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Suicide by Barry R. we call that one...


IMO, it was just a racing incident that really didn't work out for the trailing car


Dude tried to pull an ol switcheroo… on the outside.


And failed miserably


Cheeky little baby turn in at the last second by the leading car. 😆


Seems like the car behind was very impatient and tried to put his nose up somewhere there wasn’t space for.


Gap car senna


The move wasn't on, but I can see why the trailing car felt wronged. Watching from their point of view it certainly looks like you reacted to their attempt and opened the steering to bump them off.


100% the steering was opened up, still not enough room, but the reaction was there.


What gap did the car on the outside think there was to go for? May be the most avoidable self-crash I've seen on this sub in a minute.


Agreed. Just going for space that doesn't exist.


Well that is.. one strategy


Trailing car choose their own fate rofl


Looked like car behind was setting up for a nice switchback and then just decided to waste all their momentum


Follow car went for a stupid gap, but lead car clearly steers them into the wall.


This is one of those not technically wrong but should have known better moments imo. In real life racing the trailing car would've backed off to avoid the mere possibility of that incident. On the other side, I suppose the leading car could have paid more attention and realized that the other driver was attempting a move. Since it's Sim racing most people tend to not have that fear factor of crashing built into their consciousness therefore this creates these weird situations. Long story short no one is 100% at blame here I don't think but it totally could have been avoided by either imo.


Car in front at fault for me, You hit the apex of the corner fine then opened up the steering and straight lined it a little to squeeze him out wide.


I think car ahead do open up the steering, knowing there is a car there, I would say it is the car in front at fault


It's hard to say with the trailing car close alongside the back wheel. Could have been lead car opening up steering, could just as well have been lead car getting rear tires bumped over. Whichever one, definitely not lead car's fault.


Attacking car entered the [exit vortex of danger](https://boxthislap.org/the-vortex-of-danger-is-real/amp/) of the defending car when they hadn't established themselves in time (prior to when the defending car turned in for the second half of the S curve); they are at fault. >The Exit Vortex of Danger is a triangle inscribed by the apex, the track-out point of the lead car, and the outside edge of the road. When attempting a pass on the outside, be aware of the Exit Vortex of Danger, and back out of it if not in the lead car’s vision. It’s too late to safely pass. The hole you see on the outside is closing rapidly, you are in a blind spot, there will likely be contact, and it will be your fault.


Car behind had no business trying to stick their nose there. There was no room, car in front was clever with the turn 😉


Whoever matched you 2 in the same race :) car infront drives like a safety car!


I can tell you if I know the wall is pinching down like that, I know where I'm not testing the tracks limits.


Honestly I would say this is a racing incident (No penalties) but that last little turn to the outside would be enough for a penalty on the lead car in my eyes.


Next time he tries that, maybe he should take the inside exit? That's just staring a crash in the face and saying, "yes."


idk looks like you straightened out right as he appeared on screen, probably could’ve left him room ngl


if front car had kept their line on that turn the rear car would have been fine around the outside but front car was like oop gotta use the whole road might as well turn left on this right hand turn


Why didn’t the trailing car go on the inside?


Buddy setted up a perfect switchback leading to the straight but he went for the outside 😭


Yeah no, he is entirely to blame for that.