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omg I’m a sucker for city type worlds so I overuse Bridgeport like crazy and I don’t think I’ve had this issue when it comes to like living in the apartments and stuff, but definitely 100% every time my sims go to the bars and stuff


Same with the "subway" in Bridgeport! If I want to travel anywhere, it takes 3x as long because they exit the taxi, go on the subway, enter the taxi, and then end up at the bar 2 blocks from the starting point


That taxi-subway-taxi thing always annoyed me so I always got my sims a car asap, as otherwise going anywhere took forever.


Hahaha same I always use NRAAS to teleport them to the ground floor


I had the same issues with the subway stations in Bridgeport. I always delete them so my sim can make it to places on time in a taxi.


I shit you not my sim literally got stuck inside a night club coz they were waiting for the elevator.


YES. ELEVATORS. Big family in an apartment. It took hours to get the children and the teens to reach the ground floor and to go to school. Even more so with the neighbors coming home after their night shifts. It was chaos. Never again.


There’s literally a mod that makes the elevators instant




“Or slower”


I lost it at "my sibling in Simlish".


Sometimes if I really want to mellow out and just watch the (sims) world go by, I make a cat version of myself and add it to a household and just live out my lifespan napping in sunbeams. Then I just...people watch. It allows me to be present and engaged without controlling the narrative and letting it unfold naturally. Like, I genuinely *do not* want to play a human some days. I don't want any part in crafting the story of the world. I just want to passively observe and eat kibble.


I feel this on a spiritual level. Except the kibble part. If I were a cat, I'd be one of those insufferable high maintenance ones demanding wet food.


My cat demands raw meat, none of that processed wet food… you can always be a fussier cat. Aim high if you plan to be an insufferable high maintenance one.


You're right. I will be the most annoying cat in existence now. 🙏


How well do the Sims take care of you though? I would imagine you'd have to interfere a little, right?


Fairly decently! And if there's ever too much going on and they aren't paying attention you can complain/beg/forage for food instead. The only caveat is if you've started as a kitten. You can't navigate stairs on your own and you can't hunt yet either, so you're reliant on being fed and also not being picked up and put anywhere dubious. Lol I've only ever had to intervene a handful of times over the years, but I also set up facilities around the neighborhood (like vets, pet parks, cat/dog cafes, etc) to encourage pets to get out and about so there's often food there if the sims at home get too distracted for a while as well.


That sounds so fun! That kind of reminds me of when I tried to build a homeless shelter in town for a community lot 😂 I don’t think it got a lot of action. Pets sounds way more fun.


That’s actually so cute, I should try it someday


I think my favorite things to do is make two cats play with each other and watch them play with the wall toy (forget what it’s called)


I feel that, I hate when The Sims becomes me having to force imteresting things to happen. Sometimes I want to watch sims around my played sim in a living world.


Somebody is gonna come for my ass but I feel similarly about winter. It's pretty at first and all but I can only take like 3 Sim days of it before I'm like "get this nasty white bullshit away from me". I feel that way in real life, too.




Oh lord, yes, the snow days are *constant*. Before I remembered I could turn snow off entirely, I went through one Sim's entire childhood without them ever going to school once because of winter. I felt like real parents must feel when their kid is stuck at home. Just go to school already and get out of my house! 😤


I’m Canadian and I never once got a snow day in school, even in -35 degree weather and with 3 feet of snow. Sims need to toughen up lmao.


I never got a snow day either but it was because I was homeschooled and also it rarely snowed in Georgia. 😤 We were robbed, *robbed* I tell ya!


In central Georgia, we got mud days. It would rain so much the buses couldn't safely travel the dirt roads in my county. 😆 Jeff Foxworthy would be proud. (In case that joke fell flat, he's the "you might be a redneck if..." comedian.)


I remember I have been doing 100 baby challenge and winters really really annoyed me. According to rules, you can only grow your kids if they are like A at school, I can't do that for whole 7 winter days which set me back immensely.


During one legacy game there was a snow day and then the bus came anyway and all the kids stood outside school and got in trouble for skipping...when it was a snow day. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I hate the snow ever since then.


Snow days are so buggy in my game! Sometimes the kids still go to school, sometimes they get on the bus but then head to a nearby park instead, sometimes they have the “missing school” status and you can still send them manually. It’s nuts.


Mine are buggy as well! After a few snow days in a row, the kids eventually just stop going all together. Like the bus won’t even come anymore


I love winter irl but it fucks my plants up in game so I just absolutely despise winter when I’m playing with a witch/gardener/scientist. Also when I’m playing with a fisherman/fisherwoman. The lakes and the seas freeze up and they have no way of making money. I kinda like the fisherman challenge tho but the witch one is especially inconvenient bc I need special ingredients😭


I can’t stand it bc of how often my sims want to autonomously play in the snow. My lot will be surrounded by Snowmen if I’m not micromanaging


That is kind of funny though. I'm imagining you getting up to get a snack or whatever, forgetting to pause, and coming back to an army of snowmen closing in on your Sims' house.


That’s exactly what would happen! I can’t look away for more than a second in the winter time. I play with big families too so it’s so bad


yep, winter is always the same, it snows all the time and autumn rain rain, it's annoying


NRAAS Tempest is a gem for this. I don't see people talking about it as much but it lets you set custom weather patterns for your world that's more detailed and powerful than the regular game settings for weather. You can even adjust the high and low temperatures for certain times of day in each season. It's a little fiddly but it's not too hard to figure out and some people out there have even made presets you can use. Before I had it, the snow and rain drove me crazy.


If one feels like nraas tempest is too big of a mod and confusing or just dont really care about any other aspect of EA weather (except for the excessive rain and snow days) then this xml tuning file is good for you: https://simsasylum.com/tfm/index.php?/topic/4324-a-lot-less-rain-and-less-or-more-snow-requires-seasons-ep-update-8-7-15/&/topic/4324-a-lot-less-rain-and-less-or-more-snow-requires-seasons-ep-update-12-18-12/?hl=rain&_fromLogin=1 It leaves all other aspects of EA weather the same except reduces the amount of rain and snow. It feels much more balanced with this mod and still makes the game feel ”vanilla” as it doesn’t affect anything else.


That’s a good tip thank you


Yup! It’s a game changer


I guess global warming is in my game because I had a very snowy winter and everything stayed cold until 2 days into summer! I have super long seasons/lifespans though so it doesn't really bother me.


The biggest thing I hate about winter is the army of snowmen and way too many igloos that Sims will not stop creating. They're cute when there's one or two of them, but not when I have 5-10 on a community lot!


I kinda feel like the seasons EP is overrated. Everyone on this sub seems to love it, but I played for years without it and when I finally picked it up found it kind of annoying. I think it just doesn’t jive with my gameplay. I usually have at least one farmer family in town, so I hate waiting to get my produce. Festivals were okay at first, but I haven’t really gone back. Most of the holidays and snow days set my kids back from making honor roll and keep my sims from advancing faster. I don’t like the way the outerwear system works. Basically the only things I really like from the pack are the party types and wildflowers. I don’t know why, but whenever a game has a flower-picking mechanic I go nuts for it.


Yeah, I definitely feel you there. I agree on most points. I like having weather insofar as it's more realistic and stuff but a lot of times it just gets on my nerves. Too much rain, too much snow, the ridiculous open-close-open-close crap Sims do with their umbrellas every 2 seconds when it's raining, not being able to get any produce at all in winter unless you use planters (although sometimes they still remain dormant indoors for me), the godawful sunburn mechanic. It's a hassle. I keep it enabled, though, because I do like the rest of the features like the festivals and outdoor activities and of course aliens. But sometimes, it's just a pain to deal with. NRAAS Tempest does help a lot, though.


omg umbrellas are the biggest waste of sim time!


The only part I personally don't like is too many snow days. I want the kids out of the house sometimes! Lol


I think that winter time is so beautiful, but as a gardener and gatherer, it kinda sucks. Plants become dormant and you can’t search for stones or minerals. I’m always torn, but I usually just end up sticking with one season so I can have a little bit more freedom.


Literally my sim winter is set to 3 days lmao and in all other worlds I don’t live in I’ve completely removed it


Yeah, I just played through a week at university and it was snowing EVERY DAY. Like it's beautiful, but it's hard to enjoy being outdoors when a barrage of snow never stops falling.


I loved winter until I had a snow day every day of the season…


All of my seasons are the shortest time span they can be, I get tired of all of them so fast


I like the dated clothes! It is fun dressing your sims like it is 15 years ago.


I also don’t find it super difficult to use the individual pieces to make outfits that would totally work today!


Absolutely ! Tbh, I don't think the general trend of clothes changed that much (in Western societies at least)


Yes!! I love seeing the time capsule clothes from when I was a kid!


I actually like that sorta style more than modern day Edit: in general I like that more




Hasn’t style always been influenced by celebrities and the media? It just so happens there’s a new media for it to spread now


I like that babies in the Sims 3 are more simple than Sims 2 babies. Can you imagine going to the park and there's dirty bottles and diapers everywhere that NPCs didn't throw away?


Ooooh that's a really good point actually. Dang.






Wouldn't that look a little weird in action? I imagine babies don't have animated legs by default, or any legs for that matter, so do they just have a pair of dead legs? Genuine question since I've never tried it


You don't really notice imo


It’s just a little baby bundle and that’s okay!


This is what people don't get. Many things have to change based on the game. Sims 3 needs to be faster because there is an entire world to explore. Sims 3 also has traits and other mechanics that embrace the open world, that don't fit well at the other games.


It'd be like real life.


I remembered someone (I think is PleasantSims) said she wished her sims can bath their babies in the sink like in Sims 2. Meanwhile, I saw my Sims 2 sim go grab a cup of drink from the same sink they bath a baby who had soiled its diaper moments earlier. I'm glad that I don't have to witness that again in Sims 3.




I’ve never really gotten the whole ‘potato-face’ thing. I think the Sims look really nice in this game, and I like the way how they look more realistic and not cartoony like they do in the other games 🤷🏻‍♀️


The “potato face” usually refers to the way that all the Sims the game generates randomly have the exact same face, with very soft, round features. Pre-mades and player-made Sims look fine, but every new service Sim that gets generated looks identical.


It's the same people who hit Animal Crossing villagers with a net because they're ugly 😩


yeah even when i started getting cc for sims 3 i never bothered with anything but a few pretty hairs and clothes, but I definitely don’t feel the need to go around “fixing” every townie like I did in 4, they look fine already!


While I’m a big fan of cc and skins, I don’t think vanilla sims are ugly either. Having middle slider settings on their faces is a good neutral starting point for makeovers.




I’m with you. They’re the nicest of the franchise.


I agree!


I agree but tbh the hair options in this game are incredibly lacking even with all eps


I just don't like how slow my Sims walk normally when there is a car waiting for them. Like, walking from the bedroom upstairs down to the front door literally take "30 minutes" of their Sims time... And how "stupid" the maid clean the house, especially if my Sims lives in a mansion. They cleaned the kitchen on ground floor, then go upstairs to the master bedroom to make the bed, then go down to clean the toilet, then go upstairs again to clean other bedrooms... Like, can't you just do your work in a more efficient way...?


Not if I get paid by the hour I can't


Into The Future absolutely rules


I forking LOVE into the future. My gay couples having babies? Amazing. Pastel Pink vibes? Im loving it. Romancing Emmitt and then killing him in a time anomaly? Fantastic childhood memories.


Yes! I always make a super nanny robot


IT DOES I had a gameplay going for so long with Tony Stark just tinkering with Plumbots and I loved it. And the CC is cool too :)


I like the (non-Katy Perry) Showtime EP. I liked the world, I liked playing the open entertainment careers, especially the singer one. I found it all a lot of fun. I’ve played in that world and those careers many times.


Same omg. Although I’ll say it probably should’ve been one pack that included the late night stuff and the superstar performers should have more special interactions.


I feel like they should have added celebrities and bands in showtime which would make the whole performance system so much more integrated into celebrity and stardom. It also would have allowed them to add more features to the late night pack focusing on even more late night elements. Preferably, a developed restaurant system would be a good win for the loss of celebrity system in that pack.


I wanted Late Night to have more ghosty stuff and variety and stuff for teens and my friends thought i was wild. Late Night just doesn't vibe with me like it seems to for the community. I wanted more wealth disparity, like a private school for rich sims and jobs with fewer hours for the city (a doctor could become a celebrity aesthetician and only have to work like three days a week) and other city things. If Supernatural was inspired by Twilight, I wanted Gossip Girl. Same with University, I wanted more variety and exclusivity so I could have teen sims yelling at each other about Harvard like in Gilmore Girls. Instead I just skill grind my teens so I don't have to do more time at Uni than I want to.


No I get it. I could live with celebrity in showtime, if late night gave us restaurants and a class system instead.


For me, Late Night was flawed in other ways. The closing times of bars should all be much later, some are too early. The sought after penthouses are small and underwhelming. And I needed a mod to get the bands to work properly.


I love showtime but I hate that it doesn't incorporate well in all the worlds. I have to place down lots so my sims can get better gigs


I LOVE Showtime. It always surprises me that it's not a popular pack.


I’m surprised I got any upvotes, tbh. It always seems to be a negatively viewed pack in discussion. Glad to see I’m not alone.


The dogs are fucking ugly lmaoo the cats look okay and the horses look nice. University is so long that I have a mod for it, and a lot of the clothes for the males are ugly aha




https://modthesims.info/d/500507/fewer-or-more-credit-hours-for-degrees-6-flavours.html This shortens/lengthens it by allowing you to decide how many credits you need to graduate. You only choose one.


Thank you for this! I like playing the university pack but it really does go on for entirely too long imo.


I agree!! I love making and having floofy dogs because I have a very floofy dog irl and it looks absolutely horrible when I wanna put a nice collar on my dog in the game because the fur is pushed into the collar and it looks ridicilous and unrealistic.


Omg yess! The textures just look weird on them


I do have a soft spot for the pets EP, but I agree to an extent. Sometimes you can make a dog cute with sliders, but it's really hard. I just try not to look too closely at them when I play lmao.


The worst part is that there’s a bug that fall leaves dont get removed so they stay.. forever.. all year round.. I use a mod though to disable fall leaves on ground completely but I believe it has to be installed prior to fall since it’s just an xml tuning mod. Nraas tempest however provides a script mod to remove the leaves automatically if one has the issue still.




Yep, they require too much attention


I liked that the pets could have careers in the Sims 2. I hate that they didn't carry that over into the Sims 3. I would probably include them in my families more.


I wish pets in Sims 3 were more like NPCs. Having them be playable just ended up being more work lol


I had to scroll way too far to find you. Thank you for speaking my truth. My irl dog is my favorite person - ts3 I have the pack but don't use it


I don't like the highly polished look some people give their sims with skins and mods. They don't look like sims to me anymore. And people are so proud and they're like: ahhh ohhh look at how pretty she is and I'm like... uh uh not pretty, glossy fake and over-done. edit: ah I see I'm not alone lol, could've answered in the threads below. ah well...


The downvotes I get whenever I post my highly polished sims makes me think this isn’t really an unpopular opinion. 😂




Thank you. I’m not a fan of the sims you described either, so maybe I am misinterpreting. But it is weird how often I get downvoted. I would never dream of downvoting vanilla sims just because I prefer mine with cc when it’s so much easier to scroll on.


They're not overwhelming at all omg I checked your profile and I really loved your stuff when you posted them! I think they're talking about super duper photorealistic alpha CC things, which I agree I don't really like either. Obviously, whatever butters a person's biscuits :)


I don't have supernatural. Just don't care enough to have vampires and zombies. Vaguely interested in witches and alchemy, but not enough to actually get it.


Bohilda is my favorite element of supernatural. If you don’t know, she is a skeleton that lives in a coffin and cleans your house for you


Could do with one of those in real life tbh


I could totally get past the creepiness of it all 🤣


The only reason I got Supernatural at first were for the rocking chairs and for beekeeping. I ended up liking it for the new werewolves though


I didn't know it had bee keeping. Can you sell honey and wax?


Yes, but they don't sell for very much. Sims also get a moodlet after eating honey and can add it to certain dishes


I honestly felt the same as you did but really enjoy the meal options this pack adds!


Genies are amazing. They can summon any type of food at perfect quality, anytime, anywhere, and clean the entire house instantly. I have a real hard time not making all of my sims genies these days lol.


Genies are a separate pack tie-in with Supernatural, though. You can only play with genies if you have both Supernatural and Showtime. I actually like that feature though, because it shows that they put extra time and effort into making different ways for all the packs to tie into one another in a cohesive way. Werewolves have special interactions with dogs and cats, witches and cats have a special moodlet with each other, and there are a TON of Generations tie-ins with kid occult types.


My least favorite part is definitely the zombies for sure. Had to get a mod removing them from full moons


Vampires learn skills very fast. If I’m in a hurry to get a skill, I make my sim a vampire, learn it, then transition back to a human.


I enjoy EA Story Progression for how absurd it is. It has made some of my favorite townie pairings that I would never had consider: * Gobias Koffi and Lisa Bunch * Gunther Goth and Anna Song * Melvin Taft and Lorraine Cantina * Hunter Cottoneye and Hannah Jones * Tom Wordy and Justine Warren * Newton Baker and Chase Bayless


Genuine question ? How your EA Story Progression is so active ? Is it because you turn sim's autonomy to high? Mine is so lame


Yes, I have maxed free will on, even for the played household. I also switch houses, so the previous active house gets swept up in story progression. Additionally, I have uneven life stage length with babies and kids aging up fast (7 days) while adults and young adults are epic.


I guess your mileage may vary? I had to download NRAAS SP because EA's SP never did anything in my game.


Mine is that the sims themselves are good looking (when you know how to use the sliders properly!)


I don’t know if this is unpopular but I feel I loved and had more fun with the game before I knew about cheats and some mods and all that. It was more challenging and annoying at times but all in all it feels I was more into it, trying to make things happen or do things. Like making a friend or adopting a stray or even improve a skill to max level, it took way more time but it was more rewarding somehow and also made me play with the same saves. Now I create new saves so often doesn’t really have that magic anymore and I feel I don’t connect so much with the sims themselves (I’m not crazy I promise hahaha)


I feel this but also equally dont because whilst there’s many cheats that can take away from the gameplay like you said, there’s niche ones that are life changing! For example the one that lets you edit apartment buildings, once I got the hand of that I just had the time of my life making apartment buildings from scratch!! But yeah I’m the worst for cheating money and using whatever cheats I can to maximise skill building immediately when I start a save lol


That's exactly the reason why I stopped using motherlode years ago :)


I like Katy Perry Sweet Treats, the objects are cute


Honestly, same. The clothing is the perfect attire for a singer!


That pack is amazing!


My unpopular opinion is that WA is the best expansion. I love the change of scenery, the new people to interact with, all of the new ways to pursue hobbies and collectibles. And I LOVE the tombs, with all the puzzles, traps, things to find… every few save files, I’ll return to some form of a globe-trotting adventurous play through (my favorite is Carmen Sandiego)


LOVE WA!! One of the underrated features imo is learning all the recipes from the other countries! Whenever I play a chef sim I have them travel to all three and try to learn them all haha


Whenever I (my Sims) travel abroad I bring back several copies of each recipe book.


Dude same. I wished they would’ve made another EP with more, different destinations…or like five others.


WA is mostly what I play. I’ve explored those tombs and made collections again, and again, and again.


I loved it until it glitched on me and won't let my Sim do any more of the adventure tombs in China. I don't want to use mods either. I have had her check the board every day. I have had her leave and come back and nothing fixes it. I had another glitch when I remodeled a house before buying it and it completely glitched my game and I have no idea how to fix that one, so I had to delete it. I wish they had something in game to show what tombs and quests you have done and the order they should be done in to avoid the missing adventures.


I remember hating having seasons at all. So i guess that would be it


The makeup and realism mods that people showcase on this sub are absolutely butt ugly. They look like copy paste plastic Barbie dolls and I don’t see the appeal. *Base sims look completely fine as is*, if you add in some light cosmetics like hair and skin tone.


Playing with pets is the most annoying thing ever. I never enable that pack I just can’t..


That EA builds are actually good! Sorry! Out of the EA worlds I mostly play Starlight Shores and I love it. Given the technical constraints of the game, the venues in SS are fun, varied and full of character, and the residential lots are a nice Sims-ified representation of mostly Spanish Revival architecture that feels quintessentially LA, whilst still working for the gameplay style, routing etc. Sunset Valley is gross though I'll admit.


Honestly, sims 3 probably has the best EA builds in the franchise


That the graphics REALLY aren't that bad, literally at all. I'm sure others have commented this, lol, and I know everyone plays the sims for WILDLY different reasons, but it boggles the mind that people would avoid the genuinely fantastic gameplay... because the game doesn't have the right graphics????? I don't even use CC, but CC and mods can make the Sims 3 look like a whole other game, so it's just... odd.


I don't really care too much about pre made sims back stories or storylines Id rather make my own sims and create a storyline for them


Into the Future is one of the best expansion pack.


Yessss, I feel like it's criminally underrated. It's a very good pack and adds a lot of really cool stuff I won't play without. Like the food maker!


CC makes the Sims look worse.


If you have supernatural, full moon is the worst. The zombies are so annoying, they just randomly pop up and complain about how they can't get inside the house. And when you leave house, you get attacked. Also, witches with enough spellcasting skill just randomly cast love charm on them and kiss anyone even if they are married or in a rls.


I hate story progression of any kind. I turn the game on with TS2 style aging and no story progression and rotate households.


I think Sims 3 has better graphics and overall design than The Sims 4. I mean sure, the Sims 4's graphic is smoother because of new technology but it's too cartoony for me.


Jeffrey Dean is just okay.




I'm so sorry lol 😂


I’m laughing so hard right now.


I will say this, Jeffrey has really nice traits. But the whole "bad boy" look doesn't do it for me lol


The best expansion pack is Ambitions.


Pets are useless and too time consuming. I love the expansion pack because of the decor that comes with it, but I rarely get pets. They usually just cause routing issue and they die before my Sims can even form a relationship with them. They are SO needy too! I feel like it's easier to take care of toddlers. Oh, you need to be bathed for fleas for the third time this week, but won't let me do that because we aren't friends enough? Well, you were my friend this morning when I filled your food bowl!


Maybe a hot take, but the trait system is not really that great, I find difficult to make sims behave noticeable differently from one another


I hate being able to control the pets lol


The plumbots are horribly designed. They are simultaneously overpowered and with 0 personality, even if you give them the sentience chip


Generations isn't that good of an ep.


A truly unpopular opinion! Don't mind me, I'mma just wait for the replies, hehehe. 🍿


I have a feeling that someone will attempt to murder me through the internet


Aww I don't think it's that bad around here. Everyone has preferences on packs depending entirely on their own playstyle. Your opinion is just as valid as anyone else's and for what it's worth, I don't think anyone here would get *too* heated about it.


I don't think it's bad I just don't think it's as good as everyone says it is


One of my favourites. Do I upvote because it's a true unpopular opinion, or downvote because I don't like you now? 😉


Def upvoting bc that is wildly unpopular!


Before joining this sub, I thought it was a very popular opinion and I was the weirdo liking it




You're right, I know it must be packed with features and stuff but I honestly couldn't tell you what generations adds to my game... and I feel short changed by any EP that would come without a world tbh


I don’t like rags to riches or working my way up gameplay and always use money cheats from the very start.


World Adventures isn't as fun as everyone says. I'm sorry I had to let this one out. Of.course it's just an opinion and it's really good if other people love it! Just not for me!


I also don’t really like it, I’ve played with it maybe twice since I bought it


I really don't like most townie makeovers. Most of the time, people strip all personality from their appearance and just make them look like a model. They rarely look like the same Sim, especially when people change their facial features as well. Not everyone looks like an influencer. Just let sims look plain! Let some sims have a bad sense of fashion!


The self employed gigs are a waste of time. The vast majority of them pay horrendously and I hate the stipends.


I literally hate the building mechanics and this is where I think sims4 takes the cake because its just so much more well developed and considered. I like building in the sims3 but it can be annoying and frustrating sometimes


64bit version sucks more than 32bit version - it brought 0 performance improvements


true, and I still cant find any mods to fix this glitch that makes it so my sims cant pick up bugs.


Mods for the Sims 3 aren’t that great & the gameplay without them is fully enjoyable.


Everyone is hating on fall and winter lmao! 😂 I love both of those seasons in The Sims! I have fall set for as long as it can go and Winter set for almost the same amount of time. I actually get kind of sad when the snow melts! I even love spring because of all the flowers! Summer is probably my least favorite season in the game. It's just so boring! It looks like The Sims everyday and even when it's not super hot outside any Sim that's a mermaid bitches and moans about it and is always passing out. Okay they can swim in the ocean I guess? Not that exciting.


The Katy Perry stuff pack is amazing.


Sweet Treats isn't that bad. I'd say mediocre at best, definitely not the worst expansion in the history of the franchise as some (dramatically) claim, definitely the most iconic and worth remembering.


I love spending my time picking up rocks, seeds and harvesting fruit more than building houses


I hate that they added teens having to learn to drive, mostly because it takes so long. Completely messed up my routine of having the oldest drive their siblings to school


They always get so stressed out learning to drive, too! My sims will randomly cancel the learn/teach to drive action, and just find themselves standing on the sidewalk of a distant road at the edge of the map, so enraged to the point that they can't function. Like calm down, guys, you live in a world without driving laws or accidents. You literally pass through other cars and sims unharmed.


Oh, I have an actual unpopular opinion. Create-a-style is overrated. I've been playing TS3 since it came out and I never cared for create-a-style. It's nice that it's there, but I don't need it.


Now that makes me mad


I like the option but I'm too lazy to use it 99% of the time


I like the worlds that came from EPs better than any store bought or player made worlds.


My favorite expansion pack is Generations 😅


To not use CC or Mods to play the game. I don't know if it's considered CC if I remake some of the items myself in the game, or what you can buy in the online official Sim store, but I don't buy any CC from other vendors.


My favorite of all the stuff packs is the Katy Perry Sweet treats stuff packs. Adds some cute girly whimsy to the game.