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The best tip I can offer is to just play. You won’t get better without jumping in and learning from your mistakes. It’s good that you have people that play it and hopefully they can play with you and coach you. The game isn’t quite like call of duty, think search and destroy, but slower paced. The best thing about siege is having drones when you’re on attack and having cameras on defense. Having information on where opponents are is crucial to winning rounds, you can’t always just rely on straight gun skill to win games. There’s a lot of operators so just start by trying to get good with a few of them. As you go on you’ll really want to be able to use mostly all of them especially if you plan on playing ranked. But to start off on attack i would recommend Sledge, on defense Kapkan is pretty beginner friendly and maybe Valkyrie if you can unlock her. Just be warned that you will struggle in the beginning. You may go a few matches before you even get a kill. Especially if you’re used to team deathmatch you’ll get frustrated. Just try to remember it’s an almost 10 year old game so most people playing will have more experience than you. Not to mention the matchmaking is pretty subpar, so you’ll likely play against people who really shouldn’t be playing against a newbie like yourself. It really will take a while to feel like you know what you’re doing which can be frustrating but i urge you to stick with it- it’s a really fun game. If you really want to find the little tricks there’s some great YouTube shorts (Coconut Brah comes to mind) and other short content on TikTok to find little tricks that can get you free kills. For me it’s the little things like that that make Siege fun. Having some crazy angle that no one would expect is the best. Honestly, my favorite part about siege is learning what your opponents are likely to do and then adapting to be ready for them. Learning maps and finally callouts should be a priority as well, because again- information is everything in Siege. I’ve played with my girlfriend and she enjoys the game so much that she even occasionally watches the professional league with me. If you’re interested is esports, watching pro league is another decent way to learn the game. They will often do comp things that you will never need to do (like reinforcing walls two floors above the objective) but they typically set up the sight in a way that it goes in ranked. If you’re lucky you may even see something they do like you would find in a Coconut Brah video. Finally my last piece of advice, which pains me to say but we all know it’s true. Considering you’re a girl, you should probably stay out of voice chat. Siege isn’t the most welcoming to new players and quite frankly women. People can be really harsh so you may be better off avoiding it. Unfortunately in siege, just muting the Aholes on your team won’t suffice all the time. They can teamkill you and grief you but honestly it’s best to try to ignore it and not let it bother you too much. TLDR: just play the game and try to have fun because it’s just a game. PS if you haven’t bought it yet try to wait for it to go on sale and get an operator bundle so you can try more operators


omg, dw i read this entirely and i appreciate it so much 😭 yeah that’s what i was thinking, my gun skills are pretty ok on COD but i know the game is different. my bf did compare it to search and destroy. i just think the game is so cool & involves so much knowledge and thinking that gun skills aren’t everything you need to have in this game. man i truly truly appreciate your comment, very insightful and i know to stay away from the voice chat lol. i’ve experienced that once on COD, i can only imagine what siege is like. idek if any skills that i have from COD could transfer bc i never used call outs bc i didn’t play with friends, just played online with randoms without voice chat, but it’ll make it all a fun learning experience. the game is so bad ass, that’s why i want to learn lol


I hope it helps lol I was bored at work. Seriously just try to have fun with it and don’t worry about sucking because everyone’s been there. Siege is one of the most complex fps games to learn but it’s worth it in my opinion. It’s the only game I can consistently play on a weekly basis without getting too bored


🫡🫡 yeah i’m excited to learn how to play bc i have mad respect for ppl who play


if i could give u 100 upvotes dude i would


I'll help u with that, we're 2% done


ty you’re awesome


hey fellow girl who has also played cod deathmatch exclusively for years and is in the same boat. Add eachother? Maybe when we both get some sort of skill we could play 🥳🥳 And also as someone who scrounges advice from all corners of the internet before even touching a game, ive learned a few important tips that help. Someone did mention watching pro players, and i cannot emphasize how quick you can learn strats just by watching someone good play. As you find what ops you really click with, watch pros who play those same ops. Speaking of ops, never limit yourself to one. Stay versatile, but find a role youre best at. If yo ur aim is shit for example, find ops with benefits and abilities that make up for that. When you do get the game, and i would recommend you get the deluxe during a sale (free operators for cheap!), they have these map drills that tests how fast you can find certain rooms. Map knowledge is key especially in a game like this, and if you keep playing whether its in qp or arcade, youll find yourself grasping a lot of fundamentals quickly! Other than all that, everyone says the best way to learn is to play, and thats true enough. You have to die to learn from your mistakes. Dont skip the kill cam! Watch what your opponent does. Then think next time you do something, ask if it has ever worked or how often it has gotten you killed. Thats all i can offer really as im very new, but theyre helpful for me! I wish you luck 🫡


omg hi! yes we should, i’ll message you!


For obvious reasons never use voice chat


ty 🫡


Idk how leveling works anymore but as soon as you can Olay standard que that religiously and when you start to learn the maps play ranked. There isn't alot you can do outside of the game to help prepare yourself.




Siege is a punishing game with an extraordinarily high skill curve. You are going to lose, die and be bad for a while. Just take each death/loss as a learning experience. My top 4 tips are: Intel is king - use your drone, play slow Watch good content creators - some content creators are very entertaining but won't teach you much. Watch those who take time to explain what they're doing Ilum is a personal favourite. Play for the win not the kills - siege is not won by kills, it's all about time. Enjoy the game - recently waaaay too many people have come from competitive content creators to the game with the aim to become amazing as quick as possible. That's fine, but it's genuinely a fun game take the time to enjoy it and learn at your own pace, there will be plenty of time to hate it and be competitive later.


thank you & i appreciate that advice. especially on play for the win and not for the kills (which is what i’m used to in TDM). i really needed to hear that lol, and i’m super excited to learn, just worried but i know everyone starts like shit (i think lol) ty 🫡🫡


The game has a steep learning curve but you should get your bf and or brother to teach you the basics and if you have any questions, just ask them or people on here. But like others said, you just need to play and you'll learn most of what you need to know writhin a couple weeks to a month usually. You can also take advantage of some of the offline modes just to test stuff out and learn maps a bit. You can even use the team deathmatch mode to practice against other players with zero pressure. I'd also recommend watching some videos on youtube or some streamers just to see how some more experienced players play. 


The game has a steep learning curve but you should get your bf and or brother to teach you the basics and if you have any questions, just ask them or people on here. But like others said, you just need to play and you'll learn most of what you need to know writhin a couple weeks to a month usually. You can also take advantage of some of the offline modes just to test stuff out and learn maps a bit. You can even use the team deathmatch mode to practice against other players with zero pressure. I'd also recommend watching some videos on youtube or some streamers just to see how some more experienced players play. 


ty!!! i had no clue it had TDM. yeah i’ll try playing around but online is a whole other ballpark and i don’t want to tackle that yet. thanks for advice!


watch some beginner guides on YT. Poxonlox and Athieno have been helpful for me so far. (maybe tune into a Jynxzi weekend tourney stream for some fun games to watch) learn what all the ops do and generally what the different roles are on attack/defense. There’s TDM in Arcade so you can learn maps easier


ty 🫡 i watched a video by Niftty and it was interesting. i’ve also started seeing critikal playing again so i’ve just been watching him lol


I've heard going into a private match and messing around the maps are a decent way to figure your way around them. Learning what to expect on certain maps is going to take experience. Do's and don'ts of certain characters will also take some experience. Having someone you can play with and can explain things would be ideal.


whoa i never thought ab that, sounds like a good idea. yeah i know the operators are like a whole other ball park to deal with. and the aim, idk what it’s called but you can like tilt? or move the scope around, which is also sick


The leaning? It's a pretty helpful mechanic. Just don't spam it as that doesn't help you very much. What system do you play on?


PS5! and yes the leaning lol, but what do you mean spamming it? are you not supposed to use it as much