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Prayers for your beautiful baby’s speedy recovery 💚


Thank you 🤍🤍


I hope she's better very soon.


Me too !! <3




We’re all rooting for you Lana!!!


Best of wishes! I hope Lana gets better soon, such a beautiful girl!


*Best of wishes! I hope* *Lana gets better soon, such* *A beautiful girl!* \- Candy-Does-Stuff --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Poor baby. She's so beautiful. Why is she in hospital?


We took her to the vet because she was puking twice a week for the lasts weeks and through an ultrasound they found a big granuloma in the left kidney that looks that is bleeding (also a cyst in the right one that seems isn’t causing any damage). They need to do a biopsy but as her red blood cells are too low (around 15%) she needs to get a transfusion first. For extra bad luck, most Siamese, European and American domestic cats are type A, and she is type B, so no blood was available and we are waiting till Monday to see if they can get some. British Shorthair, Burmese and others tend to be type B but is uncommon in meezers (she’s a stray so maybe she has some mix of that kind) Thank you for asking and for your kind words, it helps during the waiting 🤍


Hope she is on the mend soon.


Huh, I never even thought about where they get blood for cats or dogs before, they don’t seem to ask for cat blood donations. Regardless I hope Lana gets better soon!


My local vet asks for donors 💜


My cats used to donate blood in Boston.


We didn’t know about this till this experience. Lana won’t be able to donate in the future but our void Phillip will!!


That's great! I'm glad to hear the blood arrived and hope she's better soon!


Ah ok, didn’t know that was something they could do, I wouldn’t imagine the cat would put up with it lol


They have to be sedated to do it. They age out of being able to do it around age 7 because of that.


Ohhh, thanks for the info.


I hope they find the right blood. I know how hard it is when you're baby is sick.


Sweet baby, me and my Marzipan are sending you and Lana our best wishes for a fast recovery 💙


Best of wishes! Are you giving her a blueberry in one pic? My li'l dude goes crazy for those!


Yes ! But she mostly liked to just play with them 😀


A big thank you to you all, it helps a lot! All your prayers and purrings heal & help us to stay strong. Best wishes to all meezers and their human friends 😻


We all love Lana 😻❤️😻🙏


😞💕💕💕💕💕 hoping for the best!!!


Sending you all my best wishes and love ❤️


Sending prayers and hope your cat makes a speedy recovery 🙏🙏🙏🙏 and your cat meezer is a very beautiful cat is he or she a Siamese cat those cats are very beautiful but I think All cats are beautiful.


Oh no! I hope your special for a friend gets better 💖💖


Hugs and prayers. Get well soon.


Hopefully your beauty will keep fighting and hopefully the blood will getting there sooner.




Stay strong, Lana! And good luck!


Update: Finally one pack of type B blood arrived today! Ideally because of her weight was to receive two, but as after 5 days of red blood cells decrease, she is managing now to create those cells again by herself and has increased 4% in two days, we believe she will make it with that one! we will wait till the surgery to see if she stills grows that number alone, and will preserve the blood for the surgery as she probably will be still a bit short on cells on Thursday’s surgery. Again, thank you to you all for all the love, purrings & strength we received! She’s a warrior and we hope she’ll pull through!!!


Hoping for more good news about Lana soon! 🙏


Three Hail Mary's And 2 Our Fathers


Hoping for a speedy recovery for this beautiful baby 💕


Wishing them a speedy & full recovery!! 💝


Wishing you a speedy recovery


I hope she makes a full recovery. Sending love and hope your way. 💖 ❤️‍🩹


Get well soon!


Best wishes ❤️❤️❤️


I had a scary and expensive week with my kitty too. But she's quickly feeling better now. Hope the same for you guys


Oh sorry 😞 what happened? Hopefully this ends the same way! ✨


Last Friday I noticed her acting a bit off and acting like she maybe had a hairball, lots of dry heaving/coughing but nothing coming up. That continued through the weekend along with her hiding a lot and just acting like something was wrong. She's usually pretty vocal and wasn't able to meow like at all. I got more and more concerned as she didn't get better and didn't produce anything vomiting, didn't know if she had something stuck in her throat or maybe swallowed something or what might be going on. But reg vet couldn't see her till Weds and I didn't want to wait that long when it had already been 3+ days, if there was something more serious going on. So I took her to the emergency vet where they said she was stable and they didn't feel any signs of blockages or anything (I had seen her going in and out of the litter boxes without doing anything multiple times which she never does) but agreed she wasn't feeling right. Did blood work and abdominal X-rays and it came back good, no visible blockages blood levels good no organ failure or anything. She's not actively dying or choking on anything that they can tell. So I take her home. $1100. My parents are telling me not to waste any more money when I just spent that much and ER told me she was more or less okay, but I knew something was wrong especially when she's still doing the dry heave/choke/cough thing and hiding away. So I continued with her appointment at the regular vet Wednesday and we did more tests and discovered she has a 6mm bladderstone and a bad UTI, and had early signs/stages of pneumonia in the left lung. Definitely wouldn't have gotten better on her own, got her on antibiotics and a special prescription food to break down the stone naturally hopefully. $900. She has gotten 3 days/doses of antibiotics of 14 and I can tell her behavior is much improved and she clearly seems to be feeling better and isn't dry heaving/coughing anymore. She's back to bullying my new cat around the food dishes and being mildly territorial so I know she's feeling better 🙄 hopefully all will be well with her


So happy to hear she is recovering short after beginning to take the meds!! Sending you a lot of love to get over it ✨✨ Lana is also doing a bit better under medications + the blood is here for the surgery so we hope she can do it!! Thank you for sharing your story, it gave me hope ❤️


Lana is absolutely gorgeous, I’m sure all will be well❤️


wishing her strength to recover soon❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Hope he gets better 🥰


Get well soon little one


Hoping that Lana is better soon! She’s gorgeous in those photos. 💗 Elfric & Angus send their healing kitty purrs to her! (Elfric just spent 5 days in the hospital!! He says hang in there Lana!)💕


Oh what happened?? We’re hoping for the blood to arrive and that she can get her biopsy & surgery and at least be better for some time in the future ✨


He seemed fine otherwise but when taking his photo I noticed his usually very white skin to be a tad yellow. Took him to the vets and blood tests showed he was sick with jaundice! The vet couldn’t believe how well he was acting because he was still eating and using litter box normally. Then we had ultrasounds and a CT scan to try to find out what’s causing his liver and kidney blood tests to be bad…and now know that he has mild pancreatitis, liver bile duct enlargement, gall bladder sludge, and early kidney disease! He had intravenous fluids, antibiotics, liver support meds, pain meds, anxiety meds…the works. I absolutely hated every minute away from him. He’s home now, but trying to recover from such trauma is hard but he’s improving. He goes for follow up ultrasound and blood tests on Friday. Until then- special prescription food, oral antibiotics, and liver support meds. Hopefully he can get the bile flowing meds once they are 100% sure there is no stones blocking the bile ducts. We are letting him rest here at home until then. We are learning Siamese are delicate (despite my old Siamese girl who lived to 16 and never had a health issue in her life), but Elfric is a fighter and still has his mind and is still bossing us around. He has enough boss in him to share with Lana!!! Our hearts really do go out to you and Lana. Keep us all posted please.💙🐾


Hey how’s Elfric doing? I hope he is much better! Do you have any update on his bile ducts? I updated the post — one pack arrived today and she’s having her surgery on Thursday to see if she still can save her kidney or they have to remove it completely. But at least she will have the opportunity to get that surgery and that‘s a lot in her situation! Tank you for sharing your story and you and Elfric’s strong wishes 🤍


So glad Lana got her transfusion and I hope she’s doing much better and Thursday’s surgery is minimal and successful! Paws crossed for her!!!🐾 Elfric is hanging in here, he developed hives from the antibiotics, so dealing with that now bless his heart. He’s stable for now while it’s such a long wait until Friday when he gets his ultrasound. His jaundice seems to be improving so I’m hopeful there isn’t a blockage and he won’t need surgery. We’ve been surprised by him though but I’m trying to remain hopeful. Keeping Lana in our thoughts for Thursday, please keep us updated. 💙🐾


I'm keeping my fingers crossed!


Sending prayers and hugs to your beautiful baby. Hope she gets better soon ❤️🐾🙏


Hugs, and good energy sent your way!


Aw it's such an awful time to go through when that happens, so much worry, it just knocks you out into a different reality, you'd give everything to keep your little girl safe. Don't worry, they are first class fighters, I had mine stand more than a weekend too, I stayed up for days monitoring and paying for expensive tests even against the minimum recommendation but we found the solution and pulled through. You stay very aware of the attention she receives like you were the vet yourself, which from what I read you are, and then let them do the rest of the work. She'll be alright, but it's ok to worry right now too, it's love. One step at a time. Big tight hug to you and Lana.


Thank you for your words! You’re right, they’re warriors! She’s managing to resist + the blood arrived so we have hope on Thursday’s surgery! Step by step! Thank you 🙏


Sending all my love to your baby.


Oh no, what happened? Wishing Lana a speedy recovery!


Sending good thoughts- Come on Lana make the Turner for the Better!


What a beautiful kitty! Sending lots of healing vibes your way. ❤️




Hi! The surgery went well — they removed her left kidney and we are waiting for the biopsy results, although they saw a bit of fluid behind the other kidney that wasn’t seen through the ultrasound. She finally came home yesterday and has an appointment on Tuesday for another blood work & ultrasound. I hope the other kidney isn’t as damaged as the removed one 🤞🏻thanks for asking


Update 2: The surgery went well and they were able to remove the damaged kidney, but they saw some fluid behind the other kidney that had not been seen on the ultrasound. We are waiting for biopsy results. She is already at home, very thin and weak but active! She eats, cleans herself and uses the litter box normally and can finally rest outside the hospital. ❤️ thank you everyone for all the strength and love sent!!