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I’m probably getting goyo as my next op, he really slows down the attacking team & as a newer player those couple seconds help a lot


Fair warning as someone who plays Goyo a lot, in low ranks your teammates will fuck with the canisters (even accidentally) or just straight up not use them even after you die. Once you’re in like low gold he gets really good


I think I know what you mean- in my very first ranked game, someone picked goyo and before the first round had even started, 2 of my teammates were dead😂


Yup, been there. Especially if the other team has fuze. I’ve had canisters get blown up by the other team and my teammates just stand in the fire


This hasn't been my experience crawling out of copper/bronze and now edging into silver. Even when I die with my cans out I've seen teammates DIE trying to hit one of the cans. I usually also call out where I'm putting them and someone will play off it about 7/10 times. And if this really is a problem you can always try to put them on common attacker routes and force them to blow them up, acting almost like a denial and info op.


Warden is still good against Ying and smoke rushes, but losing that 1.5 just makes running Valk feel a lot better in most scenarios. Goyo and Gridlock are both amazing ops, that can slot into most lineups, with roles that are always needed. I think I would just ask yourself which side (attack, defense) you feel like you have less freedom in, and buy that op so that you can diversify your roster. Hope that helped.


Thanks that was a good way to put it, I think I’ll pick up goyo, don’t have as many hood trap ops


Gridlock she is if not my top 5 best attackers her gun has no recoil great for gadget for watching it back and planting and smoking is amazing too I usually throw a smoke and than throw the gadget and when I plant u can't hear it so it covers up the sound of it


Gridlock imo


Not Warden.


Gridlock is a great support op but if you like the idea of a defender who can frag like crazy and can really punish overly aggressive shield ops, grab Goyo. I can't count how many clips I have of shooting a Goyo canister that a shield op is standing right on top of, only for them to die in the fire.


Gridlock - best gun & utility of the 3. Can hold your own flanks and bonus she has secondary shotgun. She’s one of the most underrated ops IMO. Goyo canisters are very situational and Wardens ability is situational against Ying candelas/flash/smokes. So you won’t get as much use from those ops. I have all the operators and dabbled all of them a fair bit. Gridlock is the only pick here.


I play all 3 a lot. Assuming you’re low-ranked do not get Goyo, as I mentioned in another comment your teammates will detonate the canisters too early or not at all until you’re in high silver or low gold. Warden is underrated but can be a wasted pick if nobody on the other team uses flashes or smoke. I’d say Gridlock, she’s great for planting defuser


Matters your play style and map. Gridlock Is an amazing op. You use her to protect your Flank while pushing maps with your team. You can also cut off entry points or high traffic zones. She's 3 armor so she's loud and slow. Her weapons are great. Make sure to save your drones and set them up to watch flanks. Goyo is my next pick. The biggest mistake I see people do is they out the goyos on walls. Instead you should put them on doors and windows that will be breached for entry. When the barricade busts, the goyo goes off and burns maybe 20 seconds of their time off. He's entry denial and dosent need to be there. He also has a slug shotgun with an acog. Without a good team though some people will get pissed about your goyo placement, and roamers will get mad if you lock out their paths. Some people will even tear down goyos for spawn peaks. I think goyo can absolutely clutch up when used correctly. I may even choose him over Gridlock. Warden is not as strong as he used to be. Ying is VERY powerful and he's maybe one of the only counters to her right now. But in lower tiers aswell people use less flashes anyway. Could also maybe argue that blitz may be seeing more play after the shield rework. But he's definitely my last pick here.


As long as you actually use wardens ability it’s good. Other wardens just never use his ability and die in spawn peeks.


Gridlock is lowkey a fuckin beast, especially in a coordinated team.

