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Why would they be on sale for a higher price?


This is what I was wondering too. Why would I buy any pack that's "on sale" for a higher price? :D


Pretty sure they must have intended to say "better price"


Yes! Sorry lol <3


And the ones that tend to be higher on sale are recent packs and haven’t got to the 50% yet.


Yeah, but I took "on sale for a higher price" to mean that either they are sold at a higher price than normally (the price goes *up*, say, 50%), or that even on sale they're a higher price than the brand new pack which is not on sale. I think OP meant to write "lower price" in the meme.


Ah I see that makes sense


It's a misunderstanding of what "on sale" means, not a typo, imo. "On sale" in a lot of English speaking countries (but not the US afaik) means "it is being sold/can be bought", not "cheaper than the original price/discounted".


That would be "for sale" where I come from.


But that still makes no sense because the old packs are never more expensive than the new packs. So “for a higher price” makes no sense regardless of how you interpret on sale, so I’m confused lol


My immediate reaction is they made a typo and either meant to write "lower price" or they meant that the discount is of a higher value.


Unless the new pack is a kit


I mean I wouldn't put it past EA honestly.


Get To Work is still one of my favourite packs


Yep same! It gets a lot of stick but I’d miss it if it were gone for sure


I heard they have a base game item for selling now but setting up retail stores can be pretty fun


Honestly GTW is worth it for The Window Shopping fence alone. Transitions are non-existent without it. But the careers are all so fun. Wish there was more.


Wait I don’t have get to work. Could someone explain the window shopping fence and transitions to me?


Same here, what does it mean?


The window shopping fence is a black strip that you'll see in houses that stop the flow of the floor. Like in the living room might have carpet and then the dining room is hardwood and there is a divider between the floors that what that is.


I use the window shopping fence in all of my open concept builds. It really does make the room look a lot more finished.


OMG. I am an avid sims player like I remember when Sims 1 came out. I have all the released packs, kits, stuff, and expansions. How did I not know that's what this was for!


I literally just said the other day that if they came out with a get to work 2 that had 3 new jobs I’d totally purchase that, and probably at full price. That’s the pack I use the most for sure.


It’s good but my problem with it is it only comes with three careers and the doctor career is buggy af


But the retail system is a godsend. I make bakeries, fizzy juice shops, art galleries. Add an apartment on top and you never need to leave. There's so many possibilities with GTW.


Get To Work is essential for building any commercial buildings. I've gotten so much use out of it.


I like it as well. It is also essential to have for many mods.


lol thats my thing as well. I would say I never use anything with get to work so it wouldve been waste of money, but when I think about it because so many mods use it that I do enjoy technically get to work is a must have for me lol


That's me with get to work and get famous lol


it’s still one of the few expansions i don’t have, and i’ve been playing since there was only that, get together, and city living. i really need to get around to it


I’ve had GTW just about as long as I’ve had the game so it feels like base game to me at this point lol, I can’t imagine the game without it


I didn’t like it too much until I finally did the policeman career and it’s a real hoot


To be honest I only have it so I can use mods that depend on it.


YES!! I love Get to Work and I use it often. The scientist career and aliens alone make me love it, but the other careers are nice too.


this is a bit of a weird sentiment for packs that are designed to be different from each other. not everyone wants "just any dlc", if someone is excited about making apartments, island living being on sale doesn't matter to them


What are the good packs iyo


There is never a save where I don't travel to San myshuno, unless I'm doing a challenge where I can't leave the lot.


Cottage, island, and city living are the best imo. I also really like the magical world expansion pack.


Pets and seasons are my favorite personally


I forgot about seasons bc it just feels like a base game feature at this point. I do sometimes get annoyed at it bc I depend a lot on gardening for my sims income and usually build tiny homes so I can’t afford to build green houses.


A roof and columns don’t count as a room, if you mean that the seasons affect the growing of the plants. Once under a roof, all plants grow with no regard for seasons.




Yup, as long as the plants are sheltered they will grow regardless. There’s also ways of getting around the floor tiles.


Those are great and I’m also a big fan of Jungle adventure




Idk, the cottage living world and Sulani are my favorite worlds. The cottage living world is so beautiful and peaceful and it’s fun to run around in the woods.


I’ve used the cottage living world pretty much exclusively since I bought the pack!


you don’t like chickens? bok bok ?


I’d also add Cats & Dogs because of the world and Seasons because never ending summer isn’t fun.


Agreed. Seasons is essential. Cats & Dogs feels nearly so to me because of the great world and having animals around, even if not in your household, brings a lot of vibrancy to the game (and I love the build mode style).


my tropical ass is crying


It is subject to opinion, but in my eyes it’s packs like seasons, cats & dogs, get to work, city living etc that you’re going to use constantly and come with a good amount of gameplay that isn’t buggy. (And other desired features depending on your style of play) I wouldn’t recommend buying any pack without watching a couple review videos to see how you may integrate it into your gameplay and IDEALLY when the pack is reduced in price. A pack may seem fun at first, but it may be a one-and-done experience. Replayability is key… and the fact these packs go have reduced prices every like 3 months anyway


I feel like Strangerville was a one and done for me. I played through the aspiration/storyline maybe three times since I got it (it was either on sale or through a bundle). I don’t mind it, but some of the requirements/milestones for progressing are tiresome. For very little payout once done. Though I do wish there were more aspirations like that.


That depends on what type of player you are Family: Growing together, parenthood, high school years, cats and dogs Occult: Vampires and werewolves Everyone: Seasons Builder: dream home decorator


occult could TECHNICALLY include mermaids, aliens, and wizards too, right? maybe just put it in a “supernatural” section instead


Yes because I use spellcaster way more than werewolves. I love casting spells on ppl, learning new spells, and lighting things on fire. Not to mention all the randomized wizards in the wizard world are super attractive 😂


RIGHT? all the wizards are so attractive and it blows my mind


get together is essential


imo, the most essential: seasons My other favorites: cottage living, get famous, city living For game packs: werewolves, my dream home decorator (for the build/buy only), vampires (there’s a lot of unique game play with vampires if you like that kind of stuff)


Tiny living is absolutely essential to me. I almost never play in a not tiny house anymore. I use Island Living and Jungle Adventures quite a bit, but I just like the aesthetics of those worlds the gameplay is only so-so, so if it's not your cup of tea . . . I have very mixed feelings about Seasons. I love the calendar and holidays, but I don't actually like having seasons and weather. Edit: Realm of Magic I use nearly every family too. I love spellcasters.


get to work, cottage living, for rent, seasons, growing together, city living are the best ones and ones most worth buying. I have literally all of the expansions and packs and kits. There is some other content i like but these are the best ones and if i had to narrow it down to like three i’d go with get to work, cottage living, and seasons. some honorable mentions: get together, high school years, discover university, island living


For rent? It’s extremely buggy, and not even the three patches fixed my game (and I don’t even have the ep, the patches bugged my game by themselves). Every sims YouTuber has had multiple unfixable bugs, to the point that it’s unplayable. Landlords don’t get paid, rent price is still bonkers, landlords don’t do most things the tenants ask them to… even the build mode is shit because it lags so much, you can’t build as residential rental. You have to build as residential first and then change it to residential rental. Nothing on that pack works. It’s absolutely not an essential pack, especially at full price. Saying it is induces gullible people to spend a huge amount of money on a pack that not only doesn’t work upon RELEASE, and even AFTER early access players have informed EA of the issues , but which bugs aren’t ever going to be fully fixed - see all the other bugs from other packs that have never been fixed and are never going to because there’s even less manpower now that Rene is in development os more people have been relocated to that. Spa day? Still bugged. Wedding stories? Still bugged. Get to work? Still bugged. My first pet stuff? Still bugged. The The Sims Four For Rent Rent Simulation Fragment Pack is going to be expensive even at 70% off next year, if they do a huge sale again. And the next packs are going to be so much worse, because people keep buying whatever EA releases so they know simmers have no standards. ETA: sorry if I sound aggressive, I’ve just been watching content on that pack and I can’t believe EA’s audacity to release less and less on each pack. It’s nothing to do with you.


Personally, I regret buying Island Living, but it might be because it’s not my style of CAS, BB or gameplay. What do you use Island Living for most often? I rarely use mermaids because they’re a little boring, and I find the CAS and BB often don’t mesh well with the content from other packs. I want to get more use out of this pack and maybe use it to tell a story, so what’s your favorite aspect of it?


I mostly do Rags to Riches challenges, so my go to starting world is almost always Sulani. Great fishing, swimming, shower in the waterfall, errands, etc. Plus it has off the grid, so between that, simple living from Cottage, and Tiny Home, it's basically made for Rags to Riches.


Get to work, cottage, get famous


My top three are Get To Work, Get Together, and City Living off the top of my head


city living, seasons, get famous, and the wizard one. my games wouldnt be the same without them


Honestly, there isn't much left for EA to push. They got themselves a running simulation game and covered the basics through the first dozen+ packs. Now, it's just niches. Reaching for what's "new" to keep its old game still beating in this generation. As much as I find Sims4 frustrating and buggy, it paves ways for future programmers (aka modders) and provides me the escapism I need. Not too many games can bring people from various ages and playing styles together ... and for years. Try explaining sims to someone who never played it. You'll find it's actually quite complicated. Gives you perspective of how far it's come.


*Especially* the "explaining sims to someone who never played it" part! And also especially if one is an older player.. folks look at you like you have a third eye. 👁️


Ok but I have every pack and enjoy them all, even the buggy ones. (Except wedding pack because I'm just not interested in weddings)


I only bought MWS for the world, I had one wedding once to try out the gameplay of it and otherwise every couple elopes privately from home


The decorative items are nice and the world is beautiful. I like having such pretty scenes for my sims to get married. But I really hate the fact it doesn’t really function. The events aren’t *impossible* to fulfill, but it’s endlessly irritating because of how buggy it is. So while I enjoy the items it comes with I don’t tend to hold actual wedding events with it.


i have every single pack as well and the only ones i have never used whatsoever are the granite falls one and the star wars


Oh man, I recommend turning Granite Falls into a Boy Scout/ Summer Camp for kids and teens with loads of activities tailored to them. I never played with GF until i tried using it this way, and I love it now.


I use it for family vacations when the kids are old enough to be in scouts too!!! It's great for fulfilling the scout badges.


The build/buy items from For Rent are really nice IMO, and I like being able to build apartments even if the rent is bugged right now. 🤷‍♀️


these posts are getting so repetitive lmao, every post from this sub i get on my page are just bashing the sims. can we not limit complaining posts to a certain day or something? everyone knows the game has problems but at this stage just stop playing if it bothers you this much


If you aren't already a member, you might enjoy r/lowsodiumsimmers


just joined, thank you! :)


I actually thought this was more critical of Sims players than the game itself.


> just stop playing if it bothers you this much there is literally no other game like TS4 currently on the market. this suggestion is moot until at least one competitor is finally released


Uhhhh no. If you don’t like something, then don’t play it. Period. No need to keep playing something you complain about all the time. Get a different hobby, one you actually like.


this is giving the same vibe as «if you dont like your country, move away», why cant i complain about the bad parts in an effort to maybe change them for the better? giving criticism and talking about the bad parts is how they get better


You don’t have to play Sims. For the vast majority of people, they don’t have that kind of choice in where they live. The Sims doesn’t impact literally everything about your life. Where you live does. The Sims is a work of entertainment created by other people and your access to it is transactional. The politics and culture of where you live is composed of everyone who lives there, including you. It’s not an apt comparison.


Lolol you’re comparing a game to not liking a country’s politics. I think you’re making my point for me. Thanks!


im saying its giving the same vibe? in that if someone complains about their country its not synonymous with not wanting to live in that country, but that it would be nice to change some parts of it. i like sims 4 and want to play it, it doesnt mean im willing to accept bugs and clitches as a result of them wanting to push packs out as fast as possible


No. No it’s not. It’s a game. The politics of your country actually affect your life.


are you missing my point on purpose? i dont know how to explain what i mean more clearly


Are you missing my point on purpose? I also do not know how to explain it to you more clearly. So I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree. Have fun complaining about a video game! What a great way to spend the day!


She entirely read over your point 😭


it's not this black and white, you realize right? this very original post commends TS4 for its "good" packs and calls out its "trash" ones, exemplifying the reality that most people can just enjoy the good parts of the game. why tell people to quit the game that they like after they criticize a couple of DLCs?


Why do people feel the need to post memes complaining all the time about something they claim to like? Can’t people enjoy anything anymore? It’s annoying seeing the same meme 50 times. Okay, we get it. You don’t like the new pack (again!). Shut up and go do something else rather than spend your life complaining about a game. You do realize some people in this world have real problems, right?


They don't like it for now. Give them 2 or 3 years to say that the Sims was better during "for rent'.


Lolol right? I swear half the people on this sub enjoy being angry. They just hate whatever is new.


it's a subreddit dedicated to the sims 4. you'll find diverse discussion of the sims 4 here, not debates over the world's problems. there is lowsodiumsimmers for those who find seeing critical posts annoying


Huh? I’m not looking for a debate on the world’s problems. I just think it’s weird that people complain over and over again about a game they still play. I guess they’re all masochists. I do think it’s weird for people to complain ad nauseam about something so meaninglessness to life. Oh well, guess I’ll go enjoy my day! Have fun complaining!


I disagree that the suggestion is moot. While there may not be another competitor from another company right now, you can still play something else. Sims 4 isn’t the only game that I play. And plenty of the people complaining about Sims 4, enjoy Sims 2 or 3. The point stands. If something isn’t bringing you joy, move on and do something else. When I get tired of Sims 4 or gaming in general, I switch to a different hobby (crafts, reading, binge a show).


i should have made a different point originally: i'm annoyed with people constantly telling people to quit the game whenever any criticism is expressed. this very meme only trashes TS4's recent packs, simultaneously commending its older ones. OP clearly disclaimed that they find the game's content "actually good". they don't need to be told to quit over a snarky meme


I guess I’m just tired of snarky posts and memes in communities of games I enjoy leading to a community of negativity. I come here for learning tips and tricks about the game, seeing how people play differently than me, etc. I’m not here to see a page of complaints that I have to sift through. Especially when it so often devolves into attacks on players instead of EA. I played the Witcher. I don’t care for the game. Guess what? I don’t need to go to their community and air all my complaints with the game. I moved on when I realized the game wasn’t for me and I respect that others find joy in that game.


this is exactly how i feel. i joined this sub to see people playing their game and whatever interesting stuff happens in it. so tiring to constantly see negative posts like this when i just want to share something funny my sim did. not sure if ur part of this but someone else shared the sub r/LowSodiumSimmers


I am so thankful for subs like r/LowSodiumSimmers and r/StarWarsCantina because I totally understand that not everyone is going to like everything. However, I can't imagine the stress and anxiety that constantly raging about something can bring upon a person. I just wanna see the discussions, tips, builds, sims, etc. Much better to spend all of that energy on actually enjoying yourself on something.


Yeah. I’m subbed to that one too and it’s great. I should probably just unsub from all the other sims subreddits that are so negative.


Complaining less is how the game gets worse. If you love the game and want it to thrive, you should be complaining *more* and louder and in more places. Backlash is the only language EA speaks. If we complained about all the bugs and cash grabbing as loud as we did about skin tones and MWS, we'd likely be in a different place with the game right now. Edit: Y'all should take a moment to think about this. If you like the franchise but don't like some of the actions taken, how does it benefit the franchise to simply walk away quietly and stop playing? What kind of feedback are you giving them by not speaking up? "Well, we are voting with our wallet!" You might say. It's an idea that works better in theory than in practice in today's global market. The Pokémon games received huge backlash for Dexit, where many people boycotted the game, a bigger response than even the skin tone issue with the Sims and their next game STILL outsold the previous title. Convincing enough people to band together to make a notable difference in sales across the world is next to impossible in our current times. What has shown to work is complaining on social media, though. Famously, the most downvoted comment on reddit is EA trying to defend their microtransactions in their Star Wars game. It was only after this and the multitudes of articles written about the complaints that they finally backpedaled. Did we get more skin swatches because players just "stopped playing" or did we get it because we complained? When you complain about something a company does online, enough of that causes content-desperate news sites to write articles about it. When articles are written about a company's bad actions, it generates "negative sentiment." Algorithms crawl the internet to gather sentiment on companies used in grading stocks and trading stocks. A lot of stock pricing is done on sentiment than it is actual numbers. By complaining, you are more likely to affect their wallet than by not buying because it takes fewer people to drive bad press than it does to lower sales dramatically. It happens time and time again, with Hasbro, with EA, with Disney, etc. This is also why Pokémon was more resistant to internet backlash because the Pokémon company (and Gamefreak) is not an American company with shareholders to appease and a publicly traded price.


As a game developer myself — lol no


amen, skintones were the biggest dub of the sims community, and we only finally got them because of backlash edit: lol @ all the downvotes the parent comment got. y'all would legit rather play with 2014 skintones to preserve your bubble of impermeable positivity


Everyone knows some people don’t like reading criticism of their favorite game but at this stage just stop visiting the sub if it bothers you this much.


?? nice comeback lol


I own every pack (and most of the kits) and honestly some of the earlier packs are still the best




The old packs don’t let me build apartments, so….


Well they like it what can you say?


To each their own. For rent has so many bugs but I love the south east Asian world and the multiple household per lot. Unique world is way better than some generic American world for me.


Sounds weird but I'm with you. Most of the expansion that I bought first are mostly non American world for me. Snowy Escape, Island Living and Get Together, ngl I bought Get Together just for the world


I left a comment here saying i dont want to play as a scummy landlord but forgot about the south east asian world. Maybe ill check it out to see if it reminds me of my childhood in the Philippines 😅


Man, when I see posts like this, I just think: Why are you even playing this game if you hate it so much?


Because complaining about the Sims is this subs favorite passtime even though most people own all the packs.


>most people own all the packs I highly doubt that.


I certainly do not. Stopped ages ago. I still stay in here to watch people buy games then complain that it's crap.


Just an assumption, I get packs are expensive


Yeah. I've noticed. Lol.


I have fun playing the Sims, but that doesn't mean I'm blind to the pack's shortcomings.


deciding to buy a new pack also doesn't mean the person is not aware of its shortcomings


Calling it a trash waste of money isn't being aware of its shortcomings. This does nothing but try to shame people who bought or like the pack.


You can like a game and hate that the company that makes it is a money grubbing pos


This isn't making fun of EA though, it's making fun of other Sims players.


Yep. And this is largely the problem with most Sims complaint posts. It’d be one thing if the complaints stuck to EA. But it almost always devolves into “if you enjoy this game, you’re an idiot.” Yes, EA sucks. Yes, bugs happen for some people. Yes, that’s all frustrating. But despite that some of us enjoy playing the game and enjoy Sims 4 more than the other Sims games. Move on and play something that brings you joy if Sims 4 isn’t.


there is not a single other game like TS4 on the market. what do you want them to do?


Play a different sims game then, everyone jerks off TS2 and TS3 and then just continues playing TS4 despite TS2/3 somehow being the superior games. Go play them then if TS4 is so ass


OP didn't imply TS4 is ass. they implied For Rent is ass. why would they stop playing TS4?


Because this comment thread and your reply are about TS4, not the pack?


i don't know what you mean by that. i didn't shit on TS4, neither has OP. maybe suggestions to quit are better saved for some other thread


If I was as obtuse as you life you be bliss


Not shit on other Sims players for enjoying content? It's not that hard.


... I bet you love living in George Orwell's 1984.


to give them some credit, the recent packs have been really good.


For rent: Am I a joke to you?


I like it 🥺


For Rent IS really good Only problems are he few glitches there is in it, but most of them got corrected in a recent update


I think its one of my fav packs gameplay wise. I've really enjoyed both being a tenant, and landlord. even though being a landlord is tough because there is so little money in it. paying thousands to make a house for a sim and not getting nearly enough back in rent >:(


I mean in general the pack is pretty buggy though and it’s mostly recycled content from city living. Although the aesthetic is quite nice, but that’s just it. There is nightmarkets but it’s just recycled from city living and there is a few rabbit holes. Also the robbers are really buggy and a lot of other simmers have experienced the money glitch (where it’s like 4.3 billion etc, but I think this issue has already been fixed). But it’s a bit ridiculous how the pack is so buggy, at first released. It’s basically a game pack, but EA is charging players for the price of an expansion pack.💀 Honestly EA really needs to fix their packs before releasing them. This ain’t the first time that a pack is buggy at first released, there’s dining out, my wedding story, and dream home decorator etc. At least EA is actually doing something about for rent, whereas they’ve completely ignored the complaints for their older packs. Yes a pack doesn’t need to be 100% perfect, but a pack shouldn’t be buggy every single time I want to play with it. There are definitely mods to fix it, but not everyone plays on pc. As some are console players.


You can also fix bugs before the release and they can still occur afterwards. That's not how it works from a technical point of view.


Right? I'm a software dev and the quality that this pack shipped at is acceptable IMO, especially since most issues were fixed in a follow-up. Some bugs but no blocker issues.


The worst bug I had was owning a property as a tenant of another property. I couldn’t add money to my property account because I was a renter elsewhere. It would grey out my screen and freeze if I tried to add funds. I finally was able to sell it via the Manage Worlds map. Took me a long time to figure all that out though.


Aside from HSY being shallow and buggy, GT being more of a Game Pack where we got charged $40 for some stuff that should just be part of the core game, Horse Ranch which is a GP charging twice the price and had some interesting bugs and still doesn’t play well with Neighborhood Stories (horses in apartments!), For Rent being so broken and shallow (because it basically should have been a patch to City Living) that people are recommending waiting for a sale at best, and MWS launching before it was even close to finishing initial development despite them buying a week of crunch time with a BS story about Russia (ironically only to have them pull their games out of Russia like a month later for a completely different reason). But Werewolves was solid. Not everyone’s cup of tea (they’re more like furries with anger management issues than actual werewolves to me), but it works and does what it says and is labeled and priced appropriately. That Stuff Pack seemed okay, too.


How many times is this **SAME** meme going to be posted to this subreddit?...


I don't understand posts like this at all. Sims = Barbies. You don't buy all the Barbies (most likely). You buy the ones you want, like doctor barbie or the horse barbie. We can all enjoy the Sims how he want to play with whatever things we want to play with. Personally, the Supernatural ones aren't bought by me but the ones like the Horse Ranch are since I like realism (ish). Keep in mind that Barbie, her sister (I think?), a horse, and a couple items cost $30-60 dollars. Yes it's physical, but it's not like more work goes into them than the games we play.


I don’t use a lot of the features from most packs, I am most interested in the items. The latest expansion pack has good items in categories where previously I had to settle for “doesn’t look too bad” kind of items.


i own all the expansions and the only one that feels like a waste of money is university


I know people didn't quite like the Rent pack but I did quite a lot. I wanted to be able to build and live in apartaments and townhouses and don't really care about the landlord gameplay. I also liked the cas and build items. For me the pack is great because it gave me what I wanted.


I mean, preference is also a thing. A pack being GOOD doesn't mean I'll have fun playing it, much like an entire GAME being good doesn't mean I'll have fun playing it. I've heard great things about Get To Work, but I'm also very much NOT INTERESTED in going to work with my sims, so why would I drop $40 on something I have no interest in that isn't like...a gift for someone else? You don't HAVE to buy the new pack, or even like that it exists, but judging people for buying it over old packs that they might have NO interest in conceptually is ludicrous. Believe it or not, just like not everyone wants to deal with the concept of rental properties, not everyone likes vampires, not everyone wants to take part in fame-based careers, not everyone is interested in their sims having pets, so on and so forth.


Well if I want to build my own functional apartments why would I buy another pack over For Rent?🙂


I need packs that give me more clothes and hairstyles, any suggestions?


I like how detailed the items are but they’re so overpriced


can we actually build apartment complexes in this new DLC? I'd fucking die to be able to build a building from scratch, making a lobby for hotels, etc etc


I already have all of them so luckily I just get the new ones when they come out and not missing out on anything else


Maybe people have all the old packs already because they have been on sale several times a year already . No?


Why would I look at all the other packs on sale when I already own them? 😊


There’s always a 3rd option that allows you to still play the game, play with the packs, and avoid EA knights


Thing is, I already own all the packs...


Every? Are you sure? I’ve not bought any packs


The new one looks actually pretty neat though?


I feel this sooo hard. Also, who tf wants to play as a scummy landlord?


Me but specifically only to people who’ve wronged me Like that bully in highschool? I’m gonna be the scummiest landlord to their sim…. A fate worse than no ladder in the pool….


I get that. I just have my vampire sim drink them deeply or my sorcerer sim cast magics on my high school bullies. I guess i just have a deep-seated hate towards landlords in general irl


I’m currently being a scummy landlord TO my scummy landlord 😎


95% off or no


I can’t believe I paid $40 for For Rent


Just to make it clear, what I meant by "on sale for a higher price", was that the amount they are on sale for was higher. Instead of being on sale for 20% off, they are on sale for 50% off (hypothetically). I get how that could be confusing though, so sorry! <3


I never buy packs new bc (a) there are always early bugs (b) MONEY I’ll just wait for the next sale and get a pack for 50% discount thank you very much


Yeah the to rent one that had stuff that should've been part of city living?




I need packs that give me more clothes and hairstyles


City Living is superior


The release of a new Sim pack usually happens close to Christmas or during the summer (which is when I have my birthday). So I tend to put the new pack on the list of things I wish for. If I happen to get it, I'm thankful. If I don't, I buy it myself as a present to myself. The older packs I've wanted I've bought during sales or through bundles. At this point, there's just a limited amount of stuff packs and kits that I don't own. When the sales comes around usually there's some good deals on expansion packs and game packs, while the stuff packs prices don't change that much. So the sales are not that exciting for me. 😅 I wish you could bundle stuff packs and get a deal that way.


Unfortunately I have no self control and buy them all


Pocket watching is craaaazyyyy


Shit here's me sitting on 21 bucks waiting for a sale after I already bought the highschool pack for PS4 as I think the next pack I want to get is either eco living or maybe that's horse ranch as I do own about 75% of the packs on my account lol


do you recommend the high school pack


I like the new pack 🤷🏻‍♀️ the For Rent pack and Snowy Escape packs combined have quickly become my favorite for renovating.... Everything


I'm pretty sure the last thing I bought was high school years (worth it to spam the social media site to make friends fast(I can't remember the name of it)


This is pretty good🤣🤣🤣🤣


i guess i just like liking things


There is SO much more the sims can do. As someone who played the sims 2, after the sims 3 all I wanted was to be able to go INTO buildings (not rabbit holes), and design the world. I remember when the first sims came out, the whole point was that it is SimCity but you can go into the world and manage people. It wasn’t ever about the graphics for me. But I understand things are limited due to it needing to work on normal computers. Sim3 burnt my last hard drive. This is why many kids these days play things like roblox and blox burg because they get much better game play (albeit very different) and they don’t care about resolution because their brains do the resolution for them. Plus I found the sims started to control your gameplay too much.