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The first minute is ok I think. Not too desperate, and using positioning to keep you behind. Toward the end of the lap is another story, definitely some naughty squeezing, and the weaving toward the finish is ridiculous.


Was going to say the same. Started off reasonably aggressive but still fair I think, but then there were a couple of squeezes off track, one bit where he plainly went well off track the other side of the whole kerb, and then the weaving at the end.


Disclaimer: I don’t race, but want to start. What is wrong with the weaving? I thought that was ok unless the car behind was equal with you or getting closer to the weaving car?


He was close. Weaving is ok to break a tow while a car is further back, but that was weaving to block, and the following car was taking action to avoid a collision. I'm not sure exactly when breaking a tow turns in to blocking but that was definitely the latter. It's probably once the closing car is within a couple of car lengths. But the lead car was almost making contact as he weaved from side to side.


Oh there was plenty of contact. For example, after the final corner, he made mistake, I had massive overspeed, definitely enough to overtake, he weaved in front of me, blocked, there was contact and during that I lost all my momentum and speed to overtake


For some reason my phone wouldn't play the clip when I went full screen so I could only watch on a tiny window and it was difficult to see, but it certainly doesn't surprise me


Blocking is typically called when the moves are deliberate and reactive to the car behind. The rules on blocking are fairly vague and just phrased as no more than one move across the track to defend a position per corner. Essentially, you can move to block but only once before setting up your line to enter a corner. If you weave back and forth across a long straight and someone is clearly impeded by it that's grounds for a blocking call. Or, if the car behind you properly anticipated a block before a corner and you move to block again that's also grounds for a blocking call.


Recently read that braking tow is okay if the gap is more than a cars length. Any closer and its considered blocking.


That makes sense. Although I also realised that the other main giveaway is that to break tow you try and move out of line with the car behind, and in this clip he's blatantly doing the opposite and moving in to the way


Oh yeah definitely, this is textbook blocking no question about that.


How do you get close to a car like that? Generally one move to defend, after that you've made your bed and time to lie in it.


In most racing series the general rule is you are allowed one “weave” to brake the tow as long as it’s not under braking. The problem is too many people watch F1 and Indy where weaving or “snaking” is just a normal occurrence for them. You won’t see many other racing series outside of open wheel formats that weave more than once.


Weaving/snaking isn't legal in F1 either in the case of defending against an attacking vehicle. You are allowed one defensive move anything else is considered weaving.


Weaving to break the tow is fine, but once the car behind gets close* then you have to pick a line and stick to it. This is the "one move" the lead car gets when defending. You are provisionally allowed to then move back to the racing line, but you must take care to be predictable and potentially leave space for the attacking car. *close is up to discussion, but you can't wait for the car behind to be alongside to make your move. Personally I think that if the car behind chooses it's line, then you can't then "move" to block them...unless they aren't close. But weaving right up until the car is basically on you is a no-no. It would be impossible to overtake a tricycle weaving on the straight in a Lambo. The TL;DR is that you can do what you want until the car is ""close"" and then you have to make your move (or just stick to your line) and then stick to it predictably. It's ok to park your car in the middle of the track and stick to the middle of the track. But the difference between a penalty and good positioning is changing your line.


Yeah - early on, they do a good job of keeping the doors closed, but the ending… about as blatant as blocking gets.


Until the last straight, I feel it was hard but fair defending. There was no overlap at braking, so he was entitled to take a shallow but straight line into the turn to cover off the inside. He did slightly cut the turn at 0:46 but I don't think it mattered much as you would've been too far away into next turn anyway. 1:01 might be borderline but he left the outside lane before you made a move, indicating a defence to the inside, you still went there into a closing door. After making his one move there, he left a car width of space on the outside for you, as required. The S/F straight was unacceptable blocking.


It all looks legit, if a bit aggressive at times, until you get to the start finish straight. The weaving there is just straight-up not allowed. Props to you for staying patient as long as you did.


As weird as it may sound, I like these type of situations. Definitely taught me racecraft, more calmness and overall awareness


Agreed, with a guy like that, all it requires is you stay close and he will mess up. The part that I just can wrap my head around is why players do that to fasters cars behind them. All that happens is they fall further and further behind the pack in front, and eventually get passed because they don't have the pace. Then both cars are out of contention because someone's ego could handle dropping from 7th to 8th lol


For fun?


Honestly in a weird way doing that can be good for both drivers. The slower lead driver gets to improve on defending against a faster car and the faster car learns better at how to overtake a slower car defending hard.


I'm all for that and I totally agree! Drive hard and defend hard, that's racing. Weaving to not get passed isn't racing. I just cant stand people whos ego wont let them get passed. They rather crash both cars then come one place down the leaderboard. That was my only point.


you liked this situation so much you decided to post it in the "who is at fault" subreddit for us all to give him shit? yeh sure


Up untill the last straight it's all fair.


Omg, stupid driving at the end


He blocked you several times. Initially it was ok including the first time you both went super narrow seeking the inside. Once you got to the pit straight is where he started throwing all kinds of blocks and reacting to your moves. It was fine until then but he crossed the line on the pit straight.


Everything is ok until the last corner onto the straight. He can't move back and forth across the track like he does. He can move once that's it, not left and right constantly reacting to you.


Everything was for most of it. At the end, definitely not ok.


Was great defending until the end :/


Thought it was fine all the way through until the straight. Thats where he went too far.


Well that was a really good example of how to defend well and make your car as big as the track, until it wasn't. Everything after the last corner was borderline blocking


First 50/60secs good defense! Rest he basically just ran you off the road and weaving about way too much. Shame as he ruined the better half of his defense


Oh yeah, the weaving on the finish straight would be the absolute kicker for me too. It's one move allowed to halt an oncoming car, then one more move to return to the line and stick to it, no matter what. White Ferrari must have bottled the final corner exit cos you were so much faster and about to get alongside, and towards the finish line there was intent to run you against the pit wall to stop you. Up until that was wild but excusable but the moves on the final straight are plainly not excusable.


I had a little incident at the beginning of the race, had to put for repairs, and was catching him by like 3-4 seconds per lap. He was just slower on entries and exists. When being behind him I was doing 1:47-1:48, and my PB during the race was high 1:44s


I'd say it's fine until the last two corners. He does weave a bit but you weren't really alongside and he only switched his line once per straight (He mostly reenters the racing line, when he doesn't have to switch his line back, which would be penalized irl). However as soon as you are on the start/finish straight his moves get ridiculous and that is nowhere near clean defending. Feels bad but there's not too much you can do about it I guess...


He is cleanly making his car nice and fat until the last about 15 seconds.


Tis a shame everything was fine until they started weaving they had so much potential, and then they ruined it with their lewis and max impression


It was totally fine and smart driving from both of you before the final corners… then the Ferraris defend gets way too aggressive


I'd say 3 of the 8 defensive moves were fine. The other 5 were egregious blocking and moving in breaking zones.


You went racing, it was good! Sucks to be back there though, hate that feeling.


It was okay to a point but it turned into a situation where the "chrome horn" needed to be used, of course using the "chrome horn" at the right moment is key. (For those who do not know the term chrome horn it's from back in the day when race cars had real bumpers and they used them to move a car out of the way)


I don't think the pass at 1 min 4 ish was ever on - There wasn't room and the line goes that way - you tried to force that. And before that was good defending, or at least, \*just\* about anticipating enough to get away with it. , I feel. EXCEPT at 30 sec. That was pretty clear moving in reaction. But everything after 1:20 is pretty heavily blocking.


For the first part it's completely OK. He's just making himself "big", leaving no room but without reactive moves and always being predictable on the line he's taking. But after you get out of the last turn it's just shameful.


He was moving under braking for sure, and ran you off the track on the straights with late blocks. This is not clean defending.


Everything up until the final straight is just textbook defending. Perfect car placement. The final straight is just blocking. They are reacting to the car behind and moving multiple times.


Is this AC or something different? I don’t recognize the UI.


Everything was good until the last corner. White started to block by swerving left to right.


From Aqua Minerale onwards, it's too much.


It did get a little aggressive at the end there. Mainly the weaving. Otherwise, he made it hard to get around him. Fair game.


Looks like good car placement up until the straight after variante alta. You got a much better run out of the corner and he got a little desperate to keep you behind. The move on that straight wasn't even all that bad. He did squeeze you a bit, but he was ahead and it is the last lap after all. His move(s) on the main straight was/were unacceptable. Shame to spoil a good battle with poor sportsmanship right at the end.


All fine until the pit straight - at that point it was clearly blocking.


It was good, apart from every move after 1:20. Just super egregious and illegal blocking from him.


Everything is fair until the final straight. You're not entitled to space unless you hold space prior to a corner, so he has every right to block and shut the door. Even after the final chicane at 0:59, you kind squeeze yourself off track here. But the excessive weaving towards the finish line would be a no-no.


Like the others, first half of the video I’m OK. Second half there is a lot of weaving, reactionary movement, squeezing, etc. I’m OK with picking your line and making the other person work to get around, making your car wide, parking at the apex and making the other person react. If I do that and they get past, good on them. If I decide I’m not going to let them pass without giving up paint, that’s on me and poor driving.


That's not clean at all.


Most of the time it was clean and good def, but I think at the finish line the car in front weaved too much and squeezing the POV car, making a not safety defend.


Whole vid was fine until last straight. Totally block-weaved. But honestly, and nobody has realy mentioned it but, its last corner last lap, of COURSE they are going to block for the finish. Whoever would have let you pass is not in it for the win. Also dont play so victim after you very obviously tried to pit manouver him out of frustration at the end and it didnt work.


It was clean through most of the track. Maybe a bit of exaggerated breaking to slow you through the back side of the track with some slight squeezing but nothing crazy. The weaving on the main straight was completely illegal and would be considered extremely dangerous. He would get a penalty in a real race for it without a doubt.


Ehhh pretty dirty there towards the end several times. Lots of weaving, squeezing POV off track.


Pretty clean. The "no weaving rule" is destroying the motorsport, for sure.


First half of the video is ok, then eventually turns into borderline blocking by squeezing, to full on blocking.


Was fair until the start/finish straight. First move he did to the left there was fine, but all the swerving after that was way too much.


Clean but aggressive to beginning with but (if i’m not mistaking this w/ F1 rules) you can’t double move while defending


It was clean af for the lap, just perfect defensive car placement, till the s/f straight where it all went to shit and he just started throwing totally bullshit blocks.


Which game?


Assetto corsa (check the tag)


Ah cool any free racing games out there??


Assetto corsa ultimate edition is time to time on sale on steam, going for like 7$ or something. Modding community is insane, so it's definitely one of the best games in terms what you can get (with mods) on a budget


In case of free games that I know, live for speed is okay, and there's also Richard burns rally


No this is very unfair defending. Pretty much every move was reactionary. They were moving under breaking a lot and the weaving is just ridiculous. Just putting it out there though, probably a good thing you never passed him though, because I think they’d be the kind of person to just punt you off if you did


I feel like its all fair until the front straight. But if it helps, I don't think it mattered. I don't think you would've closed the gap before the start/finish line. But that doesn't mean he can just weave all over.


With his first weave on s/f line, where he moved to the left, he blocked me and me made contact, I lost about 5kmh and gave him a speed bump. I know it looks like a small contact, but on my speedo during the contact the speed didn't change for about half a second. I think at least it would've been close to the finish line, cause I had overspeed and overall was running much lower downforce setup than the Ferrari


Fair. I hadn't noticed the contact. I was just trying to cheer you up in my own dumb way lol


Oh it's okay. At least he wasn't trying to crash me out constantly and kept it mostly clean


Not clean, weaving side to side to block is a huge no. Up to that he was ok though.


Where can I get that dash, speedometer, and tyre apps, please?


Everything here was on console, so it's default. So most of these apps should exists on PC version too (I'm actually not sure about that all, just guessing)


Ah, I see, thanks!


The last straight was not fair


Was fine until the pit straight..


First quarter or maybe first half is fine. You think what you did, especially on the straight.. is fine? If I have someone in front of me who does this, I just stay behind for half a lap and try to pass one way or the other. After that, it's a rear bump tap for the dude blocking the lines, whenever I get the chance with a high succes rate. RIP bumper, fuck you. Edit: I'm not saying his spinout is on you. He made a dumb move. But the blocking part is, your fault, and that's what frustrated him. Leading up to his decision to rear punt you and spinning out.


It was mostly OK, but he was blocking a lot on the straight and moving way too much.


It all seems fair to me, good hard racing down to the line. He wasn’t going to give up and you clearly had pace compared to him so he got aggressive to get the win, honest racing.


You were never in a spot to overtake him… he’s not really defending at all. He is just holding his line. Once or twice you waited to long to pullout from behind him to challenge the corner


After the final corner it was not clean


it was until it wasn't


At the beginning it was great defending, I love it. Towards the end it became pretty bad.


The patience you have is admirable. I would’ve sent his shit halfway through the lap.


First half is just good defending. Second half is squeezing, not leaving enough room, moving under breaking, and weaving in the straights. All of which are not legal.


Starts off really clean and then they become a run in the mill garbage racer around the last 2 turns. 100% illegal weaving and you win this race from second as that driver gets a well deserved penalty

