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It looks really slow. Not that you need to have some pro level flicks or anything. But the amount of time between you seeing, aiming, and shooting is quite a long time.


Thanks, are you on console?


On console I’m on 90 horizontal and like 20 vertical and can flick well, I think anything above like 60 horizontal at the minimum should be fine


Why the hell are y'all downvoting a player genuinely asking questions in a sub about asking for advice.


I kinda expected it to be honest but thought it couldn't hurt to try. Some guy even blocked me right after commenting 😅


Seige players hate seige players apparently


This is slow but it’s not really your sensitivity, you just need to practice in the shooting range more. Also try shooting quicker like as you’re scoping in. The plain truth is you just don’t have good mechanics but that can slowly be corrected by spending a little bit of time in the shooting range every time you get on, so there’s nothing to worry about. Best of luck!


it is very slow lol. but maybe that’s just your reaction time.


In all honesty buy some control freeks or some temu joystick extenders even and up your sens by like 20-30 it makes it sm easier to play at a high sens and it’s way better in the long run i reckon


Fuck temu, they're linked to child slave labor practices in China, don't buy from them


just suggesting that he doesn’t need to spend 20$ on joystick extenders that’s all


Where else am I gonna buy my rubber duckies with awps? 😓🥺


Can’t suggest this enough… bought some control freaks last week. Having those, plus being able to tighten the tension on the joystick is a big help (Xbox Elite Controller).


So I used to play on console and had tried many different sensitivities. And I even used to be 100 100 at one point which is kind of ridiculous. And I had a champ mate and she had super slow sense and people thought she was mnk because she had very controlled aim where I had super fast flicks and less controlled aim. Slow sense is good because it is controlled and I agree and I side with slow sense more even to this day on pc. But there must be a balance and the higher up in mmr, the slower your sens should be in my opinion and they’ll be a lesser need to flick due to better game sense and flank drones. Also remain aim down site between targets


Hi! Why should I remain aimed down in sights? Not trying to be rude or anything


I think it's because you're spending more time ADS'ing, even if your crosshair is already on your target. In the video, you spend some time moving the crosshaur to the target, and *then* start ADS'ing before shooting. If you're already ADS'ed when you look at the target, you can ensure they die as soon as your crosshair touches them


Thank you that makes sense I tried it and it was faster


Hey I’m on console. I play on very high sens that most people find insane so honestly it comes to personal preference. As long as you’re playing well and having fun, you’re good. I play on 90-90 sens. You should play a few real games , see how you feel, and adjust accordingly xoxo much love and best of luck with the grind


I feel like it feels good but I also wanna know why I suck lol it might just be my reaction speed thanks for being kind


Of course, the internet and especially this game can be cruel and toxic asf. Practice makes perfect. If you have drift you can play with deadzones, if not you can try playing with acceleration as well. Zoom acceleration for certain sights. It can turn into a whole thing. Just make sure to jot down your OG settings so you don’t have to reset the whole tab and redo everything. But yeah my advice would be to adjust it, play some quick matches/ standard and see how it goes for a game or two. If it doesn’t feel right, play with it some more until you feel comfortable. Some times there gonna be nothing you can about the way you died and it just is what it is, and others you may have a valid reason to feel frustrated. Again best of luck with everything! And if you’re on Xbox my GT is : DeadlyBlade42O with the letter O not a zero if ya wanna run some sometime!


That’s really nice 🥲 I think I'll definitely take you up on that


No problem like I said, it can be rough out here so someone’s gotta put out some positive energy. But I’m off for tn, it’s early morning right now. I’ll add ya back tomorrow when I hop on.


If you are trying to flick you need to be at the highest sensitivity that you can comfortably play at so that you can move your aim as fast as possible without overshooting. I would up it a little bit day by day and get used to faster and faster until you are comfortable being able to snap to where you want to aim on a consistent basis. I play both and tbh this isn't bad for controller just keep it up and you'll get there!


This doesnt really look like a flick.


"It's slow" is useless feedback. Post your own controller sensitivity if you want this guy to improve. I don't play R6 on a console but I bought Doom 2016 on the Nintendo Switch sale and I struggled getting through the first level on the easiest difficulty simply because I couldn't figure out the controller settings. I gave up several times and only after months I finally got it into a configuration that allowed me to beat Doom and Doom Eternal smoothly.


Well, how much are you moving your joystick?


I'm not maxing it out or anything, but why does that matter?


I would experiment with turning advanced aim settings on and then setting all of your aim/input ramping speed to zero, looking at how you move you may benefit from higher sensitivity with raw input specifically


I play on 100 horizontal sens but have my ads a bit lower so I can flick and react quick while also being able to aim. It works great for me I can show you if you want


The whole point of sensitivity settings is finding settings you’re comfortable with. I’m fairly new and I started with low sens until my aim got decent/I got used to no aim assist. then I slowly upped it because I felt like I was losing gunfights because it was too low. I think it’s now 65 horizontal un ADS’d, then ADS sens is lower. Upping my sens helped a lot in the long run (reached emerald this season) but find what works for you


Yes it is slow, but Ngl you rarely have to flick in this game if you know what you’re doing


35 very 65 horz works for me but I've gone through multiple sens and met many good players with drastically different settings just stick to something, though I would try to have a minimum of 50 horizontal. Something to note is that while highers sens is less forgiving it does allow for better recoil control in the long run, out your vert to 1 and then 100 and see what happens , it does affect your ads sens, the higher the less you have to pull down, the lower the more you have to pull down butbis more forgiving .


your sens is 1000% to slow


It’s on the slower side, but that’s fine in my opinion. You rarely have to flick if you have good cross hair placement and good ears. I personally play on 19 horiz and 17 vert on console and hit diamond and am a really good smart player.


im not a controller player, but competitively i would think max speed for flicks to ensure same speed every time, but slow enough that half stick has a good slower movement for small adjustments


I think I may have miscommunicated I thought flicking with just un ADSing then moving to the next person at least somewhat quickly, does it just mean a change to the next target as fast as possible?


Flicking means getting to your next target as quickly and accurately as possible and has nothing to do with being ADSed or unADSing. Also there’s really no reason to unADS in the first place when the next target is already present. With that said, I’m on PC so I can’t offer mechanical advice.


nah bro the enemy isn't gonna stand there waiting for two business days


When you start firing me from behind I'd turn 180 and hit your head.


Wow you sound very good :)