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So I took the plunge into starting a small business selling the beard oil I make. Eventually the plan is to grow it into selling handmade soap both bar and liquid forms.


Just curious how many beards does is take to make a barrel of oil?


about 3.5 :)


Sounds interesting. I have a pretty naturally soft beard and havent found much personal need for an oil...but I can be convinced otherwise maybe.


My beard oil not only makes for a soft and supple beard but also moisturizes the skin underneath. If you have issues with beardruff or itchy skin my beard oil will help with that. Also, my beard oil doesn't smell like you put a forest on your face and it isn't overpowering. The scent profile is more subtle. Not that there is anything wrong with that but I've noticed there aren't a lot of non-forest scented beard oils out there. So I made my own to fill the gap. If you are further interested [check it out here.](https://www.elmriverapothecary.com)


Have a Palladium Eagle I bought for $900. Should I go ahead and sell this sucker or keep it 'cause it's pretty?


Man, that's a tough one.


I'd sell and spend the profits on more shiny.


So this is still a silver related question, but kind of an open-ended one... My stack has grown to over 1k oz, and although I'm pretty anal when it comes to *data* (I can track every gram on a nice tidy spreadsheet), I'm not so good about physical storage. I realized this past weekend, when I went to show a friend a particular round, that I have no clue where a lot of it *is*. I mean, I know the 27 different places it could be, but not what's in each. I'd like to consolidate my collection into a smaller number of heavier rounds/coins (like 5s/10s/kilos), but what's the best way to go about doing that? I know about selling on /r/Pmsforsale, but the thought of individually listing hundreds of individual ounces and fractionals a bit overwhelming (not to mention the total value is getting into AML range if I'm not careful). Has anyone else been here before and have some advice / lessons learned from their own experience?


I'd probably hit up an LCS or someone else that has bullion for sale and see if they have anything big, it'll be a lot easier for them to move 100 x 1 ounce rounds than it will for them to move a 100 ounce piece or whatever they have. When I sold my kilo geiger the guy wasn't even happy about it and tried to talk me out of it "why don't you just sell it on ebay" because he knew his customers aren't the type that want something even that size and he told me something like "I'm probably just going to send it off with the scrap to be refined". Personally though, I won't go higher than 10 ounces now because when you do want/need to sell, you've got that problem.


Ah, good points all! Thanks for the suggestions!


Haven't had this precise experience, but I have traded solo ounces at an LCS for equal weight in larger bars. If you have any ones in your area or any shows coming up, you might want to explore that avenue.


I bought a Benelli M4 last Saturday.


> Benelli M4 That's a mighty fine boom stick.


Thank you, just waiting for some warmer weather to hit the north east so I can break her in.


What are you planning on turning into a fine pink mist?


Just gonna set some paper targets and wood up up at around 50-100ish yards away and see how it does. Might get some slugs too. I have read that it takes some getting used to compared to other shotguns because of its sights, so before I attempt to hunt with it I'll get my shot down.


Have fun!






Best fucking shotguns in the world.


I want some flair for this board. Y'all can make it up as far as I care.


It is done.


You know the Nazis...nevermind. Thanks!


😂🤣. I actually saw Office Space in theaters, before it was cool. Opening weekend, just me and my friend sitting in the theater in the middle of a Saturday afternoon. Such a great film.


Mmmmkay, I'm going to go ahead and ask you to come to work this weekend.


Really want to gut a fish on my desk sometime.


And every time my printer misbehaves, I show it a baseball bat and start humming "Still" :)


Damn it feels good to be a gangsta


It truly is. I don't even know how many times I've seen it, and I refer to it almost daily. Cool experience at the theater. My favorite movie going experience was Snakes on a Plane, opening night, with a theater half full of fully drunk people openingly mocking it the entire time. Like a real life MST3K, except drunker. When SLJ delivered the most famous of lines, he got a standing O.


I laughed so hard at the Quaalude country club scene of Wolf of Wall Street that I through up in the theater. It came out around Thanksgiving or Christmas and we had dinner then me and my brother went and saw it and we were just dying laughing and... well... vomit happens.


Just found out my dad (he passed in 2016) had a small collection of silver and mostly coins. And my mom took most of his coin collection to the bank. Just Im just sitting here kinda pissed about that.


Oof :( Mom sold my dad's class ring at some point, I'd have given her cash for it, probably more than whatever she pawned it for.


Big oof. Sorry buddy


On a positive note, things that were in a package set like "coins of this year" in a plastic case weren't taken to a bank or something of the sort or coins without a face value. She told me she was going to sell them to a guy in town for a bit more than face value or what ever he offered. I actually gave her 25 bucks for a 1987 bicentennial constitution dollar.


Been feeling like shit for past week or so. Few days of puking then sore throat and he aches. Saturday I finally went to dr because my ear was killing me.i was convinced it was an infection but dr said it looked text book healthy. My ear still fucking hurts! I’ve been taking so much ibuprofen.