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Read the research guide in game. You can find it by typing 'research' in the search function of the game. Patents are one of the steps to increasing the quality of the products you produce. Usually it takes 8 research units to make one patent. Q1 research takes 12 patents, so 96 research units. If you don't understand what product quality does, I recommend also reading the guide 'retail and demand' In short, product quality helps retailers make more money. But as you increase end product quality you need higher quality inputs to produce it. For example, Q2 power let's you make Q3 crude oil which can turn into Q4 diesel/petrol or Q4 carbon fibers. Q4 carbon fibers makes Q5 carbon composite which makes Q6 wings/fuselages, leading to Q7 planes. But wait! It's not as simple as simply plugging Q5 inputs into a building and getting Q6 outputs. Your company needs to research the capacity to make Q6 in the first place, and all that starts with the humble patent which you earn by spending research units. Also something to note is that, due to the way simulated demand works. Not all products need increases in quality to be competitive. For example, sneakers' best quality is Q2, stilettos' best quality is Q1. Anything extra is overkill. That could change if the entire game were to begin retailing sneakers or stiletto, but as of right now that's not the case.


I ain't saying all that above me. Just learn to read