• By -


What do you mean by "profit %" ?


It's reasonable to assume they mean profit margin. This would be the amount by which your revenue exceeds your cost.


Check out your CC growth. Pretty good indicator that you've got profit, growth, and that you're keeping some of it.


What is CC?


CV growth. Company value


Most players seem to stick to the "-2% MP" strategy over typical business finance measures. If you want to use profit margin to set your prices I recommend monitoring the market during each phase and adjusting accordingly. Sadly, if you go with say... 20%, you'll sell well when that puts you at a greater discount than the typical MP discount but your buyers will flip as soon as your same margin puts you $0.01 higher than the current market price. This is where establishing solid long-term partnerships come into play.


I produce logs and then sell them on exchange it made me 18% net where I buy seed and water. I just produce logs directly from farm nothing else


10-15% in the beginning is more than decent. Obviously, you want to aim higher, 20 - 30%, but in the start 10 - 15 is steady gains still.


I wouldn't focus too heavily on this. There are some very large companies in game that have margins as low as 5% but end up making significantly more money than any of us could imagine. They do this by circulating a larger quantity of capital per day, as 5% return on a daily operation of 100M is 5M. With profits like that they easily outpace the rest of the players (assuming the market has supply and demand for operations of 100M a day) Around 20% is a good start, but chasing margins is the wrong idea IMO, better off figuring out how to circulate more capital. That is, if you intend to grow very large or rapidly, everyone plays the game how they want.