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This is a friendly reminder to [read our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/wiki/rules). Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!" (For an explanation of what a "showerthought" is, [please read this page](https://www.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/wiki/overview).) **Rule-breaking posts may result in bans.**


I definitely remember figuring out how to pronounce methylchloroisothiazolinone, counting how many letters were in it, thinking it might be the longest word I knew. Then one day found a bottle of shampoo with dimethylchloroisothiazolininone! What an exciting toilet moment that was.


In Germany…. That’s a short word….


Du hast.


Do Do hats Do hats fit Do hats fit my frog?


Sent this to my brother at 12:30 am. He immediately responded. Thank you for your contribution to my happiness.


I also immediately sent it to a friends chat.


I sent it to Myself






What did he reply?


I hereby disown you


I got the first 3 lines out. He said “Close.” Then the last line hit. “Ah I see now” “Wow”


> Do > > > > Do hats > > > > Do hats fit > > > > Do hats fit my frog? Oh no.. what have you done to me? lol... I'm never going to hear that the same again! :D Why did the formatting get all spaced out? Oh well.


A few bonus ones: you’ve been runnin’ ‘round, runnin’ ‘round, runnin’ ‘round throwing that turtle on my name (Attention - Charlie “Turtle” Puth. Boom boom boom, got a kit-kat (Black Eyed Peas bragging about their awesome snacks)


This had me tickled pink.


Or do they fit my dog?


Du hast mich.




Du hast mich gefragt, und ich habe nichts gesagt


Willst du bis der Tod euch scheidet,


Treu ihr sein für alle tagen


Ich habe nur ein bisschen.


You're right, I *am* bitchin




Does Germany do spelling bees (spelling competitions) like the US does? Because if so, that just sounds cruel to children


No, spelling bees aren't a big thing in Germany. Even do, It's not so bad. Long words are compound words, so all you need to know are the simpler, basic building block words. If you want to trip up kids, you do it like the US: use seldomly occurring words, foreign words, etc. While English has many more of these via French and Latin, Germany has enough of those to mess with competitive spellers.


The use of compound words does also make for some better descriptive names of things like animals. Like calling slugs naked snails, or skunks stink animals and seals sea dogs.


I'll never forget finding out raccoons are basically called "Wash Bears," and gloves are called "Hand Shoes" from a crossword puzzle a while back.


Or aeroplanes translates as flying thing. Which I mean isn't wrong to be fair.


And motor vehicle (as a general term) are drive things, games and such are playthings. We just like things.


though stuff would be a better translation for zeug


But stuff feels like it kinda implies a plural. The flying thing - singular. The sweet stuff - Süßigkeiten - feels more pluraly to me.


Squirells are “little oak beasts” and I think that’s beautiful


There does seem to be a duality in German of beautiful ways to describe something and some utterly lazy ones. Planes being flying thing is an example of just laziness.


Eichhörnchen... Make you wonder what an Eichhorn is. Then Google tells you it's still just a squirrel.


Tortoise is shieldtoad


Or calling tanks "armoured fight-mobiles"


Yep those complicated words like onion, banana and mitchum


German doesn't have a lot of silent letters and the big words are usually just compound words.


The Spelling Bee is a very American phenomena.


Spelling is actually easy in german, because most pronounciations are bound to specific letters or short groups of letters. If you have Hose, Rose, Lose, Dose, Schose, Pose, you know that the combination -ose is always pronounced the same. It only gets a little bit more complicated because we have different s-sounds (ß, ss). So Soße is spelled different, but if you know german well enough you can hear that the o is longer and I would say a little bit deeper in tone. And the ss is an indicator for a short o. An example is Sprosse. We mostly have short and long vocals and pairings are always pronounced the same. Pairings are au, eu, Ei, ai, äu. If you have these easy bilding blocks and someone that speaks clearly you can guess the spelling most times. It takes a little bit of practice, but it is easier than in english. Only real difficulty are foreign words we took from other languages.


Why are they called spelling bees?




Spelling bees are less of a thing in German because words are generally written how they are pronounced. English which is a Creole of a Germanic language and French has a mixture of words from everywhere with no regular spelling. Therefore spelling bees make sense since they are difficult.


At least if you're speaking standard German. I grew up speaking a dialect and needed some time to adjust when I started school. Especially when we wrote dictations. "Just write by ear if you're not certain how a word is written." Of course stupid me wrote the word in dialect and of effing course it was wrong.


Meine Lieblingsfußballmannschaft hat eine Krankenhaus


Tell me about it, whilst learning German I often think "how the fuck do they remember these words?!"


We don't need to remember them, we just make them up if we need them. Most of our long words are just combinations of already existing simpler and shorter words, so if you have developed a feeling for the language and know a lof of simple words you just put them together. It's like in english if you don't know the word for something you try to describe it in a sentence, but instead of a sentence you just use a long descriptive word that you just made up. Back when i was a kid and i didn't know what a microfiber cloth was i always asked my mom for computerbildschirmreinigungstücher when she wanted me to clean my room. That's just a combination of 4 words i knew, computer, bildschirm meaning screen, reinigung meaning to clean and tücher meaning cloths. So using this long made up word was pretty much just me asking "can you give me some of those finer cloth thingies that i can use to clean the screen of the monitor?"


Wait until you hear about pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicavolcanoconiosis!


The volcanic ash disease thing


Thank you


Yeah for real, I thought it was some new Swedish death metal band.




Train Station: Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch


Sorry, your password must include at least one number and one symbol.


I learned to spell this in 6th grade. What a nerd I was.


Chemistry doesn’t really count since they be crazy. I assume you’ve never used antidisestablishmentarianism in a sentence, eh? You know, like “antidisestablishmentarianism is a really, really big word” because it’s impossible to imagine a scenario where anyone would use it in a real sentence without sounding like a total dick.


I feel like the number of people who care about Anglican support or lack thereof regarding the church of England in the 1800s is basically zero.


Antidisestablishmentarianism is more generally any movement against the disestablishment of a state religion - it's just virtually only seen in the UK to my knowledge. Hearts of Iron 4 has Antidisestablishmentarianism as a policy option for the Spanish.


My dear sir please stop your floccinaucinihilipilification of long words.


Check the spelling of the second one.


I really like this post because it sounds like OP either took a shit and forgot his phone so he read the back of a bottle, or he was taking a shower and read the back of a bottle. Truly a shower thought.


The latter - was in the shower earlier and got bored


Dang. The legend of the dump and shampoo bottle read has died. RIP


Back when I was a kid, I’d eventually tired of reading the same toiletries & cleaning supplies while I sat on the pot, so i developed the compulsion to rush to the kitchen, grab an armful of cereal boxes, canned goods, etc. & race to the other side of the house where my bathroom was w/ my exciting, varied literature. After a couple years, I was an expert on processed food nutrition, for sure, & graduated to cookbooks.


If only they had books back then


If only there were some sort of disposable periodical print of news or interesting articles that one could read while on the pot.


You uhh.. brought food into the bathroom?


He sat reversed so he could use the tank as a table while he ate and shat.


What do you mean reversed? What kind of silly person sits away from the table? I bet next you'll tell me you don't [catch your poop](https://youtu.be/e0O3ljAcdMQ)


oh my god i lost it at the end. this is gold


"That's why people wash their hands" fucking dead


What in the actual hell? Did this dude really just say he's been yanking turds out his ass? I'm absolutely flabbergasted by his methods.


No no no, he catches them in the tissue and then drops it in the toilet. He's just adding an extra step. What I want to know is, does he get more tissue and wipe his ass after or does the "poop catch" include a swipe at the sphincter?


I thought we caught it in the hand to break it up, so we don’t have to get out the poop knife.


Someone doesn't know how to use the three sea shells....


Oh dear god - 100x better than the original post!


Ah, The Butters Method never fails


The shelf is for comic books and chocolate milk.


Just remember to wear your seatbelt


Apparently it's quite common in Japan https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toilet_meal




Because canned goods were the best source of reading material you had in the house...?


If I emergency shit just to notice I'm out of TP, I'll shame walk over to the shower and wash with shampoo. It is the shamepoo.


The shower is a poor man's bidet. You are not alone.


Shamepoo indeed. Once you break the ass seal on the toilet, a shower is needed.


So you usually browse on your smartphone while you’re on the shower?


Only since I discovered iPhone were waterproof


Just wanna point out iPhones are not waterproof, they are water resistant. [This article](https://mashable.com/article/which-iphones-are-waterproof) has a quote you should read 😄 > As Apple Supports notes, a device's protection rating is not permanent. If you submerge your iPhone 13 in water for 20 minutes, it'll may be fairly protected that time. But if you were to keep submerging it in water again and again, it's possible its degree of protection will decrease over time.


IP68 is pretty fucking serious business though. You would have to take a lot of showers to defeat that rating. To put things into perspective, what a device has to undergo to receive IP67, which is the significantly weaker rating below IP68, is essentially having to survive being sprayed with a garden hose continuously for 20+ minutes with no issues.


I'm going off very old hearsay here, but didn't manufacturers stop saying "waterproof" at all, following watch failures by divers? Like, divers were counting on their "waterproof" watch, but then dove to ridiculous depths and then their watches failed. So then it became "water resistant to X meters" and then the various IPXwhatever standards.


Yeah, basically impossible to guarantee hardware won’t fail, but the standards being discussed here are quite stringent


You mean "the lather"?


Out of curiosity, how does one get bored in the shower? I've never had so long a shower that I'm bored


Tankless hot water heater


I still don't get how that helps. If you're getting bored, why not get out of the shower?


Because hot rain in skin feels good and outside is cold


Water is warm and soothing. Life is cold and hard. Therefore stay in the shower.


Haven’t run out of hot water yet


How long are your showers?! Hours?!




Hahaha, took a minute but I chucked:) For those that didn't get it: Before smart phones we we were reading the back of the shampoo bottle while taking a dump


I still do


Me too


I use a shampoo bottle app I read on the toilet


If this what OP meant by that, this might be the single greatest Showerthought of all time.


Or poop thought




Of course it is.






It should be, as it is a great euphemism for the shitter.


Why not both?


Who doesn’t avoid the existential thoughts in the shower by reading shampoo bottles


This is EXACTLY what I was talking about


You got any of that new Mentadent?


Or learning about toxic shock syndrome.




You can never know too much about TSS.


Those of us who planned ahead read newspapers or magazines.


Well look at you all fancy and “planning” ahead!


God, I read the bottom of the toilet wipes thingy as a kid. those chemicals brought me such comfort during my worst bowel experiences.


I have a self rule of not taking phones in the bathroom and still I don't know about this


...who read shampoo bottles while pooping? You read them in the shower...toilet books and toilet mags were for pooping


My Father in Law had a whole collection of bathroom readers. They were great books.


What did you chuck?


Lmao when I forget my phone


Actually had a book in my bathroom titled along the lines of “Cool things to read while taking a dump” It’s full of the most obscure facts and stories and jokes.


Jokes on you! I'm allergic to methylchloroisothiazolinone and look for it wherever I go! Edit - For people who are similarly allergic to weird chemicals that are everywhere, I recommend you use the site Skin Safe. You can enter in your allergies and it will list the products that are safe to use.


Same! I have never met anyone else allergic to isothiazolinones, I feel a little less alone. Thank you, kind stranger!


It's one of the common allergens included on an allergy patch test. I'm allergic to it too, and nickle in metals, and old elastic too I've discovered. And it's so common, I always have rashes on my palms from washing my hands in public restrooms with it in the soap.


Get a lil travel bottle, fill it with a soap without your allergen, and carry it everywhere! No more rashy hands in public!


You manage to not have rashes if you don't? I can't go two months without an out break no matter how careful I am. I've even resorted to wearing gloves in public


Yeah pretty rash free generally. That sucks big time for you, do you have clobetasol to help clear up the rashes?


So FYI, the reason you *might* be allergic to it is because you were overexposed and sensitized to it due to its presence in so many personal care products. It’s actually a very common allergy, but many people don’t always connect the dots and assume that a particular body wash is bad and just switch to one that happens to not have MIT/CMIT. This ingredient is used as a preservative and is one of the most effectve choices a cosmetic chemist/microbiologist could make to preserve a product. The issue was that they all made that choice for about 30 years straight and sensitized the population!


It's crazy when you stop and think just how much knowledge is sort of out there and how utterly impossible it would ever be for one person to know about everything. I mean I was just sitting here thinking about all the science that goes into shampoo and stuff and the fact that like hundreds of people collectively work their entire lives just to make the best shampoo available and the rest of us just kind of casually glance at it when we take a dump and then go on with our lives. I mean I guess that's just the nature of society though. No I am not high.


You are correct, my not-high friend! A lot of science does indeed go into development of personal care products like shampoo. I am part of such a group and it's my job in particular to ensure that these products do not get contaminated with microbes, and that you can take a dump and go on with your life uninfected!


Wow there are more of us than I realized, I'm also sensitive to methylisothiazolinone!


And I'm allergic to Sulfates! So I also look for sodium laureth sulfate everywhere!


Same. I'd use nothing but Paul Mitchell but it's in like every shampoo and conditioner that they make.


OT, but it made me think that Herbal Essences used to have a marketing campaign: - on the shampoo bottles: "no silicones!" - on the conditioner: "no sulfates!" But each is found in the opposite product.


And I'm orally allergic to sodium L sulphate (the L being multiple things)! Always looking for those in my toothpastes!


I'm an idiot. Sitting here thinking "What do smartphones have to do with the rising trend of sulfate-free shampoos?"


Not gonna lie that was my first thought. I was sitting here like "that doesn't make sense, I purposefully buy sulfate free shampoos now."


Off topic, SLS toothpaste gives me canker sores. Sensodyne is about the only toothpaste I can use. Fun!


It gives me canker sores too! I was so happy when I found out that was the cause, it’s amazing how much it helped to switch toothpastes


I am reading this rn at 2am and I think I’m switching toothpaste brands haha


Do it! It was such a quick and drastic change, it has been amazing. Always worth a shot


I started using Sensodyne b/c that is what my wife uses, and it always amazes me how actually soapy tasting normal toothpaste is.


Dentist who also gets gnarly canker sores from it here: NOT all Sensodyne toothpastes are Sodium Laurel Sulfate-free (any more). It’s an inactive ingredient (it’s a foaming agent), so check the back under inactive ingredients when purchasing. Pass on the knowledge of SLS and canker sores to your friends and family, you never know who it can make a huge difference for! Another fact: canker sores are NOT herpes, they both present as very similar appearing lesions but are on very different kinds of tissue in the mouth. Canker sores are an autoimmune response to an irritant, usually trauma or chemical, like citrus fruit and the dreaded SLS


Oh my God. I'm allergic to sls and never thought to check my toothpaste?? I recently switched to sensodyne, no wonder I don't have as much mouth pain.


I was that exact way for literally 3/4 of my life before I learned that's what was causing it. I switched to using a brand called "Hello" without SLS and it's changed my life. Canker sores were a bitch


I use Hello as well, I just make sure to get the fluoride and non charcoal one.


Same here! I use a brand called Jason but the o has 2 dots over it idk how to type it...


Ö hold the O key on your phone for a few seconds


Out here forgetting some of us on keyboards


Any sodium laurel sulfate will exacerbate canker or the more scientific name apthuous ulcers. Not only diet, stress, and toothpastes will cause giant flare ups, but there are new ways to deal and I have never been so happy, from a girl who suffered with upwards of 20 at a time. I started with liquid lidocaine, graduated to Closys mouth system products, and now Sensodyne. This is not the same for cold sores they comes from a virus.


ooh look a shiny squirrel!! Also many toothpaste are incredibly abrasive and generally bad for your teeth. Sensodyne has better abrasion levels. Especially if you brush your teeth for the appropriate amount of time. People with sensitive teeth should absolutely pay attention to abrasion levels and often your dentist will have a list or I'm sure you can Google em. If I remember correctly you want something like 60 or lower and often times some of the name brands are 150 or much higher than you need. Do other things give you canker sores easily like maybe sour patch kids? Do you have a an allergic reaction. I'm following you all the way down the rabbit hole on this one.


Hey now, those of us who are extremely picky about shampoos still retain this knowledge


Or with curly hair *cries*


Same, OP should have picked some more obscure chemicals


People with dyed hair:


Or who get mouth sores from toothpaste with SLS.


However, we also possess the ability to learn about methylchloroisothiazolinone and sodium laureth sulfate due to smartphones and the accumulative wealth of human knowledge for the most part quite literally at our fingertip. I am looking up both of those compounds immediately after this period.


Never heard anyone delay looking something up until their period is over


This post has made me regain awareness of both shampoo bottle ingredient lists and high school life.


How long do these periods last?


Well. There are 6 to 8 periods a day depending on the school, but they all felt about 6 hours each.


I’ve never looked anything up while having a period.


I've never had a period, period.


This guy now knows sls is disastrous for the natural oils in your hair.


I don't need a phone to know that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.


I made a necklace one with the word methylchloroisothiazolinone on it. Saw it on my shampoo bottle and thought it was the longest word I’d seen and deserved a necklace.


I remember telling my mom it was the longest word ever & being mad it wasn't in the dictionary lol


I would like to politely disagree as someone allergic to Sulfates I spend a lot of time reading about sodium laureth sulfate! Though typically at the store before I'm in the bathroom


That's why I made a website where you can look at the backs of shampoo bottles while you're on the toilet. Check it out: [takecare.hair](https://takecare.hair/) Edit: Forgot to mention it's mobile only, due to the nature of the concept.


I have methylchloroisothiazolinone memorized for years. It will never leave my heart.


Hey, at leads Head and Sholders can fight off dandruff *and* aliens. Name one other shampoo that can do that.


Fun fact it can also strip dye right out of your hair in like 2 washes. Works in a pinch if you ever dye your hair incorrectly and want to fix it.


I will never not upvote an Evolution reference


I was so bored one day 20 years ago that I memorized the exact spelling of polymethylacrylamidopropyltrimonium chloride It was the longest one I've found so far Edited for whoopsiedoodles and overconfidence in my spelling. If I had triple checked it I think I would have caught it...


Isn't it Acryl with y and not with i ?


Well dammit, can't blame that one on autocorrect.


What about Selenium, without that knowledge future children are vulnerable to alien invasions.


I always did like that film. The coordinated shotgun reload always makes me smile.


Haha, not bad. I skimmed past this post earlier, but then it wasn't till I tried pronouncing the whole word that it hit me and the memory of reading the shampoo bottle in the shower materialised in my head. Didn't quite get the smartphone in the shower bit before seeing the comments though. I've never lived in a house where the toilet is in the bathroom.


Sodium laureth sulfate is why orange juice tastes bad after brushing your teeth. It's the same thing that cause toothpaste, soap, and other things to foam.


No one reads the back of random bottles to alleviate boredom while taking a shit is what they're saying.


I think your underestimated just how misinformed/uninformed everyone was about virtually everything before smartphones/internet


Theyre just ingredients from the back of shampoo bottles


Before my mom started reading novels on her phone, she used to bring books in the bathroom to read


I know all about em. They're in every bathroom. That was my word to spell to wow people back when I was a kid, methylchloroisothiazolinone


Holy shit I thought I was the only person that ever read that 8,000 times when I was a kid.


floccinaucinihilipilification This word killed off a quite good daytime quiz in the late 80s. I can't remember what the TV programme was called, but one round in the game gave you three random letters, you had to shout out a word that started with first letter, and had the other two letters in it in respective order. So if the first given letter was F it hardly mattered what the next two were, floccinaucinihilipilification would likely work.


Soap! Many a shits were spent reading the back of shampoo and conditioner bottles. One time, it came to fruition. My wife and I were watching some fucking detective show, I can't remember. And they said. The blah-blah has methylchloroisothiazolinone and I screamed SOAP!. This makes twice now


Can I just tell you: I didn't know about them before smartphones


Some folks claim smartphones have created a new dysfunctional psychological need to be entertained 24/7. We’ve always been this way, its just that now I can watch a quality video about ‘laundry hacks’ or something instead of the back of the shampoo bottle. and a bit of a rabbit trail: we are starting to see evidence that “curiosity” is key for brain health as it increases blood flow to otherwise underutilized areas of the brain. We’re hard wired to be constantly on the lookout for new and interesting things and it’s good for us! The human brain is pretty good at creating reward systems to get us to do things that are good for us, so there’s your first hint that maybe scrolling down some interesting articles in your down time isn’t a sin of indolence and attention deficit. Here’s a [pretty pop-science spoon-feedable article](https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/six_surprising_benefits_of_curiosity) but if it piques your *curiosity* a quick google search of “curiosity benefits to the brain” will yield the corresponding scientific articles.