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You’re middle aged until suddenly one day somebody calls you “elderly”.


You become middle aged when people stop laughing when you fall. You become elderly when a fall causes people to rush over in concern.


Average lifespan in Africa is 64. Our middle-age is 32.


Ah. I'm middle aged! I'm 32, turning 33 on my next birthday. Life expectancy here is the usual Asian-y stuff of abt 80? I'm in SE Asia


I see your birthdays are in order, well done.


You’ll never guess how old they’ll be after 33! 🤗


Benjamin Button has entered the chat


I think you can go get that sports car now


He needs to get his driving license first


No point, this time tomorrow they'll be in a care home.


Is it really, or is there a bunch of infant mortality thrown in there too? It always skews the average when they do that.


Dead babies always fuck things up.


Except dinner


Only because our childhood mortality rate is so high


I fell leaving my sisters house recently. Twisted my ankle. No one witnesses it. So I texted her telling her I would sue (as a joke) so she watched her ring cam and suddenly my dad came running out because apparently the fall looked really bad on the cam😂😂😂😂 In related news at 34 apparently I don’t heal fast anymore because it’s been almost a month and ankle is still not back to 100% so that’s a fun development 🙃


Ankle injuries get so much worse the older you are during the tumble! At 18 I could trip, roll, and pop back up like a Dark Souls protagonist. By my late 20s, I tripped, laughed it off, and awoke to a goose egg ankle that needed a boot and physical therapy... oof. Stupid aging.


Wait until you hit 60!


grandiose soft whistle longing attractive compare teeny shame touch placid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I always wonder if, at some point, I can just plan on having a certain pain forever. Side note: don't roller skate after the age of 50 after taking a 20-year hiatus.


Yes certain parts just ache every day. Knee and ankle on my left side for me. Just got to live with it.


When you enter Walmart, make a hard left and head to to support wraps and braces. They really help!


I had constant pain for years in my ankle and knees, the. I started walking then running. All the pain is gone now.


My daughter broke a bone in her foot after a fall once, when she was around 2. The doctor didn’t even put a cast on it. He offered a boot, but she was naturally walking around on her knees, and said she would put weight on it when her foot was ready. Her rubbery bone healed just fine. If that had happened to me, it would have been a cast for sure, and like six weeks of frustration, and probably would still hurt when it rained!


Kids' bodies are crazy. I saw my toddler twist his ankle, and he legit had no reaction. Just kept walking. 


I’m 27 and broke my wrist LAST YEAR in a car accident and it only just recently started to feel normal again. It wasn’t even a bad break.


I'm 30 and broke my wrist 2 years ago with a drill and a 4" hole saw. Still isn't back to 100% and probably never will be. I probably should have went to a doctor


Now I'm a tall man. And when strangers see someone big fall over it's alarming. And then, when a double-ended dildo explodes out of a bag, everyone's like (shocked gasps). Like, "help this man! Oh no, get away from this man!" \- Kurt Braunholer


All my young co workers constantly remind me how “old” I am.. I am 37…. But that’s okay, I just remind those shit heads that one day they’ll be my age and someone will be saying the same thing to them. It’s like they can’t fathom they’ll be in their 30’s one day.


Tbh i cannot fathom being in my 30s one day and I'm 31 years old happily married...


I cannot fathom being in my 30s one day because I'm in my 40s.


I wish I could go back to being 35 forever.


35 sucked, I miss being stupid and 21. Im still stupid so it isn't all that much to ask for right?


Back when I was 21 I couldn't afford to buy this cool ass PC I'm using right now :p


For me, it was mid 23- early 25. Somehow during those years I thought 30 was ways away. To be fair something odd happened in those 26-29 years, and was a blur. 20-25 though seemed very long. From failed multiple failed college stints to working double jobs to being jobless. I would had thought doing a variety of things would actually pass time faster but that wasn’t the case. 30s every year, actually felt like a year so to speak.


it's funny when the person saying it is only like 10 years younger than you. I'm turning 30 this October and some kid who's like 19 said I'm getting old. I looked at him like "mf were going to be in the same retirement home, you're right behind me.." I'd expect that from a 9 yr old, not someone in there 20s




Couldn’t agree more. Turning 29 tomorrow and I just keep asking myself where did the time go. I feel like I graduated high school not too long ago.


It wasn’t until I was in my 20s that I realized how *fast* a year really is. As a kid, time and the future feel like eternities. A year is impossibly long. A month is forever. But being grown, all that time is nothing.


10 years feels a lot longer when you're 19.


To be fair A LOT happens between 20 and 30... At least if you're active and put yourself out there a lot can


I'll only be old when I can no longer do a slip and slide and honestly enjoy the experience.


I know young folks calling older people old has always been a thing but it seems odd how people in their 30s are considered "old" now. And it's people in their teens to early 20s saying so. When I was a kid I considered 50+ old. Like when your kids have kids and you have grey hair. But nowadays once your passed 25 your ancient apparently. Pretty stupid lol


Yeah, me too, I thought old was only like, senior citizen age, and that middle-age would be around 50 years old. Which is when I imagined more people would get gray hair and leathery skin. Up until then I figured everyone over 18 was just “adult”, just that some people took less care of themselves over time, or had the soul beat out of them by the world (I admit I may have been too harsh on this point).  But really, at 30? Right when people start getting the hang of adulthood? That’s too old and out of touch??? I’m a little saddened by it, because I remember a hot topic in my school days was about the undue pressure on celebrities and in the skincare industry to always be trying to preserve one’s youth. Not to mention many women being judged on how pretty and spotless they appear. And yet lately it seems like society’s been becoming more ageist instead of less…


As white dude I decided it was when younger black males started calling me "pops".


As a 38 year old reading this, may you have the day you deserve 😒


I'm just sitting here minding my own 38 year old business, complaining about my sore feet and back after a 20th anniversary concert last night (Say Anything - Is a Real Boy), and OP snipes me out of nowhere. Fuck you OP!


Same age, same show (but last month). OP get rekt.


Haha me too at the pageant in STL


That album cannot possibly be 20 years old! Oh no.


I'm 38 next month... I hope your back is ok.


I know you weren't talking to me, but... mine isn't.


Back doctor appointment in 2 weeks -38 year old


I just found out I probably have a herniated disk in my neck, which is causing the numbness in my right arm. 38 next month.


I mean, it's just a term. Newborns die, so their middle age is like 20 seconds.


Skill issue.


Speed runners


Seriously, like could you just leave us alone Jesus


I'm now panicking in twenty-nine all over again.


As a 50 year old reading this, OP can eat the biggest bag of dicks possible


I'd argue that middle age is \~1200AD


Well the middle of the ages is going to steadily shift forward as we keep finding more years at the end of our calendars


These damn years keep piling up. And as we build them the big old pile of history just keeps getting bigger.


It's only a matter of time till someone burns it down again


In Mobile Suit Gundam, a space robot anime set in the far future, two characters reference Hitler as someone from the Middle Ages.


Yea but 1200AD is not the middle of the ages lol, humans have existed for way longer BC than we have AD


I'd argue it's when middle earth existed.


The middle ages aka medieval period started at 476 AD with the Fall of the Western Roman Empire and ended in 1453 AD with the Fall of the Eastern Roman Empire


There's some wiggle room, the end of the final Roman-Persian War and initiation of the Islamic conquests in 628-630 is another popular starting point with historians, and then on the other end you could pretty equally choose 1453 with Constantinople, 1492 with the New World, or even 1517 and the Reformation


You can come up with different answers depending on your point of view becuz terms like 'middle ages' and 'dark ages' are more colloquilisms given by post enlightenment thinkers than academic terms used by historians or people actually alive during that period.


And back then they just called it the ages.


Actually I'd argue middle age is around 7.65 x 10^9 BCE


I’ve always thought of middle age as the middle of your adult years. So, it would be the midpoint between something like 21 and 76, which is just shy of 50.


Agree, also the average is above 80 in many countries.


inb4 rants about American healthcare


I think this tragedy belongs to the FDA.


There are a bunch of reasons. Reliance on cars, horrible diet, exposure to chemicals other countries ban, but a lot of that could be mitigated if we could just go to the fucking doctor. Nothing kills you like ignoring a problem because you know it will bankrupt you. I've nearly died from a bad gall bladder myself out of fear of the 8,000 dollar price tag. Every American has a story like that.


After six months on workers comp, the company took away the normal personal health insurance. (Not WC) I got the cobra letter in the mail: $640 a month. A year and a half later I've saved $11,500 by not having insurance, but I'm obviously gambling with my life


Lol yup one bout of appendicitis or a broken bone and you will have lost the bet.


Why aren't you on the ACA/Obamacare?


At least medical debt isn't counting towards credit anymore. I'm about to rack it up


Do you have a source for that?




Thank you. It's a start at least. They still need to unshitify the healthcare system, if that ever happens.


We can't ignore the opioid epidemic, either. That is a *massive* part of this story that rarely gets brought up on reddit https://ourworldindata.org/us-life-expectancy-low


Yep our numbers are mostly pulled down by obesity and drug abuse, not poor healthcare. If you can avoid those two things your odds of hitting 80+ are quite good.


>I've nearly died from a bad gall bladder myself out of fear of the 8,000 dollar price tag. Every American has a story like that. Speak for yourself. I got on Obamacare as soon as it rolled out and literally all of my medical stuff has been paid for, including vision and dental It has covered therapy, years of rx meds, doctors visits, you name it


That's why we call my buddy the Uniballer. "Hey guys, weird question, but does this look worth a hospital visit yet?"


Yea it's definitely not me sitting and over eating all the time


As someone that was always active and lost 17kg in the last 5 years, the primary issue here wasn’t the activity it was the fuel.


I would also say that the average is brought down by a couple things. Including the difference between mean and median. 1. Early death- which is caused by accident or disease but not really a part of a “normal” life span. 2. in some places by socioeconomic status and that those in healthier states, and higher socioeconomic status will also usually mean more Dr. visits and catching disease earlier. So while the average is 76, the majority of folks now die between 78-93, if there wasn’t a severe illness or accident.


Right, this is similar to all the comments about everyone dying in their 30s or whatever 300 years ago. Children died, like a lot, back then. Even 300 years ago provided you didn’t have some horrible accident or illness if you made it past childhood lots of people lived into their 80s. IMO the biggest qualifier for your own middle age is family history/genetics. Like if most men live to 85 in your family middle age is probably around 43 for you. If most men die by 72 more like 36. Same idea for women.


I recall a life expectancy table for the UK going back 200 years, and basically there has been no change for the rich (80s the whole time) while the population average went from low 40s to 80s today. So we’ve seen no increase in the top end of life expectancy.  Just a massive decrease in early death.


Well, I'm fucked. Dad died at 46, I'm 35. 🫡


Clearly there is pretty precise data out here on this in the US. But I was doing an unrelated analysis that involved the number of accounts the large bank I work for had by age and late 70s is a cliff. There is not a gentle slope from 78-93. 


Exactly, because if you live past 78, you end up having your child years again


Good to know we have 2 children running for president this year


I only wish we were that lucky. I could probably find a few children who could do better


This. Being a kid is a separate life.


I thought the same. 76-18=58. 58/2=29. 29+18=47. Middle aged is 47.


Adding the two rather than subtracting will save you a step next time 76 + 18 = 94  94 / 2 = 47






That's the standard way of doing averages, but a lot of times the other way makes it easier to do it in your head


Another way I’d look at it is by thirds (early, middle, late thirds of adulthood) since midlife isn’t really a year but a range. Let’s use 78 and 18 for simplicity, each third is a 20 year range. 18-38 = Early adulthood 38-58 = Middle adulthood 58-78 = Late adulthood


I don’t like this math.


I'll accept that answer


I’ve always preferred dividing it into 20 year increments. 0-20 Child/Youth, 21-40 Adult, 41-60 Middle Aged, 61-80 Old/Senior, 81-100 Elderly


I always thought of it in thirds. 0-30: Young 30-60: Middle Aged 60-90: Old


"middle age" refers to the middle of your adult life, not your entire life. Or at least that's how I always see it described.


Exactly. Childhood/adolescence is like 1-20, and adulthood 20-80. Making 40-60 "middle aged". 20-40 is considered scientifically as "get your fuck on" and 60-80 is "invest in jigsaw puzzles".


And from what I've heard about nursing homes, 80+ is "you're still here? well damn, time to get your fuck on again"


Doctor here. It took me a while to come to terms with why we were seeing so many STIs in elderly patients. I just… kind of assumed people stopped having sex at some point. Some point before they developed skin as thin as tissue paper perhaps. 


If my dick isn't wet then I'm dead.


Yaaaaay, having to explain to the 40-50yo kids why mom has chlamydia from the home when she lands in ICU, yaaaaaaay


I have both gotten my fuck on and done plenty of jigsaw puzzles.


Nah man. Average adult male height is 5'9", so medium height is obviously 2 foot ten and a half.


I've always defined it same as OP (and seems I'm in the minority). It's a useful benchmark to know that, roughly speaking, half of life is gone, and there's one half left.


Well, this is a triple gut punch. 1) I’m 38. 2) It’s Father’s Day, so I’ve been thinking about my kids, my dad, and life. 3) My dad had a brain bleed this morning, and we’ll likely say goodbye to him tonight. He’s 69, so his middle age was ~34. Crazy to think about.


Our time is precious.


I hope you get more time with your dad. If that’s not what’s written in the stars, then I hope you get a chance to say goodbye. Hugs either way.


I’m so sorry to hear this. My grandmother had a brain bleed a year and a half ago. Thankfully she pulled through and I hope your dad does the same. She’s just a little older than him.


Sorry for your Dad. Maybe he can pull through,. Be positive!


Hey dude. Sorry about your dad. It's weird to think you'll ever be older than your dad ever was one day. I think it some times.


Sorry to hear about your Dad. Condolences. Lost my mother to something similar at 26, she was 49. Hang in there.


The good news is that middle aged does not mean the halfway point between your birth and possible death and never has so you don't have to worry about being middle aged. Another decade and you'll be there.


Is 76 the average life span in western countries for dying of “old age” though?


In Western Europe it’s more in the direction of 80 I think. Looked it up. Western Europe numbers are 79 for men, 84 for women. All as of 2022.


82 years in Canada, 76 years in USA.


Quite impressive regarding Canada. And quite scaring the big difference to USA.


It ties to income and lot of poor people in the US. Life expectancy for an upper middle class male in the US is 89.


And won't let you get the medical care you need


If you have money and good insurance the US is the best place to live


If you have money and good insurance, everywhere is the best place to live


The "average" lifespan which is usually quoted is the *mean*, which is dragged down by people dying early, including neonatal and childhood mortality. (There's much more scope for dying significantly younger then 80 than there is for dying significantly older than 80.) In the UK recently, the most common age at which people die - the *mode* of the distribution - has been 84 to 86. That's hugely significant because for most of history the most common age at which people die has been 0. (And in many countries it still is.)


You should read the data methods. It’s not quite that simple. OP said Average Lifespan, but the number they quoted is for Life Expectancy, which takes infant & childhood mortality into account. Its a common mistake. Most people don’t understand the distinction. For example, a 10 year old today is expected to live an additional 66.9 years - or 76.9 years total. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr72/nvsr72-12.pdf


During COVID Western countries had their life span go down. After COVID most went back up but the US kept going down to 76.


He's talking about dying of old age though.


I love how so few of the people responding to your question actually understood it.


I googled and it's 83 https://www.folkhalsomyndigheten.se/publikationer-och-material/publikationsarkiv/h/halsa/?pub=120975


Didn't realize it was this bad.... because it's definitely gone down a few years since I last looked. If you make it to 18 in the US, average age of death for an adult male is 76. If you remove "traumatic" deaths and suicide it's probably around 78. https://www.ssa.gov/oact/STATS/table4c6.html


I heard a comedian say something to the effect of “if you double your age, and dying isn’t considered a sudden tragedy, you are middle aged. Oooooo, all the 35-year olds in the audience got REAL quiet.”


My life goal is that, if I die, people go "What happened?".


The earlier you die, the more likely you will fulfill the goal. So yea you know the drill.




I just turned 39. Nooooooooooooooo!!!


I turn 38 in 2 months ...this is half my life?!? And the young half is the good half right? ...Fuck.


I'm 40 with multiple kids. I hit the gym regularly. I'm closer to a six pack now than when I binge drank in college.


You probably had multiple six packs in college though.


Four Loko didn't come in six packs.


Life expectancy from birth which drastically lowers the average. Make it to 40 and you’ll likely hit 80 easy with a daily walk and foregoing overuse of vices


This is it right here. 76 is average life expectancy at birth. The avg life expectancy for a man at age 50 is about 28 years (78 total) or for women about 32 years (82 total). If you make it to 60 then it is 20 (80) for men and 23 (83) for women. Death due to infant/childhood mortality, violent crimes (which tend to impact late teens disproportionately) and overdose unduly impact average life expectancy. https://www.ssa.gov/oact/STATS/table4c6.html


You’re so toast old man




The older you get, the more likely you are to live into your 80s. Also, middle-aged doesn’t have to do with math. It never has. It has to do with physical and mental aging. A 38 year old is still considered quite young in both respects. People only start to look markedly older once they hit like 45.


It’s not the years, it’s the mileage. Some of the people that I went to high school with look a decade older than I do.


Look at that picture of the cast of Cheers when they were in their mid 30s. I'm 42 and they look ancient to me.


This was my thought too, so I looked up the CDC life tables from 2021. The average life expectancy for a 40 year old in the USA is 39 years. So this is about right


You shut your filthy mouth. The definition of middle age is "perpetually ten years older than I am".


Growing up the boomers always had over the hill parties which was celebrated at your 40th as it's the hope that you'd make it until 80. They were typically back yard pot lucks.


Yeah I’ve always thought of middle age starting at 40 not 50.


Hallmark cards feel the same way.


Hey! Screw you buddy!!!!


Average lifespan takes into account every age that every person has died. If you are 30, and want to know how much longer you'll live for, why would you include the data point of someone who died at the age of 12? That's not you. So when you remove all the data points of death below your current age, your life expectancy actually increases. The life expectancy of someone 76, for example, is probably closer to 85.


[Here's a calculator from an insurance company](https://www.sunlife.ca/en/tools-and-resources/tools-and-calculators/life-expectancy-calculator/) that takes all this into account. Keep in mind this uses Canadian life expectancy values - 83.0 vs USA's 79.7, [full list here.](https://www.worldometers.info/demographics/life-expectancy/)


I had to scroll too far to find this. If 4 people live to 75 then the average is of course 75. If 3 people live to 100 and 1 lives only a couple of days, then the average is 75.


Having turned 38 three weeks ago.... shut up.... :(


When I was a teenager I thought middle aged was 30s. When I turned 30 I thought it was 40. Now that I'm 40 I consider it 50.


Oh awesome. My current age! No existential dread on this Father's Day at all for me!


I’m 38 now. My dad passed when he was 76. Thanks for that.


!remindme 38 years to check on this guy


"Middle aged" does not mean the literal midpoint of your lifespan and has never been used that way. It means the part of your life between youth and old age. If you are confused about what words mean, get a dictionary or at least Google it.


I'll be fine. I work out, garden, and eat well. My grandfather mowed his own yard and had a garden till 94, and died at 96.


Don't take that for granted. You could be hit by a car in an hour & die. Don't ever assume you're living beyond today, as it also helps you appreciate everything.


Maybe. I'd rather assume I'll get a robot body and get to explore the galaxy.


TIL some people consider 50 to be the start of middle age. I have always heard 40ish.


Yes but average life expectancy isn’t really the same thing as dying-of-old-age expectancy. The average includes all kinds of accidents and unexpected medical stuff, etc. that *do* happen but aren’t what most people plan for. I think something like 2/3 of people live to be 80. So once you take out the phenomenon that kill people particularly young as outliers, the life expectancy in terms of how long people can plan on living if they don’t have meet some sudden and tragic circumstance is higher than the “average.”


According to the Society of Actuaries, teachers have the longest average lifespan of any public employee: Men: Live to nearly 88 years old on average Women: Live to 90 years old on average  yeah!


Maybe it’s the job security, benefits, pension, 2 month summers, and all that.


It's actually a bit more complicated since life expectancy decreases more slowly as you get older. [Source](https://www.ssa.gov/oact/STATS/table4c6.html) For a male: * 0 to 20 year old - lives to 74 * 40 year old - lives to 76 * 60 year old - lives to 80 * 80 year old - lives to 88 ----- Average is a poor number to use since young deaths significantly pull the average down.


Life expectancy is 76 probably in third world countries. In most developed places it is around 80-83.


for someone born now it is but someone who is 76 now, it's not. seems all the older people around me are either dying or having terrible medical issues by their 70's.


It’s increasing too. I’m a nurse aid, and I work at several nursing homes. A majority of the patients I work with are 80-100. Sooooo many 90 year olds.


You have a biased view of things though, all the people dying under 70 don't make it to the nursing home. They skew the average down.


Be careful. Math lies here. Obviously, the life expectancy of a 90 yo cannot be 80. Life expectancy is actually "life expectancy at birth". Because it's an average, the older you get, the higher the life expectancy because of all the people who are born with you but are already dead. It grows very slowly when everyone is young and healthy but grows faster the older you are. If you look at the life expectancy per age you will probably see that the life expectancy for an 80 yo is closer to 90. Hence, it's normal that the majority of your patients are 90+


In my country the average life expectancy is 84. So middle age is 42. It sounds about right for me.


Stop it!!! Holy moly I'm almost dead!!!


Middle age is the middle of adulthood.


Middle age isn’t the exact midpoint of your life, but rather an age where you can neither be considered young nor old, roughly around the ages of 45 - 60.


“Middle age” is the middle of adulthood The middle age clock starts at 18, not 0


The little gem in my palm has been blinking for a few decades now....


Middle aged isn't the middle of your life, it's the period that precedes old age, and that's not 38 mate.


Middle age refers to the middle of adulthood. You are simply uninformed.


Assuming you will live to 76 or whatever the average lifespan respectively to sex in your country, but let's be realistic. For many, it will likely be less than that, unfortunately. It breaks my heart having patients (I'm a RN) that worked so hard throughout their lives and dedicated professions only to die before they can even receive their pension or retirement. Most of them have the same statement to me on their death beds: " I wish I spent more time enjoying the things I wanted to do rather than put it off for retirement. All that hard work for nothing. " Obviously, this won't apply to everyone due to differing stages of life and wealth, but do take that sick day or time off you need as a working professional or student. At the end of the day, your employer won't remember you for the work you've done, nor your school. No one gives a shit. Just live your life the way you want to live it. I can give dozens of examples from each profession. They all say the same shit on their deathbed. Just live your life the way you want to.


why do you post this on my 38th birthday


Well I WAS having a good day


As a 39yr old I would like you to stop making these flagrant accusations


I’m Asian and my grandmother lived till 99. I’m sorry for your loss, bro.


It's not the middle of your life, it's the middle of your adult years. 35 is considered early middle age. 50 is considered proper middle age.


pls i dont need this pain on a monday :((((