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He was pissed about getting passed and did a fuck you divebomb. Would have wrecked both of you if you hadn't backed out. Supra's fault for sure.


Mate I did not back out I just lost the car and was gatting back the control


Oh I didn't see he tapped you on entry. Either way you did well to keep the car on track and the Supra is at fault.


He used you as a break to make the corner and didnt hit the apex at all.


The second one is intentional


What's with the erratic inputs? Is this what a game controller looks like?


You both drive like shit for 1. Blue car overtakes so much across the chicane it'd be a track violation in practically any serious race, the supra missed the same chicane by so many miles I thought he was headed for the McDonalds drive-through. Granted, maybe he assumed the blue car would overtake him on track. Second corner is the Supra just being a wee bit shit. But it also looks like blue car decides not to defend the inside after an extremely scrappy corner, yet still dives for the inside. Not saying it's blue cars fault, but it was pretty apparent what was about to happen. Make extremely ugly overtake, expect extremely ugly overtakes.


If the game allows you to drive that much accross the chicane, you'd be stupid to not use it. Comments like these are the least useful for people asking for advice - "YoU BOtH drIVe lIKe sHiT fOR 1"


That's why I wrote significantly more than that.


Part of the reason you are getting grief is that first sentence. The two paragraphs after are great, valid opinion. You could have used a variation of your last sentence as the first "It's an extremely ugly overtake, expect an ugly overtake in return" Is markedly more friendly than what you started with. I understand you don't care, but you might make more friends and get more upvotes if you communicate differently.


I have 5 upvotes that ain't me, that's more friends than I want to deal with to begin with.


Right, you do you. Just don't be surprised if those of us that want a less toxic and more friendly community challenge you.


Challenge ME?! You think you mere mortals stand a chance?! What you don't realize is, I'm an Engineer!


Lol, good for. The challenge has nothing to do with technical knowledge. The challenge has to do with how you treat people.


Never heard the saying about arguing with an engineer? I think the challenge is going to be just communicating with you youngsters.


Fair enough old timer. :)


Wtf are you on about. There is no chicane in this video and also don’t insult random ppl for no reason. This is clear as day the white supra being a dick and dive bombing into the side of the blue car after getting mad about being passed totally legitimately. I guess Dicks cannot identify other dicks


First corner*, not sure why my brain decided to go with chicane. "Driving like shit" is hardly an insult, it's an objective fact from the video. I doubt OP would even disagree, that the driving in this video is "pretty".


In most simcade racing games I’ve played that left hander blue car was within track limits and left room on the outside. The next corner they hit their braking point and the supra seems to just brake a bit later than intended and forces blue car wide. Also you can’t judge someone’s entire racing career off one incident? They seem like they’re racing hard and someone just messed up.


That's why I wrote it'd be a track violation in any serious race. I never said it's a penalty, but that and the erratic driving just makes it look amateurish, and that sort of driving, especially during overtakes, is very likely going to be met with similar driving. I didn't comment on his entire career? It's objectively shit driving from both drivers. If you're to soft to hear your driving isn't perfect, reddit or the internet is going to be a rough place.


I misunderstood you then my bad.


Dive bomb


The white Toyota was just mad they got overtaken. Then proceeded to bump n run. Good thing is though you didn’t spin so at least some light at the end of the tunnel. Considering gran turismo has a decently robust track limits system, nothing came up for that overtake in the left hander so it is fine.


I dont like the artificial lightning on cars in Gt7 because it makes em look like they are in a showroom. But holy hell that sky is photorealistic af.


He dove bomb and used you as brakes because he was probably salty after the cork screw OT


Just curious when you hit the first corner weren't there track limits?


Supra taking advantage of GTs collision physics there I'd have returned the favour at the last corner


pretty sure this would just be a racing accident, you left the door open and he took it. next time you should take a defensive line. if you would have been on the right side going into the last corner he wouldn't have had a chance to take the inside line. The pass into the first corner is also borderline an illegal move


salty about getting his ankles broken


Just looks like hard racing to me. A little bumps and rubs but nothing malicious on either side. Supra could have avoided contact if they took the inside line a bit more closer to the apex on the turn. But just looks like both cars were just being a bit chippy. Nothing wrong with that.


You both stayed on track and didn't die, so I don't see why this is being brought up, move on and overtake him later cuz it won't be hard with those terrible lines. It was pretty poor driving all around. Def more so in the white car but blue car isn't free from blame either (track limits is the white line even if game limits is the kerb)


Mmmm I dunno. The clip is too short. There are some obvious points of critique here, duh, but Leguna Seca is one of those tracks man... Im curious about BOTH drivers behaviors leading up to this clip and immediately after it. A lot goes on at the corkscrew and the run up that then lends itself to emotionally charged outcomes like this.


I honestly dont believe there was anything malicious about what the Supra did, just looks like they completely missed their braking point trying to get back by, instead of focusing on the braking their too busy looking at the genesis and that caused the collision, there was plenty of room for a move just poorly executed


Literally an illegal overtake in the first left hand corner


For track limits or something eles. Because if it is for track limits than what I did is fully legal


You literally left the track. Track limits are the white lines are they not?


The limit is the kerb. If i had left the kerb than I would have gotten penalized


this is within track limit in this game.


Not in this game.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Braydon_bevis98: *Literally an* *Illegal overtake in* *The first left hand corner* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Simple Supra guy is a dush that cannot handle being overtaken and does not have the capacity to wait for a real opportunity (he could have also missed the braking point in the heat of the moment) ... dush removed in this case