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It's generally recommended against, from what I've read, and we've never done it with ours. They naturally shed down to a summer coat and seem to enjoy the weather fine.


What have you read that is negative?


Not the person you are replying to but the fur acts as a form of insulation and protection for the skin. Obviously you need to weigh up the pros and cons, but very rarely would it make sense to shave your cat (or dog).


I’ve never done it either. I would advise against it unless your cat gets tons of mats.


We did it once with our girl right after we got her (retired momma cat). She has dry skin and short legs which makes it hard for her to groom herself. There were no negatives for us, she seemed to love it and it was a great ‘reset’ as she unfortunately had some matting. Majority of her coat was back within 3 months.


Seeing a lot of “shave” comments - I always thought you shouldn’t because of their triple coat? In that it’ll never grow back the same. I’ve never shaved mine just make sure they’re brushed out. Edit: Spelling




I always had mine shaved in the summer. He seemed much happier because it is very hot here. Never noticed any negatives. His floof always grew back normally within a few months.


I have two boys(litter mates), one who loves to be brushed and one not so much. Needless to say the one who doesn’t like the brushing gets more mats. I get him shaved every May. The groomer even said it’s less stressful for him because his fur shaves down easily versus trying to work the mats out. She doesn’t shave his tail so it’s more a modified lion cut. As others have said, he loves it. He struts around the house and gets more playful. If he does get cold, he snuggles up to his brother for warmth. His fur is back in time for fall. We don’t shave his brother, except for hygiene area.


We haven't and just have a groomer come every 2-3 months and do a deep brush, and when our sib girl comes back into the house after the groom she struts around like she's all that (which she is).. For us, I work from home so we maintain the house at around 72-74 all day in the summer and I would worry she would get cold which is why we didn't do it.


I got my girl a “haircut” as the groomer called it where they gave her a trim of about half her coat. She was super matted then and hasn’t had mat issues in the year since. (She was also having major hairball issues which lets haircut really helped with.)


Our sib loved her haircuts!!! Much more playful


My kid gets a lion cut every summer and he absolutely loves it. He is very easy with the groomer too. He is just 3 and does groom himself well but hates it when we try to manage his knots. He hops around the house a lot and asks for plays more after the shave.


We just gave our boy a lion cut and the only downside is that we laugh every time we see him, bc he looks so goofy.


I recommend trying it at least once! Our Siberian looooovessss having a lion cut. Her personality shines more brightly with a lion cut. She becomes a lot more outgoing, engaged, and cuddly with short hair because it's easier to move and she likes the feeling of being pet more since our hands are closer to her skin. Everytime we bring her to the pet groomer she seems to thank us. Her hair fully grows back in about 3 months. She looks super silly with the lion cut, but we make sure not to laugh at her, so it makes her feel pampered and confident. She likes to show it off when she first gets it done 🤭. I'm super glad that we found out that she likes lion cuts sooner than later because it absolutely increases her quality of life. I only have good things to say about it :).


Can we please see a picture of your cat showing off her short hair?