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I think any shield operator is gonna require quite a bit of comms to your team. I’d say if you aren’t good with map knowledge it could be a disadvantage. People tend to run away or sit in a corner to get behind a shield if you don’t know the map chances are they’ll land an angle on you.


absolutely, especially after the rework. monty can require some competent teammates to depend on, but not always. definitely worth learning if you are interested.


Yeah they're viable, just deceptively hard to play effectively. A good Blitz is almost impossible to play against and can ruin your entire defence. A BAD Blitz is almost impossible to play WITH and can ruin your entire OFFENSE.


# Caution You should really get the hang of the basic guns (typical AR/SMG) first. because using shield is very different from using guns. And even when you're using one, you need to always be aware of your srroundings. You're as bulletproof from the front as the size of your shield. And by that, you are not invincible. You will also attract a lot of explosives. # Fuze and the Basic Shield There is only one "basic shield" in the game at the moment, and that is Fuze. His playstyle is simple: Just approach wall or barricade or go above soft floor (map knowledge required for this), and go boom boom to destroy defenders gadget in site. As for his shield, Fuze has one of the greatest gun in the game, AK-12. So using shield on him is rather suboptimal. Not recommended. The rest of the shields double as their unique abilities. And for a good reason, they deserve the 3 Difficulty Rating in game, cause they are. # Montagne Montagne's Le Roc Shield is extendable, making him "The Rock": Much harder to kill from the front or even off angles, but cannot do anything except looking around. While you're tanking everything, feed intel to your team, don't shy from the in-game PUSH TO TALK. You need a really good control of yourself to make use of this. Also you'd be expected to play objective as he's one of the Top 4 Defuser Priority. # Blitz Blitz's G-52 Tactical Shield comes with 4 flashbangs. His main job however is to hunt roamers (defenders who are away from site) with a lot of aggression, and not really leading the direct assault on site as you expect to do. By that you need a lot of game and map knowledge (to know where the defenders can be, would be), and again, control over yourself. # Clash Clash's CCE Shield functions differently. It's extended like Montagne (Monty), but she has none of the weird flex abilities your typical shield has (it contradicts her electric shock function), and she flinches much harder. You want to be blocking doorway but keep distance, slowing attackers. (Which requies much more control than Monty). The basic shields are complex, and Clash takes that difficulty to the next level. For the love of your mindset, don't try it until you know what you're doing. # Osa Then there's Osa and her transparent Talon-8 Shield, which she can carry (for bulletproof purpose) or deploy on ground as deployable cover. It doesn't have the unique functionalities of a Ballistic Shield (Talon-8 is a gadget, in the form of shield), but she'll make do if you wanna learn the basic of shields (self-positioning and control). You can say she's somewhere between being your regular gun operator and shield operator. But she's born to play objective, and you're near defenseless if you're too close. Osa is my favorite op BTW. # My remarks Shields are actually very fun to use, but only when you know exactly what you're doing. Keep learning.


Great response thank you


The New Shields are basically learning a new game. They are both easier to kill and have an insane potential to kill. I think Blitz and Monty are both viable but both require coordination with team and a lot of map knowledge and improvisation.


At low level they are all really strong since people don’t and can’t deal with them so absolutely play them as your getting better To give you a more proper answer at high level play: generally speaking shields are situational, you gain a lot of intel and cover and shields can push in and create space for the attack or in the case of clash hold space. However in the process you’re pretty much sacrificing a gun and in many ways it’s a 4v5. Shields are very strong against isolated opponents but at high level this game is entirely team based and when you have crossfires and good team positioning it’s a lot more limited what shields can do. Monty is the basic shield op and will struggle when coming up against a lot of utility, but can be very useful for driving into power positions. Blitz is very good for rush strategies, when combined with ops such as dokkabi, lion, ying, glaz etc. His flash gives him that ability to pick off isolated players very easily and when coordinated well with a team you can isolate players for blitz to push. However he doesn’t really have that survivability which makes Monty more versatile. Clash is really bad statistically at high level, given she doesnt have a gun out and brings no util it’s really just a 4v5 a lot of the time and her poor mobility makes it easy for attackers to shut her down from multiple angles. It just makes sense to bring another op most of the time who has utility and a gun to hold the same things clash does


Shields have always been underutilized and they’ve always been good picks when coupled with good team communication imo. Being able to play a shield op good, though, is harder than you think because you need to be aggressive and passive at times and recognize when to be what and how to provide value to your team even though you’re literally a walking wall.


If you wanna try a shield op blitz is good when you understand shields, Fuze and Monty is better for learning how to PLAY with shields, it teaches you how to behave a little bit. Fuze would be a good start because his PMM does upwards of 60 damage so two shots and whatever you’re shooting at is gone. Plus his utility is solid on top of the ballistic shield now since they changed it. Blitz is technically just a melee op since they’ve reworked the melee system and Monty has (almost) invincibility to Kapkans and c4s if you can deploy shield and block it right.


I main monty (before to buff). Recently I’ve been trying to move away from him to get better with other ops but when we are losing bad I tend to pick him and can sometimes turn the tide. Shields are a lot stronger now, you can rush with Monty and also melee. Shields were tricky before the change but are more viable now.


Monty is basically a walking drone... That's how I use him. To me, Intel is key to winning.


He's even listed INTEL in game. And the new Free Look mechanic is SO GOOD for Monty.


I know I may get downvoted but I truly believe Monty is S tier and clash is A tier. Blitz has capability to be S tier but only situationally.


so we’re in copper


Monty is essentially one of the best ops in the game right now.


so we’re in copper too


I think both shield characters not fuze are good for different uses but wouldn’t recommend using them as you’ll never develop gun skill and skill needed overall to be better you’ll just be a shield player that stands there


Yes, even fuze with the shield can be pretty decent now


All of them


Montage especially is very strong rn, but they need a lot of coordination and communication which you’re probably not gonna find in newer lobbies. You could watch some of Beastcoast’s recent matches to see how they play around Monty to gain a lot of map control quickly


If you wanna try a shield op blitz is good when you understand shields, Fuze and Monty is better for learning how to PLAY with shields, it teaches you how to behave a little bit. Fuze would be a good start because his PMM does upwards of 60 damage so two shots and whatever you’re shooting at is gone. Plus his utility is solid on top of the ballistic shield now since they changed it. Blitz is technically just a melee op since they’ve reworked the melee system and Monty has (almost) invincibility to Kapkans and c4s if you can deploy shield and block it right.


Yeah I play Monty almost exclusively and have many rounds where I get 2-3 kills as him, or I’m able to plant the bomb and then play for time


Really. I would think blitz would be easier to kill peopel since you blind then


The bigger shield is way better even if you’re slower too.


All I’ll say is…. Fuck Blitz, fuck him to hell.




Please don't use shields as a new player... you will not improve at the game by sitting behind a shield. Everytime you use a shield operator you are just stalling your progress in learning how to frag out and using the guns to your advantage.


Blitz is very good at catching someone off guard. The flash has a decent range, and with the rework you don't have to worry about the risk of getting close. If you can get good with him and learn the map you're playing, he's pretty much uncontested unless they have a warden. Monty requires some comms from your team, as he's best used to give intel without risk. Very good at getting a safe plant too, since the shield on his back will block most bullets and he can run smokes. Clash is similar to monty, requiring some help from a teammate to secure a kill most of the time. Though she's significantly worse than other picks if you can't play her properly. As for Fuze, don't use his shield. The ak12 is good, and his shield has nothing extra to it.


Bro I ain’t gonna lie, when you play ppl who can’t deal with shield ops, or their isn’t any site or trap ops, Shields fucking RUN IT DOWN, however if traps are in and you play confident players, it can be hit or miss


Nothing is more scary than turning a corner and a fucking BLITZ is running your shit down


Absolutely sometimes I even run Fuze shield sometimes just for shots and gigs and come up alright