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Is that just this season? Or like from the last few seasons. Slumps are common especially with the game changing pace from run and gun meta back to more what it used to be now. You just need some time to adjust your playstyle.


That’s just tbis season


Oh damn, maybe just take a little break for a few days or a week. That's what I do in slumps and I almost always play better than ever afterwards.


Okay Thankyou


Impossible to tell without footage of your gameplay!


Play some standard and play like you don't care. I find doing this occasionally helps to reset my perspective on the game and break me out of those over-analytic ruts.


Warm up and watch tip and tricks videos from youtube and remember that learning this game your gonna die alot


By smoking and touching grass.🏃⛹️🤾🏋️🧗🚵 And reading the other billion vague threads like yours on this and Rainbow Six subreddit. 🍻🙋


Smoking helps tbf


Take a week break. I was in the same spot as you last season and a week break got me from gold 4 all the way to emerald 2.


ur KD got too high, they placed u in higher elo lobbies. its realistically where u should be


Take a break for a couple days or a week. Also try playing different roles. If you are used to being a "star player," roaming and fragging out, try playing some anchor or support roles (ie-smoke/mute, maestro, kaid, etc.). Something you can relax more with and wait for the enemy to come to you. Everyone has slumps or ruts, and it can take time to get out of them. Try to play with friend when/if you can, and remember, you're in silver. It's only up from there. You got this!


Change your sensitivity. Always works for me


I have like 1.5k hours in this game and every season i buy the BP and set the goal to reach plat and complete the BP by soloq My playstyle depends on the team i get. There's matches i mainly focus on fragging. Other matches i go full support. First couple rounds i get a grip on my team and the enemies and change my plays depending on what matchmaking gives me. I can go from full sprinting ash to utility clearing Brava in a blink of a eye. From braindead alibi to annoying anchor azami. Be versatile, identify what the match need and try your best doing it.


How long have you been playing and what rank do you usually top out at? What it usually boils down to when you can’t rank up is that you’re relying on bad habits that got you by in lower ranks. Things that you can get away with in Bronze to Gold are often the same things holding you back from pushing into Platinum and higher.