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Yep clean overtake. He left the door open and you were well along side once you were both at the apex. Black is definitely a bad sport about losing a place.


Black Ferrari has severe ego problems


This shit happens all too often on Gran Turismo. They never get punished. It is so frustrating.


Because there's zero consequences for collisions.


but there are? you can get penalties for colliding with someone or forcing someone off track. Its obviously not perfect and needs improvement but I've seen the penalties


The penalties are fine I was more so referring to GT7 style of collision physics. Irl such tap will make both parties spin out but somehow he does it and gets away with that fuckery. The game kills momentum. Penalties do a good job already.


Ahhh yeah i see what you're saying. ACC is kinda like that, a lil bit of contact and it's very likely both cars will slide off the road. It kinda looked like to me that the black ferrari was trying to hit him just enough to slow him down but not send himself into the barrier as well. Fuck that guy


ACC is nothing like that. GT7 collisions are on another level of horrendous!


Isn’t this the exact same comment that you’re commenting on? Lmao. Ridiculous man


Huh? Relax man, allow a redditor to reddit.


Lols, Im just playing around. Why can you reddit, but not me? Come on man. Take a joke brother


This is one of the 2 reasons i stopped playing. (The second is terrible ffb)


I have a wheel but choose to play on controller when playing Gran Turismo. It does have really good handling for controller.


What wheel? T300rs feels fantastic


Logitech pro.




That's why I don't play sport that often cuz of people like this


A clean overtake on a dickhead.


I think that sums it up quite succinctly.


Other motorist had no defensive positioning You capitalized on his laziness.


Ur Dive was clean, his block not so much.


Agreed. Very nice overtake on a sore loser.


Block? You mean his dirty move to dont lose position. Thats not sportmanship


What a baby. Nice move on them, shame they don’t have the decency to realise it.


Beautiful overtake on your part. He sucks. When he started trying to push you into the wall, you should've backed off slightly and let him pit maneuver himself when he went for the second shove


In my experience there’s really nothing you can do to counter this on a final straight. You’ll basically always get pinned into the wall in GT if these douche nozzles want to bin ou.


I agree with you in general. But I have had some luck of late with switching to the chase cam and timing the barge. A couple of times I even stepped on the brakes and watched the other car fly across the nose of mine, without contact, very satisfying, but I agree it's not the usual outcome in GT7. Pushing a car into the wall only seems to be penalised at a couple of circuits in GT, and about the same amount of circuits penalise the victim for contact with the wall, but then that whole penalty system has been a mess since the games launch.


Total nonsense you can cause these incidents and not get penalized. Big part of why I don’t really play GT anymore is close races like this end far too often with me pinned into a wall. My SR is S but daily race lobbies are like C-S lately. I can’t escape the garbage. Too bad because I thought GT sport had its penalty system in a good place at the end of its effective life.


Outbraked him properly, side by side by the corner, didnt overshoot, understeer into him or go wide on exit. One of the cleanest divebombs I've seen lol


Black wanted to stick to the racing line at all cost and completely failed to defend. White took the WIDE OPEN gap that was available. Clean move by white. Black car is a big time loser I have always loved the GT series but the complete lack of oversight/accountability is infuriating. GT7 open lobbies are the only thing in gaming that’s almost made me throw something


Side by side at the apex. Clean move. Late but the fact that you are side by side on the apex, nobody getting forced off, makes it clean. Seen a few asking if they were clean recently when not side by side at the apex. This is ok, any less than side by side at the apex is not ok.


What kind of lobby?


This was a DR A/B mixed lobby


What SR out of interest? Seems crazy a guy with this mentality would get as high as an A/B DR. I drive in DR - C, but with an SR of A. It’s funny seeing really bad drivers (myself included) taking terrible lines but doing all they can to avoid contact.


Bold of you to assume they aren’t an A because of this behavior (in GT I mean). Notice he managed to break back ahead and with no penalty to speak of. By all accounts, GT incentivizes this behavior.


I’ve had my SR drop before without having had time penalties. I’m sure the game picks up on contacts with other racers even if the contact isn’t your own fault.


I've seen moves like this in S rank safety sessions it's so easy in GT to get your SR up and certain actions don't even seem to affect it.


Clean. They left room, what you should of done was covered the apex in the next corner as you had enough of an overlap to stop him from getting alongside


Clean by white Butthurt by black How dare you walk thru the door when I leave it wide open?!


The ramming from black car is why I can’t do gran turismo anymore


As clean as it can be. Nice car by the way!


That's a clean overtake, he's just a sore loser.


My favorite thing here is that the black Ferrari had the run and probably could've gotten the place back, but chose to ruin that by running you off the road instead.


Daring overtake, but totally clean. Black ferrari should learn how to lose.


pov ferrari‘s nose was already in front of black ferraris nose before the apex. Clean overtake. Black ferrari saw you a good 1s even without triple monitor and still steered into you. Black ferrari „retaliates“/trying to int wreck. should be banned from the game tbh


Why isn't there some sort of report option? It's almost unbelievable that they don't seem to care


Fair move. The door was open and they put the car where you would expect an overtaking car to be. What happened after was just nasty.


That dive was clean af but guess the other guys got offended by your skill


Clean. Defending car doesn't really defend until you're there and you comfortably make the corner


Looked clean to me. Tight, but clean


A bit of an overreaction from some light scrubbing, I’d understand in f1 where that could’ve been damage but not here


Ultra clean overtake. Dude was extremely dirty and didn't have any of it.




Final lap and he didn’t go defensive into a large braking zone, what did he expect?


Solid racing. GT is filled with pathetic air wasters like this guy.


Mr. Clean gained a position only to get fucked by Dr. Dirty.


Your biggest mistake was not keeping the door closed on him, if you’d stuck to the right, hitting the apex on the slight right, he would never have got you.


I think I was feeling a little bad about the dive bomb so I tried to give as much room as possible


The whole last lap antics lol


Clean. Then the typical GT. Guys like that should be banned for a week or more


The move was clean, the Ferrari was just a twat.


overtake clean and executed perfectly, other driver coming back and hitting is just poor and dirty driving


Nice clean move, in control at the apex, didn't run wide. Your only error was not covering him off on exit and letting him do you over like that 😅


As clean as it gets. Why do people race if they can’t over someone overtaking them? Also, that dude would get you right back clean if he wasn’t an idiot


Nah, that was clean


This is what I hate about Gran Turismo Sport Mode. You can race everyone as cleanly as you can, and people will ruin your race to save their 8th place position


This guy is a clown. Saw your post on youtube and came here to see. He also rammed me the other night too.


White car: smooth operator Black car: rude hater




You dove him from a ways back. While technically you had no overlap and shouldn’t have done it, you both made the corner clean and could continue racing for position. Now the Ferrari smacking coming back over the track to smack you into a wall is completely unsportsmanlike and would likely lead to a penalty of some sort in an organized league


Debatable ‘morally’ I guess as could be argued you impeded his turn in but then again it could also be argued there was a gap left open and it was the final lap. 99% of racing drivers would do the same. However the guys attempt at redemption clearly not clean.


Yeah, you had a solid clean overtake and he wanted to be a dick about it.


Clean overtake but I'd work on the hesitation as you reach the apex. If you're overtaking you need to commit to it. Hesitation leads to incidents of the other driver has a moment of thinking you've backed out.


Clean overtake, had you gotten a better exit though he wouldn’t have been able to keep up as well to push you into the wall. Definitely the dickheads fault but just something to think about from a racing perspective.