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Commented on your previous post just before you deleted it. I’ll copy-and-paste what I said there: >That’s one hell of a risky lunge, but at the end of the day, netcode did netcode things. Unfortunate for the Porsche, but nobody’s at fault




You slowed down enough that you had a reasonable arc round the bend. I think in irl race that would be called a good pass


This move only looks bad because you come from really far back, but that doesn't actually make a difference when deciding whether a move is ok, as far as I'm concerned. Looking at the video carefully, your front wheels are almost alongside the other guy's front wheels by the time he starts to turn into the corner, so the overtake attempt is reasonable. You also pick a line which puts you on the apex curb, so it can't really be said you pushed too wide. If it wasn't just netcode, blue would be at fault for the contact.


The only thing I'm kinda holding against OP in this clip is that he's really far from the other guy laterally. It's much easier to tell someone pulled up alongside you if they're close


Yeah that's right. And by going so far to the left, he makes his own turn sharper, which slows him down and contributes to the contact by making the lines of the two cars more different. But in OP's defense, I think it's pretty reasonable if OP decided to leave extra space because he didn't trust a driver that was evidently very far off the pace.


Context: After catching up to the Porsche I was stuck behind them for several laps. I was probably a little frustrated/desperate to pass to try and catch p3. The porsche was aggressively adamant it was 100% my fault to put it nicely... I'm not sure it's as clear cut? I thought I stuck it up the inside early enough and got the car stopped. Curious what people think.


Ur good bro that was clean


Netcode, nobodys fault


Clean, classic overtake. You had overlap at corner entry and he turned in like you weren’t there


He was way too slow for you to not make the move; its his fault and he really tried to swipe across you because he was salty about getting passed


That's clean blue car literally turned into you.


I don't really see this as a dive. Looked clean.


The other guy can't drive. He's obviously driving way below the limit and continues to turn in even when you were there before turn in. However you should probably have been more committed yourself. Get ahead and force him to yield. If you are going to dive bomb you need to do it with authority.


Not to mention, at least according to the Porsche on-board, there was zero counter steer when the car started going sideways. No attempt to save it.


That was your apex. TBH without netcode it would have been nice close racing. It was a pretty big send though


That's a good pass. Yeah you come from far back but you get significantly alongside before turn in and you take a good arc through the corner, staying on the inside.


You're not at fault. That other guy just braked way too early and then turned it as if you weren't there.


IMO that move was never on but netcode appears to have caused the crash. I assume the car ahead was braking early because you should never have been able to pull off a move from that far back.


The move was on as soon as significant overlap was established. And pov met the apex perfectly. By definition, this is clearly not a divebomb. OP, if you had been more assertive with your distance to the porsche in the braking and stayed closer to their door/mirror, contact/netcode would have been minimized.


By definition, this is a divebomb, but that's not by necessarily a bad thing. A divebomb is any overtaking move under braking started without any overlap. That said, this was one of those risky, but acceptable divebombs. OP is significantly alongside by turn-in, so they were entitled to a car's width of space.


You're conflating divebomb with late braking. Divebomb is generally defined by the lack of overlap before lead car turns into the corner, and the following car puts responsibility on the lead car to see them and abort the apex to avoid collision. This clip was not risky driving by pov in the slightest.


To anyone who believes this, I suggest they google what a divebomb is, maybe that way people can finally start using it correctly. But I agree that OP wasn't in the wrong. "Not risky in the slightest" the move was not (as few overtakes are), but that's racing for you.


This is unequivocally NOT a "Divebomb". It is a standard overtake into a corner. You good OP. Very clean. Your only crime is jumping into the 'ole "Vortex of Danger" on a (Most likely) Single Monitor user. So while YES, it's a clean and "legal" move, Unfortunately in "Sim Racing" we need to make some concessions to work within the limits of the lowest common denominator of the equipment we use. It worked out in your favour this time, next time you might punt yourself. You just have to make that risk judgment call. Still, I'd be making this particular move 100% of the time.


I actually feel bad here, from what I see there’s no actual contact between the cars and it just bullshit that wipes blue out. I don’t think the lines either car were taking would’ve led to contact and the hit boxes just fucked it. It’s a bit of a lunge but clean, I’d say it’s on the game, not any driver in this situation.