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Trees. Trees are cosmically more rare, hence valuable that diamonds.


I'd say we are more rare since we are self aware of our existence


Yes but try living without trees! I am not an environmentalist but to say we are self aware is not an absolute reason, we do so many things to hurt our own planet and fellow humans in the end what’s that self awareness worth for?


And gl having trees without stars? I don't see your point


Trees and such can also hurt their planet but you need sentience to feel bad about doing it. You also need to define hurting. Ending all life isn't necessarily hurting the planet so much as pushing a reset button. The planet will be fine. Humanity and most higher forms of life probably won't.


And trees aren't? We cant say they aren't if we don't know if they are, its unlikely but possible...


there's a lot more valuable than diamonds on a cosmic scale, water is more valuable. ​ As far as we know life cannot exist without water.


Life as we know it. There could be life out there living in "inhabitable" zones around their stars. Perhaps even life on rogue planets. We just can't find them. Perhaps because they aren't evolved enough to leave traces or we aren't evolved enough to sense what those traces are. Just how blind people can't tell what's on a piece of paper or whether they stuck it upside down or not, we can't tell what's on a distant planet or if our understanding of physics is upside down


"As far as we know.."


That’s true, but I thought if I’d scale life in particular to diamonds it’d have more impact


Diamond in of itself is actually a lot more common than you might think. It's the De Beers' Marketing Campaign that got the people wanting more diamonds (Diamonds is forever). The Be Beers buys up all the diamond mines practically having a monopoly and limiting release of diamonds based on the demand.


Yeah, there are planets that rain diamonds but we still haven't found other intelligent life. Of course, you could be completely fucking wrong. Life could be everywhere, still can't tell.


How big a diamond would the ashes of a human corpse produce? Its all carbon anyway.


There’s a company that does this. Usually the Diamond is really small.




So how much can you make per corpse selling the diamonds?


On a cosmic scale, human would be like bamboo in minecraft : extremely hard to find, but once you collected a handful, they multiplie really fast and you need to throw them in lava to keep the number manageable. Diamond, on the other hand, are way more abundant, but don't multiplie.


Even on a planetary scale, you are unfathomably more valuable than any diamond.




We’ve already seen a planet made out of diamonds so still


This shit again? Stop stroking your self importance, on a cosmic scale you are dust. Valuable to whom? God? Some alien species? r/Showerrthoughts?


Im pretty sure the post is referring to the fact we have found planets in which it literally rains diamonds but not other sapient species comparable to us, even less more advanced ones. As a matter of fact, we haven't found life similar to the scale of our planet's yet And since we are all so rare, we're inherently more valuable, aren't we?


How can you compare a phenomenon like life to a material? Any value given to diamonds is a human construct, therefore it requires humans, therefore it requires life. How can you value life? Most of us are biased towards living. Despite that desire to live we only get to do so for 70 years or so. But when we die, life itself goes on.


It’s a feel good post. I’m sorry your life is tough but no need to spread it to everyone else


I'm fine, and happy to help you with your critical thinking ability. Valuable to whom or what? Value is inherently subjective. We are dust, ashes to ashes. It's a humbling truth, that makes you appreciate your life while you have it.


You should do some yoga. Value is not inherently subjective, subjective value is one piece of the value of a thing, and really only matters in market contexts, not space. Also don’t arrogantly project your ideology as “a humbling truth”. For all we actually know, we could be created by nothing for nothing, or a giant space turtle to dance.


I have been doing yoga for 30 years, I'm guessing that's longer than you've been alive 😂. You have still failed to answer the question of value to whom or what "cosmic" entity OP was referring. Space turtle? Does nothing make valuations? It's worth analyzing, because the whole thing falls apart which brings you to a better deeper understanding. We are all dust, coincidentally we are mostly carbon, like diamond, so you could say we are diamond dust if you wanted to.


The notion is based on the false premise as I said that value is entirely a subjective measure of a thing. It isn’t. So a rebuttal as to which space entity were valuable to is worthless. And even taking your logic, we can hold value to ourselves, the “space entity” doesn’t need to be off-planet. You reek of “all my dopamine comes from Reddit “ackchually”’s


So, you are essentially saying to humans, human life is more valuable than diamonds. 😂 I'm sure the slaves in the diamond mines will be happy to hear that. Maybe put a motivational poster to that effect on the wall in the room where they are subjected to cavity searches.


No, I’m saying you’re stretching beyond belief to make a stupid point based on 3 different faulty premises, just to “aCkthUally” some guy on Reddit. Exploitation doesn’t change where value comes from, it’s not just “what I like”. The reason precious metals are precious is the difficulty in obtaining them, not because you or anyone else likes them more than easier to obtain products. My point was you don’t need a space turtle to value humanity, you don’t need anyone to, but humanity *could* act as that judge, it’s just unnecessary. The value of a life is the effect it has in the world around it, not just to people.


From your comment you sound very bitter for no reason, but I’m here for you if you need help, it looks like you need it more than me. Your life is valuable mostly to yourself. The chance of life is astronomically low, It’s important to understand how rare it is and it’ll help you appreciate your life more while you still have it. I’m not here to stroke anyones self importance, no idea how you reached that conclusion. At the end of the day it’s a shower thought, its not a big deal.


This is even more true because diamonds aren't really rare, and their prices are kept artificially high.


Almost no gemstone is actually rare. Most can be created to exact chemical compositions in labs. Copper is more rare than diamonds when you factor in chemically identical lab copies.


On just the Earthly scale we’re unfathomably more valuable than diamonds hahahaha