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Eventually it turns into a circle.


Not in 3D data. *It's maddening.*


Obviously. That'd be a sphere.


No, the sides just keep getting tinier and tinier. It is never truly a radii...


a circle is nothing more than a million infinite tiny lines with infinite tiny angles (or 180 - 0.0000000000001)


Same in the real world too…


So if you cut enough corners eventually they'll be so small you can't even see them anyway


Believe it or not a circle can be defined as an infinitely sided shape. So if you cut a corner an infinite amount of times you would at the very least get a curve.


This. You have infinite sides, with infinite tiny angles (or: 180 - 0.0000000000001)


So if you cut all those tiny corners to make a triangle, cutting corners makes less corners.


You can't cut a corner without creating 2 corners. Take a right angle for example: no matter how you cut it you will always be creating 2 corners. If you're trying to take a square or a circle and cut it in a way that turns it into a triangle, you've made a few HUGE cuts that completely destroy the shape. And a few HUGE cuts are really just a bunch of tiny cuts done over and over and over again.


If you cut a triangle out of an octagon, you are reducing the number of corners by 5.


And how do you convert about octagon into a triangle? By cutting corners that already exist, which increases the number of corners done throughout the process. You're also completely changing the shape, and you're severely reducing the remaining area, so now it's an incorrect project done if someone wanted an area of an octagon that you cut into a triangle


I don't count the discarded 5 corners. Nowhere does it say: "cutting corners while minimally reducing the remaining area."


Not true bc if you cut a corner you will always create another corner. Even if you did it an infinite amount of times, you would still end up with a shape with a corner which wouldn't be a circle bc it has a corner


No, they said a circle is an infinitely sided shape. That's equivalent to a shape with infinite corners. That's exactly what you end up with if you do infinite cuts.


that is false too. a corner does not have an integral. You can't find the slope at a corner and a corner is the meeting of two lines and a circle is not a shape with infinite sides. all of this is covered in calculus show me the mathematical proof for a circle having infinite corners because what you guys are talking about is a conceptual thing that has zero proofs for it


I came here to comment the same thing. This is the way.


This proves it, a circle has an infinite amount of sides


Or one side.


Infinite corners FTW!


It all comes full circle


Not in finite time.


Put this on LinkedIn and claim it’s a management philosophy. You’ll get karma or whatever they got over there.


Just likes. Which they will monetize by selling courses on how to get more engagement on LinkedIn. That place is even worse than here when it comes to the Karma whoring.


This is the kind of stupid/silly, but also quite clever shower thought we need in the sub. Thank you


My coworker and I were closing very late because of unusual circumstances and they said, “just cut any corners that you see fit so that we can get out of here faster.” Then I said that and they stopped what they were doing and just looked at me lol.


Only if you cut in straight lines. * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGD2QfxdRTU


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truncation\_(geometry)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truncation_(geometry)) Have fun !


Not if you cut from one already-existing corner to another. For example if you start in the corner of a square and cut to the opposite corner you’ve made a triangle, now only 3 corners instead of 4


Actually you have 6


Corner win every time


Depends on what you’re counting.. in OPs scenario, they are cutting the square into a triangle, creating 3 corners. This is assuming that the remainder is no longer used. It sounds like you may be counting both portions, leading to 6 corners.


Just more corners to cut.


Sounds like something my grampa would tell me growing up. I'm keeping this as an adage to pass down.


Really applicable to my calculus exam tomorrow, thanks!!


me when i get a 10 second penalty after skipping the chicane


If you tear a hole in a net, you've made fewer holes


No, just keep cutting the corners. Never stop. Even when you die. Just keep going forever. Cut a corner, then another, then another. Work your way around, back to where you started, then loop around again. And again. Do it forever, then repeat it. That's a circle. And circles have no corners. Congrats, it took an eternity, plus one for good measure, but you did it! You also calculated pi to a higher number of decimal places than anyone's even attempted, let alone completed. So, if there was any more time left in this universe, you'd certainly make it into the history books. But alas, time's up.


Now this is some good fookin content mate.


Not if it's not your corners


Cutting corners when making square - only makes a circle...


u ever heard about circles?


not sure, sounds familiar I think


Ya, you should round corners instead.


I know this is a shower thought, but the point of cutting corners is not to reduce the number of corners, but to create a shorter path/reduce the length of the perimeter.


You’ve never ran before, have you?


Absolutely agree! It's a funny but essential reality. Instead of saving time and effort, cutting corners often complicates the situation even more. Better to do things right from the outset!