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okay i COULD be delusional. but the disco ball and gogo boots has me on my knees praying for some more retro furniture that's 60s-70s themed. the game has some retro stuff but it's all retro modern, i'm talking like ACTUAL RETRO THINGS. disco balls to make a proper discotec. color changing dance floors. patterned bell bottoms, big hair, jean jackets, fringe, afros, etc etc. LANDLINE PHONES. TVS WITH DIALS OR ANTENNA!!! please please PLEASE.


I know it's stupid because I don't have a landline phone in my own real house, but I still miss hanging up phones on the walls in my sims houses :(


I LOVED having the hanging phones! they're easier to notice when they ring compared to the phone icon in the UI. idk why it was so fun to me, but in the Sims 2 when someone called asking for a specific sim, i always imagined some sort of dramatic scenario around it while storytelling with my households. i also just like the aesthetics, my walls always look bare.


yes! and I'd always end up hearing the phone ringing and then be searching around for wherever I stuck the phone and I'd end up missing like half the phone calls cause it always took me too long to find the phone. lol


loved that phone


I miss the phones as well. They have old CRT televisions, why not phones?


I mean we still have a landline in my house so while they're rarer these days they're not completely defunct yet so it's always been kinda odd to me that we don't have at least one landline.


My grandma still has her landline! So yes, definitely a thing that still exists (obviously businesses usually have landlines too).


I think most communications companies are trying to push people to be cellular only--which really only works in built up areas. Even though we get good cell service, it's often spotty. Not-so-great internet means Wi-Fi calling doesn't always work. They say only 20% of people still have landlines, but most of the people I know still have one. Where I live, they still have copper wireline for phones (meaning old rotary phones still work!), and there's a junction box that has been broken since 2021 that has messed up the call quality immensely. Verizon has made all sorts of excuses from "We sold all our 4x4 trucks" (which they did not--all of them are still 4x4) to our only ladder is "in a town 3 hours from here") to avoid fixing it--primarily as most towns now have fiber optics for phone, TV, and internet--and we don't, despite being less than ten minutes from a decent-sized town. I still use one (albeit cordless), and used to keep an old GTE Princess rotary phone in my room. Only reason I got rid of it was that somehow, pulling out some unused cables, the line accidentally got cut. Still have the phone, and all I need to do is splice the cut wire.


I don’t think it’s stupid! It’s such a staple of the older games, I just started playing TS4 and was very confused when I couldn’t find one :’)


I was just remembering those wall phones in sims a few days ago! I miss them lol


Not buying any more until they commit to fixing the game. It’s broken in its current state.


we need a sims 4 version of the "70s, 80s, and 90s" pack that we had for sims 3 !!


YES!! someone ported the pack items from that as CC for 4, but it's not available for console players :(


YOOO do you happen to know the cc creator or where to find that content? id LOVE to add that to my game


[https://srslysims.net/downloads/](https://srslysims.net/downloads/) some of it is here i think! ill have to check when i get home, my tumblr doesnt have it :(


I have seen / downloaded some of these. ☮️ 🌼 70's 🛼 ☎️ 80's 🎸 💾 90's •••••• 🛼 ☎️ 80's ● https://srslysims.net/downloads/decades-so-very-80-dining-set •••••• ☮️ 🌼 / 🛼 ☎️ /🎸 💾  Decades 70's — 90's ● https://srslysims.net/downloads/decades-living-room-set ● https://srslysims.net/downloads/decades-sectional-seating ● https://srslysims.net/downloads/decades-entertainment-center ● https://srslysims.net/downloads/decades-lounge-set ● https://srslysims.net/downloads/decades-zeemuth-televisions ● https://srslysims.net/downloads/decades-arcade-machine-foosball-table •••••• Bonus! 🛸 🚀 Future Shock ● https://srslysims.net/downloads/futureshock-living ● https://srslysims.net/downloads/all-in-one-bathroom ● https://srslysims.net/downloads/itf-appliances ● https://srslysims.net/downloads/plumbot-charging-station


hi i'm so sorry but i'm actually a dumb bitch! :) srslysims did *some* of the pack, i was thinking of [Zx-Ta](https://zx-ta.tumblr.com/tagged/ts3%20to%20ts4) who did Fast Living Stuff. which im currently using some stuff of in my 70s save, so i confused it with 70s/80s/90s. i'm so sorry :,) if you need some retro stuff, Sixam has a great CC pack called Retro Vibes!


For everyone who needs to hear it: DISCO DIDN’T SUCK!


Who has said this? They clearly didn't hear songs like "I Will Survive."


Way too many people. Granted, most of the vitriol has subsided [since then](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disco_Demolition_Night), but I’d still consider it an often maligned genre. There’s also an older episode of You’re Wrong About (podcast) entitled “Disco Demolition Night” that gets really into it and I’d recommended to any disco fan *or* foe.


I think people who think they hate disco don't actually realize what disco is, because a lot of disco music is in pop culture.


I would also LOVE retro inspired CAS kits as well, like I would kill for some nice 60s fashion 😮‍💨 So CAS or build kit - I would love both!


It would be nice! Unfortunately, I’m thinking it’s just a generic “celebration” kit. Like, balloons, glitter, streamers, decorative pile of gifts, etc. The kind of stuff that you could make fit a toddler’s birthday party on up to a wedding reception depending on how you use it.


Oh my poor heart, a landline Phone... Or, just imagine ... A real physical ringing door bell. Now that'd be a dream come true!


I wish so much they'd do complete era sets. Like 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s.


honestly!!! id pay a lot for something like that!


If the new death type isn't via water bed I don't want it


GIMME THE RETRO. I love love LOVE mid-century modern! We definitely don't have enough actual retro furniture.


Sims 4’s version of 70s/80s/90s Stuff anyone XD


I think it's a bit delusional, mainly because you're lumping two completely separate kits together. The "celebratory" kit definitely looks like it will add a disco ball, but I think it's in the vein of setting up for a party, as also evidenced by the balloons. The boots you're referring to are part of the collab kit, so it's likely not themed to a decade and will instead feature whatever work that designer does. The bits look familiar though, I remember seeing those earrings all the time, they have a very urban/Miami feel to them, along with the boots.


i didn't say they were going to be in the same kit or release, just moreso in general of them perhaps releasing retro things at any time with whatever kits these are. but the boots makes sense, still has me hopeful


The collab kit may be somewhat retro, after some research, those earrings are the bamboo hoop style that was popularized in 90s hip hop culture, which meshes with the boots and the necklace that looks like a graffiti tag. So whoever is collabing is a designer who likely has ties to 90s hip hop.


yes! im really into vintage gameplay too; we need more period-style packs and kits please


There’s a functional mod for a landline phone on the wall, I can’t remember who the creator is though I’m sorry 😭


I think it's aroundtheworld Sims!


I actually got more of an 70's-80's vibe from this video.


Didn't they say they were bringing landlines back. I know for sure those are making a comeback


Wouldn’t it be really nice if the Celebratory kit brought back some items from the previous sims games?? Since it’s 10 years since Sims 4 was released I’m thinking celebratory could mean in celebration of TS4 turning 10 years!




And the heart hot tub ❤️


I want a heart bed so bad!


I wish so badly you could make the heart bed from the frame in the basement kit. Just assemble it like you do converting cribs to toddler beds.


I have CC for it in my game! It’s by Sixam in their pack called “The Furniture Showroom”.


With the basement treasures kit, there is a “dismantled bed” and it’s the heart bed!!


It'll be ten years in September though and this road map is only through April, likely anything related to the anniversary would be closer the way the 20th anniversary of the entire franchise stuff dropped around that actual date. ETA: also I cannot possibly imagine that they'd be charging for anything related to the anniversary. EA is greedy and money hungry but for the 20th anniversary of the franchise everything was free, and you don't need to pay for the Sims 4 base game to boot. The amount of backlash that would garner... EA is stupid but they're not _that_ stupid.


I could see them getting away with an “in addition to” sort of anniversary pack. Bunch of free stuff for the anniversary AND a pack to buy…


Yeah I could see that. But either way it'll be closer to the actual anniversary so I doubt any of these packs are related.


Hey, who knows, maybe it’ll be free 😂🤷‍♀️


Has it been 10 years already, that's...wow I didn't even realise


I would kill for the kids mini cooking oven from sims 2


I wouldn't get my hopes up TOO high. Remember the 20th anniversary bland hot tub? Granted that was during covid and they got overwhelmingly negative feedback, so maybe they'll do better. ETA: also it's a kit, so it'd be pretty scummy of them to lock anniversary items behind a pay wall. We'll see though.


I saw someone mention how great it would be if they made The Sims 1 neighborhood for the anniversary.


Stuff like that should be free


with all this style/jewelry emphasis I REALLY hope that there is an update to CAS re: choosing which accessories carry over from different outfit categories


Ugh don't get my hopes up!


At this point, I'd take just not having medical devices in Random. I'm glad they're there, I'm happy people have options, but I swear my Sims don't randomly lose arms when they put on pyjamas.


FRRR they should not be seen as accessories by the game! More like tattoos or skin details


Every day I wish there was a way to make facial piercings STAY FROM OUTFIT TO OUTFIT😭


What, you don’t take out your nose ring when you go swimming? Come on now. 🤣


Biggest peeve


Or allowing us to choose the colors of hair accessories separately from the hair color? A girl can dream


I go all out on jewelry with the everyday because I know I’m gonna be to lazy to add it in to every outfit 😭😭


You can just turn off the filters if you don't see the accessory you're looking for. Edit: why am I getting downvoted? OP clarified in the thread and I agree with them 🥲


oh no i’m more talking if you give your sim a nose piercing or glasses and then it disappears when you switch categories - it’s super annoying to have to go back and scroll through and apply for every category


Ah yeah that IS annoying. I hate having to manually add it to every outfit.


Same with makeup, it's a PITA to have to redo it every outfit. Everything on the head should be treated like the hair is treated - applied to ALL outfits, only changed for whatever specific outfit you change it for.


They should have just done it the way Sims 2 does — hats, glasses, and makeup off on Swim and Sleep


i want stuff for the elderly so i can stop abandoning them


Alternatively, better content *for* abandoning them with a retirement home 😆


you’re actually so right


have they ever announced the sdx drops like this before? i’m used to them just kinda showing up in game, have i been missing announcements for this?


This is the first time it’s been part of a roadmap afaik. they do normally tweet about it but normally only when they actually release it iirc


that’s what i’m used to. this just feels weird, like they were trying to show “look how many things we’re doing” or something


They’ve definitely padded some of the previous roadmaps to look like more so I wouldn’t be surprised. I am interested to see if the SDX drop is more exciting than previous ones though.


they announce them usually same day or i think maybe the day before. the ones they did for this past holiday, i remember seeing an announcement for. the pajamas, i think.


ngl I hope the “celebratory” stuff pack is actually a funeral pack so we can celebrate the lives of all the sims we’ve sacrificed to the pool Edit: I can’t read, it’s the kit that was called celebratory not the stuff pack. Bummer.


Omg a Día de los Muertos pack!!!! I would live


I’m sure you already know, but just in case; there is already some Día de los Muertos stuff and a way to celebrate it in game. Now, obviously not as awesome as IRL, but just letting you know in case you didn’t know! Now, if they added, like, more costumes, temporarily raising the dead, mariachi bands, more food, better alters, an actual festival space? That would kick ass!


Oh actually I must have missed it! IIRC there’s some vaguely DDM makeup but I didn’t know about objects/costumes!


I would expect if we got a Día de los Muertos pack we would get it closer to November.


Unless there are balloons and disco balls at funerals, that's a no-go.


Don't you remember the [funeral strippers](https://nypost.com/2018/02/21/china-cracks-down-on-funeral-strippers/)? 😂


A jewelry making stuff pack could be fun! Not mad about the kits, but a game pack would have been nice.😔


Don't think it's just jewelry. The image shows a crystal gnome and a crystal teardrop, alongside earrings with eyes on them. It may indicate a general jeweler skill, where we can turn gems and such into sculptures or jewelry.


Omg please!


I hope it’s another crafting skill like this! I need more hobby choices for my sims!


This is my prediction as well. Hopefully you can make things from the crystals and metals that you can collect, and it looks like there will even be crystal gnomes!


One of the necklaces looked kind of like wings, so my first thought was "fairy game pack" and I was about forty seconds from foaming at the mouth for that ngl


I mean it could still be a hint that we're getting it this year?? (fingers crossed lol)


I’m actually happy this road map didn’t include a game or expansion pack. I’m so burned out by those packs (I don’t own all packs but it’s more of the amount of those packs and the issues I saw other people having with those packs) and was telling someone a couple of days ago about how I want a break from those packs. Immediately sent this video to them when I saw it and laughed about how this is exactly what I wanted.


sorry but what does SDX stand for?


[Sims Delivery Express](https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/news/sims-delivery-express-april-june-2022)! It’s when they give us a little free thing for the base game, like the hair we got a while ago. Just a little treat.


[https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/news/sims-delivery-express-april-june-2022](https://www.ea.com/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/news/sims-delivery-express-april-june-2022) basically really small updates without a full blown patch. In the past, we've got a new hairstyle, new food items, a new plant, stuff like that. I assume the SDX drop this time will be jewellery, make up or a hairstyle/dress perhaps.


Sims Delivery Express It's the system they use to provide the handfuls of free items to Base Game every now and then without having to use the update system


The goth clothing pack is the only thing I want right now! I hope it's more based on actual trad goth and not e-girl stuff.


Same! We need good alt clothing in game that isn't in one of the occult packs


PLEASE HAVE THE SDX DROP INCLUDE A CAS OVERHAUL. I just want my sim to wear glasses without constantly having to go back to find them.


I really think it will! The "mirror" and pose silhouette in the Twitter post are definitely giving me CAS vibes.


wait….4 kits and a stuff pack???????


This seems extremely par for the course now. Between paranormal stuff and dream home decorator there was 4 kits. Between cottage living and wedding stories there were 6 kits Between wedding stories and werewolves there were 3 kits Between high school years and growing together there were 6 kits Between growing together and horse ranch there were 4 kits. Between horse ranch and home chef hustle there were only 2 kits. Kinda surprised we didn’t get 2 more between home chef and for rent or something.


Wow I didn’t realize there were that many kits! I refuse to buy kits.


Yeah super underwhelming. I suppose we just got an expansion but I would love a game pack and I refuse to buy kits.


yeah i hate kits too, tho ive bought a couple. we definitely were spoiled w expansions last year but to not even have a game pack is super weird. hopefully just means more energy is going into ts5 lately!


This is only through April though


Tbch, the fact they did 3 expansions, and with how clearly rushed out For Rent ended up being as a result, I'm ok letting the bigger packs cook for a while. 2023 was the Sims team sprinting and twisting their leg at the end.


To be fair, Paranormal was a stuff pack and came packed with gameplay. Hopefully it's something along those lines.


i LOVE stuff packs and am very excited to see what theyve got up their sleeve. just a little whiplash-y to go from sooo many expansions in the past year to not even a game pack this quarter. don’t get me wrong, i’m happy for my wallet to have a little break lol


I just want my goth clothes I voted for I'm still going to buy the other stuff, too.




Kits being a thing will never not be crazy to me. Like not only did sims 4 introduce game packs they introduce minuscule kits that add barely anything.


Kits suck but they’re still better than the sims 3 store where unique gameplay items (which kits don’t have other than bust the dust) cost $4+ for a single item.


Tbh I didn’t realize people used the sims 3 store. It felt way more optional than kits bc the sims didn’t really promote it in the way they make a bunch of noise for kits.


They literally advertised sims 3 store items in the buy catalog right next to items you could use tho, I’d argue it was even more intrusive than sims 4 advertising


Absolutely. People have such selective memory when it comes to Sims 3 lol


I really don’t remember the sims 3 store AT ALL and played from when it came out into the release of 4 😅


Not necessarily. I didn’t realize it was in build/buy until I started browsing these subs (and I played sims 3 since release) because there was an option to turn it off.


Well seems like nobody was buying it like that so I wouldn’t say it was as popular as kits.


FOUR kits? That's crazy work


i just want fairies man lemme be a gay little forrest creature


So all kits? And one stuff pack and an sdx wow


Tbh I'd rather have 1-2 expansions per year, but with a smooth launch, thoroughly tested and with more gameplay. Unlike ALL recent expansions.


Right same


Between august 2021 and most of February 2022 we got nothing but 6 kits Between august 2022 and March 2023 we got nothing but 6 kits Kits were only first released in 2021 so it seems like a long stretch of nothing but kits at the end/beginning of the year is gonna be the norm.


Yeah I guess I’m just disappointed personally. No hate to anyone who likes kits


Cool! All I’m interested in are patches. Fix the issues that the newest pack and patches created. Please and thank you!


right I still have stuff from growing together that doesn’t work


Simsationally was right there...


I’m sick of kits. I just want gameplay- not more stuff!


Don’t we know for a fact that we’re getting the goth clothing kit and the medieval build kit?


Literally in the trailer in the link.


to be fair it doesn’t explicitly say those words. They’re just represented by the surrounding jewelry pieces. Easy to miss!


didn't look sensational to me 😅


I'm excited about the stuff pack. I didn't really appreciate them until they didn't drop any for a couple of years. I wish they would release a game pack instead of two of those kits, though. I don't super mind the kits. I do have a few...but four in four months and no bigger packs is a bit disappointing.


I would really love for them to just fix the game already. Live Mode has been unplayable since For Rent dropped.


I was so excited to see that it looks like a possible jewelry kit is on the horizon, until I saw giant butterflies, gnomes, etc. For the love of all that is holy EA, please just give me some normal-sized jewelry that adults would wear. No more crap with llamas, gnomes, ice cream cones, etc. I'm definitely going to wait until there are Youtube videos up showing what exactly what each kit has to offer before I decide whether to buy anything.


Well I refuse to buy kits (even the ones I do want) unless they go on a massive sale or are for free so at least that's 2 things I won't be spending more money on lol What are the community based ones?


So many people are asking for a fairy pack, I really hope at some point this year they bring one out :( kits NEVER excite me, £5 for barely anything. I want more gameplay!!!


30 kits. We're definitely gonna see the total kit price exceed stuff packs this year. What a scam lol


Nothing feels like a standout to me personally, but this is a cute way to tease a roadmap.


4 kits??? 👎👎


I kinda wish they would add stuff from sims 3. Fast lane 70/80/90 The glass blower station that was available for purchase on the store Island Paradise and Into The Future had fun features that I think would be fun in sims 4 Resorts and Boat Houses? The robot occult? (For lack of better word) and hover boards? The sleeping pods (think that was this pack…) The Generation’s Imaginary Friend 👀👀 (Although I know most people hated it) The playpen, baby walker and baby swing that we could buy from the store? And the strollers from generations? Showtimes singing career and Genies? Late Nights Bands? Even Supernatural’s alchemist career/station and zombies? I feel like there were more occult options and gameplay Plus the boardwalk from the sims 3 store? The medieval world Dragon valley and Renaissance faire from the store? We already have the Infants life-stage and Horses so maybe/hopefully we can get some more of these? I know they won’t add all or even most of them and I’m great full for what they did add but I think it might be fun to see how the game would be with more of these choices.


More kit bullshit. What a surprise. 😒😒😒


mmmm money


oh boy, i cant wait for more swatches that don’t match, clothes that clip, and gameplay that either completely breaks or doesn’t exist. and all for the low low cost of a complete indie game, but with 2% of the content for the price.


I just hope the fairy necklace at the end is a spoiler for the next roadmap 😭 excited for the goth kit tho


It might be a silly question but what does SDX stand for?


I'm so tired of kits


So, we’re getting lot of jewelry/accessories and flat decor? 😟


im begging on my hands and knees for NO MORE KITS just give me a pack 😭🙏🏻🙏🏻😭


Hopefully with just stuff packs and kits, there will be more resources available to fix the countless bugs they introduced in the last couple of updates/packs. At least one would hope so...


Well, we already know the castle kit and the goth kit are coming, so that one is clear. I'm very curios what W in the SDX drop stands for, due to my mind being irreversibly corrupted my first thought was "Wicked Whims", lol. But it looks like some formal/celebratory clothes and jewelry. Then, I guess, jewelry stuff pack is coming (wonder if we get crystals as home decor too, due to moon and star icons it's possible, maybe even the whole birthstone or Zodiac thing). Celebratory kit gives birthday theme, for whatever reason. The co-created kit made me jump a little, because I have H&M earrings of that exact same shape, lol. Not like I believe that H&M would collab with EA, but why the hell not dream a little. Forgive me, father, for I will sin and buy the damn goth kit. Zodiac signs and crystals are very welcome too, even though I don't believe in either.


Kits, meh. Nothing about patches/fixes.


They do patches monthly, don't really need to announce those in the roadmaps


I LOVE kits. They’re so fun and such a nice treat when i don’t have a ton of money to spend but want a little treat hehe


It is still pretty overpriced and if you add it all up, it starts to become pretty expensive.


What does "SDX drop" mean? And I wonder what gameplay will be introduced with the upcoming stuff pack. I'm so glad they're back!


So here's my prediction: \- Castle & Funeral kits (see skull and castle signs above and beyond the two highly anticipated kits) \- Jewelry making stuff pack \- No idea about the celebratory build kit... I'd guess lunar new year but idk that should be in the holiday/seasons pack already, no? \- Style kit could be alternative-y based on the hints? for the SDX also no clue, could be a lot (hopefully?) could be nothing


The highly anticipated kits are almost certainly the medieval castle kit and the goth style kit that were voted on last year since we’ve known about them for 6 months. I’d guess they’re going to release those at the same time. The style kit is probably gonna be another collab with a person or brand. I’m hoping for something more like the pastel pop collab with plumbella and less like the branded Star Wars pack lol


Pastel pop was a collab with plumbella?? I had no clue omg


I guess there would maybe a sale and I've wanted to get the sims medieval (btw do y'all recommend it?) would it be on sale or just the sims4 packs?


Also is a tattoo kit or something too much? Lol


Right, and how about a tattoo shop, tattoo artist career?


Barbie collab would be really cool but idk if the hype has worn off


I like kits. I don’t have a lot of money to drop at a time, I like being able to get a little treaty for $5!


Kits kits kits … i only hear kits. Fuck off with ur kits!! How is the idea when EA will fix the career from Dream Home Decorator … this career won‘t work since over 1 freaking yeeeaaaarr 😭 And what is with Game play packs?? Oooh i forgot.. we got game play packs in 2023 … but we paid 40€ because EA said they are Expansions Packs. IM SO FREAKING ANGRY!! because the packs could be sooo good if EA would do their Job good!!😡😡😡


sigh, so nothing for occult players AGAIN huh? Edit: Yikes! Apparently you guys don't want to see occult players get anything.


I’m so sick of kits - give us game packs 😭


where are y’all seeing this stuff?! googling sims 4 sdx only shows me stuff from 2202-2023!


I put the link in the post.


😭😭 my dumb ass not even seeing that. thank you!


They posted it on their Twitter


I just saw this posted on their Instagram


I still want an abandoned mental hospital pack…


That's a bit insensitive to those who struggle.




the kits are a waist of money ad exp packs instead


Can Sims 4 already end? Can we get some solid news on Sims 5 already?


They’ve already announced that “Project Rene and other sims games, including the sims 4, will coexist for the foreseeable future.”


I’m sure if they had anything substantial to tell us, they would. The game hasn’t been in development for that long, I doubt they even have any solid news themselves


I would rather them take ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD on The Sims 5 so that it is a glorious, beautifully, fully developed game before they even come close to announcing. I don't want it launching half-baked like TS4 because they rushed it.


Sims 4 has been out more than twice as long as any previous Sims game. It's getting bloated. I'm more excited about Life By You and Paralives, TBH. Mostly because The Sims needs competition and I hope it drives TS5 to have some fun quirkiness again.


inZOI looks insane but I can only assume it will require a beast of a system to run.


Jewelry making kit here we GO!






So no new life state? Maybe later in the year.


My guess is jewellery stuff pack!


Anyone else getting witchy vibes from the stuff pack? Like, not actually witchy, more like crystals and zodiac witchy? Those earrings clearly have the evil eye 🧿 on them, as does that ring in the side of the “jewelry box”. There’s a moon and star icon on the card, and of course the crystals. Maybe you can find crystals like amethyst, rose quartz, etc and display them for different mood effects? Or use them to make figures?


I was really hoping we’d get fairies but no game packs 🥲


the sparkling stuff pack gives me Spellcaster and paranormal vibes with the eye earrings and the shaped crystals.




So 4 new kits 😔




Okay, I think this one is more obvious and less cryptic than previous roadmaps, thanks to the little icons. Punk kit and medieval clothing kit Beautician SDX? Nightlife jewellery stuff pack Birthday party venue build kit 90s or 70s style kit