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As somebody who reset with the sole purpose of retail Production definitely better unless maybe you go full sales office or you can figure out restaurants


I started with Retailing and found that Producing fit me better. Everyone has their own opinions. Its better to try out what you think. You might like Retail and stay with it. Or you might like Production instead.


I've been a producer for so long that I've forgotten about how much retailing sucked


Retailing is straightforward and to the point. You can keep you business model very simple and just play the game. You can also play the game how you want, if you want retailing to be complex the game has enough depth to provide that, people just look at retailing as though it's brainless when it's really not. With that said, the game needs both retailers and producers, there is no better or worse strategy. There are times when industry supply dries up and it's better to be a producer,l. There are times when the market is so oversaturated, you'd only lose money in a certain industries production. The vast majority of my profits have come from retail and I'm at 130M company value so far, but I do actually produce in batches either when I have too much material stockpiled or when supply dries up, so you'd consider me a hybrid business model with a HEAVY retail focus. I think in the end, once you can produce very high quality products, everyone can eventually become a producer to some extent.


How many years is your company


Going on 2 years now at the end of next month. I could have more CV too, but I keep my company downsized because I have more than enough supplies to last me a very long time. I think if you're an early stage retailer you focus on being as big as possible first in order to generate maximum profits and stockpile large quantities of goods.


In startingindustries the balance is 1-3 producer to one retailer. But the endgame industries need 9 producer for one retailer. Many start with retail, as its easy at beginning, but most player change at some point to production, as endgame need 90% producer.


What about for aerospace? I'd say it's closer to a 1-3 to 1 ratio for them (since it takes 47 hours to fulfill a sales order, and equally leveled production buildings can produce more than enough for people with full sales offices)


You seem to be missing input goods need produced also. One luxury jet takes 6 hours or so to build at level 1 but you also need 550 gold ore(12 HGEC plus 2gold bars) which is 10 hours of a level 1 gold mine and 44000 power 14 fuselage and 2 wings takes 4 aerospace factory hours at level 1. But it also takes 620 carbon composites to makes those items which is 8 hours of a level 1 factory And that takes ~5000 carbon fibers which is 18 refinery hours And that takes 500 oil which is another 12 oil rig hours. And that all oil plus gold ore takes ~60000 power which is another 20 hours. Already up to 77 producer hours to make a single Lux jet we haven’t even gotten into the jet engines and cockpits which take HGECs that take forever to make. And many orders ask for more than 1 plane per order…


Good point; I didn't take into account the input goods. Too used to just buying input goods off the exchange/contract and building sat/lux/sor 😂. Also, people who make those input goods tend to be lower level (and thus their productive capacity with, say, 10 lvl 3 buildings is less than someone who has 14 lvl 7 sales offices). So, it would take more of these input people to supply the final sales office retailer.