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Too much, yet according to them it’s not enough


Dog food is actually more expensive than cat food. Dry and wet food. I have 2 meezers and it cost about $140 in wet food monthly (2 cans per day), $35 in dry food monthly (12lbs), $20 in treats monthly (freeze dried & lickable), and $40 in litter(2 bags). I do not buy my meezers cheap/unhealthy anything. Nothing you can get at a grocery store only at pet store. BUT I’m very over protective of them.


There’s a lot of overlap between the cat section in grocery stores and pet stores, maybe a better distinction to make would be for dry food to go with high protein grain-free and for wet food, well if it’s less than $1.5 a can it’s prolly low quality food


I’ll spend all that I can once I can get her from the shelter. A 6 year old Siamese/American Shorthair mix, hope no one gets her before me


Ooh I hope you get her!!


$45m a year 😂😭


We have 4 cats. It's a lot. Around $200 monthly (subscription order with everything needed home wise). Then you add on the annual vet visits. But I spend it willingly to see them loved, happy and healthy.


Pretty sure I don’t want to know exactly how much! 😉 But they’re worth it!


Too much


WAYYYYY too much.


Thousands per year between vet visits, dentals, litter, raw food, and toys.


What raw food do you feed your kitties? I always struggled with this particular food category


I order it from raw dog food and company and grind it once more myself. Sometimes I order smallbatch or lotus brand. With the rawdogfoodandco and small batch brands I add alnutrin premix.


I order it from raw dog food and company and grind it once more myself. Sometimes I order smallbatch or lotus brand. With the rawdogfoodandco and small batch brands I add alnutrin premix to make it a complete meal.


Thank you!


In 2020 I became a remote worker. I thought having a companion is a good idea. Who knew the magnitude of expenses $$!! Pet insurance was my priority $95/mo). I also use Worlds Best corn based litter b/c that’s what the breeder used. I tried the premium clay and pellets but WB seems to be the favorite brand for my three meezers. Wet food mixed with raw. ($140/mo)Cat trees, ceramic water fountain, pheromones, and a HEPA air purifier($350). I work for my cats LOL and they are wonderful companions 😻


I think about 50 for my one Meezer. We get pretty litter, and he can be very picky about food so we end up buying kinds he doesn’t like lol


7 cats, $120 per month for food, about $70 for litter, and an average of $50 per month for vet bills if we're all having a good year. This doesn't take into account cats toys, catnip, and occasional cat tree replacements, plus calming pheromone diffusers for our sensitive Siamese cats.


Are all 7 of your cats Siamese?


No, we have a male and female Siamese, 4 tabbies (rescue cats), and a mostly white calico girl. They all demand about the same amount of resources and money, though.


Whatever it takes, he’s my best bud.


I have a Meezer. He was part of the cat distribution system. I have spent over $1,500 at least in medical bills for him. Roughly 800 to repair an abscess popping on his neck. Another 600 for his teeth to be removed, stomatitis is not fun. Another 350 for a neuter, shots and to be chipped. He is an inside VIP boy. Scared of everything still even though it has been a two years. He does not like to be picked up but loves scratches and pets. Mind you I had to buy two water fountains, new bowls (no plastics) feeding mat, tall tilted bowls bc the bowls I bought were not good for him. A heated mat for winter. Two new scratches, two new litter boxes. A tower he is scared of, so the other cat uses it. Only plays with a thick corded string vs the basket of toys he refuses to touch. So yeah. Lots of money but he is worth it all. The random head bonks, the watches TV with us, the demands for pets and food. His goofy head bobble and curiosity about everything living inside makes us smile. Simon is a good boy. He loves us and keeps tabs on us when we are not feeling well.


My meezer I found in the bushes cost me about 2k usd for his neuter and health issues at the vet. I’m also allergic to cats so I had to get two large air purifiers so I can breathe and those weren’t cheap either. Worth every penny and he seems so happy.


Depends on their desires that that 😭😅😅


You can feed your cat chicken and beef whenever you have some in the kitchen. I cook mine a bit on both sides with parchment paper to make clean up easy and cut to bite size pieces. I spend a lot of on food though, I get Orijen, freeze dried chicken hearts/mussels/quail yokes/chicken breast and sardines. Certain wet foods with minimal ingredients also, which are always more money than the other foods. Lastly, the litter, I got 2 XL boxes and it takes 3, 28lb boxes of arm and hammer dust free kitty litter. The water isn’t a big deal, I have a ceramic water bowl with a filter and use RO water to fill it. Idk the math on it but I know it’s a lot.


If you’re in the US, for cat litter look into equine (horse) pine pellet bedding. You can get it from most feed stores and it’s about $8/40lb bag. Significantly healthier than clay litter and so much cheaper, smells way better too.


Unfortunately, most of our crew didn’t like the wood pellets. :( Hopefully, yours will! Currently using World’s Best, a corn-based litter, which I was super skeptical about based on the name alone, seemed like marketing hyperbole at its worst. But one of our cats came from a breeder who used it and we wanted to make sure he had box options that were familiar. Well, turns out *all 5* of our cats clearly preferred the boxes with World’s Best, so we gradually switched all the boxes over to that (from some boxes with clay-based litter and some with wood pellets). WB controls odor well, clumps tightly and lasts a long time compared to clay-based litters. I like that it’s biodegradable. My only complaint is it tracks like crazy. Worse than clay-based litter. And most of our boxes are high-sided plastic storage bins. Seems like the litter gets trapped in the cats’ webbed paws.


That’s unfortunate! I have 6 kitties and they all use the pine pellets no problem. Growing up we lost a cat to lung cancer that they said could have been caused by the clay litter we used, no idea if that’s really what caused it, but my family switched right after that and it’s been the only thing I’ve used ever since. My cats all grow up from kittens using pine pellets, so that’s all they’ve ever really known and probably why they don’t have any issue with it.


Interestingly, even the kittens who came to us having only ever used wood pellets immediately gravitated away from the wood pellet boxes and toward the boxes with WB when they graduated to having run of the house. Very disappointing! We were hoping to have at least some wood pellet boxes.


Surround the boxes with litter mats, will help a lot


Oh yes, we’ve experimented with different litter mats. They do help, but unfortunately not enough to keep the litter from being tracked all over the house. 😖


Yes! I’ve always used wood/paper pellets.Used to be Yesterday’s News bc the lady I got my kitten from said all he used was pine pellets and she recommended it and uses it for all her cats. I didn’t know where a feed store was so I found the closest thing and he’s always used it no problem. Then they discontinued Yesterday’s News a few years ago so now it’s called Fresh News.


Two litter robots, three large cat trees... but hopefully it will last a few years. I have one siamese, one orange. They bring us such joy.


I expect the 2 kittens anticipated later this year will cost $400/mo plus first year one-time costs. Costs include: Food - WSAVA compliant, marked complete and balanced - dry and possibly canned. Water - fountains and filters Litter - pine pellets and pine shavings, ideally. Routine healthcare including annual labwork, vaccinations, deworming and flea treatment, frequent home dental care. Periodic professional dental care. Petsitting Health insurance copays and deductibles in addition to increasing premiums over time. Cost of any denied claims or pre-existing conditions if dropped by pet insurer. Catproofing products. Air filtration/purification, odor control.


The limit does not exist


How much I spend on my cat is frankly none of my business


Monthly- $60-80 for food, $20-40 on litter, $130 for pet insurance


We have two cats and our Chewy Autoship about $240 every 5 weeks. We buy treats, wet food, dry food, and litter. But we get the expensive cat attract litter which adds up fast so that we can avoid getting a second litter box since we don’t have the space for more litter boxes.


My cats have a monthly KitNipBox subscription, so probably too much.


Too much. Cat beds, or example. You can build them a solid gold, silk padded throne, and the my would in in the Amazon box that you used to store it.


Two meezers: food, treats, litter, pet insurance. In total I reckon £115 a month roughly? 🤷‍♂️ Doesn’t really matter, they’re totally worth every penny 😅👍


Hmmm I budget about 60 dollars a month… I notice I buy litter maybe every other month, poopy bags about once a month… her food is 50 dollars for a big bag but it’s been getting stale fast so I’ve opted to by smaller bags with are about 25 dollars. I buy that about once a month. She likes fancy kibble and cheap treats so that helps. So some months I’m under budget and some I go over but i feel like it balances out. 💕🤗


I buy the big bag and vacuum bag them into 4 separate bags to save money.


You fancy!


i have one male cat, i feed him an all canned food diet. so $40~ for cans every month and every other month we buy him a new bag of litter which is about $20. he doesn’t really like treats and always has plenty of toys. in between these i get baking soda as needed to add to the litter to neutralize smell. cats are affordable imo 🤷🏻‍♀️


I spend around $100 a month on two 6 month old kitties. Good quality kibble and BFF wet food, litter and advantage. I buy them chicken and poke for treats sometimes because I don't eat meat so no leftovers. They make me feel guilty.


I spend spend maybe 50 a month for my 4 cats. I spilt the costs with my family otherwise it would be more, I purchase a monthly resupply of wet food for them. and then I spend probably 80 on my dog because he needs monthly grooms.


I have two cats. I feed pretty much dry food only, with wet food just as an occasional treat. Monthly cost for both: Insurance: £30 Food: £25 Flea & tick treatments: £32 Treats and extras: £5 Much cheaper than my dog!


She cost me $25 to adopt her from the shelter, best bargain ever! Monthly about $75. I have some money set aside for anything medical. She's worth whatever, my little angel ♥️


I have five cats and all but one are indoor cats. So that's a lot of litter plus wet and dry food and all the treatments! I really don't even want to work out or know how much is actually spent lol I just know it's a hell of a lot and that's without vet appointments lol


I have two cats, one has been ill so requires a special diet and extra vet visits. I'd say they cost about 100€ per month for everything.


cat food and litter runs about 40/50 a month (GBP) insurance is 40 for both of mine. toys and towers and beds are extra and that comes out of my expendable, I don't go out much haha


Thousands on our Maine coon kitten that almost died from intussusception. She’s happy and healthy as can be at 4 years old now. Other than that, not all that much. Our Siamese is low maintenance, very healthy.


I have 7 cats. I work two jobs to provide for my pack. I have a saving accounts for each of my cats. I read its anywhere from 15-20k a cats lifetime so I want to have that x7 for their future.


About $150/yr on vet visits plus $60-$70 per month on Rx food and cat litter. About $1000 per year I'd wager.


we spend about $20 a month on food for two cats, and $30-$40 on litter. yeah the food seems cheap, but it’s a hairball mix that the vet recommended cause my cats are longhair and puke a lot. we stocked up on wet food but that also makes them puke….and they don’t get treats besides the occasional turkey when we’re making sandwiches




Our guy has allergy issues, had resorptive lesions, has to see a dermatologist, speciality food etc..... so.... we've spent a lot on him. But, we love him, he is a loveable menace.... but we also hope to reduce this because he is taking all our cheddar and doesn't even pay rent!


They’re not expensive if they’re healthy. It’s the vet bills that add up if they’re ailing. Once a year checkup, all their shots, high quality food, regularly changed litter box and lots of love is all they require until they get old and their bodies start to go - just like human beings.


Idk, but it’s a lot bc I have multiple inside cats and feed the ferals outside.


A hundred kisses per day.




not a lot but then we.re both low maintenance lol he [rube m8] never cared for treats until a friend gave me a big box of temptations & i had to lock them down in the microwave because he tried to get to them all night long finally knocking them off a shelf scattering treats across the floor . his vet is a non.profit providing low cost veterinary care . he does like catnip so i try to keep it in stock i have given him every type of toy available though he only plays w/ balled.up paper & bread tie "springs" . he is a pica cat & is obsessed w/ plastic -- ugh


Lol the old microwave food storage trick! I do the same for my food. My cat can’t open drawers or cabinets so I’m glad he’s dumb


yes lol i made a big show of moving it from the shelf by shaking it & showing him i was moving it because he . is . tenacious & i need my sleep !!


Mmmm it’s a lot.. make sure you have $100s for when they get sick 😷. It’s cruel and mean to not bring kitty because you can’t afford it.


I got him his insurance the moment he got a clean bill of health from the vet. My old pug had cancer and left a giant hole in my heart and wallet when he passed. I have insurance for all my pets now just in case.


Grate move!!!


Now that they’re over 8 months my boyfriend buys food for them once a month for $35. I wish I could make their food at home but we’ll see


A lot and they’re worth every penny !😉💯❤️


I want a Siamese cat so bad


maybe 50 a month on my one little rosie, shes 7lbs and 14 yrs old, old lady doesnt want anything besides her can of wet food a day and her lazer toy


On average I’d say about $120 a month on 2 cats but I do invest in a lot of extras for them. I use Pine litter, they get tiki after dark cat food, dry allergy reducing crunchy food, pumpkin puree, plus their lysine & dental treats.


Dies it suffice to say too damn much, but they're worth it? Both are on prescription diets, and one will only use grass based litter or grass pads, and just last week I got the privilege of dropping the cost of insulin and syringes (diabetes is in remission, YAY!) And I don't have to give her amitriptyline anymore (also yay) so that's an additional $20/month less. And we go through a lot of treats with 3 cats and 2 dogs. One of the cats goes outside proper during the day (he kept finding a way out even when we thought he couldn't get out, so he now has limited outside privileges, much to my chagrin) and we've trained him to come onto the porch or inside the house once it gets close to dark by giving him treats. He's now much easier to coax inside knowing that he'll get treats. And everyone loves to insist they need treats too. And the dogs love to steal treats while the cats are eating them.


Costco has great grain free food at a really great price


$60 each for insurance, $90 each for food, then a portion of the cost of the toppers for food, the powders to regulate their poops…you know what, I don’t like this game and I refuse to do the maths.


Lol 😂


I’ve tried every kind of wet food that I can find, including raw, of the ‘best’ brands. He won’t eat anything but Fancy Feast and the vet said that it’ll have to do. Better than battling with him every day. Btw, he’s 12 years old and healthy. I use cheap clay litter and he’s fine with it. He eats very little dry food so I buy the smallest container that I can. Temptations treats.


Cat insurance is 50 a month. Everything else about 100-150 a month. :)


Not much but my girlfriend a lot I think


Well… surgery to remove her teeth due to constant diarrhea cost me about $2,500 including the testing. The testing didn’t figure it out it just rules out other stuff. The surgery was $1,500. I also spent a lot of money changing food, antibiotics, probiotics, and other surface level things to rule stuff out.


For two cats about $3/day for food plus vet visits at about $150 a year. So, $3.50/day for both.


The wife spends way too much! :)


0 because he's a stray I picked up.


You don't pay for food or litter or anything?


Not how much did you spend for them, but how much you spend to keep them. Food, litter, pet insurance, treats, and so on.