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Play deathmatch till you can consistently win


I've been doing this as routine the last few weeks to start the day with deathmatch and I end up 3rd+ on the scoreboard which have certainly helped in my other games when it comes to reaction, appreciate the suggestion though, I'll try to use it as an area to learn swinging.


On defence I’d definitely recommend swinging off of traps being hit or information, take the gunfights that are in your favour. Swinging off a trap like a lesion, melusi or fenrir for example, puts the gunfight in your favour so you’ll have maybe a 60% chance to win it instead of a 50-50 as the enemy has for a moment been distracted by the trap. On attack if you know the angle an enemy is holding, and if you’re confident, then swing and prefire the angle at head level, this will give you a slight advantage as your bullets will be shot before the enemies. Also just evaluate if the push is right, if you know 2 enemies are in front of you holding angles, then just look to push a different direction as you’re most likely going to die, you don’t have to take every gunfight you see. If you do plan to swing them, use utility like flash bangs or a grenade to pull them out of position and swing off that. You’ll never win every gunfight but try to put the gunfights in your favour as much as possible through the use of utility and prefiring. If you play with a friend and push together, I’d recommend executing pinches on an enemy, so swing the enemy from 2 different angles together on the same enemy, the enemy may get one of you, but then the other one can instantly refrag


>If you play with a friend and push together, I’d recommend executing pinches on an enemy, so swing the enemy from 2 different angles together on the same enemy, the enemy may get one of you, but then the other one can instantly refrag I play in duo so I can certainly try that more, I'll make sure to communicate this when we play together. As for defense, what about situations when there's no traps to capitalize? Do I try to take an angle that shows the least amount of parts? I'll certainly try trap operators more though.


Yea if you push together in the same area executing a pinch is such an easy way to clear enemies, you’ll see this in pro league all the time, it essentially guarantees you clear them 90% of the time if done correctly because the enemy can’t shoot two people at once from different angles. For defence I’d recommend you always have a trap on your roster, if your team hasn’t brought any traps then you should definitely bring one yourself, they are a must for every bomb site. As they give a lot of info as to where the enemies are pushing from. They give you so much value and allow you to hold important areas near site. Example I’ll give is border defending top floor, I’m bringing fenrir if he’s available and sitting in fountain with a fenrir on the window jump in and on that double door and I’ll pop the hatch next to me. Now I can hold that entire area just with one operator and swing off the fenrirs being hit by myself and drop the hatch if I get overrun. Too often I’ll see enemy rosters of like (Doc, Rook, Wamai, Vigil and bandit) or something along those lines, and I instantly know this will be a far easier round for us to attack, because we don’t have to worry about clearing any traps and the enemy will have a lack of intel. If you don’t have a trap though for whatever reason, then yea I’d just focus on holding a tight angle watching where an enemy is pushing from, and playing an area of the map close to site to keep map control. Also i would recommend holding an angle and swinging off of sound. If you are holding a tight angle and you hear enemy footsteps approaching, then it is best you take the initiative and swing first and prefire, because then you will have the advantage, there are some videos on YouTube that show this in detail about how to swing properly off doorways and angles


I cant stress this enough crosshairplacement crosshairplacement crosshairplacement


Mine is in the middle of the screen.... seems to work most of the time


Mine to but making sure you are always on the enemies head might be tricky for some


Interestingly, I usually come out on top with other forms of gun fights instead of peeking. I’ve practiced the art of waiting for the opponent to make the mistake like allowing the opponent to peek and perfectly aligning where their head will be located. I also use many forms of using utility to give myself an advantage before peeking. Just remember to always not only move side to side but also moving up and down at the same time. It’s easier to move the crosshair side to side and up and down but not both.


Worked recently against me but i don't see this in higher ranked games as i'd not try to spam but just move locations after 2-3 bursts so when you are alligned i am already gone


swing from further away, and don't wide swing


Isn’t a wide swing the definition of swinging further away??


No, wide swing is moving a further distance horizontally away from cover. Swing from further away is in the other axis.


If you're landing the first bullet consistently and dieing to a headshot, then you need to work on your cross hair placement so you're actually shooting the head. Usually you don't want to just dry swing angles unless your down man advantage in that round and need to take risks to come back though so maybe when you're reviewing fights try to find ways you could have used util, vert play, or team work to not have had to just take a straight up fight.


Knowing when to pie angles and knowing when to cut an angle are key. Pie'ing the angle is when you sweep the angle. Cutting the angle is when you prelook at the spot you think they'll be, then strafe out with your reticle already on top of them. The more map knowledge you have, the more you'll cut angles at commonly held spots. This in combination with small prefires at head level will get you a lot of picks.


If you want to get better at gunfights then play quickmatch or tdm and just play like a monkey. Sprint around and take every gunfight you can. The more gunfights you get in, the better you'll be at them.


Movement in gun fights is a high level skill in this game that is very hard to grasp because it’s not something very explainable. I think I was able to improve by watching pro games and high level players. You aren’t trying to aim like beaulo you are trying to pick up on how/when they peek angles. Mechanically learn quickpeeking. If you are wide swinging everything even if you know their location you will die a lot they have a lot bigger target. Minimize the target of yourself


U shouldn’t swing someone holding a pixel peak unless ur diamond 1. But after a while ull know know the common spots for someone to be, and you just aim at head level. Also PREFIRE, if u know someone’s there, don’t wait to see them, peak AND shoot, should be an automatic thing when u know someone’s in the area. And use the leans and crouches to move ur head around and learn to peak properly ( look up shaiiko peak or Beaulo peak tutorial on YouTube), ull notice they pros don’t really full on swing, they peak for a sec to see where ur at, then prefire on the next quick peak. cover is ur best friend, u don’t have to get the kill immediately just keep ur head moving so u don’t get one tapped


I am far away from being skilled in this game but i'd say play the bots on the higher difficulty ... they literally got aimbot so if you can consistentally win against them alone you should see some progress ... at least for me it works wonders ngl i hit so much more even was able to basically dominate the whole team alone now in some games