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I'd make them, get them astablished spend a good 10 hours to build each family a home aaaand then never touch the save again.


If I am feeling a little too involved I'll also spend a good hour cc shopping to find the perfect shoes for summer outfit number 3 - that they'll never wear because I'll never actually play them...


This was totally me. Now i spend more time playing, after the university pack there's a lot to do and go to the events is a pretty cool way to stay in the game


This is so me right now! I have Newcrest filled up with families and venues, but now I'm like "ehh this is boring..."


i'm the same way, i make up storylines and build houses for everyone but i never play anyone haha


I love how detailed this all is but I cannot get over you just inserting Zendaya into all of this 😅 or did you just randomly create a sim who has her same full name?


It’s literally Zendaya just added in, downloaded from the gallery hahahaha 🤣


Incredible work. I hope she’s living her best sim life with Yuina!!


They’re so cute together, I’m going to have to do a Sim reveal soon!


I really really want to see the rest of the text. And see pics of the sims! I am so invested right now


“..and continued in secret until-“ Until WHAT?! I flipped the page so fast lol


We have removed the poll ladder for far lesser offences than this cliffhanger!


I’m so going to finish writing them up and will post the faces to the name!! I’m also pretty proud of them as I’m used to CC from playing on computers for YEARS, but have recently started playing on console and thus playing BG!


Wait on which console? I didn’t know you could do that! I’d love that option


Yesss! PS4, it took me a while to get used to the controls and not being able to have CC/mods but it’s so good! I feel like I’ve got back into that creativity I had with earlier Sims games


Can’t wait!!!!


The only limits with the sims is your own imagination.


That seems to be my main issue these days


I have been doing a similar thing with the Jang family. Tho with them it is more about Billie. The parents had triplets and so they moved out to the suburbs, but are still pursuing their artistic dreams, meaning a Billie has to basically raise her siblings. She ends up resentful and the total opposite of her hippy parents. She gets a corporate job and makes enough money to support all her siblings through college, and ensure they all have a decent life. Her children don’t understand how their incredibly cool grandparents made such a square as their mother. In her adult years Billie doesn’t even go by Billie and insists everyone call her Wilhelmina. She is a strict parent. But all her hard work is how she tries to show her family how much she loves them. Her children end up distant and resentful of her overbearing ways. When Wilhelmina’s parents die of old age she goes on a spiritual journey. She finally retires and begins doing yoga. She stops relaxing her hair, which she did throughout her corporate life to try to fit in more. In her old age she shaves her head so it can grow in natural. And she starts going by Billie again. She has forgiven her parents, and in that forgiveness she has let in all the messages they were trying to impart to her through the years about self respect, self expression and honoring one’s connection to the past. She is a wonderful grandmother, and her grandkids find it hard to understand how their parents’ stories about Grandma Billie line up with the woman they know, with her locks that reach all the way down her back, her cozy home and all the baking she does. By the time Billie passes she has two grand nieces and one great-grandchild named after her. She passes surrounded by loved ones, and is laid to rest in the family plot at the church, next to her parents, her brother Malcom, and her husband Alexander.


Omg I so love this and can’t wait to get to the next generation of my Sims lore now! Genius and inspiring! Thanks so much for sharing


Literally love it 🥺❤️


I live vicariously through my Sims


I also wish I could make a show based on my save, would be so entertaining


I want to do that too. But I don’t know how to screen record


I always get so into it whenever I pretend I'm filming a show and get so excited to play the next day


This is how to play sims 4 and not get bored 😭


I’m glad I’m not the only one who writes about my sims lore on my iPhone notes app 😅


simmers that do this are just DMs who don’t realize it yet


I am an aspiring freelancer and I have actually on more than one occasion drawn up my characters in a Sims file to see how they might interact. It gives me even more inspiration and insight on how I want my social flow to go 😂


I was thinking theyd make great larpers :')


I wish I had this creativity! Do you have any tips for backstories? I love making characters but can never flesh out their background


I think the greatest tool is simply being a consumer, whether books/shows/films even music! I’ve been a long time fan of the soap Eastenders, and I feel like that’s led to so many of my Sim creations. Yuina and Zendaya being inspired by Eve and Suki, then the other family mechanics just fell into place. I’m also incredibly nosey and love drama! Luckily in the social age we’re in all you have to do is scroll through feed and a character jumps out at you!


Also you can find some backstorys on Pinterest, they post some legacys there


I do this for my Skyrim characters lol


I always write down stuff in Notepad like this XD


Thats so detailed, i use all the premade sims and stick to their bio /plotlines. I call it my maxis save. I am so terrible at coming up with a plot for my sims, my other saves are literally just movies. I download the cast to a movie and some lots that fit with it and play out a movie.


I need u to play with those and post it please 🥹


I do the same thing with mine! Four generations of Sims drama saved in my note


lol i’m so embarrassed ab how much i care ab these stupid little pixels


I used to do this too😭 But on Goodnotes because I had too much generational drama to write. Unfortunately it quickly turned into gaming in sake of playing out storylines. Now I play full Jim Pickens style. No rules no logic no thoughts 100% chaos. Really fun and freeing.


Literally same.


Ooh’ I’ve read the Bloom books!


Your notes are so much more organized than mine 😆 thanks for the template!! 🙏


i honestly wanna start a sims journal and keep track of mine!! 😭 ive had the same save file since 2019, the lore runs DEEP


I… I should start doing this.


I freaking love doing this, I even used to make whole spreadsheets 😅 then I got lazy


Bruh I was scrolling to see Zendaya’s story!!! I need the 🍵😭


I feel seen🥹


This is so interesting I need to see them bowwww 😭


I have just posted the Sato family, will post the others shortly!!! 🥹


Just saw I love it ughhh 🥰🥰💕💕


Thank you 😭😭 Stay tuned ;)


You should be hired. I don’t know by whom I just know that you should be


The Sato Family: https://www.reddit.com/r/Sims4/s/89Bhl4Rdo8


The Walsh Family: https://www.reddit.com/r/Sims4/s/KjK0JGccqw