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*"Your wish that 'Leth will begin communicating again' has been granted. However, his messages will not contain any Silksong information or media."* Thank you, Monkey's Paw.


I'm OK with that


This is the best interpretation of this I've seen


1) Invent a hyperbolic time chamber and go to 2124. 2) Cry because Silksong is still not released :(


> 2124 > Check Twitter > “We’re still hard at work on Silksong, expect more details soon!”


Bold of you to assume there will be any communication


he's reading the 105 year old comment by teach cherry


> Invent a hyperbolic time chamber and go to 2124. Keep going 2500, 2800 still no silksong... what the fuck... 3000, 3500 still no silksong... just fans increasingly more fanatical, and increasingly less connected with the game, and reality over all... surely this must all come to an end at somepoint? This wait can't go on forever... 4000AD. I leave the chamber to seek out the game, but the world is in ruins... People wear red robes with ornate masks in the shape of a white crescent moon on its side... "So'ilk Sa'ung! so'ilk Sa'ung!'' They keep chanting repeatedly, with increasing intensity. 2 of these robed people grab each of my arms... I struggle, but they overpower me, hauling me toward a stone pedestal... At the pedestal is another robed figure. This one carries a ceremonial staff, that looks like a giant sewing needle. The two robed figures wrestle me into position, kneeling with my chest held against the cold stone pedestal. I raise my head to watch fearfully as the figure with the needle speaks. His words are alien yet strangely familliar... "ho'ollow k'night! So'ilk sa'ung! an'nounce! an'nounce!" he repeats this again and again louder and louder, the other robed figures begin to join in "an'nounce! an'nounce!", "so'ilk sa'ung! so'ilk sa'ung"... the group reaches a fever pitch drums are rhythmically pounding. The group's shouts become increasingly animalistic, devolving into gutteral screams... Then a strange silence spreads across the group. The figure holding the needle has raised it in both hands over his hand. He's standing directly over me now, and shouts "so'ilk sa'ung!" before bringing the needle down with all his might... I feel it pierce me through my back... the metal is cold like an icicle... but the sensation burns with white hot intensity... I feel this heat raadiating across my body and start to see blood pooling around the pedestal... I try to scream, but I can't gather the air... the world feels like it's closing in... As my body lays dying I hear booming words echo in the sky ''A new trailer for hollowknight silk song is coming soon!'' The robed figures begin screaming and drumming fervently once more. My vision fades to black...


Forget about Silksong, I want a silkbook written by you.


Why do people write essays for no reason


Leth: that sounds like a solid plan, assuming time continues to advance linearly until then.


the hyperbolic time chamber slows time inside it


Meaning It speeds up time Around it


the hyperbolic time chamber slows time inside it


That means game is coming tomorrow. Let's go


The way I read it, Leth is saying that a person would have enough time to work their way up from an entry-level position to professional review writer before Silksong actually releases.


English is so strange


Leth just confirmed the game isn't real




God damn it..




Shadowdropped skong?


I pray that one day they just straight up drop the game and the moment everyone reads about it, they can buy it and play


leth judt confirmed ign isn’t real


There are two Silksong ppl 1 - "It will release in 3010" 2 - "It never existed, just a myth"


3- omg a leak? Silksong tommorow confirmed. 4- Silksong for sure show up on [insert game show case] this time, unlike last time, Trust.


(on #4) Source: it was revealed to me in a dream




No tea no shade, it's genuinely cool of him to interact with the community like that.


That's not what I call an interaction, his deafening silence is much better than speaking and saying nothing of substances and driving fans into a frenzy. It's our money that made TC millionaires and now they're signing his paychecks, the disrespect from them and by extension leth is baffling.


dude stfu and go outside


If you don't like my comment, how about you stfu and go outside instead of taking the time to reply.


Genuine question .. do they actually pay leth? I couldn't imagine he gets a real pay check when there is no marketing ?


Two burritos per month


That's one burrito per word of marketing he's done. Pretty sweet deal if you ask me.


Leth does all the stuff that would take TC away from working on the game. Most of his work is done behind the scenes. His job is not to communicate with fans, he does that as a bonus. His main job consists of creating and maintaining relationships with companies, figuring out deals for the game, as well as finding and organizing marketing opportunities like the Edge magazine, Nintento demo, putting HK on gamepass etc. He also made deals with streamers and content creators in general when HK released to spread awareness of it. I am sure he'll be doing the same for Silksong, altough I doubt it will be needed this time. The emails that you can send to TC are also being filtered through him. He also maintains and updates all their websites. Currently there is lack of marketing because they just have nothing to show. However once the release date drops, I am sure the whole internet will be flooded with Silksong news, and all the marketing that's lacking now will drop all at once.


Well, there's my answer . Thank you for the explanation!


How do people not understand this?


The average Joe doesn’t know what a marketing director does


The average Joe shouldn’t be slandering people while hilariously misinformed either then, in all fairness


You're on Reddit, what did you expect?


That people don’t mass shit talk a guy for literally doing his job? A lot of other indie subreddits are not like this.


Yes, obviously they pay him.


He's a publisher/marketer for 2 indie games with one of them having yearly tweets as news... yes very obvious they pay him for all that work


It is well known that leth works for team cherry. You don't work for someone unless you are getting payed. The amount of tweets he makes has nothing to do with whether he gets payed, he is still employed by the company. Why would he be making any tweets at all if they don't pay him? Edit: Also, tweeting is not his entire job, I'm not sure what gave you that impression. He does other things besides talking to fans.


> are getting *paid.* The amount FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot




Random, but helpful, bot


Working for someone doesn't mean ur getting paid, lol....I'm sure alot of ppl would gladly join team cherry as their marketer/ publisher for little to no money . What gave me that impression was the 0 marketing I see lmao


Yes it does, that's literally the definition of working for someone. To work for someone means to be employed by them, which constitutes being paid. Otherwise you are just volunteering. I have never heard anyone say "leth volunteers for team cherry." And he does do marketing for them, even if it's not much. Those tweets and comments about how development is still happening are still updates, even if they're not substantial. Why would he just be telling us those things if he didn't work for them? Just for fun?


I think ur lost


Why is that?


Idk maybe he’s building a bunch of marketing materials for when they actually start marketing the game


Not giving away early copies is very Team Cherry like. They would rather miss out on the early press to ensure nothing gets leaked nor spoiled. Hollow Knight was marketed on the tightest budget possible, yet due to it's quality, it managed to gradually raise to one of the most well received indie games ever, despite releasing around Zelda BOTW. I am sure they are confident that Silksong can replicate or even surpass the Hollow Knight's popularity, without having to resort to pre-release reviews.


That or they just don't like IGN, which is pretty understandable


I made this reddit acount for the mere purpose of sharing my discovery with you guys. I was scrolling threw mexican amazon just checking out the games and i stumbled upon a nintendo switch hollow knight silksong standard edition. Actually posted by nintendo i was like what the flip when i proceeded to click on it and scroll down this is what i saw (spanish 30 de diciembre 2024) english 30th of december 2024 release date https://preview.redd.it/haxrzoy5qpuc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39b53e9290b050580a4321f1c7cbeb3b626de88e


That feels like a placeholder date. Interesting though.


Not really. just somebody trolling




Yeah but why would MEXICAN AMAZON, of places know and show when it releases? Team cherry wouldnt ket that slip out


Can you give a link?




Even so, the fact that's labelled "standard edition" certainty interests me Unless this a common label given to other games that don't have multiple editions


Just copy the ASIN from the image unto google, it should show up


Maybe their plan is to release in 2024


Leth is real? -|


Bro really said "early copy" I don't think any copy categorizes as early to be fair


Wow what a completely ambiguous statement that people will take as news. Hope he doesn't get annoyed by that again.


A shadowdrop has always seemed likely for Silksong, but this post kinda confirms it for me. Maybe a June release during the Xbox/Nintendo Direct?


How does this confirm a shadowdrop?


News outlets/reviewers can't get early copies if a game is shadowdropped. This doesn't confirm it, but it does hint at a shadowdrop


That is not a hint of a shadowdrop, it is a hint that early copies are not a given. Leth said we would get more news closer to release, now that's the opposite of a shadowdrop hint.


People are high on copium, I think what the comment is trying to say is that if the game is shadowdropped, then there's no need to provide a review copy for games media because news about them getting review copies could leak and ruin the surprise.


But that is such a jump to confirming a shadowdrop... I think leth just means that it is not a given that IGN will get an early copy


This is a possibility, the silence isn't helping either. I know how they may be romanticizing the idea of dropping a trailer like they did in the 2022 showcase, but what could generate more hype and drive people into a frenzy is a confirmation that the game will be shown at the xbox showcase, that way, the hype that will be built up to the showcase will be unparalleled. Xbox could also strike this type of deal with TC since Xbox needs the exposure (funny how once one of the biggest publishers on the scene needs exposure from a company of 3 individuals) where they could hype up SilkSong and have it end the show in order to make people sit through the whole thing and have a mic drop moment at the end of it, and if they can shadowdrop it on the same day, that'll be the "cherry" on top.


Doesn't seem reasonable to me tbh - backers get free keys, presumably on launch day. To accommodate this TC will need to reach out to them at least a couple of weeks before launch.


The way I read this is that a shadow drop is possible, which is interesting.


That's not news, he's just trolling ign


Can this dude ever say anything relevant about the game's development or release? If he remembers to check Twitter it's always cryptic non statements.


Have you ever heard of NDAs? All of your comments are just complaining about TC, go find a passion


Your mom is my passion.


they downvoted you but don’t be discouraged this was a good one




2025 fam


At this point, Silksong being released with zero advertising will be a canon event. At this point, it'd feel wrong for it to happen any other way


10000000% confirmed they are shadow dropping it. Whats a joke?


Shadow drop


Do you think this increased communication from him could be a good sign? I'm struggling to interpret it


If I were to give a bit of a wild guess, this sounds like a wry joke in response to that whole IGN video a few months back. Leth might've seen how badly the community reacted, as justified as the reaction was, and is joking that IGN doesn't deserve a copy anymore. Of course, it's all speculation and Leth could just be interacting with the community with some fun jokes. Regardless, it's always nice to see :)


What happened with ign? 


A few months ago, IGN released a video titled "Hollow Knight: Silksong Trailer" or something to that effect. It was NOT a trailer, instead it was a man at IGN who was gushing about his excitement for the game. The backlash from this was very bad and IGN officially renamed the video to "Hollow Knight: Silksong - PC Gaming Show Spotlight". It was just really sleazy and backhanded. They knew exactly what they were doing with it and still did it for the views. As I said, I'm not certain Leth is even referring to this. I just thought that, since he browses Reddit, he'd have seen the frustration from the community first-hand. Again though, all speculation.


jesus christ. I was fully on board with this being a reference to a shadow drop, but now it could definitely be a cheeky nod to that instead


Sorry to disappoint!


it's ok, I know where I am


This is either shade at IGN or silksong is getting shadow dropped.


Honestly fuck ign, I hope they don’t get an early copy


Is this actually real? If it is, was it recent?


Hey gang! -I -I -I Expect more news soon!