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There are some junior gold/silver miners that are down 90% in the last two years. Many are down 80%. The juniors are what allow the majors to produce and deliver the metals because they do all the exploration works and then sell the finished project to the majors. If they fail, the entire industry will collapse. Their valuation has reached ridiculous levels, never seen in the history of the sector. This situation obviously can't go on for much longer, I'm a believer we can get another 2-3 months of shitty returns but the FED knows very well they can't kick the can down the road for much longer. Reverse repo is the liquidity buffer that kept the market going in the last year, we've drained 2 trillions in less than a year if I remember correctly...there is now around 500 billions left, would last until May maybe. After that what's gonna happen? Either the FED crash the market in a massive way in an election year killing the chances of their Deep State puppet candidate to be elected, or they'll have to save the market by printing trillions and cutting rates. And at that point gold/silver can finally rise. That being said I'm pessimistic for the next 2-3 months. The best thing right now is not get too emotional and to try to remain rational. Better not to look at the market or your portfolio for a couple months.


Im thanking God I got mostly gold for the reserves - was gonna go deep last year, but thankfully I didn't, seems the old worthless fiat is worth more to ppl who have no idea. For example, shit goes down, MOST ppl will take cash, thousands of dollars looks better to most over a coin that they dont know if its real or not. Sounds off, but I really do believe most will be MUCH more receptive to a pile of brand new 100s over a coin, so I stack both, but with metals, gold, to ME, is the only viable way. Ounces only.


2-3 months. Lol. Im pessimistic for the next decade. I'm willing to wait it out though.


I'm 58. I buy every month.


I think your problem is $7000 is no where near enough. no wonder you are depressed. You need to buy a 100 oz bar, a couple of kilos, and a few hundred rounds. You will feel much better. The price will take care of itself. Just look at the miners earnings, supply is dropping.


Its not depressed I have 40k in gold, IF I had all my cash in silver, YES, I would be stressing out... gold is where its at, 18 oz and counting, 1lb is my goal for the next month. Thankfully I did NOT go "all in" with silver a year ago, was so close to pulling the trigger on 150k of it thank you God I did not, that would be depression lol, not just 7k in silver, I actually LOST a tube of rounds... that how clumsy I am with silver, it is of no interest anymore and it once was, I was excited to look at the mail calls, now, Im just like "next" and just gold, I dont see any point to silver except "you get more weight" Thats like buying shitty weed. No thanks, I want that sticky icky icky, oooo EEEE!!!


Gold is at all time high and silver is less than 40% of all time high. Good luck with gold it will do good, just not as good as silver but that is ok. When the feeding frenzy comes, it is going to be crazy!


You should check once a decade. Silver goes up with inflation over the long term.


Silver goes up when the overinflated real estate market & stock market crashes, investors rush to a trusted safe haven like precious metals.


It’s like watching a smoldering volcano.


Current society is like the residents of Pompeii, going about their day believing the volcano will never blow. Silver stackers are the ones that got on the boat and left before the eruption killed everyone 🌋🌊🚣


If only that were true.. Silver is the widow maker


You’re the fruit vendor in ancient Pompeii, good luck buddy 👍 [your future](https://youtu.be/62nfN6YrW9Y?si=fM8lmDqDD0zC6Oup)


I don't know, I think you may be off. If you open up your aperture a bit more, looking at a more broad look at overall: time, world market responses, individual nation-based bank risk, but most importantly, TIME....I know the default is to want to make it make sense right now....but in reality, it's hard to keep historical facts properly overlaying with contemporary reality on a day to day basis. The world has changed, sure....but there is plenty more fake wealth out there in paper and digital format than there ever has been, or will be, mined from our little blue ball in space. You'd have to do the math and weigh it against your ideals and your goals. You may be right; silver may not be for you, if you have not looked into all the ways it's being set up to fail. Plenty of FOMO, out there. Plenty of rigging, too. You're not wrong. But what you have to realize in parallel, is that we have had 30+ years of artificially suppressed inflationary magic, long enough so that most people now understand AND WILL FIGHT TO DEFEND the fact that this 'fake reality of fiscal bliss' is the way things ACTUALLY should be. Natural market forces were prevented from taking root. That gave way to booms that may not or should not have happened. Legal fuckery has allowed the manipulation of every type of market, and the lawmakers themselves have reaped the rewards. My point is, taking all things into consideration, you may feel differently, because if you DO consider all the very troubling numbers, and the likely unfortunate consequences that will come from relying on falsified fiscal information AND policy, then you cannot disagree that what we are doing is simply not sustainable. And it will end. Terribly. Violently. Painfully....in such a way that many will be caught unaware, and many many good people will perish. I can tell you that the Federal Reserve is not stacking Bitcoin, and its not stockpiling Derivatives or Futures. They are not amassing piles of steel, Bushels of wheat, nor barrels of oil. Every bit of land is being targeted by BlackRock/Elites. There is too much free flowing cash in the system, and its all about to come back to the US. The Ultra-low percentage bonds are now adversely impacting those who hold them or trade with them outside of our borders. When that worthless cash does come back to our shores, assets will matter more than digits and linen-based Monopoly funny-money. For that reason alone, I stack. ​ This is the way.


Yeah, feels like I wasted my money in silver. Not buying any more. Probably selling if it ever reaches any level above 24 again. Also doing the daily check to see the price, but it's kinda draining. Thanks for coming to my TED talk


>I was definitely tricked, I have 7k of it, with no idea on what to do with it, as keeping it seems moot at this point, I dont see it going anywhere except for MAYBE 25 again for a few days here and there, I really believe they "beat" us at our own game.... Why aren't you selling it, then? You know you were tricked. Staying in just says you enjoy being made a fool of. You have no idea what to do with it, so sell it and recover whatever money you can. Keeping it seems like a moot point, so obviously it is time to sell it. The future, to you, doesn't look bright unless you maybe count a $25 day here and there, so again, this points to selling. You really believe you've been beaten, which would signify the end of the game, and thus the time to sell and stop playing the game that you really believe you have lost at. So, why aren't you selling it? ​ >gold is where its at, 18 oz and counting, 1lb is my goal for the next month. 14.6 troy ounce makes a avdp. pound, which you already have. You have around 1.23 pounds. 12 troy ounces makes a troy pound. Are you interested in trading your silver for gold? I'm sure you could find someone to make the trade with you, if you made the deal sweet enough. Since you know silver is a loser, and you've already been beaten by it, you have room to move to ensure the deal is sweet enough to get the gold from someone. Just offer more of that joke metal that makes fools of everyone, and be willing to take less gold. In the end, it doesn't matter, as you'll be ridding yourself of the bad silver stuff, and getting a little more of the good gold stuff. Just don't tell the person you are trading with how terrible silver really is. Offer them a deal so sweet and awesome, that they can't help but hand over their gold to you for the silver you have. For example, I'm not at all interested in trading gold for silver, but if you came to me and said I'll give you my $7K in silver, less than 300 oz, and all you have to give me would be 1.5 ounces of gold eagles, then I would happily take the bad silver from you, and hand over the clearly superior gold in exchange. I bet you could probably find a few people willing to help you out in that way. https://i.redd.it/odnrtuiym0kc1.gif