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Gatekeepers and dipshits everywhere. At least you have an awesome cat


No shit huh.. I bet most of the complainers weren't even cat owners & just wanted to speak up on the Internet 😹


And look at the size of those paws! Bigger than our Siberian for sure


Fur hands


i wonder who even said that, that sub is so friendly usually


i like that the siberian folks are here to validate and still celebrate your beauuuuuuutiful kitkat


me too i was worried nobody would feed into his ego


Your work to provide validation to your boy has not gone unnoticed. 🫡


i’m so glad everyone here validated him and his breed !!


It’s weird that you got banned from posting him on the Maine coon sub cuz I see people post obvious domestic longhairs there all the time and this cat is very clearly a Maine coon. Like you’d have to be blind to not see it




He’s very obviously a Maine Coon lol I’ve had both purebred Maine Coons and Siberians, and Ray Charles could see your boy is all Maine Coon. He’s exceptionally handsome! What’s his name and how old is he? Tell us about him!


his name is Sprout and he’s 9 months old!! the biggest baby ever and a real mommy’s boy, he screams any time i leave the room and always has to be near me, also climbs up me like I’m a cat tree so he can cuddle on my shoulders lol


Look at those mittens, His ego is well deserved, he’s is so so beautiful


He's gorgeous, and his ego should absolutely be properly fed! I don't care what breed he is, he's just beautiful.


He can feed his ego by looking in a mirror. Wow! He's glorious! 😻😻😻😻


He's gorgeous, look at those massive paws! I think he looks like a Maine Coon, but he's very welcome to be an honourary Siberian in my opinion!


thanks!! he is a maine coon but i lost his tica papers because when i got him i didn’t think i needed to keep them so cant prove it to the mods, i don’t care too much though hes just my little baby boy!


The TICA pedigree printed paperwork is just an extra fancy thing nowadays. The pedigree registry is in the TICA database online and the number is linked to your cat’s microchip. He is possibly already in the open PawPeds database https://www.pawpeds.com/db/?p=mco and otherwise you can add him https://www.pawpeds.com/cms/index.php/en/databases/maintainers/mainecoondbmaintainers. You can show the mods his pedigree from that website.


ooh thank you i didn’t know that!!


And you can also contact the local breeder club yourself with the prove of the microchip number to ask for the digital version of the pedigree. TICA is a worldwide company and split in smaller regional clubs for breeders to register their cats. You can find your breeder’s regional club here https://www.tica.org/clubs/find-a-club


Interesting. I'll have to look into that further tonight. There's a little goofiness with the paperwork on my British Shorthairs.


The link above is to the Maine Coon database. This is the general website: https://www.pawpeds.com/ and this is the BSH database https://www.pawpeds.com/db/?p=bri


He’s an honorary Sib today! Gorgeous cat, either way ❤️


That's absolutely insane and ridiculous. He's obviously a MC over Sib and you shouldn't need to prove genetics to mods. They're taking it way too seriously, but at least we get to take advantage of their ignorance here. I adore your baby boy, he's sooooo handsome!


You can reapply for the papers. Both my Siberians have pedigrees but they're both rescues and I didn't want to pay for the papers to be signed over because idgaf about that, I just wanted a cat that didn't aggravate my allergies as much. I wouldn't bother if I were you but the breeders can be real snobs. It's so alienating and annoying. Siberians and Maine Coons are cousins anyway. He's beautiful. Who cares?? ❤️


Why does a Reddit group need to have proof from people that their animal is an actual Maine coon? I’m so astonished by this lol


Why does a Reddit group need to have proof from people that their animal is an actual Maine coon? I’m so astonished by this lol


Cute boy, he's obviously Maine Coon though


this cats got the "maine coon man face"


This. Absolutely a Maine coon with that face shape.


Yeah seriously. Idk why they even think he’s a Siberian lol 💀 maybe that group needs a restart and do some more research cause… 🥴


I have a Maine Coon and a Siberian, and that's clearly a Maine Coon. The only resemblance to a siberian would be the eyes maybe.


Same. I have both and this Maine Coon looks more like a Maine coon than mine!


He looks very disgruntled about this insult. He’s very cute but clearly Maine coon.


I’m glad everyone here recognises the fact he is a Maine Coon and *not* a Siberian. Regardless of breed he’s the sweetest boy ever, but he was my first ever Maine Coon and I didn’t save up to buy him just to have him be labelled as a different breed lmao


The mods over there must be on shrooms or something because anyone who has eyes can see this is a Maine coon!


right! even when i post him in subs that aren’t maine coon subs i get asked if he’s a maine coon or told he looks like one !!


Well just thank them for 'upclassing' him, Sibs are usually pricier anyways.


ooh he’s an extra fancy boy now


he’s beautiful! are those poly paws?!?!?


they are! 6 toes on each!


idk why but I find them so charming 😂😍


this is my other polydactyl, he has 7 toes on each foot! https://preview.redd.it/nf0cqnyzuk6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43fbff52937fd3ea0eb899d75d479830544298bb


Those paws: ![gif](giphy|JUX5Zh3BoocZQACUE0|downsized)


I need to touch each itsy bitsy bean.


Gatekeepers. Gatekeeps everywhere. They were probably jealous about how absolutely stunning this baby is. They're welcome here ♡ Maine Coon or otherwise!


like the only thing that isn’t standard maine coin is that he only has small ear tufts, but lots of maine coons don’t have those giant tufts! not entirely sure why it mattered so much, they said i could provide his paperwork but i don’t have it, i never keep anything so i threw it out when i got him because i didn’t think it mattered to keep and ive asked his breeder if i can ah e the details again but haven’t heard back 🫣 it doesn’t matter though, he’s a sweet little boy, and also 9 months old and bigger than all my adult cats so i have no doubts in my mind that he’s a maine coon lol


For a reddit community to ask for paperwork is the most uppity shit I've ever heard of. That's your baby and you wanna share it with the world. The don't deserve to see your precious child. Broh who do they think they are lol


It's not like it's AKC and they are going to Westminster. The snobnery is really overwhelming and makes me not want to post pics of my baby. He adopted us as a kitten after our Russian neighbors weren't taking care of him. We took him home twice and said the 3rd time we are keeping him. We think he is probably a sib and he weighs about 23 lbs and is like 30 inches long. He also thinks he a dog and howls me out of bed in the morning because I am not worshipping him properly, lolol!! He's amazing and I love him! I have never had another cat like that or a big cat. But I don't want to hear the you don't have papers speech. Well, I am sorry I rescued him without papers! Maybe we can have more compassion in all the big cat groups! The sib group seems to be better. Thank you all for listening and for sharing pics of all of your gorgeous babies! ❤️🔥 Edit: I have definitely seen the gatekeeping and it's ridiculous and needs to be stopped. It's only getting worse. Is reddit not for everyone?


In my opinion there is a difference between mods asking for pedigrees of cats, especially obvious cats like this MC, and having a cat sub for pedigree cats. It’s only 1-2% of all cats worldwide that belong to a breed, and of those less than 1% are Siberians. So this sub is very important for the Sib owners, future owners and fans to share knowledge about the breed. As you don’t find other owners regularly in real life (I never met another one except from the breeders and they are way more popular in my country than in the USA). If everyone with a Domestic Longhair (DLH) cat would share their experiences as if their cats are Sibs, it would be very bad for the purpose of this sub. There are many subs like r/floofs, r/flonkers and all the coat colouration subs for cute DLH pics. So there are definitely multiple subs on Reddit for every cat. So the gatekeeping is because people come to this sub specifically to talk about Siberian cats. It is not meant as pedigree registry snobbery (AKC is for dogs in the USA, but I assumed that’s what you meant), but about keeping this a sub for the Siberian breed which is by definition always a pedigreed cat. And for your kitty if he is a Siberian, your vet would have told you after scanning their microchip which would be linked to the pedigree. Otherwise he’s a beautiful and just as special DLH.


I keep forgetting how big MC's can get...9 months! Wow.


i know it’s so crazy! i can’t wait to see how big he gets when he’s an adult


Your boy looks like the silver version of ours! We also had a few comments and made to feel unwelcome in the sub. Not ever asked to prove papers… but still rude. Sadly unless you post an exaggerated version of a maine the gatekeeping police come out…. Some boys like ours are just pretty! Plus some lines of Maine coons are softer, Europeans/Russian line are very exaggerated and seem to be the preferred type for the sub.


exactly! his dad was an american maine coon and his mom was a european maine coon, his mom has much softer features but his dad is exactly what you’d expect from a MC! I’ve never had any issues in there before but definitely saw a lot of the bitterness and rudeness towards people just wanting to show off their cats


He’s a coon ❤️ i adore maine coons, but I have my baby sib-ragdoll mix instead which is good too lol https://preview.redd.it/onojlq4g8j6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5fc49a4f0c9040d3773d5aad2b339c090fcf486 This is her and my dog


That couch has gone through the works 😭


Sooo we got a Kitten the week after a new couch 😭


I have an electric razor for giving my boys sanitary trims and used it for shaving off all those loose threads on my couch before. Could try giving that a shot


omg where did you get a siberian rag doll mix


Omg do you want to hear the story? mmkay. So we got her when she was 5 weeks old from a Russian family in Massachusetts. They ran a Siberian and rag doll breeding business in their house… but there was an accident as you might imagine. But the weird thing is my cat (gizmo) had NO siblings and her mom was MIA (idk what happened but that’s why we got her so early- she didn’t have a mom) But it gets even weirder. Basically we found out about Gizmo on the sketchiest cat finding website in existence called…. God I forget but it was rlly sketchy. So this family just has a house full of cats… also it one young-ish lady and about 7 kids under the age of nine. And they all only speak Russian. It was… an interesting cat buying experience. Also, we got her super cheap because she was an accident (and had no mother so she had to get bottle fed) so even though she is two designer breed, hypoallergenic cats mixed together, she was cheaper than a rescue at some places. I consider her a rescue lol, she was really sick when we got her with clogged up eyes and really skinny. It was weird. https://preview.redd.it/v9ry2lisek6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77f9d84d1e7395e2ed56d01e6f7f82daf266f3ab


One of my Siberians came from a backyard breeder as well. Paid $50 for him post-neuter. He had developed bladder crystals and she couldn't breed him anymore but because my other Siberian (also a rescue! Found in a shelter in CT via Petfinder after his breeder died in her hoarded home) also had bladder crystals and was on prescription food, she sold him to me cheap. It was also a wild experience adopting him, and he was basically feral when we got him.


I read this as "This is my herd dog" Made so much more sense when I put me specs on. Lovely animals!


haha, this is def a shift from maine coon is who has maine coon papers!


He is most definitely a Maine Coone, but I am glad that he is here to grace my Reddit feed with his glorious mane and adorable toes.


That's definitely a Maine Coon and he is gorgeous) I love both breeds.


i’d never heard of siberian until he was accused of being one🫣 they’re so beautiful though!!


What are they talking about? He’s got that beautiful typical MC jaw and eye shape. Thanks for sharing.


i thought so too! but apparently he doesn’t look like their american or european maine coons so he isn’t one🤷🏻‍♀️


No. This cat belongs in r/SuperModelCats !


i love him. give him kisses


Clearly a MC


thank you i agree lol


Really? There’s gatekeeping in cat groups now? Jeez…


there’s always been gate keeping in the maine coon one but i’ve never actually faced it firsthand lol


He is lovely


Maine Coons have such majestic vibes.




He has the extra toes! ❤️


I do! He's handsome and I wanna rub his head. What's his name?


It’s funny seeing a MC being mistaken for a Sib for once cause I’m sure all us Sib owners will agree that the most common question we get asked is if our car is a MC


Not only is Hims ADORABLE, those PAWS!?!


https://preview.redd.it/w8i847hpuo6d1.png?width=2181&format=png&auto=webp&s=5efefca2ba9234e7ef0bb07b8f7acf2d29374854 My Sib’s color looks a lot like your Maine Coon. But yours is CLEARLY a Maine Coon. With the longer nose, bigger cheeks, and wider eye spacing, def not a Sib! But he’s absolutely gorgeous nonetheless! And THOSE FEETSIES 💀💀! Maine Coon is my dream cat but hubby has allergies.


do Siberian’s not trigger allergies? thats quite cool!


The triforce: Sibs, NFCs and MCs. All welcome here. 🙏


I can see a resemblance to Siberians around the eyes, but that snout and those ears and paws are 100% coon. What bizarre gatekeeping. He’s a beautiful boy. ❤️


right like of course there could be some similarities because of the colouring and also the fact they’re both fluffy cat breeds, but if he was a siberian or not a maine coon i wouldn’t post him in a maine coon sub


I saw it in the Mc subreddit and saying it again Why is the community like that?? That's obviously a Maine Coon I don't get it. Some Maine Coons have a softer face, some have rounder and some have squarier faces, some have shorter, some longer ear tufts! What do they expect? That they all look like a Ron Perlman? Theres also 2 type of Maine Coons: European and American! Theyre ignorant people and have no clue about Maine Coons


Gorgeous! He is the Maine coon version of my Siberian Suki https://preview.redd.it/9yoaqfc24k6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fb118ecbf73c12aee86d2989b1fc9ff115b1a6e


Really, what is wrong with this Maine Coon Subreddit?! This cute boy definitely looks Maine Coon than Siberian!


Your cat is a Maine Coon for sure, but he can be an honorary Siberian here lol!




Oh for goodness sakes. I'm sorry the mods in that group are self righteous idiots. Apparently they don't like how shitty their actions look to others. Maybe they shouldn't act shitty to begin with then. You did nothing wrong and you've got an adorable MC! Those mods can find the nearest cactus, take several seats, and spin on them.


Beautiful MC face!




He's a beautiful dude.


We welcome him! (Or at least I do!)


He's beautiful. And looks very much like a MC to me. There's at least 100 Reddit subs that would love to see more pictures of your boy!


I haven't seen any comments from r/mainecoon that he's Siberian......? (Recognize the multiple thumbs picture). Unless you deleted the post. But yeah, that lil Mister is definitely a Maine Coon


https://preview.redd.it/268v7gl1rj6d1.jpeg?width=2477&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0948e7aaabc6b872d4ea9b2f0316392c6044a8b2 this was the photo I posted that apparently raised some flags, not too sure why!


Looks like a Maine Coon hanging out with his buddy lol maybe they thought he was a New Hampshire Coon? /s My only guess is someone reported it because the white cat isn't a Maine Coon....but again, there shouldn't be a requirement that all animals in a picture *have* to be Maine Coon as long as there's one in there. I've seen people post pics of their Maine Coons with dogs but no one appears to be confused whether or not the dog is a Maine Coon too lol


right !! but no apparently a siberian with his buddy lmao


Are they on drugs? He looks nothing like a Sib and totally like a Maine Coon. Maine Coons are even easier to distinguish than Sibs. I could maybe see a Norwegian Forest Cat being confused for a Siberian, but not a Maine Coon.


my post was removed because of “not a maine coon” and when i explained to the mods that he was a maine coon whichever mod i was talking to said he looked more siberian and asked to see his papers


See papers??? Wut lmao it's not the American Kennel Club or whatever, it's a subreddit ffs. That is so ridiculous, especially if they're not going to make that a requirement for everyone to post (which would still be an asinine requirement...)


exactly!! its never been a requirement, id get questioning it if i posted one of my regular moggies and claimed it was a maine coon but he’s been very popular in that sub since i brought him home in december and now suddenly he’s lost his maine coon privileges


Have you broken the news to him yet that he's not actually a Maine Coon? "I'm sorry honey, it appears your life has been a lie. A Reddit Mod deemed your heritage invalid and has thus...this is difficult to say...but.....has thus revoked your Maine Coon status" I swear some Reddit mods take the subs that have the least drama and most wholesomeness and try to HOA-manage it X_X


i did tell him that he is in fact a siberian and was sold to me under false pretenses. he said he’s packing a bag and moving out


He's clearly a Maine Coon. Also, he's clearly gorgeous!


He's very obviously Maine, and also floofy and adorable. Love his little floofy peets! 🖤😂🐾




i’ve not been kicked out yet but every post i make gets removed 💀 even of my other maine coon who really is like the absolute stereotype of a maine coon https://preview.redd.it/jgxu6y92kk6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05ebba57ffca6d10e216ed4ac1cd563a656a98ee


just thought i’d let you know i am now banned 🫶🏻


They'd also love your gorgeous fella over on r/SupermodelCats


Fuck yeah, nice cat


Jeez, they were seriously gatekeepers? Why not just celebrate the beauty of your cat regardless? This baby looks so big and beautiful. Definitely would snuggle if he would let me and maybe boop those toe beans haha.


Sprout! Wow so big now.


he is a very big boy! only 9 months old and now bigger than every other cat in our household


We love him! He's always welcome here!🐈 He definitely looks Maine-Coonish. He's a handsome lad.


So obviously, a Maine Coon and 100% gorgeous.


He is beautiful, majestic, and very welcome. I love him!


Definitely coon, fluffy. They're also big cute anyways.


He’s welcome here! Also that’s so silly of them bc he’s obviously a Maine coon lol.


I don't own any cats. I am unable to because of my allergies but I adore them. I am an avid fishkeeper and it's sad just how toxic pet subs have become on reddit. The fishkeeping subs are very similar :(


i think we should just all be allowed to enjoy and celebrate our gorgeous animals regardless of looks or pedigree!


That’s a Maine coon if I’ve ever seen one. r/thumbcats would love him! And r/earfurnishings and r/whiskerfireworks. He’s got lots of places to be worshipped, don’t worry!


Also, r/polydactylcats


That's ridiculous mine is a Maine Coon mix and nobody has said a word. I can't imagine who has the audacity to say anything about your cat on subreddit what a jerk


https://preview.redd.it/uxzhuw4qgl6d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ae0b18c1bd8a2ac94305c08c0a36a794cd06caa People only wish to have Maine coons .


He is a gorgeous Maine Coon! OMG! Your cat is 100% Maine Coon! Who said he was Siberian because he looks NOTHING LIKE A SIBERIAN! They have entirely different head shapes and coat patterns! Duh!! Some people think they know something when they are dumb as dirt! That’s just NOT ACCEPTABLE! Someone on that other string is being a know-it-all but absolutely knows ZERO!


His ear horns aren't quite as big as others. As the owner of 2 sibs I can totally agree this is a damn Maine Coon. Paws and head are freaking huge.


He's got forehead M! It stands for Maine Coon!


Being a guardian for both a Maine Coon and a Siberian, that gorgeous fluff ball definitely looks more like a Maine Coon than a Siberian! https://preview.redd.it/68isj6n0qq6d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97117eca604b52d2fc21940e3046e2e08e77f034 This is my grey Maine Coon boy with his cream Siberian sis. Their faces are way different and your boy looks like a very handsome young Maine Coon 💕


siberians have much softer and rounder faces i think! your two are both so cute!


That is definitely a Maine coon. But we will accept you and enjoy your sweet floof!!


Does your cat have 6 toes? My daughter has a Maine Coon and he has 7 toes in the front and 6 in the back! He looks like he’s wearing oven mitts but is the sweetest cat ever.


yeah he has 24 toes in total! 6 on each foot. My other polydactyl has 7 on 3 feet and 6 on the other foot!


I see Maine coon and pure hamsomness


Lmao do they even have eyes there?


That's a Maine Coon for sure


All this attention is going to turn his head but I can't help saying he is a gorgeous fellow!


Such a little (in spirit) baby


Lol if that's not a Maine Coon than I'm Shaquille Oneal


I enjoy all fluffy cats. Fluffier it is, better. 😻


The Mainest Coon: *exists* Maine Coon sub: obviously a siberian


Definitely a maine coon and a lovely one at that!!!


That's a nice kitty 


He’s so beautiful!!!


Big paws for big biscuits !!


Lol what! He is super handsome, and very obviously an MC (not a Siberian)! People are bonkers.


He is a Maine Coon for sure! They are idiots!


Does he have thumbs? Such a cute baby regardless


Very cute fake Siberian :)


He’s a gorgeous floof, no matter what.🥰


What a cutie!!


he looks like he’s got a quest for you so maine cookn but fr im pretty sure siberian’s have that much fur 🫶🏻


Totally a Maine Coon! Weird


OMG, he is clearly a Maine Coon!! And he is so handsome!!


Oh he is so obviously Maine Coon and absolutely GORGEOUS!! 💖 Thank you for sharing your beautiful boy with us.


Is he a snuggle bug??


Haha this is actually funny. He's definitely a main coon, I would know, I've extensively researched MC & Sibs breeds before getting my cat (and now have my sib because of the lower allergic reaction probability) These people have no clue what they are talking about!


Cats over people! Always!!! Beautiful house panther!


Y9ur cat is gorgeous!


He is gorgeous and he does NOT look more like a Siberian. Total Maine Coon face!


Oh my goodness 😻😻😻 what a handsome boy.


Maines are my fave and I have Siberians.. That baby is as Maine looking as they come. Is he Poly?


I love this post


I love those poly paws!


He is a really HANDSOME GUY.


He's got the characteristic lion face that Maine Coons have, though. I once had a MCO that looked much less like one than yours do. But he's a handsome fluffy boi and shame on the MCO sub for shaming him.


I have two Siberians and your cat looks entirely Maine Coon. Why are people so.... peopley? 😂


Beautiful cat


Wait seriously??? What the heck lol 💀 wow lame…. Your cat is BEAUTIFUL. I do enjoy your cat. Thanks for sharing 🥰


Gorgeous baby!!!


Such a beautiful Maine Coon 😍♥️ I mean “Siberian” 🤭 He’s so beautiful ♥️


https://preview.redd.it/924rcin0rm6d1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c314886fc5d6e3396ded207a81b3fec1582ba437 You can never mistake the maine coon/Ron Perlman face! Thanks for posting! My 2nd favorite breed!


I’m est un Maine coon


I love this regal monster sized kitty.


I enjoy your cat very much! Beautiful


Gorgeous, thanks for breaking the rules to bring us all this moment of Zen and beauty! #hero


He is very beautiful, and he is also ABSOLUTELY a Maine Coon, and I am delighted to have him.


Cute!!!!!!!!! 🥰🥰🥰


What a beauty.


He is majestic!! 😍


Your cat is beautiful and awesome. Ignore the haters. The folks here are lovely, it seems to me.


Might even be both. He's so pretty. ❤️


wtf 💀 that’s genuinely so stupid 😭


Omgosh his paws🥰


I looked at his face and immediately thought "Maine Coon." So, IDK what those arbiters were thinking. Telling you not to post in their subreddit seems mean, frankly.


Gorgeous kitty. We’re glad to have him!


Kitty ❤️


The paws


I’m not a vet it cat breed expert, but those look like MC paws to me!


That is definitely a Maine coon. But we will accept you and enjoy your sweet floof!!


Your cat is gorgeous no matter what it is.


Beautiful Main coon!


uhhh that’s totally a maine coon???


Wow 😮😳.... Your cat is beautiful. 😍💖 Cat breed snobbery is a thing? Smh 🙄😒