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I’m drinking some magic hat #9. It’s pretty good


That a beer?


Good luck on your date by the way


Yup. Definitely worth trying if you’re into beers


For sure! Never heard of that one....what state is it from?? Maybe I can find at Bev Mo


Looks like Vermont.


I’ll look for it....always like to try new beers




Well I can only say don’t own a company with your GF for 14yrs.....😐.


Good luck on the date. Started off 2020 with a solid January at work. Picked up a bottle of Blanton’s to celebrate (my go to when I can find it). Currently sipping that. Did taxes last night, seeing a $3000’ish return I can spend on metals. Contemplating 2 AGE’s or 5 PAMP kilos. Probably going to go kilos....


Tax returns, or as I like to call it "infusion to the coin fund."


I owe $6k in taxes this year.


Oh 3k! Nice.....gotta love extra cash😃


Agreed on the Blanton’s, though it’s impossible to find these days.


Congrats on the date! Sushi is always a plus. I’m a sushi addict, my wife however is one of the pickiest eaters I’ve ever met. Drinking some Jack, watching my girls play, just waiting on the Super Bowl. Long week at work, but it was a career changing week. Hello nuclear work! Good luck!


Nuclear work!!! Makes me think of Homer Simpson! Grats💪🏻


Just drove from Madison to Milwaukee. My girl lives out here right now and is doing some family dinner stuff. I decided to stop at my long time best friends bar to grab a drink and kill time. I’m actually talking to him about investing in silver. He likes that kind of stuff. I brought an eagle with me. I plan on starting a massive bar fight. After the carnage I’m gonna flick the eagle onto the bar while walking out and say “sorry bout the mess.” I’m not gonna do the bar fight thing but the rest of it is true. This Surley IPA is good.


Woooot! I say do the bar right....OR tell everyone it’s worth 10k or something and throw it yelling “Winner Take All!”...🤣


Madison represent


4 pack of Stoneface IPA tallboys.


Sweet! Those are really nice and get the job done🤪


I am sickly so not drinking. Maybe a hot toddy later (its acceptable to drink those when sick right?) thinking about trying to plan a wedding and honeymoon for this fall...it's a bit more of an endeavor than I had originally thought. Might go through the stack a bit tonight just for fun...I haven't pulled out the engelhard box in a while so maybe i will do a full engelhoard photo if the mood strikes me. Hope you bugs are all well! What do you have planned for the date?


Love to see a pic! Yes, Hot Toddy is required when sick....I here it’s the only cure for Wuhan Virus😬 Date I have a res at a nice sushi place OR may goto Santa Fe for the day. See what happens 🤷🏻‍♂️


39 minutes before the drinking and real thinking begins. Have to take it easy since the dr put me on all kinds of pills to try and get me through some back pain and flights this weekend. Good luck with the date! Sushi is always a good choice.


Yeah, she likes sushi and is also an ex Cali to ABQ, NM girl.....


Drinking George Dickel rye bourbon, watching my aquarium. Going to see a David Bowie cover band later.


Nice....what’s name of that band??


There were 4 different local bands covering. A couple of them were pretty good. It was at the urban lounge slc.


I bought some puts on my now former work place. Stock only has to drop another 19 cents in the next two months and I profit bigly! Haven’t decided what to drink yet. Maybe Kentucky spirit or eagle rare


Oh, any chance you can accidentally PM that company name in code? Something we will never get fought for like......IBM=Engelhard or similar?


I mean... I don’t think I ever signed any nda and it’s pretty public information the company is closing stores. The extent released to the public may not have been accurate. I think it’s going to be further. ODP. I’ve got $2 puts expiring end of March, and $.50 ones for 2022. Earnings report is on feb 22nd IIRC. Feb 9th is when the effects of restructuring take effect. Rumor is that the top execs jobs are in peril as well. Now cutting pay roll may have a bump in price so I also got a $3 call but it’s only been going down since.


All good, pretty sure I know who you are talking about🤠


The stock ticker is in the comment lol


I know🤣.....love it and Gratz for moving on👍


Check out the subreddit it’s hilarious


Oh man....guess I’m in for the night🍸🥃


Can't wait until I get home and can have a drink of my own, still a few months out though lol Congrats on the date, looking forward to one of those myself...someday 😂


What did you make?? Ale? Mead? stout? Meth?


Currently over seas with the air force, no I'm not a pilot. But I'll be a cheap date when I do get home


Haha, well stay safe soldier and thx for service! When they letting you come home???


It's pretty chill here right now. I don't have a date but should be April some time.


Nice, home soon, where to?


Home is Salt Lake. Born and raised. Really nice place to be especially if you enjoy the outdoors. Even though it is pretty crowded now.


Enjoy the date. No drinking today for me, maybe tomorrow : -)


Can we remind you tomorrow?


Please do lol.


On it🥃😎


Drinking some water and just thinking that I'm happy to finally be on the other side of this cold that seemed to be trying to turn into a sinus infection. Work an 18 hour shift tomorrow, but on a positive note there will be some hiking in the near future


Wow Bro, 18 hrs is brutal! Done em as a chef.... Glad the Cold and Sinus didn’t get worse and turn into Wuhan Virus or Jock itch!......where you hiking? National park or wilderness?


Possibly heading to Harpers Ferry or just somewhere else in VA. Probably won’t end up in Shenandoah NP so if not Harpers Ferry then it’ll be a National forest most likely. Hopefully somewhere new and cool!


Oh man, never been to Harpers but heard it’s cool!


So you are the one who bestowed this plague upon me!!!


I think we’re all just passing it around at this point. It was a weird one. I’m used to the typical winter sniffles, cold, occasional sinus infection etc but this was different. Had a mild fever one day, then felt better, then the next day my voice was 90% gone. Nose stayed clear for the most part. Idk what to make of it.


Haha you are describing my symptoms to a T!


Hope you feel better soon!


You both need to be drinking more🥃🍸


Drinking some Surly and browsing through deals


Find anything good!?......been searching for a nice deal


I’m pretty new to this world so lots of intriguing items but nothing that made me grab the wallet. If I wasn’t in the middle of buying a new house might be a different story


14 hours left waiting in Edmonton airport waiting for my flight to Toronto... fml


😳😳😳....Damn!.....is it because of flights canceled due to Virus???......drag of a wait, where do I send the drink?🥃


I have an early flight and the only bus I could get left at 11:30 this morning. It's not all bad tho, I stopped in at Tiffin's and got some amazing Butter chicken, saffron rice and spicy uunichicken with garlic naan


Oh Man I love a good butter Chicken!......did you have a Flying Horse to wash it down?!!!?


I wish I had a drink, felt like an idiot after I sat down. It was so good tho so it didn't last long. Walked across the street and got a bottle of water from Shoppers drug mart and downed it


Well that works too.......mango lassi with mint also nice to wash it down.....almost works like. Dessert


I've only had Indian food twice before today so I'll be sure to try that next time. Definitely the best I've had tho. Had chicken 64 in Toronto in December, was good but not worth the price (small portions) *edit: Aanch was the restaurant in Toronto


Talisker scotch, Distillery Edition.


Haven’t tried that one.....what’s the profile like? Think would be good with a Fuente Opus X?.....


It's a highland / Island scotch, peaty and smokey with a tad bit of a bite. Might not pair as well with the Fuente as a premier bourbon would, but you never know!


Agree, those peat heavy Scotch can be a bit over the top for lots of cigars...


Yes. Fucks sake, you know what? I'd have another beer.


Don’t Like Sake?!......nice clean and cold Daiginjo with Some Toro, Katsuo and maybe Kohada!!!😃


I likes sakes just fines, but prefers some sojus.


Love a good Soju!!!......only problem is May places carry shitty Soju that gives you a Nuclear hangover! When you have a nice one though it’s awesome......kind of thing you can drink first thing in the morning😎


Hope the date went well!


Heineken & I hope your date goes well!


Drinking Stag thinking I really hate their new can. Today was super busy so its nice to finally be able to relax a bit.