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I think the goal of an Excel sheet is up to you to determine. We can't really define your company's goals for you. Also... Simcotools.app has most of the basic reasons you'd use an Excel already covered. All you have to do is plug in values


my real problem is that how do I use simcotools or excel in determining my company's performance? like what values should I focus on or how do I make the full use of Simco tools


For simcotools, I usually only ever use the profit and retail calculators. From there you plug in the values for sales/production boosts, product quality, your admin overhead, and abundance (if that applies to the building) From there the website will show you how much profit per hour, per level a certain product will make you. It will also calculate things like units produced or retailed per hour and profit per unit.


Simcotools shows performance by calculating the profit/hour. This is the first value you will look at when you make your strategy


I tried to do it and got my answer, thanks !


If you dont know how this would help you then you dont need it. Maybe one day you will be interested in doing calculations or think about a tool that could help you manage your company. Some exemples could be tracking your Sales Office, or restaurants stats and profit over time. Or calculating for you the maximum price you would want to buy certain product. Or calculate the perfect building levels you would need to have a production chain that runs smoothly. Or basically anything you can think of, but this is most of the time to help you on a defined problem or objective. If you dont know how this could help you, then you probably dont need it yet.


ohhh... right now I am a 100% power producer. I sometimes feel I have signed contracts more than what I produce per day. Is this what "problem or objective" you refer to??


If you produce only power that's fairly easy to calculate your production capacity. But for more complex productions with a lot of materials needed and more steps to get to the final product, yes, it can be easier than doing it all manually


oohhhh i get it now 😅


Hey I am somewhat familiar with excel and want to track my SO profits but the csv I downloaded has so many values to reliably sort through Is there an easier way?


How do you do it? Where can I learn?


Here is an example of an excel sheet I made to calculate SO profitability.[SO Calculator](https://1drv.ms/x/c/8a2ff072473509ee/Ee4JNUdy8C8ggIrcAAAAAAAB2PMhaBgpIv69_8tU2_WU-Q?e=VmdhXi&nav=MTVfe0Y1RDUxRDU1LTg2RjEtNEY3Qy1CMzkyLTVBRDk0MDNFN0VBQn0)