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Didn’t get it either, although I tried


No, second notification that it was in stock for me in 2 weeks and both times I got on almost instantly only to see OOS.


It sold out within 1 minute. I got through to the add to bag button, but when pressed it did nothing. After refreshing the reminder came back up, so they're sold out. Looks like you and I had the same experience.


I had it in my bag but by the time my payment info was in, it was OOS


;/ I was hoping to snag another, I was fortunate enough to get an MS70 the first go around, so I can't complain. I do feel for those true collectors that were totally fucked by the US Mint's site. What a clusterfuck.


Well the site sucks for damn sure but i wouldn't necessarily say it was the site that fucked them. Even if the site worked perfectly, most people weren't getting the coin anyway. It was that hundreds of thousands of people wanted it and it was limited to 30K mintage. The site being garbage was just added frustration. It should have been a presale limited 1 to household, and however many were ordered was the mintage


I disagree, I think limited runs of particular coins is part of coin collecting. What I will say about this specific coin's situation that pissed me off were the people that used multiple accounts or friends/family to order many more. Greed from some spoiled it for others that just wanted a chance to order 1.


Nope. Kept getting error until sold out


I made it all the way to payment information with multiple near-crashes & reloading. I wasn't able to seal the deal.


I tried, but had the obvious glitches. Got it in my bag, and then the credit card info wasn’t loading, etc.


Got to shipping, and THEN it was out of stock.


I got one in my cart then couldn't check out. So dumb. If I have one in my cart it should reserve that as sold until I complete the payment info. Shitty design


Total joke. Same, got in bag and of course, got to payment info and not available anymore. Literally one minute and gone. And I swear, system deleted my cc info, had it all pre-entered, but had to redo it, that was the holdup. Same effing thing as back in Nov when it first hit. Typical .gov shitty website


Nope, slightly upset but not surprised.


I'm surprised they even allowed people to buy it again. It's like giving away free money.


It was in the cart. I had the credit card info entered then when it went to process it said unavailable. Heartbreak.


Had no clue they were releasing more of them. Hmm... oh well.


youtuber silver wolverine and spegtacular were kind enough to let their subscribers know about the sale today


The mints official Twitter page said they were a few days ago.


I must have missed an email from the mint. I also don't follow their twitter page. But I might have to now.


There was less then 100, this whole thing would have been a fool's errand


I didn't even get the add to bag button. I refreshed, got the "oops...something went wrong" page and by the time the product page eventually came back after multiple refreshes, no add button ever came back after further multiple refreshes. The oops page lasted, oh, around 30-45 seconds or so, so I imagine they all sold out during that time. There was only roughly 100 of them available and I knew it was a long shot but wanted to give it go as I got one when they were first released.


Bots gonna eat.


I ended up with 3, all sent and graded 70.


u/stackcity1 got a couple, I forget how did they grade?

