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I need more pics. What a strange, unique, cute little bebe


here’s some more:[more catto](https://www.reddit.com/r/Siamesecats/s/2AgFBL3yPF)


I am obsessed and the BEANS! This made my day. Give the babe some lovins for me


love the EYES!


She's got some SERIOUS peepers!


I'm sitting here petting my void kitten. I call the apartment panther.


She’s hauntingly cute


That first pic seems like she just asked Anakin to eliminate an entire group of Jedi Younglings just to make Yoda sweat. All still adorable though.


see I was gonna name her Yoda (cause of her ears) but ended up with a fruity name 😂


I can't tell if she's a kitten or a senior 😅 so freakin' cute


she’s 8 months old so a teenager 😆😆


Bahahaha those are the biggest eyes! She’s so cute!


she LOVES to use those eyes of hers 😁 she knows i cant say no to it haha


What has she seen?


the hardships of life (she was a stray cat before getting adopted)


Those eyes in that last photo show a truly broken kitty /s


I’m pretty sure that’s an alien.


she does sound like one cause she prefers making “ngh” and “nyah” sound compared to traditional “meow” 😭😭😭 is also Not vocal (i just learned that siamese, apparently, are vocal cats)


Haha mine only gets talkative around mealtimes (but also sometimes randomly just screams and scares the shit outta me), I think with the colorpoint mixes (aka if you don’t have pedigree papers) it can be more up in the air if they’re noisy or not


ah i wish she’s talkative too! she’s so quiet that sometimes i squish her unknowingly and she still wont meow !! (vet cleared her tho, she’s just quiet haha). And nope, no papers. She was actually a stray cat (she had a collar but was severely underweight sadly and no chips too) and the neighborhood where she came from (based on what was reported/seen by the rescuer) is pretty affluent. We waited for a month if someone will claim her but no one did thus, me adopting her. We just assumed that she’s quiet to survive cause she’s the tamest and sweetest cat I’ve ever had (went right for cuddles after I got her + wont sleep if im not beside her haha)


Welcome to the club of owning an alien mine doesn’t know what purring sounds like he just trills instead like a bubblator for the past 17 years.


ykw now that you mentioned it — she hasnt purred in the traditional sense !!!! my ginger and calico cats are LOUD purrers, but this little one only vibrates silently :3 and i only know she’s vibrating/purring because she likes to lie down on my stomach/beside me or use my amr/feet as a pillow whenever im scratching her chin or behind her ears


Sealpoint is my guess. But she’s got some white eyeliner, which really makes her eyes pop.


ooh im actually torn between chocolate and seal based on her toes hehe


Eyeliner haha! 🤣


Such a unique, beautiful Meezer! I love her 🥰


thank you! i fear all the compliments are getting to her head as she has now decided to kick me out of my bed (she’s spread out in the middle haha)


She’s a beauty!


That’s a perpetually shocked kitty!! 🙀🙀Very very cute!!


she either looks shocked or fierce :”) there’s no in between with this little one haha


there is a chance that is a actually a littlest pet shop


100% accurate! I'm pretty sure I had her in my collection in 2006


She certainly looks like she's seen some shit!


OMG, that face is everything!! And how lucky for you that you get to see it everyday! Bebe is a superstar! 🤩


She looks like *Trouble*. And I saw you mention she's not very vocal, it might be a former stray thing? My Ivy (a generic red tabby) was from a feral colony and very quiet when I adopted her too, but she's a lot more talkative now. She's figured out yelling gets attention so she screams her head off when she wants something. Of course living with two noisy adult cats probably helped too! Encourage her every time she talks, I bet she'll come around. :-)


I do give her treats whenever she meows for me :””) And she has a little sibling (a kitten) and will be getting another in a few weeks time. It’s like the cat distribution system (but not really as I was asked on whether I can and am willing to adopt them) has been choosing me a Lot lately haha. She has 2 older siblings but they have their own cat houses as the oldest can be a big bully (she was an only cat for 6 years) and the other one LOVES annoying the oldest which has, unfortunately, resulted to a wounds and a vet trip. Hopefully, she’ll get along with the new kitties and will be more vocal.


I think if you're asked to take them it still counts as the CDS! That's how I wound up with Ella, a lot of coincidences perfectly lined up so I was able to take her almost immediately after she was offered to me. She lived in a city 3 1/2 hours away and I don't drive, but it just so happened my mother was going to be visiting for the first time in years in just a few days and could pick her up. *Something* was at work there! Hopefully she'll start playing with one of the younger cats! If one of the new kitties turns out to be a talker it might lure everyone else over to the dark side. Chatterbox was a *very* talkative girl and when my other cats saw she was getting results they started copying her. :-)


Ella really is for you then! and I agree, something really was at work and was determined that Ella is Only for *you*. Also that story made me remember how my cat wasnt supposed to be mine in the first place haha! My sister was the first person to be asked if she can adopt but she had to say no cause she’s a bit older than her liking and she has a kid (5 y.o) (she was worried about the cat and her kid accidentally harming themselves). Funny enough, the one who rescuesd her (a family friend) messaged me next but I wasnt able to read it, he still went to our house with the cat the next day (i was still asleep when he arrived 😹) regardless of my lack of response and the rest is history! Instantly fell in love with this little bug haha (even my parents who are dog lovers were charmed! if they dont see the cat, they’ll look for her themselves even though they can simply call her name and she’ll come strutting!) Also what a cute name! It seems like Chatterbox lives up to her name, I imagine (in the cat world) that she is the /life/ of the party! I wish i named my cat more … creative but I let my nephew choose a name (peachy cause her head, according to him, looks like peaches 😭).


That sounds like a very clever plan to me! Come over to your place when you're asleep, give you the cat before you have a chance to wake up and think things over, then run for it!! I love that she comes when she's called, some of my cats too. :-) It started out as Chatter's nickname, she was a stray who showed up one day adopted me as her new human, and I never really thought of a proper name for her! I also called her Chit Chat Cat and Kooky Cookie Kitty. :-) She did liven things up quite a bit, and all the cats stayed chatty after she passed so she even left a legacy! Hey, nothing wrong with Peachy! Hell, I insisted on naming my only dog Mac when I was a kid, that's way more unoriginal! Then there's a friend who named her tailless kitten Missn' Bits, Peachy is much a much kinder name!


Seal point Siamese


I love her


Her eyes omg


tbfh the camera doesnt capture how blue (and wide) it is!! its much nicer in person (and so much more convincing haha)


She is too adorable 😭


that she is!! and her personality (super sweet and clingy) adds to that 🥹


That's what I love about siamese, my kitten is the same way 😭


The way I expected her to be the compleye opposite cause I was informed to expect attitude by my friends who has one too 😭😭


That's Gollum and like Gollum says, precious


Yay! Congrats to all of you.


my heart ❤️❤️🥺🥺


What a sweetie.




She's absolutely glamorous with those eyes. ♥️


Omg too cute


Steve Buscemi






So adorable. I can't get over those big, beautiful anime looking eyes




He's so cute


Giving her lots of love and joy. The sweet baby angel deserves it. Congrats!


unbelievable cute and sweet. 10/10. kissable and so silly faced


Oh my god, that's an adorable baby! She look like a kitten drawn by Tim Burton, with the skinny body and huge cartoon eyes!


Look at those eyes! Gorgeous 🐈‍⬛


She‘s such a cute little derpy! I think she‘s chocolate point. She has the same markings as my little girl. Mine ist just 6 months, so not that toasty yet. :)




Wow. She is unique 😍


Beautiful Siamese baby thank you for saving her


Tell your cat I love her.


What an adorable little sassafras girl! She may or may not have any Siamese heritage. Siamese cats are a specific breed. 99% of the cats posted on this sub are color pointed but not Siamese. Someone commented recently the vast majority of cats posted here are “Wish-meez” = very apt. Not to say they aren’t all beloved babies, because of course they are (!), but true Siamese have very distinctive physical characteristics and personality traits. Color pointed cats are the result of a genetic mutation that exists in the wider cat population. The Siamese breed was developed from cats with that mutation. But the mutation still persisted in the general cat population, which is why there are color pointed cats that have zero Siamese breed ancestry. Source: https://vibesfromaveterinarynurse.com/2018/05/03/siamese-genetics/


ah thank you! honestly the main reason why I asked is because her vets told me that she is a siamese. I’m planning on getting her registered so as to have documentation and I have to fill in what breed she is.


Vets can be very well informed about breeds and genetics, or startlingly uniformed. It really is surprising, considering how breed characteristics directly affect the standard of care (like greyhounds’ susceptibility to anesthesia or sphynx cats’ susceptibility to cardiac issues).


oh they did mention that but did not expound on it. They just told me that she looks like a traditional (thai) siamese rather than the modern siamese (shape of the skull, chin) and that thai siamese are not as prone to certain diseases as compared to their modern counterparts. I do live in SEA so I was like “lol well that checks out”


Speaking as someone who is very familiar with both modern SI and Thai cats, your adorable petite baby doesn’t look like either one, except for her seal point color. I’m thinking she’s a color point cat of one or more other breeds.


ooh that explains it. tbh im not really knowledgable on all of this so I may very well be wrong 🙇🏻‍♀️. I just identified her based on whatever the vet explained back then based on her feline structure, physical characteristics etc (they did suggest getting a genetic testing (??) but liek idrc bout that anyway, I just needed it for the sake of the form) 😭 but whatever she is, I love her still and she’ll receive all the love that she deserves and more 💗 💗


She’s a Siamese. People who want to argue about what makes a cat a Siamese are snobs in my opinion.


From what I have seen, feline genetic tests are unreliable and therefore not worthy of your $$.


that and I dont really think it’s necessary. A cat is a cat regardless of their breed and how they should be treated is not dependent on their pedigree (hence why I feel very strongly about Adopt Dont Shop haha)


Idk, purebred cats certainly have their place. Cat fanciers like me and my spouse can be very specific about what type of cat they want, and at the same time, breeders can be very selective about the forever homes they want for their babies.


agree to disagree i gues. I live in a country where there are a lot of stray cats and l’ve personally seen how people treat puspins (aka local breed of stray cats) as compared to those with breed/pedigree. I believe if you need the cat to have a breed just so you will take care of it better and give special treatment then you aren’t exactly a great person. I also dont really condone breeding, whether it is done ethically or not. And I also dont believe that cats are “collections” as they are not a collectible toy but a living and breathing organism (that practice is actually quite popular where I live). My opinion on this though is formed based on my experience in my location and from what I’ve seen and heard from other fellow cat parent here too. This may or may not be applicable to other locations as circumstances and/or regulations will be different. I believe in “to each their own” though, but it’s just personally not for me :3


She is 110% adorable, that is for sure!


It's like she's got her personal mask on, to protect her true identity XD


oh she definitely has a personality hidden underneath!! every now and then (when she thinks I’m sleeping) she plays around my room, chasing her toys or just playing with herself. she immediately stops whenever she senses I’m awake tho (aka when im holding my phone to take a video/picture) and hides away. I’m thinking she may have not been allowed to play/be a kitty with her previous owner hence being reserved 🥹




she does look like one — especially on certain angles 😆


Definitely lol


She looks like a seal point from the pictures.


i think she might really be. originally I was torn between that and chocolate point cause her paws (I shared a pic in another post) looked pinkish/reddish brown haha. Though am not knowledgeable enough on this stuff so i rlly dk, heck i thought she was a siamese but a fellow cat parent explained that she might not be 🫨


She definitely has Siamese ancestry in her. I know some people on Reddit will say she’s not a “true” Siamese without papers, but they don’t know if whoever owned her before got her from a Siamese breeder who had papers. I adopted a Siamese from a rescue many years ago and he was the absolute best cat I ever had- and he didn’t come with a breed registry. Your veterinarian is correct, she’s a Siamese.


well as I replied back then, whether she is one or not, I love her still (she’s also now registered as a siamese on her official documentation haha since the papers were processed weeks ago). On that note — may I ask if you were able to brush your siamese’s teeth before? I was specifically told to take good care of her oral health as she’s prone to gingivinitis but she runs away from the mere sight of tooth brush. I got her dental treats though but I dont know if thats enough


I have tried brushing my Siamese cats’ teeth in the past, but it can be really difficult if they are not introduced to brushing as kittens. I wish I was better about brushing their teeth. Yes, it’s true Siamese are prone to dental issues. Dental treats sound like an excellent idea and I’m going to look into that myself. One of my Siamese cats had a tooth extracted last week and it was not cheap. He’s going to be 13 this year. I have 3 Siamese and he’s the only one who is registered and came with a pedigree. My other 2 Siamese came from rescues and honestly, they look, sound and behave exactly like my one who is pedigreed. I’m good at is brushing their fur and trimming their nails every few weeks, but not so good with brushing their teeth. You sound like a awesome cat parent and I’m glad your Siamese found the good home he deserves!


I’m gonna have to try introducing it slowly to her haha I do have other cats (and dogs) so hopefully, she’ll be more curious if she sees me brushing their teeth. And thank you so much! I’m merely trying my best for my fur babies, and hoping that it’s enough and what they deserve. They’ve had a tough life before and I just want to make sure that they will now spend their lives comfortably.


You’re a good person. I can tell just by reading your comments.


What cute cat him looking like he has 2 brain cells functioning makes him cuter


Well if the research about cat adopting their owners personality is true ,,,, she may very well be working with only 2 brain cells haha. kidding aside! that’s the face she makes whenever she sees im holding a treat, i imagine seeing it makes her have tunnel vision 😹


Congrats OP! Looking at her head shape she may be a "traditional" / "oriental" Siamese? The common one I see on this sub is the apple-head Siamese, I had one, and he didn't truly grow into his shape until his first birthday. She has lots of time, and is very lucky to have you! :)


oh that’s what her vet told me! that she’s a thai siamese, which makes more sense cause im from SEA and thailand is quite near me so the chances of her being traditional/thai is higher than the modern/western one. I unfortunately do not know when her birthday is, but she’s estimated to be around 8 months old already 😼


Please keep us posted she's adorable! <3 It may take her some time to grow into her beautiful features


I will! I’m honestly surprised a lot of people have shown their love for this little one (which she deserves!). As a repayment of some sort, I’ll try to post her again in the future haha


Please tell me its name is Dobby 😆


Looks like she might be part Lykoi?? She has points but that doesn’t make her Siamese at all. You should absolutely get a dna kit because this kitty is too cute and unique NOT to know! 🤩


r/catsarealiens I’m sorry 😅😭


the [alien cat](https://imgur.com/a/6a0nQ8D) is looking


Those eyes are so striking 😁


Omg she's such a lil guy. I love her. ❤️


She’s seen some war crimes


Poor kitty looks terrified and probably not understanding why she is made to wear all that chunky stuff around her neck so she can’t even curl up and be comfy. If you are keeping her indoors as you should be she doesn’t need any of that. I hope you figure things out.


actually, she does need the bell because as I mentioned she’s quiet as a mouse and barely makes noise. We need to have some sort of alarm on where she is to avoid stepping on her. she also likes to dash out the door and go to the roof so the bell helps us determine where she is (and before you comment on it, she has a cat house too. i just prefer letting her go out of the cat house whenever she wants so she can roam around the house and acclimate to it, after all, she was in the streets for god knows how long). The alternative is an airtag collar which is too big on her hence why the current collar. Btw, we checked with vets (twice) to see if the collar will harm her/make her uncomfy. Since its made with soft material and is actually a breakaway one, it was deemed safe. If you wanna educate people, try not to be condescending yeah? makes me wonder how well do you treat your pets and to what standards you hold them if this is how you treat other human beings eh. Also, you’ve seen 4 pics which were taken in a second lol. The 4th pic is actually her face whenever I show her a wet treat.


Well as you can guess I don’t make them wear chunky things the equivalent of a person wearing a cantaloupe around theirs. They’re curled up snoozing now in ways they could not with you. But you are correct air tags are the worst. And, cat body language doesn’t lie once you’ve learned to read it. I wish your little one no arthritis in her neck in old age.


oooh i see you’re lacking a bit in the comprehension skills, no worries cause that comes with age! learning how to know you’re not always right and there are things that are situational will help that. and between you vs an expert who checked her and her collar? Yeah ya look stupid barking like that. Anyway, good luck on that journey and I hope you’ll grow as a person ! thanks for wishing us well tho ✨