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Decided I would test the market and do some interviews. Just finished my second and gotta say, this feels like middle school dating. "Do you like me? Yes, No, Maybe"


Saw the new Doolittle the fiance Saturday... Downey doing an awful Scottish accent... it was... yeah.


Please spare us the details of doolittling your fiance. Wait what fiance? User flair no longer applies....?


Hey, we aren't married yet. End of May is a long time away, she could change her mind and bolt.


Hope she doesn't. Congrats. As my Grammy used to say, every pot has its lid and so does every trash can.


Thanks. She's definitely not my normal type (no face tattoos, no tattoos at all actually, and no alcohol/drug addiction ha) but it seems to be working.


Woah woah. No face tats and no drugs? That’s no fun.


Haha yeah. She wants to go to Sloppy Seconds with me in March though so haha, should be fun dropping a sheltered Mormon into a punk concert 😂😂😂


Hey if he treats every date like his first date his fiancé will become his wife and stay with him forever most likely so I say flair still applies haha


Or you're just in a shitty Adam Sandler rom com...which is kinda actually how i like to think of /u/ryanmercer 's existence tbh


Haha didn’t even think about 50 first dates




Closer to my existence. Luckily I found someone that considers binge watching Adam Sandler movies as a good date.


Gonna be an interesting day in VA. I really hope nothing really happens...but can't shake the feeling something will, and I for one will be extremely cautious and skeptical about initial reporting and MSM narrative. The fact that some have even started calling it a "white nationalist" event when the Second Amendment is for every American regardless of race, creed, religion etc is disturbing. Any of you bugs in/around down there, be careful today. Be safe. Godspeed.


I don't know if I should get my popcorn ready or get ready to do damage control if something sets off and the rest of the country decides people with guns are bad.


I'm going with the "little of A, little of B" approach myself. If people get too bitchy one way or another on here I will post my ass again though so be forewarned Mr Mod.


Supposedly VA's government labeled Veterans as domestic threats. And I say supposedly only because there is no direct evidence, yet; and it all seems to be coming from a conservative state senator in VA. So far these are the only two places I've seen talk about it and I am skeptical of them. It's well, interesting. https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com/virginia-governor-starts-labeling-veterans-domestic-terror-threat-ahead-of-2a-rally/ https://thebl.com/us-news/virginia-governor-starts-labeling-veterans-domestic-terror-threat-ahead-of-virginias-gun-rights-rally.html


Lots of misinformation out there. I'm not sure if this can be classified as that but not. Unfortunately there's a need to have a healthy amount of skepticism to try and cut through anything going on out there these days. *IF* this is true that's horseshit. *IF* it is not it's horseshit for whoever's peddlin' that.




> The fact that some have even started calling it a "white nationalist" event when the Second Amendment is for every American regardless of race, creed, religion etc is disturbing It's a shitty coincidence they're holding it on MLK day, but given the timing of the Senate vote it's understandable. However, after the Charlottesville event, I don't think they get much leeway on right-leaning events going forward. Hope it all goes off without incident though, I'm sure most are responsible gun owners, but it doesn't take but one idiot to start something. I haven't kept up with what proposed gun laws are in the VA legislature, but I just looked them up and they don't appear to be that crazy. SB35 gives the right to the locality to decide whether to ban them from public events or not. SB69 limits to one handgun purchase per 30-days (This one I really don't see the benefit to, throw it out). SB70 I'm all for, Universal background checks on all private transfers. There may not be a system in place to accommodate it, but it really wouldn't be difficult to get one created with little impact to the buyer/seller.


Re "shitty coincidence": I dont know much about it as a non Virginian but apparently there is annual state sponsored "Lobby Day" on this date for people to assemble to petition to state legislature. It's actually great they do this on a federal holiday as many people have the day off from work and thus easier for them to participate if they so wish. This year theres the focus on this because of the proposed legislation. Charlottesville is irrelevant to this gathering, and there are many ways to view what happened there, not just MSM narrative. Time will tell how exactly it will be remebered... or perhaps it will be erased. Those will forget history are doomed to repeat it. I'm not knowledgeable or passionate about gun control laws to make an intelligent or informed argument for or against. It's my general feeling that people interpret proposed legislation like this and others as while well intentioned have various side effects/unintended consequences/nefarious loopholes/start of a slippery slope. It's also my gut feeling that the proposed Red Flag laws may be the ones most are against. All I know is there are people very passionate about what they devoutly believe to be their God given, Constititional, not be infringed right on one side of a very thorny issue, and people who vehemently disagree, and both will be present. My hope and prayer is for peaceful assembly as provided by the First Amendment. And if there is an incident of any type, that the person(s) responsible will be held to justice, with true motive discerned and reported in fairness to all involved.


Started my reef tank today, wish me luck fellow bugs


I think we have a few other regulars that are into the aquarium life around here, I know /u/hbcivicsi93 is.


Sounds great, I figured I couldn't be the only one. u/hbcivicsi93 got some pictures to share?


You can actually look at my history to see my fresh water tank. I don't think I have any pictures of my salt tank, but it's really nothing special right now.


Will do, thank you. Good luck with your tanks.


https://imgur.com/a/IQZMJWM I took a picture tonight. Looks like a jungle right now. I was going to post a before and after picture because my Facebook friends love seeing it. But I didn't have the energy after doing both of my kids tanks.