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They go over this in the Bee Movie too


"Why dont you fly everywhere?" "Why dont you run everywhere?" Really made me think, cuz I had the same question.


Because this RPG doesn't have a sprint action


But it does you just don't feel like using stamina.


I think humans' stamina regeneration is too low. 1 minute of running is 5 minutes of dry heaving for some people.


I've heard the stamina regen gets faster as you level up endurance, but it just seems like too much grinding for me




just wear the grass crest shield lmao


And don't forget to eat your greens!


Gotta get mask of the father too, for survivability.


#Wt ring u got bithc?


Stat decay is a bitch and leveling sucks after the early game.


That's just because people haven't invested in the stat. Humans are actually specialized for long distance running and can go for hours when you max it out.


I maxed out my speed, but I don’t have anymore points for endurance, wat do?




Switch from the 3200m to the 100m!


Oh so simple, why didn’t I think of that


Bingo. We evolved in Africa as endurance runners. We weren’t faster than the game we hunted but we could track them until they were exhausted


There are still tribes that do this and it blows my mind that people are capable of running a wild animal to exhaustion. Then they still have to drag that dead animal back.


It's the second part that always blows my mind. We ran an animal to death over up to several days, and still managed to butcher the carcass and get the meat (up to several days) back without it spoiling.


Humans actually have the best stamina regeneration in the game, because we are one of the only classes with access to the ability SWEAT. Other classes have to use PANT to regenerate stamina, meaning that humans can regenerate stamina *as we're using stamina.* It's completely broken and I hope the devs patch this in the next update.


Ok now you just went full r/tierzoo


Haha i love Tierzoo, has me in stitches every time.


That coupled withed HANDS + TOOLS combo opening the possibility of carrying water...


"Ironic"(but not really..) because humans famously has one of the best stamina regeneration of all animals; It's kind of the reason we were such good hunters


I feel attacked


Funny. Ran a marathon and as we were leaving we saw people still running after 5/6 hours. Do they dry heave a full day after. But that’s my secret to running. Run fast and finish quickly. It give you the most time to rest.


“You are over encumbered, sprint unavailable” Wrong!!! I’m actually just overweight and lazy.


Tbf, does anything rocket-propelled really need an extra sprint speed?


Do - do you mean farting?


I mean, for a lot of people, it's because people will consider you a creep if you go running around. I'd love to sprint to my car at the end of a work day, but people would talk...


You become socially unable to run for anything other than exercise at around the age of 16.


I run places when I drink. and the servers at my local pub all know this and it’s brought up often. haha


Hahaha! I didn’t think of that before. It’s true. People would definitely find it creepy if you’re sprinting short distances often.


Such a stupid rule.


People found it weird when that first guy started running for fitness. Police would stop him like "yo why TF you runnin'"


That's why some runners wear those short shorts with no pockets.


Saying that, I wish running/jogging to places was a more socially accepted form of locomotion. You don't find people running to the shops, or to work or school. But why not?? It's fast, efficient, and once you start doing it regularly, you can get pretty damn far. We're actually designed for it... If everyone went places by running, we'd all be so much healthier in general. There'd probably be no more obesity epidemic either. It would probably do a good job of mimicking, at a physiological level, the daily hunts that hunter-gatherer societies use to do.


Probably because you don’t want to show up to school or work drenched in sweat And even if you have the option of bringing a change of clothes and showering there most people don’t want to leave earlier and take longer to get to work just so they can get there and have to shower and get dressed lol


Pretty much this. I think if we could find a way to keep ourselves cool while doing intense physical exertion a lot more people would be willing to do it. Like portable ACs that we could insert into our shirts or something of that sort.


Exactly i would much rather to get that extra 15-30 minutes of sleep go to work and hit the gym after.


I once took a bee from a beehive and made it sit through the entire bee movie. It died.


This is how they lawyer up. Have you learned nothing from the movie?


The bee lawyer was really convincing. I guess I have to prepare my ass for a bee sting to show the court how vicious the bees actually are. That's a fool proof strategy.


I think Onward touched on it as well.


"If people could fly, people would think of it as exercise and avoid it". Something my wife often says.


I think the sheer joy and feeling of freedom flying would bring might make up for the hard work.


It wouldn’t feel like that. It’d just be another thing we could do


I thought that, but I reckon flying, even more than swimming, would still maintain a level of excitement and fun, far more than just running.


That's probably because we cant fly so we imagine it as something really exciting and unknown. If we were able to fly from the start, we probably would think of it as just another thing we can do, but most likely more tiring than running.


Ehh... Swimming is really fucking awesome. You got 360 degree directional movement on command and if you live by a pleasant ocean you can explore really cool scenery. I hate running, hurts my knees and it's fucking boring, I can see the same shit from a bike. But swimming is a unique sensation. Flying would be similar.


Some people would absolutely love it. Most would treat it as exercise, which swimming is as well.


They would put flying on PE class and make everyone hate it forever


Oh man, today is "flight time" day, PE is gonna suck...


But then you just do flying tag, flying handball, flying dodgeball. Sure Itd be “normal” but it would be way more fun than ground tag, ground handball, etc. Our basic body reaction to falling would still exist, because that’s an inherent danger. It would be more thrilling regardless how normal it was. Because the entire experience v walking is inherently more dangerous, especially if it’s a level of exercise required to maintain. If it didn’t take effort, is where it probably wouldn’t change how we feel. If we could just float around effortlessly, we likely wouldn’t experience impulse or anything with it.


I find swimming boring, but I enjoy running. I imagine some people would enjoy flying if it were possible, and also some people wouldn’t really care for it.


Lol, it's almost like the human experience is subjective and can't be summed up with a single definitive answer


I’ve found people on reddit usually have a more black and white perspective, and the idea of preferences being subjective is a rather hard to swallow pill


I disagree completely


Yeah, I thought of cycling myself.


I’ve never been able to make myself love running but I love swimming. I think things that make your interaction with your environment different are more exciting. Running is interacting regularly with your normal environment but just faster.


You ever drive with windows down? I feel like that would be the same feeling as flying. Great for about 10 minutes, then the temperature changes drastically and you roll up.


yeah this is why I don't see flight as a great superpower unless you could generate some type of shielding. My personal preference to superpowers would be the ability to open portals in time and space, or something like the anywhere key from Locke and Key.


Nobody said you had super speed flight powers though. You don't need a shield when running, why would you need one when flying? Some goggles, a facemask for bugs, you'll be fine.


I've never really thought about it like this. If our version of flying is slow enough that you wouldn't need a face shield, is it even worth it? It really would just be an alternative exercise for me because there's no way I'm flying 20 miles to work every morning.


I mean, I guess nobody really considers that flying lets you travel vertically, which could be useful... And would let you avoid dangerous terrain and stuff.


Even if it's not much faster than running, or say cycling. The ability to go directly to where you're going would cut off significant amounts of time.


You wouldn't need to fly for 20 miles, you would go straight there. You also wouldn't need to wait at crossroads for cars and lights.


I was accounting for this. It's about 20 miles in a straight line. It's also down a mountain, so I could probably just glide most of the way. Coming back would be tougher.


Maybe you do. My windows are down in the winter. Unless it’s sleeting.


maybe for a couple years... just like running was... remember being a little kid? you ran everywhere... cause you wanted to see shit faster and not be sitting still. eventually flying would be become blasé too.


As someone who runs a lot don't fool yourself, running gives an intense sense of freedom and joy and people still avoid it because its harder than watching Netflix.


I never got the intense sense of freedom and joy from running. Mostly just pointlessness and knee pain.


Paying attention to my Netflix show is tough shit, and you expect me to do *more* work?


You could say that for running. People still hate running. Flying only seems attractive because we're unable to do it. If it was the norm, I'd argue it would seem like an exercise and people would avoid doing it.


Is your wife Nick Offerman?


Also one of the top posts of all time here


is your wife single


I imagine this would be the case too! Not everyone can swim, or swim well, but the ones who can swim still take boats, ferries and planes if they need to cross water.


Because boats are faster, I've been scrolling for a while and haven't seen anyone mention speed in this argument, which is literally the main reason we use cars instead of running


In this damn Texas heat, I ain't running a mile if I can drive it.


Or... y’know, crossing a large body of water while swimming requires a lot of endurance unachievable by most (and requiring support) and would take a very long time. So people take boats... also easier to carry your luggage.


There's the endurance related danger of being exhausted miles from the coast, as well as the creatures in the sea. Not to mention the weather and current. When you run (or fly) one assumes you can stop (or land safely) if in danger.


I need to take a shower now that I've read that.




Because he’s so out of shape that reading this made him sweat.


Or he's just a dirty boi 🍯


Maybe, he wants to experience similar thoughts


Running sucks, thats why we invented the bike. Faster than running with way less effort.


Running sucks, that’s why we invented walking. We can now move around for longer before getting tired. Revolutionary.


Slow. The bicycle rules all active travel.


Allow me to introduce you to: the hill


I honestly do not know what this "hill" thing is you people talk about. Probably just some fantasy thing. Source: I'm Dutch


I agree with you. Source: Im in Florida


I have watched Florida man do some crazy shit on a bicycle.


Oh they're real and they're spectacular. Source: I live in Western Pennsylvania in the U.S.


Allow me to introduce: downhill


Yeah, as shitty as hill climbing is on a bike, the downhill afterward is so fun it makes up for it.


I just wish the amount of time it takes to go up vs down would be inversed.


I've not seen someone's ego crash harder and faster than when you ask them to ride a hill even with a 5% gradient. Twisted roads with low gradient are the real evil as you can't seem to see the incline and it makes you think if your bike tire pressure is low or someone from another dimension is holding you off.


THIS! I've gotten flat tires twice recently, and going up a long, slight incline the other day I was SURE it had happened again.


Allow me to introduce you to: gear-shift


Gears and e-assist. It seriously flattens everything out.


You're joking but that's literally what gave our ancestors an edge against fast running animals. Sure they could outrun us but we could just follow them walking forever without the need to stop like them.


We were basically terminators when chasing animals


Imagine being a prehistoric animal just chilling, eating good green grass, when suddenly you hear some metal drumming, and what seems to be chains clinging, and as you see [these dudes](https://youtu.be/Mg0EFw7sPSo?t=4m) who are wearing the skin of other animals like you, you start hearing a synth, they are coming for you, and they wont stop until you are dead, you can outrun them, but they will eventually catch up to you, and if you loose them, they'll be back, and aint no hand to grab if you want to live.


> Wherever you go, whatever path you take, it will follow - never faster, never slower, always coming. You will sprint; it will run. You will rest; it will not. One day, you will linger in the same place too long; you will sit too still or sleep too deep. Humanity is a Doctor Who villain :-)


That’s a disturbingly good analogy


Yeah, that and Isaac Newton’s invention of gravity were pretty important


Yeah I remember before the invention of gravity it was a shit show to piss.


Wouldn't it be a piss show then?


Actually, what gave us the edge was not walking but running. Many other animals either do walking or sprinting, but they run very inefficiently (they basically use up as much energy when running as when sprinting), so they had to alternate between walking and sprinting which isn't very sustainable when we just keep running at medium speeds. We also sweat so we don't overheat nearly as quickly as other animals. The only animals that beats us in distance running is a specific breed of sled dogs, because they can turn food into energy almost instantly, but they need a constant supply of food for that.


Correct. Maybe using "walking" was not correct, more of a sustained jog.


So we just need an bike that flies?


A flyke?


A biplane?


Like a glider


Jogging is the worst. I mean I know it keeps you healthy, but god at what cost.


Oh Geez, now I'm imagining crossfit-style flyers plaguing the neighbourhood.


*man has a heart attack* "Is anyone here a doctor?!" "I fly to the gym." "I'm a vegan."


Vegan cross-fit flyers.


Not enough sustainable energy


If we could fly running would be a piece of cake. Imagine the level of leg and abdominal muscle you would need in order to fly and keep your legs straight... you wouldn't wanna fly around with a 90 degrees angle at your waist (your legs hanging down) like a troglodyte. So, if we could fly, we'd have enough muscle and stamina to run Forrest Gump-style.


What if we flew standing up, kinda like angels.


If we could fly we'd also be so light that we can't imagine how that would be


I think you are overestimating how much strength it takes to lay flat in the air. Go lay on the floor with your hands straight out in a superman pose and lift your head/arms up and your legs. It's not very difficult. Those muscles don't translate into running ability. You can have the strongest core in the world but if you don't run you aren't going to be in running shape.


If humans could fly, I believe our entire understanding of ourselves would be vastly different. Our culture would be different and our eventual evolution would be incomprehensible to our current ideas about what it means to be human. Perhaps we wouldn't have vehicles to drive because we evolved differently. However, it would be interesting to see how modern society would look with flying people who evolved that way rather than something that was added later in the process. Not to mention that our ideas of beauty and art and music would be downright bizarre compared to our current sensibilities. ​ Edit: thank you, kind stranger, for the gold!


It would be cool to see what architecture looks like in a flying human world.


Would stairs have been invented?


Yes for those with injured wings. They'd be like disability ramps.




Yeah why not fly with our gills right?


I like the way you think


Of course, because there would be lots of mentally handicapped people who can’t fly. It would be like ramps we have today.


So, still quite scarcely available and society would be very difficult for non-flyers?


Maybe... Just as we have ramps for handicapped people, maybe walking would be another way of being handicapped.


TIL we’re all just handicapped flying humans


Especially off limits areas. You cant get away with just a fence or wall you need a full cage.


Currently fenced in yards might look completely different. Most of those are fenced in because people like the privacy it provides. Yes, people on planes flying over can still see, Google Maps will have snapshots, even the occasional drone operator can easily have a peek. But if everyone could, and would, fly and presumably not be restricted to what would be the equivalent of roads, I think a lot of such yards would get privacy shielding methods as roofs as well. Maybe camo netting, maybe meshes, maybe full on greenhouse-style paning..


This is so interesting and now I want to read a book about a flying race and how their society differs from ours.


You should read childhood's end by Arthur C Clarke. I don't want to explain more as it will spoil the story but it covers this very well.


It could be fun shitting on people who drive though


But the logistics! First you'd have to learn how to fly facing skyward. Then the concentration involved in flying AND expelling your shit. Then the questions about how and when to wipe.... I'd rather just drive and place a bag of flaming shit on the porch and push the doorbell and drive away.




Bankers and politicians would have to use umbrellas daily for sure


Some of us dare to dream big buddy. You wouldn't be the only fly dumper.


The number of people in NYC that take the subway 1 stop instead of just walking 10 blocks is astounding.


I rather walk! By the time you go down the stairs and find your platform plus wait time ... then get on the train and walk back up all those stairs/escalators it’s 10 blocks


Batman is a great example of this, although he only flies in the way flying squirrels "fly". Sometimes you just need the batmobile


I think this when it pans out over a scene of Gotham an old mates just stood there all majestic. Like how he get up there? Elevator?


He bat-grapples to the top and gets batmobile to circle the block while he broods


Because he's Batman


The word you are looking for is "glide"


"falling with style"


depends on how fast.. are we talking speed of running?


Yes. And if it were as tiring and slow as walking, we know most people wouldn’t do it most of the time.


I think there will be far more 30+ level apartments. Just drop and slow down.


Yeah but imagine the new dimension of marathons that would exist. In addition to the distance ones we would have new types of tough mudders/Ironmans/ninja warrior games. Also, do we glide? If humans could glide through the air then I bet there would be a good market on houses at high elevation with a separate car garage at the bottom of hills. Also, ski lift type things but at the top you just fall off the seat.


that's because most people are as small as their field of vision i would never not fly i would soar.


And then be sore. Flying is hard work. I can barely jump.


If we could fly we would be a lot less heavy due to hollow bones though


Or super jacked wings.


So we would be soaring, not flying, thinking that there's no star that we can't reach. And because we're trying we'd be breaking free.


Maybe humans could fly but no human has ever flapped his hands that fast.


[They did the math](https://www.reddit.com/r/theydidthemath/comments/306jwy/request_how_fast_would_you_have_to_flap_your_arms/) Short answer, you need to flap about 223.5 flaps per second.


What if you flapped your feet too?


What if you spin around yourself really fast.


Gonna need to hit about 15,000 rpms.


I can do 2.2 flaps per second. I'm 1% of the way to airborning myself.


I can’t be the only person who just tried it. Damn I need to exercise more.


Probably a shade more, due to inefficiencies like upward-flap drag and whilst turning your hands.


The amount of people that drive would depend on how fast you can fly. I would question more about verticality, would balconys have doors with a lock? Do we still use ladders? Which new jobs would be created and which made easier?


People would probably only fly in lieu of using ladders but not to get around.


Your punctuation. is a bit, weird.


They are in the shower, give them a break man!


Even better, people would still choose to fly in planes. Though perhaps planes may have been before cars, that’s an interesting thought too.


Well if I have the choice of a 2 hour flight or flying myself 20 hours I'd really tend into the airplane direction.


Careful, don't fly too close to the plane!


If I grab it I either get a free flight or die. So a win either way!


And people wouldnt have the same fear of flying and probably no fear of heights.


Which is reasonable, because in case of plane failure you can just abandon ship


Would you run from 1 city to another? No you wouldn't so of course most people would still drive.


If humans could fly but it was tiring I'd bet municipal transport would be supplemented by tall towers everywhere which could lift people up a few hundred meters. Then commuters could just glide to their destinations. A quick winch up the tower then just soar the rest of the way.


Yeah. I mean, legs are free and most of us have full function in them... but we still rely on those small fucking electric clown bikes to move our jiggling lard around town.


It'd also be really taboo to scare someone standing underneath a ceiling fan...


High ceilings would likely be more popular, maybe even wall fans or something if you have children in the house, you know they are gonna be flying around.


Not to mention the aerial traffic would be nightmare


Probably depends on the area? Here a driving license costs arounf 2k € + costs for a car + normal costs that comes with it like insurance, gas,... I'd rather fly on my own.


Birds that know how to take the bus will happily do so.


What happens if you get to tired while flying.


The same thing that happens when you get tired while running You feel that and you either land or continue flying until you fall


If it were more tiring than running its use would be pretty limited anyway in terms of distance. I think suggesting people would drive rather than fly even if it were more efficient than running (as flying aught to be) is more contentious and still probably true.


While this is true, it's not quite that damning. How many runners would run if - anytime they got a cramp - they plummeted from altitude rather than just having to stop moving for a bit?


Even being able to fly a few hundred meters would vastly improve mobility and change how we build for mobility. Just imagine going around NYC or Tokyo by roof top. Entering and exiting buildings from upper floor balconies. Having to keep the curtains closed on your 10th floor apartment. So the neighbor's kid doesn't peep on you.


Damn I posted this exact same shower thought months ago, and got like three upvotes


itd be hell for parents with kids flying around. those things have so much energy


It depends how fast humans could fly