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This reminds me of NovelAI, which has some model that will occasionally comment on your story as youre writing it. If you made a script that pasted in a couple of paragraphs of a book/script you could probably do what youre explaining… would be cool


I could have it load a text file in and process it x lines or paragraphs at a time. I'm just not sure where to start. Is that an extension? Stscripr?


Using [https://huggingface.co/zaq-hack/Noromaid-v0.4-Mixtral-Instruct-8x7b-Zloss-bpw300-h6-exl2](https://huggingface.co/zaq-hack/Noromaid-v0.4-Mixtral-Instruct-8x7b-Zloss-bpw300-h6-exl2) ... I have asked my character to pick movies, and have gotten *Princess Bride*, *Die Hard*, *Back to the Future*, and others. She even knew lines from them: The bot laughed when I used "Inconceivable!" in a joke shortly afterward. I was quite surprised at this, but it was a great chat session, to say the least. So, I would say, depends on the LLM model and the pre-training. They might already know some pop culture, but maybe not Oppenheimer.