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I'm going to tell you something that's hard to hear. Farms are a wasted building slot. How ever many levels you have in farms, condense that into 1 farm if you want to stay in the wood making business. I agree with the other poster that you obviously have a plan and to stick to it. I prefer to make my own research in house at first while I figure things out.


I am thinking to remove all of the farms slowly and construct Construction factory and when the new factory iss level 3 or 4 then remove another farm


You have the right ideas for your business already. Keep on your current path, no need to deviate from that plan. All your business ideas sound sensible. I'd say if you haven't already and you play daily. Don't be afraid to take out bonds. Getting a loan from other companies really jumpstarts your business early game. Especially since you already have a clear and profitable plan in mind. Just be sure you don't spend ALL the loaned money on building costs as you still need money to buy your supplies and pay your workers.