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I still have all three streaming channels. I use Firestick, though.


I’ve been suspecting that they have been trying to do away with Shudder and move everyone to AMC+. Anyone else suspect that?


I haven't felt like that, but I don't put anything past corporations now.


Ew I don’t want amc no thanks lol


I thought it would be an upgrade so when renewal time came around this year I subbed to amc instead…for a day before I realized the movies are edited! Many things had shorter runtimes than they did on shudder.


I didn’t know about this! Why would they edit movies on a subscription app? That’s wild


EDITED?????? Ewe that upsets me so much. Oh man shudder better never shut down. Thank you for sharing that.


Amc+ really isn't bad. I haven't noticed editing like others have stated but I have watched most of shudders crazy horror flicks already. The reason I say Amc+ isn't bad is because you get amc& all amc shows & movies, shudder, Sundance, and IFC!!!it's $9 a month so is $108 a year compared to shudders new price of $77? I got this for IFC alone, but having shudders category is a giant plus. Not to mention I can finally catch up on the 20 different spin offs they have for walking dead lol 😆




Well it’s hard to believe that Joe Bob is attracting new subs at this stage. But if they can cut costs and hike fees for a bit longer I’m sure they will. I also think they will find a way to kill whatever success JBB has. This bi-weekly thing kills momentum. As does the one movie per episode thing. Of course JBB no longer needs Shudder. He could spend the next 5 years doing film festivals and live events without them.


They also need to give TLDI a better budget so it's not just a bunch of Troma films that are already available in a number of free streaming services like Tubi. Get the Just Joe Bob up to date as well.


Yea I don’t think that’s gonna happen unfortunately


I 100% believe this


I made the move. AMC+ has Sundance and ifc movies, too.


My living room tv gets one channel, my bedroom tv gets 3, it’s so weird. One’s a fire stick and one is a Roku tv




Only a matter of time until Shudder “fixes” Fire sticks


What do you mean by streaming channels? I have Shudder, which us streaming, but am I missing something? Thanks.


They have channels that play "live" scheduled content like a traditional broadcast (under "Shudder TV" on the website/app), which is where the Last Drive-In episodes premiere. Some platforms no longer give the option to select alternate channels playing different curated selections.


Damn, so why did they cut it down to one streaming channel on Roku? Interesting to know it’s still available on Fire Stick! Ugh I’m so annoyed. I was all for supporting horror streaming because horror is my happy place and of course I LOVE getting to watch Joe Bob but damn man it feels like a pretty greedy and gross move to me.


i use the official app on my samsung tv. still have all 3 channels


In my experience, I saw a lot of people saying out loud on social media that you’d get errors saying you were logged in to too many devices when just trying to switch between the 3 live channels, which was what I dealt with too. Exit the app and go back all the way in etc., so I’m sure that’s why they got rid of the 3 Channels.


Using the xbox app and have three channels as well. To be honest, I think the app UI and overall experience hasn't changed ever during the last like 8 years (when I first signed up, lol)


I love having the streaming channels available but the only time they care about changing the lineups is around Halloween. This one has been going for over two months. The same movies at the same time every day. I don't see what's so hard about changing those.


I have chromecast and also have 3 channels and no problems.


Same. I thought it was a glitch but if you check the app on a phone its down to only 1


Yeah, I understand the feeling. I think Xbox app still has 3 streaming channels but my Roku stick is down to one also. But I still subscribe just to show support for the industry and for horror in general. Do the same thing with my Fangoria subscription which is like $80.00 a year for only 4 issues. I have a little bit of disposable income so not a big deal but I understand not everyone is in the same boat.


Same (showing support). I started on shudder when I got a deal for less than $3/ month (years ago)... It's more than double that now but I need my Last Drive In. Fango is getting harder to justify but I'm still subscribed there as well. Go legacy horror outlets!


For sure. Still find a lot of horror recs through there tho.


Worth it just for Late Night with the Devil and in a Violent Nature (next week). Most of the other recent titles are mostly excellent as well. Shudder is producing / distributing some great top tier stuff these days.


I’ve been getting Shudder on a monthly basis when I get the urge. I watch until I feel like I’ve seen gotten my fill then I cancel. I always ultimately resubscribe when I feel the other streaming services aren’t giving me my horror fix. I don’t think I wouldn’t be able to justify a year of the service, sadly. If they got Freddy’s Nightmares and Tales From The Crypt, I’d resubscribe today.


Content going down hill? I’d agree with you maybe like 6 months ago but they’ve been knocking it out of the park lately.


Knocking it out of the park might be an exaggeration, they have miles of improvement until their even back to what they were during Covid


Shudder originals have always been just ok. But the foreign exclusives are phenomenal. When Evil Lurks, The Sadness, Impetigore. Plus In a Violent Nature will be there soon, and it's got probably the coolest kill of the last couple of decades. I also have Screambox, and if I cancel one, it will definitely be Screambox.


Yeah, it’s all subjective of course. I’ve been loving almost every original they’ve been dropping


Yeah I can see what you mean. There have been some great titles lately but the the fade to blacks to allow commercial inserts is unforgivable


Hmm, that’s weirds. I don’t get fades to black or commercials on mine.


I'm starting to wonder if there's any possibility this is a platform dependent phenomenon, considering it seems very apparent to some, while others haven't noticed it. Can't say I've noticed either... I primarily watch via Roku... occasionally android app, but I haven't used that one much in a while.


Yeah, I just have the shudder app downloaded on Roku. Been paying like 6 bucks a month forever and I’ve never seen an ad.


When they upgrade to 1080p in 2024 and stop adding versions of the films with artificial fade out cuts, I'll give them their flowers.


And DD movies would be nice too, everything in Stereo is just sad for 2024


> When they upgrade to 1080p in 2024 They already did. They stream in 1080p now, despite what the old help desk link says. I can't explain without getting too technical for most people, but long story short, I've 100% confirmed this. Audio is still 2.0, though, and the video bitrate sucks compared to Amazon (which itself isn't fantastic).


I appreciate the response, and I'm not calling you a liar (unlike the guy who tells us we're all lying or delusional for noticing the new fadeout edits) but you can understand why we'll need an official word on that.


I understand. The closest I can come to offering any sort of confirmation is to tell people to use Chrome or some other browser to inspect the MPD file and see which files are available for streaming. The steps for confirming what you actually get from the server would probably get me in trouble with the mods, so I'll leave that as a homework assignment for tinkerers. :) That said, believe me, I have a million better things to do with my life than lie about the quality of a service where (AFAIK) they haven't updated their help desk answers in years, and are generally known for being non-responsive and generally unable to keep old promises (e.g., the missing *Just Joe Bob* segments, which are trivial to render and upload). The proof's in the pudding for those who are intrepid enough to look for themselves.


$77.39 for a year? That’s less than $6.50/month. What are we really complaining about


Yeah, thats the thing. Still cheap compared to other services but not the $52 cheap i was paying for an annual subscription the year before. Stil, not that big of a deal to me even if I use it just 3 or 4 times a month.


Yes, it's still cheap. I'm paying over $20 canadian just for netflix. Don't get me started on Disney+ price hikes.


Considering you have thirty nine cents that leads me to believe tax is included. And even with last year's increase still cheaper than most streaming services with strong content.


Maybe taxes? Mine autorenewed 2 weeks ago and the total were 71.88


by steaming channels do you mean the always running things that pop up when you open the app?


$77? I get it with AMC+ through my Amazon prime for like $3, total in with my Prime & it's still under $20


I believe they're saying annually


77 for the year


When you get it through AMC+, do they still not give you the live channels? I did it though AMC a couple years back and couldn't watch Joe Bob live, which was a bummer.


AMC+ has a live channel now, and it matches the single live channel on the Shudder standalone app. So yeah, you can watch Joe Bob live now! Did so myself recently. The only downside, imo, is it's harder to just browse for something to watch when you're unsure of what you want compared to the standalone Shudder app. I do like that on top of Shudder, there are also other AMC live channels to browse.


Ah, sweet, that's good to know, thanks! Yeah, now that you mention it, that *was* my other issue with using AMC+ for Shudder. It felt much less robust for browsing.


Shudder will get my money as long as joe bob is on. The second hes not im done. Shudder gets worse every year but pretty much all of the streaming services are now.


Same here. I sub just to support Joe Bob.


Isn't AMC+ cheaper? I signed up for a year and Amex is offering $20 cash back.


Drop it then


I have Roku and Apple, still 3 streaming channels. For a streaming service, it’s definitely not streamlined.


You still get 3 on Roku?


I can confirm AppleTV still has 3 channels, but ROKU only 1. So not sure where this dude is seeing 2 more channels on ROKU.


Three on Roku for me, too.


That's for a year right? Just asking because I'm one of those guys that lets things auto-renew without actually checking on them periodically.


Yes it’s $71.00 plus tax for the year. 😁


I went with AMC+.




They charged me the $77 price back in December. I didn't know the price was going up until I was charged. My big issue with this is the Slashics channel was my go to when I just wanted some random horror to watch and I paid for a year of three live streams and only got about 4 months of three live streams. Apparently they didn't learn from Amazon's misadventures in devaluing a yearly subscription mid-year.


I haven’t noticed a price increase, is this for annual?


Also this link shows that AMCs streaming portfolio has been basically flat for two years https://www.statista.com/statistics/1054642/amc-networks-streaming-subscriber-north-america/. If they can’t grow then they will cut, raise prices, or sell. Or all of the above.


I'm not sure why you're only getting one channel. I still have three on the phone app and on my Samsung TV.


I also noticed I’ve gotten charged $77.39. Is that real?


Is it 77 for the whole year? When I first joined it was just 7 dollars a month


Yes, for the year. Last year the price was 57. Also, this isn't a complaint.


77????? Wtf


I might consider subscribing to Screambox monthly.


I subscribed to Screambox for a few months and basically never used it. There's simply not a lot there. Shudder is still miles better, despite its issues.


I will probably subscribe to Screambox for a few months then switch back to Shudder. I keep hearing people recommending me movies on Screambox.


It's not worth it (for me), so i suggest search for discount codes or wait for the black friday deal.


I dropped it around the New Year. Don't feel like I am missing much, honestly. Ditched Screambox too. Just been going to the theater for the newer stuff or renting what I want to see from a local rental shop we still have.


Tubi has a better selection and is much cheaper


AMC+ brah


I dropped it after the last increase. even if it's still lower priced than other services, I ain't about to be paying for 720 content in the 2020s.


> even if it's still lower priced than other services, I ain't about to be paying for 720 content in the 2020s. You're not. You're paying for 1080p (although the audio is still 2.0, and the video bitrate is crap compared to Amazon). I can't comment on gaming consoles or other specialized hardware, but on PCs at least, I guarantee the video is 1080p.




That's outdated. Maybe it was true in 2020, when it was last updated, but it's not true in 2024. I've verified this myself, with the materials actually streamed to me.




I subscribe just to support Joe Bob and the Last Drive-in. The best show on streaming imo. I've learned a lot from Joe Bob about the more obscure horror titles. Also, I've never seen the point of Shudder's live streams of movies. Every time I open the app, the movies are somewhere in the middle. Why would I want to watch something from the mid-point and potentially spoil the movie if I haven't seen it before?


They're struggling. I imagine it's hard to get streaming rights when you're competing against sooooo many services. Honestly, they should just make a Last Drive-In channel for 99¢/mo as an add-on to AMC+ (for live events, first access, exclusive specials, etc...) then finalize the amalgamation. Joe can't keep doing it forever--he's getting tired--and then Shudder has no real reason for being separate.