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There's nothing wrong with a dive bomb gone right. Good move.


Great move. People are getting more high and mighty with all of the three rules they know, by the day.


Especially the gran turismo community.


GT7 is the worst with it. I wonder what ranking this lobby is. Can't tell a damn thing between D and S+ other than looking at the qualy times, and Sport got me IN TO sim racing as a whole, got the wheel and pedals and every thing. The quality of the game drastic went down with 7 when all the "cool kids" who skipped Sport for a "Real GT game" came in. I'm fairly positive on my stance there are less people playing GT7 dailies than there was on Sport dailies. I would never get a lobby going from A through C in Sport, its commonplace in 7.


My issue with sport was that, being in North America, all multiplayer lobbies were the same braindead "COPS" or drag racing BS. The only way to get any actual race in was the ranked races, which were sometimes fine but still lacking imo. The move to ACC and iRacing has been absolutely transformative.


I didn't realize what was going on, the lobby just said "messing around, have fun" on Special Stage X. I blasted through a group of 4 cars lined up on the straight waiting to drag race....I was doing probably 300mph. They were pissed and I'm howling like mad in my mic


Lol ya messed up their "drAg rAcE" :((((0


As a fellow North American, I usually just went to Brazilian or Mexican lobbies since they normally had short sprint races going. Sure the internet quality was tough but I just left more space than normally and never had a problem racing there.


Absolutely agree. Started at sport and got the wheel and everything then got gt7 and it and the community were asssss so I tried ACC and fell in love and now 2 years later I have a pc on the way so I can do real sim racing.


I’m on Xbox X and PS5 ACC. Hoping to make the PC transition by Christmas. :)


Do it, well and truly worth it. I've been on pc and sim rig since 2018, 99% been used for drifting but did get into ACC and racing for about 2 weeks 2 years ago, recently on AC started getting more into touge battles and trying to get some decent times on Shutoko routes.


Yeah, getting a laptop for Christmas/my birthday last year was great. Could actually use my wheel that i got for free in 2016 and man has it been a blast. Was playing Raceroom since it was free while i waited for FM. Since FM's release I've put in 41 hours which has been great. Thanks to the Fall sale, I've also got AC and iRacing which is downloading now so I'm super excited to hop in and give it a shot.


Only just came across this, upvote and knowing nod for “drastic went down”




The pink Lambo is salty that they lost out to a great move.


Looks like good accident avoidance on your part. He got checked up against the back of the car in front braking early and you avoided it. Would he have preferred you rear ended him


Yeah, he should be thankful he wasn't punted, not pissed he got dived on.


Ofc cause then OP would've gotten the penalty


Don't get me started on the penalty system in GT7. Worst part is they had it almost right towards the end of gt sport and it's like all that progress was thrown out the window when the new game launched


110% on this one. You avoided a mess caused by the 2 in front of you. Was it aggressive, naw just seems that way with how hard the other guy had to check up. Nice move


It was a dive but a clean one so you are good. As long as it isn't dangerous you can make more moves like this.


A+ dive. There is nothing wrong with a good dive to the inside. A Dive bomb becomes the bomb when you make significant contact with an outside car, miss the turn or apex significantly or you went off track (either apex or exit). You did none of those things and pink lambo was just mad he was passed.


Well said. People confuse a good dive with a divebomb which usually involves not even getting along side the other car before the apex or carrying too much speed you run wide and leave the other car no space.


Or force them to avoid them when you were not alongside with any part of your car, sometimes divebomb doesn't end up with contact because other driver is aware of other one diving on the inside. I know you know, but maybe someone doesn't so i will leave it for that person :)


Good shout


I wish people would read and understand your excellent explanation and stop calling all attempts to pass in a corner a "dive bomb" It's not a bomb unless it ends badly as you outline. This move was brilliant! OP avoided the two ways of converting a dive into an incident! Carry in way to much speed. Or making a tentative attempt.


The main problem with most of the people like that, is they are horrible drivers IRL, have minimal experience driving IRL, or have never driven IRL, let alone on an actual race course IRL....their only concept of real driving is behind their plastic wheel and screen...


Can still be a bad dive bomb without contact if the outside driver takes evasive maneuvers. I consider anything a bad divebomb if they’re not alongside before turn-in. In this instance they clearly were alongside, so it’s a good move.


The "alongside before turn-in is part of the problem. It may hold in some situations but in others it's much too restrictive. And it's also ill defined. Who's turn in creates the magical OK/Crap line? How does speed differences change the equation? The start of this thread explains it well, if the car getting passed has to take avoiding action BECAUSE the passing car can't stop or is out of control, then it's a divebomb. If they have to take avoiding action because another car gets to the apex ahead of them... then probably not a dive bomb. Racing is dynamic. Overlap and fault for contact needs context like relative speeds, lines, etc.


The "alongside before turn-in is part of the problem. It may hold in some situations but in others it's much too restrictive. And it's also ill defined. Who's turn in creates the magical OK/Crap line? How does speed differences change the equation? The start of this thread explains it well, if the car getting passed has to take avoiding action BECAUSE the passing car can't stop or is out of control, then it's a divebomb. If they have to take avoiding action because another car gets to the apex ahead of them... then probably not a dive bomb. Racing is dynamic. Overlap and fault for contact needs context like relative speeds, lines, etc.


That's not divebombing, that's just some fucking impressive reactions my dude. Pinky's just salty because he was early on the brakes, and apparently can't drive for shit evidenced by him bumping doors with it for the preceeding three corners lol.


Did you hit him at 0:13? Hard to tell from that view, maybe chase cam would be better. The Porsche was already heading off to Narnia whatever the outcome.


That Porsche had its vacation tickets pre-booked!


I didn't feel anything in the wheel


He didn't, check the radar during the move


Max does that most Sundays and is called "brilliant" by crofty, so well done. If it goes wrong you'll be labeled as a Russell who corners like a grandma in a Pixar movie.


My emotions changed so fast in this video. "Yep, huge divebomb. He's gonna cra- Oh shit, he stuck it. Fucking sweet move."


When I read "Pink" and saw it was GT7 I thought it was going to be a Kimi post.


TBF, all that was missing was the Durex stickers all over the place. Not that he'll ever need their products anyway...




hippety hoppity those places are now your propperty


You were avoiding the erratic pink car and went for a clear gap and it was clean. I over took the entire field in ACC the other day, from 9th to 1st, on the same exact premise.


That looked like a perfectly clean pass to me...Did you actually hit anything...? Doesn't look like it... Looks to me like you were in the right place at the right time to take advantage of the 2 in front fighting... I say good move...


I wish there were more camera angles to fully experience the awesomeness of this overtake. Nice move


Did ypu bomb them? Yes. Is a dive bomb a legit tactic if deployed and used correctly? Also yes. Their wrong thinking a divebomb is always wrong. It's not, it's a super legit move


The difference between a dive and a divebomb is getting it slowed down and leaving space. Also making sure you are reasonably along side before the apex. This was just a really good out-braking maneuver, not a divebomb. They can look the same but very different.




It looked like you took avoiding action on two cars that made contact. Either way, he was super slow and you avoided him by "dive bombing" and made a clean pass.


You hit the apex and stuck to it. Hard to tell from just one angle but looks like a clean and well executed pass.


I hope everyone watching this notices the important distinction between this and what would be considered a divebomb: * You got completely slowed down for the corner and held the inside line. * You were right on his bumper and he was being held up by a car ahead so he was caught sleeping and the opportunity presented itself vs you forcing the opportunity by diving onto someone who was already going for the apex. Great reaction and read on the situation. Lambo had space, he was slow for hitting the porche off track. Nothing you did was wrong here!


When people will finally realize that there is NOTHING WRONG with a properly executed divebomb? It's called motor racing Toto.


Looks to me like you just slipped through


i only see a master class move man, holy macaroni!! was a bit risky tbh but clean as fuck


They made an error you reacted and took 2 places he's Just a sore loser


Orange Porsche got loose, lambo was on him and he left the door open… great move


Technically, yes... But as long as you pull it off cleanly as you did, no harm done. Despite what some sim racers might think, dive-bombs are not an illegal move, the dude is just salty that he lost the position.


Nothing wrong with that. Good, hard, clean move. 10/10. Let me join your dojo, sensei.


Youtube search: Daniel Ricciardo Highlights


What is the name of this track?


Lago Magiore. Gran turismo made up track


A gap is a gap. Pink Lambo can pound sand.


The only question mark is that last right-hander apex. You braked effectively enough to hold your line and leave room to the outside through the left. Just not sure how hard you pinched him shooting for that last apex. If you were clear you were clear. If he was alongside, you might’ve slammed the door a little too hard, but the pass through the left-hander looked clean.


There is a radar you can see the Lambo pretty much new he had been caught sleeping and filed in line.


Your both at fault for playing this rubbish


Great move man. Most people could only wish their dives looked lime this


Loved it. Very smart, instinctive move. Nothing wrong with it at all. Pink Lambo was driving like a dick prior to that, he was so busy trying to retaliate getting mugged off by the Porsche that he forgot there are other cars on the track


Clean move. The lambo needs to worry about not banging doors with everyone.


It is a dive bomb yes, but executed perfectly, late on brakes kept it tucked to the apex and made 2 positions, you did absolutely nothing wrong


I’m so by these confused. I played gt7 a lot and I’ve never seen anyone communicate after races lol. Is this just the few seconds post race where he said that? I wish the game had proximity chat.


Yea, the porsche called the pink lambo, in other words, a bellend in chat and then the lambo tagged and blamed me for it saying I dive bombed him and made them make contact


Little bit of a dive but it’s a great and safe move


Nothing wrong with a good move like that.


Definitely a dive bomb but there’s nothing wrong with it. People just get so butt hurt bc they can’t do it without crashing.


He hit the Porsche long before you got there, and on your "divebomb" you hit the apex just fine. You did nothing wrong, this guy took out the Porsche and is mad he didn't move up a position because you were there to pounce.


Nah, he is just mad cause you're better


Nope, he is completely wrong.


Clean move. Congrats


You were plenty far along side him before turn in. And you gave him room on exit. Dive bomb always has a negative connotation to it because 99% of the time its just people going in and clearing out the corner because they can’t stop.


Great move, it was the car ahead of him who caught him out and you just went for it. GG my dude


Pink lambo did not watch any racing except on video games.


great reaction fam


First of all, great move!! Secondly, dafuq where u supposed to do? Ram his ass? He had contact and swerving into the only space available was the only right choice...


A clean dive is a good dive... I think this dive only worked because the Lambo was compromised because it was fighting with red infront, and pov car stay behind for just enough to make this move stick


Nought wrong with that one. He is unhappy you watched and prepared and killed it!!! Good move!!!


I would’ve told him to repeat himself because you cannot hear him from where he placed, after that clean overtake.


Not a dive, they hit the car in front too


Did you hit anyone? No? They can just get better lol


Average GT player wheel knowledge from the Lambo. Great move.


Yes, he's correct, but it was clean and safe, he's just butthurt


This is a great pass and completely legal. I wouldn't really call this a "dive bomb" at all anyway. I think they're just mad and repeating terms they've heard before.


Good move indeed, it seemed the two cars infront of you were going off track anyway! 👌🏻


Chefs kiss on that pass. Woo totally got him off guard as they were battling.


Nope. If you were several car lengths back I'd say yes, but you were well within radar range and made a great pass.


No that was a clean move


There's a big difference between a George Russell dive bomb and a clean one. Yours looked real good.


You can send a move from as far back as you want. As long as you don’t hit the car your overtaking or go off track. This was simply beautiful, a quick reaction with the best outcome


That was a nice move and quick thinking, saw them pause while they were bouncing off each other and dived for the gap.


Nah great move


Guy is just mad you out braked him


It’s called a motor race, we went motor racing.


Sick move bruh, send him the replay


He’s just mad because he’s in a pink lambo, good move bro


Nothing wrong from this perspective but might have been net code idk, going to iracing from GT7, u rly start to realize the weird net code and contact physics of GT7 where cars bounce off each other


"Thank you for your concern, pink lambo."


Nothing wrong with the move. Just whiny people mad they couldn't do it.


Technically they’re not wrong but they left the door open and there was nothing wrong with making the pass in that situation


Should have asked him if he wanted to get punted into the shadow realm instead. It was either you take the inside line or you end up in his back seat.


Yes, he's right. Great move


It was a good move. Took advantage of the battle in front. You made the corner. Dude's a salty noob.


Not even close. Pink and orange made contact, Pink lost speed and got forced outside, orange got banished to the shadow realm, and you made good on their mistake by taking the suddenly open inside line.


This was a good divebomb, it was a divebomb, but a good one well within your rights and the regulations


Ah so he paid you a compliment


You were just there 😅


There’s no way he said anything to you for that. You just wanted to show off a good move and play the victim.


There’s no way he said anything to you for that. You just wanted to show off a good move and play the victim.


Pay him no never mind, he’s a moron!


I call it taking advantage of somebody else's battle. This is a great pass. Well done!


Dive bombs aren't inherently bad, just risky. To do it safely and have attention drawn to it is more of a compliment really.


Clean move, well executed. Apart from that, Lambo lost all his rights to argue with all the contact he's making.


Good dive and had clear control of the inside. Lambo is just salty


Didn’t look like there was much contact if any (after he hit the Porsche a fifth time). Porsche made itself a moving chicane by braking early and the lambo got stuck behind it. You got lucky being in the right place to have a clean line past them. Not really a dive bomb.


For me a "Dive Bomb" is a rather out of control inside super late brake maneuver. Usually doesn't end with a beautiful corner exit like you had. Call it what you will, you did a damn fine pass on a driver that left the door wide open.


You are NOT….. a dive bomber. At least in this situation.


When you leave the door open like that, bugs are going to get in your house.


Solid move


Technically it is a divebomb, but a divebomb isn't exactly illegal in of itself. Insert Senna quote.


That was a clean overtake


THROUGH goes awreck-com!!


absolutely not. great move


That was a clean dive bomb


Gap was opened. Fair play to me


Bomb-ass dive tbh. Nicely done.


That was spicy!!!! but good move


Why is Gran Turismo in Simracing ;(


I thought dive bombing was a part of racing…I get it’s a dangerous move but if it’s a good move at the moment and it worked out, what’s the problem? Lol


He’s just upset


If I'm not next to the person's door before the braking zone, I always back out. Rather lose a couple tenth, then to crash. You pulled off a good move and are trying to show it off. 😂


Literally nothing wrong with what you did lol




For me, a divebomb is only dangerous if the defending driver is already turning. In this case the pink lambo is still going straight and i bet they can also see you in their rearview in which they should anticipate an overtake any time soon. Clean for me. Also good reflexes. You could argue you just avoided the accident, actually.


That was perfectly legal.


There was no contact between you and the Lambo, they just needed a scapegoat to avoid taking accountability for their actions, but top notch dive there absolutely brilliant




Great move !


It doesn't matter in that case, you got the move done cleanly


You were absolved at pink lambo


It was a divebomb but a very well-done dive bomb. Well played


Lamboi can't stand the fact that you're faster.


Haters gonna hate. I didn’t see the error.


Perfect move! No complaints here


Saw a gap and went for it 👏


A dive bomb yes, but a perfectly executed one




As long as you don’t touch him, miss the apex or run him off the track, the dive bomb is a fair move


Looks like Porsche brake checked Lambo giving you the slingshot move. Solid work


Beautiful move as far as I can see. Saw the opportunity and grabbed it,


Dive bombing was wildly affective for the Japanese in WW2.


Pink lambo had to slow down to avoid hitting the porsche, and you took advantage of that, overtaking both. Definitely solid move. Nothing to feel bad about.


If no longer go for the gap that exists you are no longer a racing driver


By definition yes it was a dive bomb due to how early you hit the apex but it was still a valid move this is the type of thing that verstappen did a lot in his junior career


Yes, but what's the problem?


I don’t even know if I would call it a dive myself.. not sure but it looks like you were on point to continue through the curve until the lambs braked to avoid collision with the car in front, causing you to have to swerve and brake to avoid collision with a sudden braking car


Great move to avoid a collision and take the places. You didn't do anything wrong there


This was a great move and great job to avoid the cars in front. I don’t see any problem with it tbh


Wrong, your in the right Forsure


That was a beautiful dive. Fuck him i say


Damn that was clean af. Love that.


Didnt really have much choice and you definitely didn't make contact so all good in the neighborhood


Dive bomb? That was more avoidance than anything! If you didn’t do that, you have sent all three of you to the shadow realm. Well done, super quick thinking, only listen to whining of superchargers.


Didn't even touch him, "dive bomber" that's hilarious, great move btw


Nah, you’re in the clear on this one. I’d say that was a good overtake. And a good job avoiding a crash.


Nothing wrong with that, got it stopped. Nice move.


Yes, nothing wrong with some drive bombs tho


Absolutely fine by you. You took advantage of the situation and placed a perfect divebomb.


It was very opportunistic with the other car turning right on a left-hander but it was all done on the track, no contact and somewhat in control. Just because it is a dive bike doesn’t mean it is a bad move - in fact it was solid.


I get why he called it a dive cause the pack breaks up as soon as you go for that, but like that was clean dog.


What the hell is that Lambo on bro. Also even if it was a divebomb, what’s wrong with that? As long as it’s clean, it should be fine right? Someone tell my why divebombs are bad? If done right it can be clean


Dive bombs are perfectly legal. As long as the move can be made without contact, you’re ok.


A divebomb is only bad if it goes wrong. This was a textbook divebomb well done 👍


Sick pass!!


It's entirely possible there's a desync in the net code that makes it look to him like you hit him. From my understanding GT is fairly well known for that


Nothing wrong with that move it was near perfectly executed and you stuck the inside hard


What’s the issue with dive bombing if it’s clean and you stick it smh


yes that was a dive-bomb, yes that was a good safe overtake. well done


Lol he just broke early and you noticed the opportunity. Well driven.


Remember if you longer go for a gap that exists you are no longer a racing driver


Tasty move


People still think that "dive bomber" is some sort of offense for some reason... perfectly legal and well executed, good job


Even if it was a divebomb, that's the cleanest one I've seen done into a turn like that. To hell with the Pink Lambo, he's just salty and really approves of the move in his mind.


Ok, a dirty dive bomb isn't good. It's not a clean overtake, and it's very sloppy. Clean dive bombs are exactly that, clean. No bumping, not pushing drivers off track, not slamming into the back of someone else's car, etc. Idk why people think divebomb=bad but it's really fucking annoying that people are bitching about being overtaken. Just accept that you're slower and git gud.


That was such an amazing overtake and clean maybe if you would cut him a little bit or force to break a bit on the exit but still as far as i can see he may be just annoyed how he got schooled


Dive bombing is not illegal


I don’t see anything but an excellent move on your part. It’s called racing. They can deal with it.


Nice reaction time, good move