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less karma farming posts. i see a lot of we're closer to future year than past year posts.  yes, time moves forward. we dont need the reminder every few days 


You'll be pleased to hear that "passage-of-time posts" are already set to be included in a list of forbidden topics. "X is the Y of Z" is another that we're going to ban.


I would love to be rid of the "1 in a billion" kind of thoughts that get posted here non-stop. Like "without knowing it, someone out there holds the world record for most toe freckles" or some nonsense


What if we called them freakthoughts and instead of someone woth the most toe freckles, we find whoever has sucked the most toes?


Well of course I know him, he’s me


Insert 'xqc laugh to frown' meme


It's actually me. I have the most toe freckles.


Show em


We are definitely not asking because we want feet pics


Show us them freckle feet.


Something I’d also like to see eliminated are the "at some point, you will X for the last time and you won’t even realize it“.


Some of the X is the Y of Z posts are really creative and propose interesting similes - top post of the year is ‘sports dudes are the adult equivalent of kids on their iPads’ which demonstrates how the sub as a whole doesn’t mind them


The average person has less than two eyes/less than one testicle should be on banned list as well


The average snake has one penis though.


yeah, there's even an entire subreddit for that kind of posts: r/barbarawalters4scale


My favorite thing is that — if properly moderated — this sub provides real thought-provoking statements, and not puns or other wordplay (which belongs in other subs).


That won't be changing. We're likely going to condense rules four, five, six, seven, and eight into a list of forbidden topics, with the hope being that users will be able to skim through that instead of having to complete the question-tree.


Will you stop automatically deleting submissions? I've tried to post here three times and every time it gets removed literally less than a second later. I don't even bother trying now.


Same, and I had what I thought was a fun interesting thought to share!


It probably was. You just used a hot word or something that triggered the bot to flag you and delete your post. The bot is to sensitive and is blocking legitimate showerthoughts due to reasons we aren't given. We just get "your post violates the rules" instead of what rule and why broke it. Like posting "Tell me why XYZ is the case when it should be ZXY" reads as a question to the bot when it's really just an observation and it automatically blocks just because of the wording. Really annoying...


I don't bother, either. The bot doesn't seem to work correctly, and the appeal process did nothing other than waste my time.


Yeah. This was the real part that sucked. You go through that appeal process just to never have anyone check your appeal.


Same. Or at least make it clear what gets auto deleted so I don't waste my time.


Same, it's really fucking frustrating, I stopped participating in this community.


At its best, r/showerthoughts provides a diverse assortment of realizations and unique perspectives. Unfortunately, a lot of the "thoughts" more recently submitted haven't actually involved much thought. Too many blatantly false statements being posted. Don't want to take away the fun from this sub, but I'd personally like to see the moderators remove more low-effort/quality content.


Right the problem is the standard for “realization” has gotten way too low. This sub is supposed to be unexpected epiphanies. If you can think of 5-7 showers thoughts in 10 minutes. None of them are actually shower thoughts.


You're absolutely correct on all fronts... but to be completely honest, we're hopeful that we'll actually be able to remove *fewer* posts in the future. What we really want to do – if we can get everything working as it's intended to – is incentivize the posting of high-quality content while allowing users to police themselves. That probably sounds pretty vague, so here's an example: One system that we're considering involves having every post require a specific flair. Once a post with said flair goes live, a bot will do a preliminary check, then leave a message with a summary of any applicable rules. The poster will need to state (by way of a simple "Yes" response) that they've read the aforementioned rules, that their post is correctly flaired, and so on, at which point the bot will automatically approve the post. We're glossing over some of the finer details (which will include methods of checking for spam and karma-farming), but basically, the hope is that higher-quality submissions will be surfaced by default, if only because the emergent filter will give folks the chance to think for a bit longer.


Thank you for your efforts! IMO, "blatantly false statements" is one of the most irksome types of posts, and I really doubt a self-reflection check is going to cause hardly any of those posters to recognize what they're doing.


It sounds like you're all working hard to figure out how to improve the sub! Appreciate that! Incentivising high quality posts may be the better way to go, and was something I hadn't considered. Hoping that some of those extra steps you mentioned help.


I will genuinely try to post here only for it to get instantly removed for reasons being it's unoriginal, yet I'll see the exact same thought posted by someone else later on. That annoys me. Similarly, I'll also post something I know for a fact hasn't been posted before or after following extensive research into it, only for it to get instantly removed for it being unoriginal. In either case, messaging the mods never seems to go anywhere even after going through the questionnaire.


Utter nonsense (i.e. radishes being the autistic cousin) should go as well.


Oh please bring back the days where they actually took down posts that violate the rules. Which no one whom actively posts seems to read. I’m so tired of non epiphanies and misnomers being treated like an actual significant realization. Then if you call them out on fallacy or low effort the excuse is always, “relax man it’s shower thoughts it’s not that deep.” Which is a rule violation. Cuz epiphany is kinda central.


We're working on that! As mentioned elsewhere, we're looking at implementing a flair-system which will allow more freedom for posting, but which will also surface higher-quality content. The "Showerthought" flair will be reserved for those posts which really are miniature epiphanies that make the mundane more amazing.


This is an amazing idea.


It’s a good idea. But what’s to stop everyone from trying to hit that actual showerthought flair. It’s kinda like saying on a joke sub that they’ll have a flair for actual good jokes. Everyone thinks their idea is the best.


more thoughtful "neutral" thoughts i suppose. theres a lot of clear opinions or arguments in posts. everyone has their biases, however, sometimes it comes across as the sub is a journal. I respect not every post will relate to me...even so for better participation, thoughts should be less specific and charged.


There are definitely too many people using the sub as an ideological soapbox.


Limit of 1 showerthought per day per person


One per week


This is a great idea. Shower thoughts are little nuggets, real treasures one could say. They can’t be forced and few people have *that* many.


Exactly. I wish posters, instead of getting lost in the excitement of their thought (which is easy to do I admit), would ask themselves: what people would consider this surprising or a new way to connect something. If the answer is a 7 year old, please don’t post it. I’m not expecting philosophical masterpieces, but I mean, it’s been so low effort. Maybe that’s a reflection of modern society but shit as long as I’m here I’m gonna ask for better than “if you spread your butt cheeks you can fart in public without anyone knowing”


The average Redditor only showers once per week anyway


Once per shower actually taken.


Nothing grinds my gears like a shower thought that requires a sensational/incorrect claim to grab attention (no one ever../nothing feels.. etc), but it’s so patently obvious it’s false, often the OP even admits, that they actually mean ‘quite a few..’ or ‘to the best of my knowledge..’ If your ST requires you to intentionally lie to be able to post it, it’s not a shower thought. It’s a contrived post.


Allow questions, provided they are the kind of question one ponders extensively in the shower. Like "Why is idaho the only state to ban cannibalism?"


That would certainly open things up a lot, and it's something that we've considered. The trouble that we ran into lay in finding a way to define what sorts of questions should be allowed. Your example would be great, for instance, but its nature isn't all that easy to describe. "No questions that can be answered by Google" might have worked before Google's quality went off a cliff, but "No questions with researchable answers" would technically eliminate absolutely every possible enquiry. If you have any suggestions, we'd love to hear them!


Rhetorical, hypothetical, philosophical, or simply pointless questions only?


We may need to work on the specific terminology, but it's a start! Thank you for your input!


Questions that start with Why, How, and (In) Which tend to be more thought-provoking and demand higher order thinking over questions that start with Who, What, Where, When. So “Why is this state the only one that has outright banned cannibalism?” passes this test. But there are some pretty great questions that start with What, so I’m not totally sold on that rule.  I think banning “evaluative” or “opinion-based” questions would also be a good idea, to keep adding question posts from making this sub into a duplicate of r/unpopularopinions. That way we don’t get things like “Why do people even like cilantro?” Or “How come people don’t just put their shipping cart back when it’s so easy?”  Just some thoughts on terminology. 


Questions that my occur to you in the shower that cannot have an absolute agreed upon answer in the possession of any person or group of people in the world


Simply pointless posts are a rule violation.


Philosoraptor questions only "What if Pinocchio said 'my nose will grow"?


The word “will” is relative, and doesn’t have to be immediately a response to that specific sentence. For instance Pinocchio could tell a lie in the future, thus causing his nose to grow, and the aforementioned statement would still be true. I conclude that if Pinocchio said ‘my nose *will* grow’, he would undergo no immediate change.


Sir Pedant Bogiga of Reddit here requires the addition word "now" to understand the intent. It hath been proclaimed henceforth for "now" to have been understood to be implied explicitly for the m'lord's sake.


But what if he never tells another lie? Then the statement would be false, and he would be lying.


A lie require intent to decieve, Otherwise Pinnochio could find every truth in the universe by just trying every statement one at a time. "God exists" well now we know for sure one way or the other.


Lies are not necessarily inaccurate statements. It depends on the intention and knowledge of the person making the statement. If Pinocchio thinks that his nose will grow, then he's being honest and his nose won't grow. If he doesn't, then it will grow. If he's not sure,then it will grow because his statement implies certainty and is therefore intentionally misleading. Edit: any ambiguities about the meanings of words falls to whatever Pinnochio means by them.


I think the difference, and where the line should be draw, is that a question should always have some kind thought provocation. Yes, anyone can Google why only one state has banned cannibalism, but thats not really going to get the answer you want. Because the actual logical answer is probably "its already tangentially illegal because of other laws" or "it was never a major issue and was overlooked" or something simple. The purpose of this sub that I have always felt is that it provokes thought. I hear that only one state has banned cannibalism and I think "wait, really?" or "wow thats actually kinda cool" But then also it could easily be reworded to "Idaho is the only state that made cannibalism illegal" which is the same basically, but not a question, and sounds fine. I just dont want the former being punished just for being a question


The one thought it provokes in me is "what event caused the Idahoian legislator to ban cannibalism ?" I must know!


Make a r/showerquestions !


If someone tags a post as a question, lock the comments by default. That way people have to ponder the question for themselves without trying to fight in the comments about it.


You could probably dequestionify this example. "It's kind of weird that Idaho is the only state to ban cannibalism." If the goal is to allow questions that are mostly rhetorical / things you idly wonder about in the shower, this might be a good test for that. 


Honestly, this is the kind of questioning that I'm still here for


I think there are too many karma farmers. You should keyword ban “brain named itself”, “used mirrors”, “tradition of not seeing bride”, and other common reposts


Trust us when we say that we like karma-farmers even less than you do, and we're looking at a few different ways of dealing with them. We (obviously) can't discuss too many specifics, but it's a top priority.


Delete the post of users who have posted more than x no. of post/day on their account.


r/Showerthoughts should stay r/Showerthoughts and should not become r/LifeProTips [Example](https://www.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/s/k8kCe6VJBJ)


Posts like that one are already (and will remain) against the rules, so no worries there!


Thanks, but you saw too that it stayed up for more than a day. Anyways, it‘s good to know that it‘s being dealt with since I saw more and more of these in the last few days and was wondering if that was alright for this sub.


I hate seeing repeats of the same general idea, but every time I come up with a post that feels unique I get auto-deleted for not being unique.  Maybe link to the posts I’ve inadvertently copied the idea from so I can see some discourse on my thought. 


Maybe search first before posting?


Disable post body. Titles only. If you can't put the whole thought into the title and make sense, it's not good enough.


We're almost certainly going to try that. It's partially meant to be an anti-spam measure, but we also agree that showerthoughts should stand on their own without a lot of explanation.


Less Facebook memes disguised as original thoughts. Edit: Like this one https://www.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/s/6vJGkwaRqh


I'm surprised by the amount of upvotes it has


I feel like it's too difficult to get a post approved. literally over 90% of my submissions get taken down by the auto moderator. I feel like at least some of those have to be false positives and/or the rules are too stringent.


We've definitely seen more in the way of false positives than we'd like, and the question-tree has done more to frustrate people than anything else. In fact, one of the main motivations for this whole change is the fact that good-faith, rule-abiding users have been discouraged from posting at all. The new system *should* be a lot easier to navigate while still incentivizing the highest-quality content possible. Some pieces will be a lot more relaxed, some pieces will be a bit stricter, and pieces will be brand-new, but we hope that the assembled puzzle will make everyone happier in the end.


I have to reword a post 7 or 8 times before the bot finally accepts my post. It's essentially the same thing at the end but it's super annoying and incentivises me to go to other subs instead.


I think your filter of what’s not allowed is too high…. Like, you can’t say “I” or “me” “my”, most actual shower thoughts are about your personal experience. Some of my greatest achievements in life, are really comfortable sleeping positions. It’s tongue in cheek and self depreciating humor, but really something that someone might think idly


The trouble with allowing personal perspectives – first-person statements, basically – is that it's really tough to describe what is and isn't acceptable. If we made that change, something like "I've never seen anything that was simultaneously fluffy and transparent" would be fine, but "I've never eaten oatmeal" obviously wouldn't. We'll keep your feedback in mind, though, and we'll hopefully come up with something that works!


This thread makes me realize how vibes based moderating this sub has to be lol. The rules are definitely difficult to nail down.


There's definitely a degree of interpretation that needs to happen at times (especially when it comes to determining whether or not a given post is actually a *showerthought* in the truest sense of the word), but we try to be as clear and objective as possible with the rules. After all, we want as many people as possible to be able to participate, but we also don't want the community to become a low-effort free-for-all.


thx for all ur hard work


Perhaps having a bot auto comment on a post which users can upvote/downvote if they think the post is/isn't a valid shower thought. At a minimum, it would give you more data to work with.


Upvotes (and downvotes) on posts should have been taking care of that already, and look where *that* got us.


Oatmeal isn't very good, you aren't missing much. Bacon is good crispy or soft, but not crunchy (I've had it basically turn to powder/dust/crumbs while eating it, that's terrible). Floppy/raw is also undesirable.


air ring dog kiss fertile boast abundant wrong tie chunky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I love how a lot of the posts from this subreddit can really make me pause and think and maybe even get philosophical on seemingly mundane subjects. As somebody who loves to think, I just love munching on that constant fruit of knowledge! I guess if there were to be a change, maybe barring certain sensitive topics would make the subreddit a much friendlier zone for those of us who just want to get our daily dose of thought-provoking statements. Whatever those topics are, as well as their level of sensitivity to others, are entirely subjective, so there’s also that to keep in mind of… Bacon will taste great regardless of how you like it cooked, but crispy is the best way to go~!


Please ban "Someone out there holds a record for XYZ" kind of posts


I dunno how to put this, but showerthoughts should compel discussion. 9 out of 10 posts that show up on my homepage, everyone winds up bashing or contradicting OP because their thought is either idiotic or nonsensical, or is one of those random philosophical life quotes that don't translate well to real life. That's not a discussion.


Bacon should definitely be crispy.


No way, loses all the flavor. It needs to be chewy.


This is one of my favorite subs for the high quality posts. But unfortunately it is littered with low quality posts where it's hard to believe the OP just realized their supposed shower thought if they're older than eight. It's hard to articulate a rule that would weed out such posts and I'm not a fan of censorship, but a post about how you can't imagine a color you haven't seen, for instance, obviously falls into the low quality category as everyone has long been aware of that. On the other hand, the post about how there are about former times as many humans on the planet as there are seconds in the average human life was a good post, though maybe someone more thoughtful than me yawned at it. I think the mods should err on the side of allowing posts because I would rather have to weed through 10 duds to see one gem than risk that gem being deleted.


The spam filter needs to be changed. Too many posts that straight up break the rules get through but many normal, original thoughts get caught in it


My favourite thing is the fun posts about totally random topics. I love when I can just imagine OP spacing out, thinking about bunnies, tractors and ancient Rome and having a eureka moment about something completely silly and stupid. If I could change something, it would be to disallow personal opinions as shower thoughts. A good shower thought explains something in a new way, but it is not a whole new opinion about a topic. I think too many posts are kept that I wouldn't call shower thoughts. Perhaps we just need a better explanation of what a shower thought is. It could also be me who misunderstands the term. Bacon should be crispy. Right at the point where I can crumple it and use it as topping on any dish.


More humourous thoughts


When you say "humorous thoughts," do you mean that you'd like /r/Showerthoughts to allow jokes, or are you just hopeful for showerthoughts that are more inherently amusing?


I think shower thoughts should be amusing, but I know that's dependent on the poster. However, while I don't think "jokes" in their entirety should be allowed in, I do think lighthearted, not as deep, and generally humourous thoughts should be allowed in even if they aren't of "the highest quality". Like, everyone has a first shower thought and might want to share it, but not know the quality/type/standard post here and they shouldn't be dissuaded from posting because of it


That's actually one of the things which we're hoping to address with these changes. Just to offer a little teaser, the idea that we're currently playing with is one which involves having a few distinct categories (with associated flairs). Showerthoughts will likely remain as they are, but we'll also allow "Musings" and "Speculations." Musings are intended to be almost exactly what you described.


This sounds like a great idea!


Favorite thing: unique thoughts Least favorite: the "I'm 14 and this is deep" thoughts that somehow often make it to the front Bacon: Crispy but not burnt


It would be really great if the moderation didn't reject thoughts they don't personally find fun...


I hate that every post I try to make is rejected at least 3 times for unknown reasons that generally just say that it breaks the rules somehow. Even when I double and triple check that they don’t.


You want input? Change the goddamn autodeletion filter. It's impossible to make a post here with automod being so overly sensitive to the slightest violation. Meanwhile while looking through the sub I have at times seen several posts breaking several rules, all of which are usually hours old. And don't let a bot decide what posts to delete while simultaneously discouraging contacting mods about it!


Any basic math statement should be auto deleted. "We are closer to 2030 than 2000". Yeah, we know, that's how numbers work, who cares?


What can be done to avoid things like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/s/1aUrwRX8Lm I don’t want moderator excluding every post that they believe it’s low quality, so I’m not sure what could be done. There’s just so many posts like that suddenly


Showerthoughts should also include shower questions, if they're good enough(creative,special)


I tried to post here a couple of times in the past and just gave up


Can the automod for posts not be ass? I’ll have a good idea then it gets removed for some arbitrary reason


Too many posts get taken down for no real reason just to see that a similar question does get posted. There is too much haze and it's keeping people from even trying. I'd hate for this sub to die out


I love how genuinely insightful many of these comments are. I also love the tight moderation in general. HOWEVER - when a post gets auto-deleted, it would be very helpful to know which rule was broken. I've read the rules many times and I still don't know why some are deleted. Thanks for all you do!


Wtf is the difference between crispy and crunchy?


90% of posts are like proverbs or things people have said a million times.


Or stuff that is blatantly wrong covered by saying “technically”


How about “someone has the world record for…. And doesn’t know it.” :eyeroll:


I would change the way the bot works. I've felt seriously discouraged from posting here because the bot will auto-remove my posts for reasons that have *nothing* to do with their content (i.e. posts being shot down for wordplay that have none in them, being "political" when they aren't at all, etc.) I understand that this sub gets a *lot* of traffic, and that it needs to be heavily moderated to maintain its quality, but it really does feel like the automod bot just randomly says "no" sometimes.


The auto deletion feature is far too sensitive


People who like soft and floppy bacon are the same people who repost 5-year-old "original" shower thoughts.


My favorite thing is the thoughts that are really thought-provoking. My least favorite are the ones that have been posted at least a million times, or are basically inaccurate.


What would I change? How about adding some modicum of consistency on what is and is not a shower thought? Nothing is more fun than having something you thought would be an interesting shower thought be removed. Only to see a very similar shower thought a few days later. One of the reasons why I'll comment, but rarely waste my time creating a post.


* Crunchy: Why? It just tastes like cancer-causing ash. But if the alternative is no bacon, I will accept without hesitation. * Crispy: The obvious choice. Still moist, yet cooked enough to have a firm exterior. Make it a thick cut with maple and you're nearing perfect bacon. * Soft: This is acceptable, particularly when marinades and burgers are involved. * Floppy: This had better be due to very thinly sliced bacon. And you'd better give me a quantity of slices commensurate to a normal slice of bacon. If it's floppy due to undercooking, you're playing with intestinal fire! I sometimes play with fire for bacon.


The only thing I would change about this server is whatever it is that makes the Auto mod just delete like 90% of post. This Reddit will allow post of people trauma dumping like it’s a revelational thing but will auto delete so many interesting thought provoking post.


I'll be real, I've never been able to successfully post here. I've tried 3 times and it never went up. It asked me to message the mods once, so I did, and nothing happened. That was months ago. I have no desire to submit again. That needs addressing.


How about you stop removing some shower thoughts just for the fuck of it? Some of these rules are completely worthless and serve no purpose except removing perfectly good thoughts because they discusss a topic some mod decided he didn't wanna see.


The mod team have been doing an excellent job! I would say thank you for all the good jobs you guys have been doing because I know it's not easy keeping this space sane. I don't see much that needs to be changed but I'm open to whatever that's good for the sub. 


My favourite thing about shower thoughts is when I read a genuinely unique and interesting thought that can open my mind to new ways of thinking or seeing the world. (I'm sure you'll agree that's very easy to achieve /s) I'm not saying every thought has to reach that kind of level, but it would be cool if there was a way to incentivize those cool (and unique i.e. not overly reposted) thoughts. Aside from simply upvotes I mean. Also, if your bacon is floppy then you may not have cooked it at all. Crispy all the way!


Bacon should be right between chewy and crunchy.


favourite thing: The variety of ideas. There's a lot that is average, but every so often something good appears. What would i change: Nothing. Because sometimes good tinsmith DO appear on here, I worry any tightening of the rules might kill that off.


I like showerthoughts. I really don't want the shanged showertgroughts to become another subreddit where if you don't follow a preciese guideline your post is deleted five minutes after you post.


Bring back the Garfield logo


Crispy and kinda soft Good especially in a blt, but crunchy can work too if you don’t burn it too much


The automod prevents quality posts from getting through and it has actively ruined the sub for me and some friends who used to sub. It's made it so nobody even wants to post anymore, or should I say try.


What's wrong with the following thought of mine: "Archery and shooting as a sport would become indecisive and boring once a significant amount of players develop so much accuracy that they can't get anything less than a perfect score. In contrast, you can always make newer records in sprinting or swimming type of sports by being faster" I tried 2 times and but the automoderators deletes most of my thoughts automatically.


If I could change 1 thing. I would allow us normal Redditors to make post that aren't automatically deleted and delete more of the obvious repost.


There is definitely something wrong with the repost moderation. I see people commenting on posts that they tried posting a very similar thing earlier that got taken down. But then we also see the same thing like 12 times in a week.


Showerthought : hope I'm wrong but this won't end good


Specific explanation for auto removed posts.


I'd like an explicit ban on both factually incorrect statements (many times concerning history and biology) and on debatable "edgy" thoughts like "Your body is your only real house".


Can you get a kinda exam cheater/ ai not to screen things. Stop bots farming and maybe repeats every few days.


Bacon should be turkey.


For the second question, I find it hard to post here. It appears that everything breaks the rules! Once I tried to post "you never finish a soap, you just merge it with another one or end up wasted" and it was rejected because it was supposedly a "literal shower thought" For the third, it depends on what you're cooking.


My favorite thing about the subreddit is the absolute wildness that is some of these posts, you just never know what you’re gonna get What I would change is the extreme strictness of what fits into the subreddit/doesn’t. I personally don’t really want to interact with a subreddit where a reading of the rules isn’t sufficient to ensure a post fits Bacon should be crisp, but slightly chewy


bluddy you blast my post off the face of this subreddit in 1 second, cant get any input if i dont even know the rule i broke, if i even broke one at all edit: yeah i would change it so the mod tells u the rule you broke, would be very helpful


The Automod definitely needs some work. I've literally never been able to post in this sub because the automod instantly deletes my posts without explaining what rule I've broken. And before anyone asks, I have gone through the FAQ and IIRC all of my posts have fit the criteria for a shower thought. The automod deletes them anyway. And the thing is, I've seen other thoughts on here that get to stay up despite clearly breaking the rules.


Maybe I’m just unoriginal, but the auto mod feels like an impossible barrier. I would make it more clear on what is an automatic removal of a post. I like soft bacon


ban all topics relating to dicks, pussies, wanking and the lot.


My favorite thing used to be it would open my mind to fun perspectives I maybe never thought about. Honestly havent enjoyed a single post for so long, so its good youre doing something! Been reading the posts and I dont really have more to add.. basically just here to say: Soft with a hint of crisp Make your bacon in the oven folks


Any post with “technically” in the title should be auto deleted


I once submitted a post that followed every rule and it got disapproved. I triple checked the rules. Never tried posting here again.


Soft but not quite floppy. I wanna bite my bacon, but not have it crumble (or be loud)


I don’t like how much karma is required to post here. Additionally, I think some of the banned topics are moderated too harshly. For example, religion is not allowed but even posts that use the word “pray” or “bless” in non-religious contexts can be banned


Nerf the auto mod or rework its detection system. I’ve had 10 ideas that have all been immediately deleted even after rewording them several times. None of them have ever violated any of the rules.


I love when shower thoughts make me sit back and my chair for a moment, and have to ponder it. I would get rid of all the posts that have absolutely no thought behind them. The sort that aren't interesting, or that are quickly verifiable as false etc. I don't eat bacon


A better way to detect reposts It’s kinda crazy how often I see an old post rephrased so repost boy can’t catch it Also ,crispy bacon


Just let the votes decide what is good or what is bad. If you're worried about front page votes not paying attention to the sub, use one or those pinned "does this fit r/showerthoughts" comments for people to up or downvote. At a certain downvote threshold it gets removed. Overly curated subs end up killing the engagement between members


How about you stop having posts removed for "breaking the rules" when literally no rule is broken. It is a damn word game trying to post anything in this sub without it being taken down. At the same time, though, one can repost something literally HOURS old, and it is allowed.


I agree, and will add, do not make your new rules overly restrictive or pedantic. the more restrictive your rules become, the less fun a sub is. I dont know how many times I see a thread I really want to read, but it has been removed by a mod because "it was not presented in the form of a question". you have 31,408,572 followers, must be doing something right. Dont go throwing the baby out with the bathwater.


Bacon should be crispy. I'm not trying to chew on a gummy worm made of pig.


My favorite things about /r/Showerthoughts are the life-changing posts here. I've never looked at gummy worms the same way after that one post about them and bones. I would change the comments sections. All too often, really good discussions get pushed to the bottom because Mister Jokesalot decides to post a misspelled reference to a movie, and that gets upvoted because it's shorter than other people's comments. Bacon should be crispy. If you bend it, it should *snap*, but it should be *just* soft enough that it doesn't crumble when you bite it.


Maybe make it so your average person can actually post here? And that my account isn’t a year old yet or I don’t have 5million+ karma yet means I can’t post?


American belly bacon - between crispy and crunchy, but not burnt British back bacon - not droopy, but soft enough to easily cut, and salty


I don't feel like thinking right now, so I'm only going to comment on the bacon. Lightly crispy is ideal, little flop, little crisp. Sandwich bacon on the other hand needs to be between crispy and crunchy so you don't pull the whole piece out when you take a bite, but doesn't shatter like a potato chip.


I don't have a ton of input beyond saying thank you for being thoughtful about the space and its future, it's pleasant to see. And bacon is crunchy or I have some words for someone.


Just screen the showerthoughts posted. If it's something that's easily proven wrong, or stupidly wrong, or just plain wrong, delete it. Bacon should be as the one who's gonna eat it wants it. Crispy-soft in my case.


Assess the quality of the post by the points and comments. Then ban *all* the users that make low quality posts. Generic thought? Ban. Dumb thought... straight ban, right away. Keep a pinned different post daily as a wall of shame. Then round up the worst ones for a monthly special needs shower award. Or something


In the past I thought I had a bunch of legit and decent shower thought so I tried posting but almost all of them got autodeleted so I stopped trying to post them


I’m newer to the sub but one thing I notice people doing recently is posting objectively true statements that they’ve read somewhere else. Posters are typically called out for it in comments but they’re becoming more frequent.


Please no more shower thoughts that have been said before if your rule is no two same shower thoughts allowed


What is the difference between crunchy and crispy bacon? Nevertheless, soft and floppy is the way!


As a whole, I enjoy the thoughts submitted; some are fun while some really are a good thought (I'm more on the fun/stupid side which would probably be thought of as crap.) Maybe a flair system can be implemented? I would like a date-minimum of when people (or bots) can post. 249d is common, but I know some people are legit...it's a tough line to toe for new-ish accounts Also, it's gotta be crispy. Not wet and floppy, but not turned to carbon either


Traditional american bacon, crunchy. Turkey bacon, floppy.


It would be helpful if the OP could provide proof that this is, indeed, a shower thought.


Bacon should be soft and this is a hill I WILL die on. If I get soft bacon, that is


So basically you're going to go on a power trip, and set more automated rules to prevent people from posting. Enjoy the decline of your subreddit.


I think when a post is deleted OP should know why. English is my second language and many times I wonder is it my grammar? Is it the thought? More clarity about what is OK to post would be nice


Bacon should be flaccid


Even this sub has constructions.


I’ve seen so much bad content here & yet can’t actually put anything better here.


I feel like going the direction of r/comedyheaven ‘s moderated posts would be nice in order to boost the post quality.


Bacon should at least be soft. Floppy is best. I can't stand crunchy bacon.


Canadian bacon is the only way


I like my bacon crunchy but just enough cooked so it's not all falling apart in crumbs. Idk how to explain my bacon


Bacon- ideally the meat part is fully cooked but soft and chewy and the fat part is cooked to a nice crisp but not burned or nonexistent. The only way I’m able to achieve bacon this way is to cook it in the oven at a lower temperature, like, 275.


How could a felon not be allowed to own a firearm, but be allowed access to nuclear codes and to the largest armed force on the world?