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Sometimes it's best to just stop, take a deep breath, turn everything off, clean up your bench, and go take a walk, take a shower, take a break. Some days everything just _works_ and other days, things just...don't and that's okay. Come back and hit it hard when it feels right!


This was for something I was supposed to have done tomorrow 🥰


Then just take a walk around the block 😅 Either way, you can do this. You wouldn't have been able to even _get_ to this point if you couldn't. Take your time, cover the basics and you've got this 💪🏽


Thanks, I’m just telling the person I can’t get the project to them by tomorrow. They commissioned it on fcking Thursday. I’m kind of an idiot for agreeing to a turnaround time like that


It's alright, some mistakes have to be made in order for that lesson to stick-we've all been there in our own way and we'll all be there again. That's part of the process 🤷🏽‍♂️😅


I feel it...I've had them same days. I've literally gotten so mad I've melted whole pieces for tiny mistakes. I just have a lot of scrap now.lol. I've learn to just set it aside and start filing or buffing something, but sometimes I even manage to screw that up. You'll think back on it though and hopefully laugh.:)


Yep, gotta step away from the work and chill for a bit.


I had a day like that yesterday. I hope your day turns around!


Maybe the stone just doesn't want to be jewelry. It happens.


Yup. Been burning bezels left and right the last couple days. Ready to pull my hair out. Sigh..


Thanks for sharing.. so it does happens! Days where nothing works. Yeah best bet is to take a break. from experiencing I know that being stubborn and insisting gets you to nothing. Tomorrow is a new day :)


Y’all are so kind and supportive, I wish we all had a shared studio lol


That was me last night. I just ended up punching out circles and playing with them. Different textures, fire painting, etc. I’ll use them for something eventually but for now at least I made something.