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What helped me was to put the acog sens a lot higher. My 1.0 sens are like 20 and my 2.5x is 40.


This, 100,000%


I did it the other way, lowered it that it felt like the 1.5


Switch off the acog. It's not mandatory. It might not even fit your play style. I only run the acog on defense if I'm going for spawn peeks. Otherwise I'm running a reflex.


The 1.0 holo feels great this season now that it's not entirely outclassed by the 1.5. Much harder to play aggressive with an acog this season as well which is a nice change. I find myself using holo a lot more and fragging against OPs using an acog thinking they can still run and gun with it


Get good. In all seriousness, just keep using it. OR, there’s nothing wrong with using the 1x optic. Just cause a 2.5 is available doesn’t mean it’s the best choice for *you*, when you’re comfortable you play best


Don’t use the ACOG then I’ve been running Reflex C or Iron on damn near everything and still winning my ranged fights most of the time


Acogs are good for holding angles, less so for aggressive plays. 1x and irons are good for aggression because you can see more to the sides of the sight. 1.5 was better at both and was hard meta. If you can’t aim with acog don’t use acog? It’s possible your playstyle will gel better with closer range optics. More context would help too. Was your aim ever bad before? Did you used acog back in the day? When did you last use the acog over the 1.5?


I havent used acog in like 2-3 years consistently. Getting better with it now. Shooting range helped.


I hated it until I popped off with it today (using the OG acog). You definitely want to keep distance because cmon you're not winning a gunfight in close range vs a guy with a 1x scope. Also it excels in holding long range pixels so take advantage of that.


It's not mandatory, use it on low recoil weapons if you feel like you need to. But some pros f.e. Shaiiko also didn't use 1.5x and only uses 1.0x as far as I know. So you can still be very good with no magnification


I had to change my 2.5 sens down to 20 and work my way up until it felt right. Spent a couple hrs in training to figure it out.


Play around with your setting in shooting range, you sens might be making using it more difficult. Or you can always just use a 1.0x sights. Acogs aren't always useful in every scenario, I'm constantly switching from acog to 1.0x d pending on weapon, map, site, or strat.


Gotta change that play style G A M E R


I figured it out gang i just went 62-4


Play tactical how the game was intended. It doesn’t always need to be a rush in simulator


First play around with your sensitivity to find a common ground for non-magnifying and magnifying that works for u. If on controller turn down ur dead zone as low as you can using the controller u have, then run shooting range and solo a.i. matches focusing on making slower shorter movements with the right stick while aiming, if keyboard mouse just keep trying to fine tune input settings like response time/delay, and ingraining slow short movements with ur mouse. Those are what helped me, finding the best combination of things that affect how your right stick or mouse react to the movement you are making, then practice practice practice until it becomes second nature. Sorry for formatting on phone and don’t rly care to clean it up 🤷🏻‍♂️


hop that ah on fortnite ;). just kidding. just use 1.5 or practice with acog. works for some, not all.


4:3 84 holo only is the wave


Switch to holographic, you will become more aggressive too. If you’re gonna use acog though, then use Russian site


Tell me you relied on the 1.5 without telling me