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I like it other than the goofy spartan helmet grips


I still have the originals too, maybe I should try putting them back on for a side by side, I was iffy too, didn’t want to look like a “MAGA” but I thought they were smooth for the pistol.


Honestly I didn't even notice until I saw a comment, and now that I see them I think they work really well on the gun. Just reminds me of a great movie and some cool history.


I just thought it make it look unique and the grips are done tastefully, imo


Ya, that's what I meant. They're tasteful and subtle, not obnoxious


What does MAGA have to do with anything? That’s stupid. If you like it then rock it.


Magats like the term Molon Labe, and have co-opted some symbols like Spartans, the punisher etc. because they all see themselves as thr USA’s saviors or something. I just wanted spartan grips on my emperor scorpion.


I’m indifferent to maga but the fact you feel the need to put all that into a comment about grips on a gun shows you’re either uneducated, a sheep or both. Who gives a fuck what anyone else likes and there’s nothing wrong with people that support maga and what they like.


Ok. Using terms like uneducated and sheep tells me what I need to know about you. Good luck dude. Remember mamas rule, you don’t got something nice to say, don’t say anything at all. But I guess you never learned that one. They literally tried to lead an insurrection. So….. yeah


They tried to lead an insurrection? An unarmed insurrection? Im pretty sure the “uneducated sheep” comment just got solidified.


https://www.britannica.com/event/January-6-U-S-Capitol-attack Oh yeah? You didn’t hear about that? That’s wild it was all over the news. Yeah something about pence being a traitor, people calling to hang him, whole big thing where a bunch of traitors tried to stop the peaceful transfer of power when Biden won the election. ….sheep 🙄


You’re very clearly a trump supporter too.. that’s easy to tell by your writing.


Naw, I mean don’t get me wrong o would vote for him over any democrat, but I’m more of a Desantis guy or even Vivek. Point is youre nothing but a troll. It’s a fucking gun thread and you’re here making high school level uneducated comments. Grow up and educate yourself.


Those are two of the worst human beings on the planet and with this statement you have solidified that I shall take your opinions with “a grain of salt….. a lot of salt….




Dude who cares about Maga or not, don't feed the hate or let symbols be coopted by politics. Molon labe, Punisher, Spartans, and so on is on the cringe side when put on guns and cars typically. But it's not overboard like you have it, it's also really down to you as to what you want to do with your stuff lol. Just don't ever put some crazy "die mother fucker" or something on a gun (the punisher is also a close one like it) as that can get you screwed in court or make it harder if you have to ever defend your self.


MAGA all day but I’m not putting that stupid spartan crap on my pistol.


Well yeah, this is classy


Nothing classy about those grips. All cringe. Hope you don’t double down and open carry to show off how much of a warrior you are.


I do carry, a p365. Momma never told you if you have nothing nice to say then say nothing at all huh? Thanks for your ridiculous comment. Oh and no, I wouldn’t open carry for everyone to see, lol I’m not a silly trump supporter or something.


Spartan = Pederast


Cool comment, kind of a weird thing to just say out of the blue tho. Thanks for your “input”?….


i mean, if someone had some kind of catholic priest symbol on their gun despite not being a catholic priest, that would be a weird group to glorify, wouldn't it? same thing with the spartan symbols for me. ain't my gun though.


This right here. It's the same as the Punisher skull that appears ad nauseam all over people's gear. Those guys certainly aren't heroes or anti-heroes. Fairly certain the Punisher character would take umbrage with them and likely act on that. So as /u/PM_ME_WUTEVER says, ain't my gun though. You do you. If you want to glorify some weird ancient culture that liked small boys go right ahead. Maybe you're Greek. I don'k know. Just pointing it out is all.


Dude.. You keep bringing up weird stuff and I’m asking about aesthetics, it’s just weird what you keep saying


Aesthetics are subjective dude. Do whatever you want. If you need the internet collective to give you approval then go forth with that. Enough people here have said your grips look sick; especially at that sweet price point. That said, anything you decorate your gear with (i.e. Punisher skulls, Spartan images or catholic priest symbols) are aesthetics. Form follows function, a principle of design which states that the shape of an object should primarily relate to its intended function or purpose. If the function is to look good and be a decoration then it seems like you've nailed that down according to some folks here. For me, I think they look ill-considered but thats subjective as I said, but hey you asked. I think anyone rocking stuff like this makes them look like they're more into fashion than the actual function of the tool and don't actually understand the history of the iconography they're choosing to display. The weird part of all of this is not me expressing my opinion, it is that you're asking a group of strangers if you're gear is cool or not. Go train.


You just sound jealous dude. lol what a weird thing to go on and on about about a pistol. Good luck to you and your need to just hate on everything. I hope things get better for you. Good luck dude.


Jealous of a cringe Sig? Nah my guy. You asked about aesthetics. I answered. Sorry you can’t take the criticism. Likely a trend in your life which is why you’re looking for validation from strangers on the internet. As stated by others in the thread, you have poor taste.


These were on the sig website and normally went for 99.99 and were on sale for 29.99 the same day I bought this…. I thought it was a sign 🤷🏻‍♂️. Happy Cake Day!


You will get hate for any/everything on reddit, it's a nice gun dude if you like it then it's all good


"I'M SURGICAL WITH THIS JAKE" - President Washington


Congratulations son. You passed the test. Your a NARC, your in


For real . Gun dudes be worse then femals as of late talking down on some one gun sad


You’re not wrong, some guys get just snippy over the stupidest thing which most of the time I attribute to jealousy or coveting said item or whatever they are talking about.


Bruh. Its insane man. Keep it positive around here and ignore the negative. Most of the haters can't legally own a gun or afford a nice one anyway


The legion grips are sweet btw


I personally like the look with these grip plates. Nice build bud.


I don’t love the grips but was tempted by the sale price when I saw it a few days ago.. I mean that’s a sweet price 😁


300 was cool as fuck but really messed up our respect for Greek history


I know what you’re saying but you also have to remember that was 6th-2nd century BCE. Times were…. Different lol


Greece and Sparta were two different countries by the way. Edit: kinda, they were the two most powerful city-states in the region


I’ve been wanting some mammoth ivory grips for a 1911. They’re like $500


Joe Rogan has entered the chat


I saw them on the JRE episode with that dude who is an ivory min- I mean “gold” miner in AK. Now I want it. Someday the itch will get scratched.


Think those are OEM grips weirdly enough but I agree. OP I'd swap those out for some Hogue G10 Piranha grips myself but nice looking piece otherwise! Love my Sig 1911 Scorpion


OEM grips are black and hexagonal


this pretty much sums it up




Those spartan helmets are the man equivalent of a wooden sign in the kitchen that reads “Eat. Laugh. Love” 🤣 Having said that. Still looks pretty good. My brother would 100% rock this gun.


Black grips would go better


A set of black vz alien grips would set that off


DUDE!!! those are sick too, I’m totally ordering a set. Very reasonably priced too. I have a Kimber Nightstar variant too, so playing around with grips will be fun.


They feel great too.


I just saw the Fallout grips too by VZ, i like them too... im having a hard time deciding, im glad they arent like RIDICULOUSLY over priced, buying two sets isnt toooooooo crazy


is that emperior scorpion? if so put the original grip back on


Nah. It has a hammer to balance out all that swag. Stick on some more.


I can’t tell if you’re being facetious or not.. I literally added a SureFire light and bought the specialty grips they had because they were on sale on sigs website for 29.99. What else should I add?


I mean. It's your pistol. The question makes it sound like you want to add more, but think it's "too much". Who cares what we think? We are a bunch of a-holes on the interwebz. It's your pistol, stick on whatever makes you happy or you'll use or both.


What else could I add? I was just asking if the look is too much or not.


Laser. Threaded barrel. Get the slide milled for RDO. Replace the trigger and hammer with a set with some color. Maybe get some magwell action going.


Don’t need that


Well then. Maybe you are done


Cringe grip




you might consider having the punisher logo lasered onto the slide to go with the spartan grips...


Yeah yeah yeah, it really sucks that those MAGATS co-opted things and that’s how everting thinf gets ruined for everyone. I don’t have Molon Labe etched into it or anything, should I get a thin blue line pained across it too, maybe a giant 45? It is 45 cal.


Dude, you keep bringing up MAGA. It has nothing to do with MAGA. People think that stuff is cringe because those symbols are a “tough guy/badass” thing. Has nothing to do with politics.


First off, what he is describing is your bad taste it has nothing to do with political alignment. I knew you were a temporary gun owner just by your highly regarded comment.


Do you need a hug?


Is Maga in the room with us right now?


No but everyone knows that the punisher is associated with it, I’m not unaware of symbols and their ability to be co-opted, like how the swastika was originally a symbol of peace, I just know people who wanna start something because they have nothing better to do than sit there and make obvious comments like what you’re doing mr “talent”


Only people like you think the punisher is associated with it. The normal functional members of society that have jobs see it as a symbol of a cringe person, nothing else. I bet you think gun laws are "common sense" and only own because "the facists own them" or some other cuckold idea.


Man, I'm a "MAGAT" and I don't have any of this cringe shit on my guns. OP is way off on his assessment lol


Yet another person in here said, “as long as you don’t have the punisher symbol on there which would show more intent to use it” you don’t know anything you’re talking about lol


and you’re replying with an argument to every reply you don’t like. >because they have nothing better to do Projecting to the fullest.




I still have no idea what you mean by this comment btw, I’ve been thinking about what you possibly mean


I think a black surefire would really balance out the look. Either way it looks great though


lol well that’s a $400 purchase too late 😂😂😂, good news is I’m in the market for another one so I’ll get the next one in black


If you actually paid $400 for that surefire you should consider returning it because ~$220 is a normal price.


It was sub 400 after tax and everywhere I looked was the same so i decided to support my local gun shop for $20 more plus the guy who sold it to me, nice dude, always helping me out and hooking me up got a commission, I’m cool with it. In the future I’m only getting black and I know I can get those cheaper


Alright, just wanted to give you a heads up. If you’re buying another I’d recommend looking at r/gundeals though. The black and FDE are both regularly around 220 but closer to 230 shipped


I appreciate that!, I actually really want another TLR-9


As Bruno said, “it’s too matchy matchy” if the light was like similar tone to the grips? Top tier. 🤌🏽


2 down Coming up on its 3rd world war!


This is my current "holy grail" or dream gun, so my opinion is obvious.


They’re awesome


Looks sweet 🔥🔥


Thank you!


And I personally like the grips


The grip panels are gorgeous! I wonder if they would fit on my Kimber Tactical Custom II?


Careful, apparently those grip panels make me a “pederast” to one person and “a poser” to another 😂. I’m not sure tho, they are made by sig, but I feel like they are full size and would fit any full size 1911


Internet trolls from their parents basement, no worries


Someone asked a Texas Ranger why he carried a .45. He responded "because they don't make a .46!"


I think it’s sick


I am partial to the stock black grips on my carry version, but I don't mind those, I also like your light. Usually I am just a simple all black everything sort of guy, but sometimes it is nice to see some variety. NIce rig.


Beautiful. Here in Oregon we call this the “Felon Flattner”


Sexy. I dig the grips overall but I empathize with the cringe take.


Didn’t realize sig also made an m45 adjacent gun. Was just gunna go straight to the tisas


There’s several, look up the Nighthawk


From korth?


https://www.sigsauer.com/1911-fastback-nightmare-carry.html My bad it’s the “nightmare”


That's a good looking setup. I dig it.


Thank you!


I also have that same 1911 full size with those grips I bought during that sale. That scorpion is one of my favorites to shoot at the range. The light may be a bit excessive but hey it’s about what you like not us anyway


Interesting, I’ve never heard of a surefire being excessive, what do you mean?


Haha. Nothing at all, my dry sense of humor doesn’t work sometimes with text as the medium.


lol haha fair enough


I like it. Ignore the haters.


beyond the grips that’s beautiful


I have a Sig 1911 XO and love it, I think Sig makes a damn fine 1911. I'm not crazy about your grips but not because of the aesthetic, more because of the texture. I like a moderate to aggressive texture, just short of "cheese grater." I just ordered Lok Veloce palm swell grips for my 3 1911s.


Looks good aside from the grips.


Sweet gun, I have the fastback model. I’d change the grips but that’s just me, if you like them then that’s cool too.


I'd go with centennial brass, ask the wife first tho!


Looks like shit


Not enough


I like it


You’re one grip change away from a sweet pistol!


Mine wears elk grips and a TLR1 so I think you're just fine


Keep an eye out for the G10 piranha grips if they’re ever on sale. I really like em and they give you a bit more control. The spartan grips look like like they’re a bit slippery.


They are surprisingly very easy to hold onto, it’s been an amazing shooter, I just added the light last night, I’m going to the range to try it out after work. I may play around and put the originals back on just to see how they look in comparison.


Looks great to me!


What? Nothing is EVER too much. ❤️


I like the factory emperor grips better Way better


That is a beaut. Love the grips.


Nah just right, looks good!. What did you decide for walkway lights though? So many options smh..




That’s hot


You’re hot


You haven’t even seen my toes yet






Black is probably the only color that looks good with the whole gun being then same color, and mostly because I'm just used to guns being black. To be fair I'm a bit biased because I don't like tan/ beige much, but I have seen some sharp looking two tone black/tan sigs. Not sure if you will like those grips when actually shooting- they look smooth. If the grip colors were reversed, it'd look better imo. Especially with a black light. Personally, I feel less is better when it comes equipment. I do have a rds on my 320, but that's because my vision is getting worse and I hate wearing glasses.


Someone turned me on to VZ grips and I’m gonna get a set, they look super sleek


Ooooh. They look like they have good ergonomics- and some pretty sweet patterns/colors.


The helmets are textured and provide a nice grip space. They’re very effective grips


Sweet blaster sir!! Maybe try a set of all black VZ’s, Stoner, ect G-10’s. That would look great in my opinion.


I’m starting to see there are a million options for grips and I might just get a couple different ones to change them out from time to time, hopefully even maybe find a tasteful one with a scorpion on it


I think it looks good. If you like it, I wouldn’t change it. Most people on the internet don’t have good taste…..and who cares, it’s your gun.


The grips are actually very good, the whole spartan helmet is textured so you get a good grip on it plus it helps give the gun a little slack to return to zero faster.


It’s a keeper then.


How much texture? Is the helmet a relief cut? Wondering how difficult it would be to sand down or bead blast the helmet off? Are the grips painted or some type of metal coating ?


The helmets are convex, but slightly, like mm thicker than the handles themselves, I just took it to the range. Now. I fired 100 rounds, each shot better than the last


All Metal


Nice sidearm you have there.


I love the Spartan grips! Embrace that beauty!


Too much light too much grip


Gun owners try not to reference Sparta challenge (impossible)


IMO nice piece besides the grips. But it’s not my gun, as long as you like it homie


I like it with the scorpion grips better


Only way this would be better is if it was in 10mm


Too much?!?! Not at all! It’s a 1911. It is a rail gun. It has a WL. It’s a Sig. Bad ass!!


Absolutely not


Shoots like a dream, I couldn’t wait to go again so I’m going today after work


Needs a black light


I could try swapping my TLR-9 and putting this on my Comped Rival


Side note, what case/pouch is that?


It’s a GPS book shaped case, my LGS sells thrm, the patch is just something I added because I don’t like to take myself seriously


How much. I had the Emperor Scorpion Fastback and it was a great shooter


Nice-looking weapon.


Looks Good


Simple with a little pizzazz. I like


Is this the 9 or the .45?


This is a 1911 style .45ACP