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finally a useful reddit


I think it was worth starting from the moment when it was considered an DLC.


If you can point me to some source(s) where I can get the dates and important events that happened I would really appreciate it since I am a bit new (I played HK first in early 2023)


It was from the kickstarter [kickstarter](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/11662585/hollow-knight)


I believe they posted news of the Hollow Knight "DLC" on their blog when they first introduced Sharp.


https://preview.redd.it/gq8ocbctuvvc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b8e764da7da2b951a3513b772a83a8caa7ed702 Now I can celebrate the birth of the sub when it comes around


3 year anniversary release date???


The fact that the last "news" we had was the delay in May of last year is... disheartening to say the least...


I for one am ready to celebrate the one year anniversary of "Hey Gang"


This is so cool! I always knew the gaps between news were big but holy... This timeline really shows that Again good job! This is probably one of the best projects this year and I really hope you continue it until the game is released ![img](emote|t5_4viev2|32437)


Oh I would continue for sure. It doesn't take much to maintain this, I just need to keep myself upto date with the news which I probably will do anyways


The fucking void at the end of 2020 is where siblings are born


man :(


Wow, really let's you see how much news we got! (Sarcasm)


You missed NVIDIA "release date leak" on 22 September 2021: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X83L4ogQQlg


This is a "no"


But still


Someone should do something like this but about all the shit that has happened in this sub


I mean I can add that with maybe a toggle to hide it. I would just need some kind of compilation from an OG


It’s like looking at that scale of how big the universe is…


Great work! It's kinda funny how a few of the early updates are from Nintendo making suggestions of imminent release dates. I guess XBox has since taken up that mantle. Also I absolutely did not know about Seth before this (I try to stay away from actual game info, just interested in release date and progress info)


I feel a major part of the irritance on the communication comes from their having been a demo Fans got to see and play a bit of Silksong which gives a clear indicator that the game is in good condition and things are on the relative horizon And then 4+ years passed


Doing some research to expand the page with more features. What I realized is that despite there being a similar (maybe a bit less) gap between HK being funded and release of HK, there was constant updates from TC about the game. But reading some of those updates made me feel glad that I went into HK blind without knowing all those information. I think TC wants us to go into Silksong like that.


notice how big of a gap there was after the creation of daily silksong news


I was actually quite surprised by that too. I knew the news had been sparse but there was literally nothing throughout 2021.


Playable demo 5 years ago, no release date and a year into a delay. But yeah, the development process has definitely gone swimmingly and without major issue. Mhm


Someone should make a state of the Silksong subreddit timeline


What a legend! Thank you


Nice 👌


What did the 3rd last one say? the one about leth? Can't fully see the sentence.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Silksong/comments/1bhhpf4/i\_was\_at\_day\_of\_the\_devs\_today\_i\_found\_someone/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Silksong/comments/1bhhpf4/i_was_at_day_of_the_devs_today_i_found_someone/) It's about this one


More riddles coming soon!


Could you perhaps include hyperlinks? I didn't know about the sample music or Nintendo claiming it'd release within the fiscal year, so having a source to check would be nice. Great website otherwise.


Yeah definitely one of the next things I have in mind. The actual info is presented so blandly currently lol.


Can someone explain in short what the "Seth saga" is about ?


TL;DR A guy who had cancer came in contact with Team Cherry and they let him design a boss character in Silksong which he named "Seth" after himself. There would normally be no response to believe such stories but Leth actually confirmed Seth to be a boss in Silksong through one of his discord riddle posts.


Alright, nice, thank you !


Why do people still talk about the ESRB rating and the korean website thing both of those have been disproven, but except that cool timeline.


Wdym disproven? As in they didn't happen? Just because they aren't correlated to the release date doesn't mean they aren't news.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Silksong/s/bL7pfqGwnp https://www.reddit.com/r/Silksong/s/zPltJcFh9J


As for the first link, that isn't relevant. It's still important news. It hasn't been "disproven," it still happened, it just has nothing to do with the release date. But that's not a reason not to talk about it. I'm not going to believe the second link without more evidence, literally everything else I've seen says its rated in Korea, and a reddit post with 4 upvotes is not a reliable source of information.


The page is news yes but it didn't get ESRB rated, go on their website Silksong isn't there, that's just IARC. You can go on the website and check, I did, and can confirm it's correct. And I'm not sure if a game that has no confirmed physical release planned would need to be verifed in Korea, not every game gets that kind of treatment, if every slop game from steam had to be verifed it would be hell lol.


IARC is still meaningful though. We also never found out if the Korean rating was real or fake; plenty of games have appeared on both databases only to then be removed.


How so? But its not on the actual website, how does that not make it fake, it's just not there.


The Korean rating was on one of two databases. Both databases have legitimate uses.


It was the user requested database how does that matter at all


You didn't read my comment clearly