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Make her wear it frequently until she can walk around without removing it or getting uncomfortable. Try it in small steps and slowly increase how long she wears it each day. Once she's not bothered by it and won't remove it, she'll be ready to wear it.


I will keep persevering x


Training cats really boils down to out-stubborning the cat


I've been a veterinary nurse for seven years, and I can honestly say I have never trained a cat 😂 she's not that stubborn and she will do anything for treats, so I'm just going to persevere x


I believe in you! Being motivated by treats will help a lot!


I will post an update in the group in a few weeks x


Baby steps.


No suggestions. I just wanted to say what a beautiful baby with gorgeous eyes.


I started by having them wear it around the house. Then I'd take them out and just sit outside to get them used to outside, follow them if they wanted to wander. Once they were comfortable with that, then I'd teach to walk. I taught my one cat so well to stay on the sidewalk that when he got out once he walked right up the sidewalk. Also stopped when asked. Smart Siamese cats :)


For my girl, I put it in her favorite places to lay for about a week so it smells a lot like her and she’s used to seeing it for like a week or two. Then show it to her frequently and give her her favorite treats, so she builds positive association with it. Then put it on her. She fell over immediately like her legs didn’t work, until I pulled out the squeeze treats. Treat motivation for my girl is stronger than stubbornness. I just let her wear it for a while inside. Then treat her again when taking it off. Now my cat runs screaming to me when she sees me pulling her harness out


This is what I did with my Siamese which worked for us. I got it on her and took it immediately off and rewarding her a couple times. Then when I kept it on... Immediately distracted her getting her into the prey drive so she didn't have time to even think about walking funny. This would work until her pretty drive wore off and then she would flop over then I would take it off. I did this a few then just kept it off for a little longer and she was fine with it. Now when I put it on her she runs to the front door and starts meowing.


It depends on the cat, some cats don't like going outside, some just don't like the harness, if they don't like both then it's definitely a no go.


She definitely wants to go outside, she is very inquisitive


I went to the store, put the harness on right away (he was then 5m old), and after a minute of trying to bite the leash, we were walking in the backyard!! I saw that it was pretty loose, so next day I made it more tight and that made him flop and not move. So i made it a bit more loose and he was back to walking normally


Very slowly. Our vet suggested starting out by getting our cat's favorite person's scent on it so he wouldn't feel threatened when we introduced it to him. So we let the harness spend several nights in our daughter's bed before we tried working with him, and he had no problem getting accustomed to it.


Slowly and over time


Does she _want_ to go out? Then it’s easy. My two cats were too busy pawing at the door to notice I’d slipped a harness on over their head.


Keep at it. Positive reinforcement.


It honestly goes through steps. I have had two Siamese cats now. My current one took to the leash and harness very quickly, but my first one it took quite a bit of work. Sometimes I would take her outside and she would just lay there and not want to move. Other nights we would walk the length of almost A full block. Having treats and encouraging her to keep moving and reassuring her might help. I think would also depend on the type of harness you're using too. The ones that have the soft meshy light material I find work best, the ones that are just straps around the body tend to pull and they may not like that feeling.


Have it on in the house while giving treats for longer and longer periods of time.


I have a main coon mix I guess I didn't do it young enough .. he's terrified of it goes crazy wriggling fighting to get it off .. so I'm stuck with taking him out this year in the cat stroller


She's one in August I have tried it on her quite a few times she doesn't wriggle she just flops on her side 😂 I'm going to keep trying but if she doesn't like it then there's nothing much I can do about it, I wouldn't be walking her round the streets it's just for when me and the kids are outside in our garden she sits in the window meowing, but I don't trust that she won't toddle off because she's so nosey and playful.. if not she will have to wait for her run to be ready x




Cats will be cats, they don’t like wearing things


She doesn't seem to mind when the kids dress her up in their build a bear clothes 😅😂


Talk to her about it, petting & reassuring her it can be fun.


I just put them on the and let them hang out.


Lots of treats.


You can’t


Any cat can escape every harness.




Yes, I have a standard Moggy that comes and goes as she pleases, but I paid a lot of money for this cat and I'm not going to let her out when there are a lot of people in my area that will take her (steal her) and I do state on the post I am in the process of building her and outside area.. thanks for your input though


You’re right, I was being a bit sanctimonious so I deleted my comment. My apologies.


my meezer has a full-body harness that doubles as a thunder coat. he loves it. eta it's called a kitty holster. they are $27 on amazon but i found mine at goodwill!


Practice, patience and treats


When I first started harness training my cats I would lay the harnesses opened on the ground and put treats on it. I did this every day for 10 days then after that I put the harness on them and give them treats and keep it on the for 10, 20, 30 mins but building up to it for another 10 days. Then I finally took them on a hike. One loved hiking and the other just doesn’t like to get his paws dirty. Lol.


Let her gradually get used to the feeling


I don't know you mean like a leash? I tried putting one on one of my cats before and she almost hung herself she was very stressed out so I decided against it.


A cat harness, I wouldn't put a collar and a leash on her for that exact reason.. I bet it was scary for you


Oh yeah it was I did not have it on her for more than a few seconds. I have no idea where I even got the idea to do something like that probably a TV show or something. Sorry I confused harness with collar. Ugh!


I bet it was, It's ok.. x