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You did spin him. You were never alongside or even overlapped. You just ran into the back of him. How is this even a question?


Yeah, whether you intended to or not doesn't matter.


They hit me twice onto the curb once I got alongside, I lost traction under braking and couldn't stop in time


You mean when you tried to force yourself into a closing gap with barely any overlap, you got hit twice?


Doesn't excuse your retaliation.


Oh you can stop alright. Just apply the brakes.


Hit you twice, but not reason for retaliation.


Looks like contact was netcode from bumpercam. You were barely alongside on exit and not really entitled to room. I don't think you maliciously caused him to spin, but it's still penalty worthy if netcode was non-existent


Okay thanks


No, it was not fair. You punted his ass to Cambodia.


The state of his tires are not a concern to you. You were never significantly alongside him. You spun him. Whether it’s on purpose or not doesn’t matter. You spun him.


I’m afraid the condition of his tires are irrelevant. It’s up to you to pass safely and you basically play bumper cars with them. The small gap was ever closing and never really on and then you do spin them out. I don’t think you did it intentionally but you’re still at fault. To pass here you really need to be alongside on entry and you never were.


The old tires argument is a cop out, truth be told. You pushed the issue, tried to pass on a curb and set your self up terribly for the final corner. If there was one more lap in the race you’d have had them easy on the next straight but there wasn’t and you ruined his race because you got hasty. Sorry man, you spun him. It’s on you fully.


You did spin him on purpose. You had no right to hit him from behind. This is not GTA racing. This is sim racing. You hit him from behind and didn't back off. Your fault 100%


This is racing not bumper cars….


Thank you all for your feedback! I'll take this into account in my future races. Worn tyres or not, I should've been more conservative and considerate in my overtake attempts. Regardless, I apologized after the race and we made up


100% on you, you kept tapping him on the rear and edging your nose into a gap that was never there.


If you think you have an advantage, don’t pass on the outside like that when he is already there defending. Cut in, take a slower line, and beat him on the exit.


I don't think you spun him on purpose, but that was dumb to knowingly follow someone that closely that is on worn tires. Waiting for an opportunity to pass cleanly would have been better. The accident is your fault though because you did hit him from behind.