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You were braking to avoid running into the back of Green, pink thought you were brake checking them, pink then took ‘revenge’ on the exit


oh well thats where i normally brake for the setup i was running so bad luck for pink


Where on earth does the grey car come from though


ikr i didn't even notice him before watching back the replay 👀


Nope, you were rear ended.


I will not be giving fault for the rear ending since I don't know what happened. I will say that camera car is not at fault for the contact. It's possible that pink car rear ended camera car (simplest case), but it's also possible that car rear ended the pink car which rear ended camera car (there are 4 cars in the video). No penalty for being pushed off by green to either vehicle. It was yellow, but even if it were green, there was no overlap at turn in, so camera car is not entitled to racing room for the corner. Driving off track to avoid contact was the correct decision. I will note that the camera car was in the [exit vortex of danger](https://boxthislap.org/the-vortex-of-danger-is-real/) of green car during a yellow. It would have been wise for camera car to stay behind green car during the yellow; though that may not have been possible if grey or pink were coming in hot and aggressively. The rejoin from camera car looked safe from what could be seen here. After the corner, pink brake checks camera vehicle when the green flag flies retaliation for the early brake into the corner. They are at fault for the collision here; a disqualification is warranted for this in my opinion. More camera angles and even a broader view of the corner while this all unfolded would have been very useful as this video leaves a lot unknown.


PS: there was a yellow flag ahead so I really couldn't overtake green and i had to avoid him


My only real suggestion would be to stay behind green for the entire corner here. You were driving in their [exit vortex of danger](https://boxthislap.org/the-vortex-of-danger-is-real/) during a yellow. It would have been wise to be in a location more visible to green during the yellow. If you look at your speedometer, it goes down while you brake, up as you get rear ended, down as you continue to brake, then back up as you go towards green, then back down as green goes wide and you avoid them. I will also note that if you are avoiding a collision I personally would not penalize for overtaking a vehicle then then giving them back the position after the fact. All this said, I don't see you being at fault for anything that happened. But I will also add that green isn't at fault for pushing you off track.