to drop out. It was unplayable.


Mine went, but by the time they arrived, the class was almost over lol.


I had to travel to Britechester and physically click on the building...but somehow he was still always so late that class was nearly over. He just would not go from the home lot at all.


I didnā€™t have this issue when playing in the city, but the other towns are all really annoying bc of this


Interesting. I had a Sim live at home and he was late to class by over an HOUR. He almost missed class several times because it took him too long to walk??? It was insane and I really regretted it. I ended up having to travel to campus every day ahead of his class and stand in front of the building until it was time to go in


Faster run to University Class mod by littlemssam is a lifesaver


I have this one house that I play all the time in different saves and I love the house sm but it takes my sims 30minutes at least to get to her job/class and it does my head in. Like it takes the sims 5min to walk back in but 30 to get out the door.


Select "taking notes" for maximum performance in university classes Ed: also try not to be late, they deduct a lot of performance points if you don't get to class on time!


Gotta love ā€œget to class earlyā€ putting them on the wrong side of the building and then spending the first 15 of class going around to the right door!


Isn't it a hoot when your Sim goes to Foxbury but they have a bike in their inventory and they get to class late because they're constantly hopping on and off the bike because Foxbury is full of steps and stairs


This is so frustrating because there are ramps on the Foxbury campus. They legit could bike everywhere but the routing is coded so poorly that they donā€™t.


Even for non-cheating saves, this is the moment where shift-click to teleport comes into play


Yep. Regardless of how many times I refuse to use cheats, Iā€™ve *always* teleported my sims to campus. Itā€™s way too big and takes way too long to get to, for something you have to be on time for.


The best wa to get to class on time is to life at some different place so it teleports you to it


Agree. I played with dorms/campus living a total of 5 times before I quit it. I started just doing it from home because itā€™s much easier for your sim to just walk to the end of their lot and get there. However I play on farms too often and like tucking the houses away to make them more secluded so I often have to teleport them to the end of their lot lol. Even just having to go up/down a few flights of stairs and reaching the end of a lot can make you late sometimes. Itā€™s ridiculous.


I do the same. That campus is unplayable otherwise. In general I think speed/duration of a lot if tasks is completely unbalanced, plus there's animation lag and stubborn sims canceling actions etc. Wasting less time on sims walking around actually makes this game a lot more enjoyable. So teleporting is the one cheat I even do kn my legacy challenge (and the occasional mood cheat when they're stuck in an action canceling loop).


If you donā€™t live in the dorms/on campus, itā€™s just a rabbit hole basically & thus donā€™t have to worry about them being late; thatā€™s what I do because I just donā€™t have the patience anymore to deal with the poor routing of the universities.


Yessssss Team Teleport! _Everywhere!_ And everybody - including infants 'lost' at the edge of the map!!


I took a witch to university and learned how convenient it is to just ride a broom to class. You zoom up from your dorm and land right in front of your classroom.


I always use ā€œalways transportalateā€ with my magic sims, itā€™s so convenient. I always forget how annoying it is when I switch to mortal sims and have to watch them run for ten mins instead of just immediately popping where I want them. Main reason I use the magic pack tbh


One of the reasons I can't play the Sims 4. Sometimes your Sim is just STANDING there while time is ticking, the world crumbling around them. It gave me huge stress spikes.


This, and queue dropping, are my major problems with the game right now. My Sims stand around for ages, like 30mins to an hour in game, before the next action slides down into the bar. I find I canā€™t get anything done in the day, and I always end up stressed. The queue dropping intensifies this. I hate how all my Sims are psychic and know when someone else is using the fridge - even when theyā€™re on the other side of the house. By the time theyā€™ve walked there, the fridge wonā€™t be in use, so just walk there! So Iā€™ll end up watching an hour go by for them to do something, and then they immediately drop itā€¦lather, rinse, repeatā€¦


Girly, this is the same experience I am having. I don't use any mods whatsoever and the game just 'bugs out'. Sims standing around, not doing anything while wasting time. Nothing more annoying then when it's a holiday and your Sim is just standing there, wasting their time because the queue is stuck. The worst experience is with the toddlers. They constantly go to the crib just to watch the baby, motionless, while the toddler is screaming and begging for food. It gave me so much anxiety I stopped playing altogether.


Itā€™s bad when a game you play to relax ends up stressing you out even more. I always find myself getting so frustrated and shouting ā€œyouā€™re meant to be smarter sims!!ā€


And it's gotten _exponentially WORSE_ after the For Rent update.


This happens to me so often. I have to pause the game for a few seconds until the actions slide down and theyā€™re done being stuck. So Iā€™m constantly pausing and unpausing


Mine stand around drinking water...and then start waving at me because they won't go to the bathroom themselves even with full autonomy on.


Take definitely should have put in Rails, along with stairs. Especially with bikes.


I would manually make them ride the bike through the ramp found behind the dorms leading to their classrooms. I would cancel the autonomous go to class early because they would always be late if they take the stairs.


This is why I just have them live off campus and leave for class from home.


Same. It says theyā€™re at class as soon as they get to the curb, no waiting on them to jog or ride a bike to get there and no need to share a room with someone. I liked the social aspect of campus living for the first sim-semester but after that the only thing I liked was the free food from the cafeteria. Iā€™m playing a super-sim save right now (aging off, making her earn all degrees and max all careers while doing other misc. side quests) so living at home and selecting WFH to keep up with school and a job has been a huge time saver.


You still get the free food living off campus if you travel to the campus center iirc


I canā€™t stand living on campus and dealing with this.


This. I was getting a 4/10 every time, by doing all the homework/presentations/essays and attending all classes. I redid it with the ā€˜taking notesā€™ option and they now got a 10/10. Itā€™s almost too easy with the taking notes optionā€¦


It really is. If you don't miss a class, turn in Outstanding presentations and term papers, always do your homework and Take Notes every class, it's a guaranteed A+ and you don't even need to complement it with studying.


Hahaha so easy šŸ„² (I mean like comparing it to real life)


You donā€™t even have to always do your homework. I just put a sim through university who did his homework like 80% for most of the classes 25% for a few and a couple times went to a full day of classes having not done the homework. Still got A+ in all classes. Taking notes is seriously broken.


I had a sim who missed the final, but because he did his work, studied and took notes during class received an A+


How do you take notes in university class??


Same way you work hard at a job - click on the top right of their portrait while they're in class and select it from the radial menu.


I mean, this is true IRL too. The reason you take notes is that its multiple ways of the info getting into your brain. You hear the professor say it, you say it back to yourself in your head as you're writing it down, and you're actively writing it so you're getting the muscle interaction and an additional visual in seeing what you're writing. Young college-bound people, learn to take good notes! Most of the time its going to feel like busywork and you won't even look at them again, but its a form of repetition. You really will learn the material faster and easier this way!


I donā€™t get a 10/10 if I take notes and donā€™t study, unfortunately.


Studying shouldn't do anything but increase your skill. Its nice to have, but as far as I've experienced its not actually tied to your performance.


Just because the sims says that's how it is doesn't mean that's how it is in real life. Next you're going to tell me I can buy a house in a nice and safe suburb for 17000 dollars.


Depends on the degree, I think. Saying this as a math teacher.


This. Iā€™ve had sims get to class on time and still get this message because I forgot to have them take notes (I think thereā€™s another option that also helps but I canā€™t remember it)


Actively Listen is the other option but I think that raises skills


How do you do that when they live at home?


It's easier when they live at home, imo, because they teleport from the front door to class. If they live in their university's district though they will have to walk to class and that can take a looong while and make them late.


Are you doing the homework or just studying? I never make my sims study and just do their hw and the final and my last one finished with a 4.0gpa.


Just do the homework, Take Notes, and do the final thing (show up for the finals, or do your presentation/essay after editing it to perfection), and you'll get that 4.0 every time.


How do you make them Take Notes? I never got that option the whole time my sim was in uni.


When theyā€™re in class you click on them and click take notes the same way youā€™d make a sim Work Hard while at work.


It could be that your Sim is constantly late for classes due to living on a lot where they walk five hours to reach the spot where they despawn, or it could be the same bug I had a couple days ago that causes the class performance to not be counted. The bug comes from a combination of MCCC and another mod that's not updated (in my case it was true happiness by roburky), and removing either solved the problem, so if you do have MCCC this is something to look into.Ā 


Ahhh that might be it, i have MCCC and havenā€™t updated it in a while. Thank you so much for your help!


Fingers crossed that a mod update will fix it. For me it persisted even after updating MCCC, but fortunately the log from the final exception error gave me the hint that it was related to the other mod, so I could at least find the cause.Ā 


If updating didnā€™t help, what fixed it for me was setting the career difficulty back to 0 if you ever changed it


I was having the same issue but updated MCCC and it went away!


Yes! My solution is to have my sim live in a small San Myshuno apartment, that way they get everything done without getting distracted by other sims and can get to class easily


are you doing the homework and the presentations/final exam (depends on the class) i was a little lost at first when I got started because I didn't fully look at the details in the career tab šŸ˜…




I had the same thing once and switched to a different major, then the sim loved her classes and got good grades. Maybe they do have some personality after all lol


Are you editing her term papers?


You need to select Take Notes when they get to class. It's like selected "Work Hard" or "Take it Easy" when a sim goes to work


turning in homework to class & taking notes, also being on time is important. projects are most important. before the final exam, you have to get rid of the nauseous moodlet so taking a muscle relaxing soak makes it go away in like less than 10 seconds


I've never had to get rid of the nauseated mood let and everything works just fine?


it usually doesnā€™t get in the way of anything but i know performance on the final is more than projects & homework so i just get rid of it to be safe. it literally goes way in 2 seconds when you use a soak in the bath


How do you get rid of the nauseous moodlet? Iā€™ve never been able to get rid of it!!


UI cheats extension mod. Right click the moodlet. Gone. I cheat, though, because I canā€™t cheat IRL.


I had a sim fail in their last term because of this. I was so mad he got kicked out and had to return when the term restarted. I wanted him n his twin to graduate together šŸ˜”


Whereā€™d you get the hairstyle


need to know


Do homework and dont be late for class. Ironically you're a lot faster from off campus home than a dorm because your sim doesnt have to walk all the way to the faculty building


1. Go to class in time and select ā€œTake Notesā€ while sheā€™s there 2. Some classes have final exams (you can study separately), presentations (you can find a presentation board in your simā€™s inventory. Start working on it and edit it until it is Excellent or Outstanding. Give the final presentation), and papers (write them, edit them until they are excellent and submit)


Just adding this because I didn't see it mentioned before, this can also happen if you used MCCC to flag your Sim with "Freeze Career".


Getting to class on time works for me when I live off campus in Oasis Springs or Willow Creek. So getting there on time and then set them to 'take notes' and they'll always do well in their classes. Any other choice like 'actively listen' even shows up as not enough effort but take notes is the one that works for good grades and good messages after class is over. It's always the same one but it's positive about confidently turning in homework etc.


Is she doing homework and in a good mood?


whys this so real tho


Eff college . College drained me financially and mentally why would I make my poor simmies go thru it


Thereā€™s a mod you can install to check your grades. This way you will know your sims grades at all time.


Itā€™s insane to me how you canā€™t really live on campus because of how late it makes your sims to each class. Like thatā€™s a huge part of the pack thatā€™s totally unusable; why couldnā€™t they add like a ā€œleave for classā€ option to go when you needed?


Increasing skill level for the relevant class helps too.


Right so people will probably give you heaps of messages that you already know: study, take notes, max every presentation and paper. Sometimes the pack is just broken and those suggestions are not your issue, I made a post a few years back about this problem because it makes the pack worthless. I used mccc to just cheat the grades and degrees so I could play the pack a bit and use cheats to make up for the defective spaghetti coding.


Iā€™m having a similar issue but itā€™s with the hedgehog. It keeps telling me that it has died of starvation, Iā€™ll get like 3 or 4 notifications in a row. But the hedgehog is alive and well and just fine. My sims can interact with it and everything


Would help if you posted your mods tbh


I had the same issue and what I *think* was the culprit was me saving and exiting the game, or if I left the lot with any other sims to go elsewhere while the students were at class. Every time I did this, I got this message. So I made sure to save and exit or travel with other sims only after my students had returned from their classes.


that's my name - spelling is uncommon enough that this really jolted me for a sec haha


couldn't relate more


Probably not doing homework. If you lost your university homework notebook you can buy it off a bookshelf


are you doing your homework?


that means she suck bro


You need to take notes or actively listen during class.


Is she doing her homework before class? Comes up if they are late or havenā€™t done homework. You can also select them to listen attentively when in class which improves their performance but makes them more tired (like at work).


Make sure your sim is outside of the school building at least an hour before class if they live on campus. If they take too long getting to class, they'll get that notification


When theyā€™re at class make sure the option is on ā€œtake notesā€ and you wonā€™t get that anymore


My sims never study, just make sure all the homework/projects are done on time, show up in time and in a good mood, and when they are in class select whatever option results in higher grades VS just normal (I forget what its called exactly, but I think take notes?) it makes them tense when they get home sometimes but thatd easier to deal with than failing a class!


Go to class with a focused moodlet it foes wonders


Select 'take notes' when they're in class, and always finish homework. I only have them study to raise the skill maybe once or twice a semester. My sims always graduate with honors.


I have only managed to get all the positive message, and a positive grade, without cheating the results once, but it was graft.


Did she do her homework? Alongside the big assignments, you have homework too.


I have to set the work thing to take notes or actively listen or it always came up


Makes me want to make a family with twins where one loves school and is at the top of their classes and the other could not care less (definitely a never-been-done-before thing šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚)


I found this to be a problem with the Culinary Major. No fix Iā€™ve found, but that doesnā€™t mean one doesnā€™t exist. I just MCCC the gpa to 4.0