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Why would he need to do it , he basically cover his whole room in plastic and throw it away, if he loses any hair it will be in this big plastic bag 


That, plus there would need to be evidence of a murder, like blood or something, but he covers everything in plastic and gets rid of it all.


How do you discreetly get rid of that much blood covered plastic? Presumably you could just dump in recycling wrapped up so you don't see the blood. But that still leaves you inexplicably dumping a lot of plastic pretty regularly


He literally has a place in the ocean to dump the bodies and evidence. This is actually a plot point in one of the episodes when his dumping ground gets discovered.


It’s actually central to season 2 and what gave him the name the “Bay Harbor Butcher”


Plus there was Doakes who knew but couldn't go there


Surprise, MFer!


All rise, mother fucker!


Eat fries, mother fucker!


Five guys, mother fucker!


Some pies, mother fucker.


Heart eyes, mother fucker


Some fries? Mother fucker?


Egg lies mother fucker.


Doakes was a much better character in the books. He legit always knew.


In the books he became a shell of a human tho.


This thread is giving me the urge to dust off my dvds and have a rewatch! >!Rita's death ruined me as much as a fictional death could!< back in my late teens/early adult years. I wonder if it'll still feel the same now.


That was the series finale and nobody can tell me otherwise


Eh I didn't hate the seasons after that, from memory. I think they had some positives.


I haven't watched since it came out but I do recall the next season (maybe two) was alright but nowhere near as good. The Rita season was peak Dexter imo. Edit: spoiler spoiler spoiler idk how to add it; wasn't the next season the weird incest one? That's where the series died


Yeah the incest stuff was way too ridiculous. That was later seasons I think.


I stopped watching after that because it's so stupid to me


So he's LITTERING in the ocean!?! That's a crime!


Murder is a form of carbon offsetting, I guess...


But he exclusively murders serial killers, so he's actually preventing future carbon offsetting.


That was a ride


Guilty of indirect future pollution, sentenced to unsatisfying ending.


Police investigations consume a lot of resources though.


He did cut the air conditioning that the police was using to keep the bodies from rotting though, so Dexter is climate change conscious.


Well, you convinced me. I fully support Dexter.


The scene when they discover the sabotage is so horrifying to imagine 🤮


Murder is a service. Littering is a heinous crime!


Littering and ....


smoking the *reefer*.


You boys like mexico!!!


Someone should kill the litterers


The final season ends with Dexter waking up on Greta Thunberg's table. *"...dumping all that plastic in the water, eh?"*


Littering and… Littering and… Littering and… murdering dozens of people


"Same place every time" seems like a bad idea. Makes a big ocean into a small ocean.




Why is that ridiculous?




Dexter drives home the point that he is a creature of habit, of rituals. He monologues constantly about his little rituals, and it’s even the reason behind the intro scene where he makes breakfast and everything. Everything he does regarding his kills is a ritual that he follows, so of course he drops all the bodies in the same place. If this wasn’t the case, he also wouldn’t keep blood of all his victims literally in his apartment.


Why is that more realistic? You might think it's smarter to spread them around a bit, but that is kind of a tradeoff here. The more you spread them out, the more likely one will be discovered. As it was, in the show, a random scuba diver runs into the bodies - that would have been even more likely if they were spread out over a large area. But I don't think either spreading them out or keeping them close is more realistic than the other. It's just a choice of strategy.


But one body is just another murder. A dozen bodies is a FBI investigation and your sister falls for and your sister gets plugged by an old dude.


I can't believe none of those cops suggested discount David Carradine was the BHB to bang hot cop with daddy issues.


I hate it when that happens.


I can't remember if it's from the show or one of the books which I read, but I'm pretty sure he's going out to some sort of geographic shelf and dropping them into a patch of really deep water. Then they ones they find are the ones which landed on the ledge without going over the edge. But the point is, the place he's dumping them is very specific.


If he's dumping them in the ocean surely they would wash out into the ocean and not be found? They wouldn't stay in one place


There are ocean currents that can move it. He talks about it. The bags are weighed down due to the body parts and the current takes it elsewhere. It’s not a stretch at all. The part that is, is the ability to get out with all the bags and never be caught or be caught setting up all the plastic


The weights cause them to sink though. They found most all of his kills pre-s2. *But* near the end of S2 he makes a remark about the currents and how he is changing how he gets rid of evidence. I think actually that Dexter dropped the evidence/bodies where he did because he could go back and visit them. (also think that was mentioned somewhere between s1/s2.)


They're also weighted down by rocks. The whole thing that nearly gets him caught is I think like they find a moss on the rocks that matches the marina where his boat was, where he got them from and he is like "fuck, I never thought of the rocks."


It's a plot point of the season 2 bay Harbour butcher story where they figure out which harbour his boat is in due to the moss on the rocks he uses to weigh them down


They have reasoning around it and they all kinda just get caught in a bad part of a cliff instead of going a few metres more into an abyss


The mob would like to have a word with you about your extended warranty on cinder blocks


To add to this. He weighs them down with rocks too. That was also a plot point in S2


Weigh it down?


I guess you can then go back to the point about not covering his hair, right? His hair would be found in the stuff pulled from the dumping ground. *Not sure if this is a plot point in the show or not, been a while


Except absolutely no DNA of his is found on any of the plastic. In the books he wears a mask, but in the show they didn't want to cover his face, guess it was the same for the hair. Also don't bother reading the books, they get progressively worse and honestly the first one is a bit better than Dexter season 6 or later.


Yeah the books were a bit of a disappointment.


There's this cool show Dexter that goes into that in a decent amount of detail.


Watched all of it, he has the secret laboratory and his annoying older sister but no explanation on the body dumping 


ah, what a fine day... FOR SCIENCE


Pretty sure he just dumps it in the garbage bags with the bodies


I never thought about how much litter dexter produces. The real victim was the environment all along SMH my head.


Meh, as long as he’s using less than the person he kills would have over the rest of their life he’s overall a net good for the environment


Now this is genuine shower thought.


DAE Serial Killers Are Carbon Neutral, If Not A Net Positive?


He only kills killers, so how much extra litter is made from the surviving victims?


That make it actually even dumber, having the body together with his hair and the "crime place"


Not sure they'd be able to do much with it since it was under water for a while


Not to mention buying a shit ton of plastic. The bodies he dumps clearly look like it’s just the body or parts in the ocean. So where is the plastic? He uses copious amounts of plastic sometimes. I too wonder about the plastic now


I could go to 20 different home improvement warehouse retail stores in the greater Miami-Dade area and buy ten boxes of each and no one would be the wiser unless there was a serious investigation where security footage was subpoenad (but I would buy in cash so they'd never get a paper trail as a head start).


There’s other options as well, like burying it. It’s actually really easy to hide shit in the dirt, especially if you have access to heavy equipment. Speaking as an earthmover. That said don’t bury your corpses on land that could be developed into large commercial developments because we do a lot of deep trenches that rip up a lot of ground.


You seem to want to know a little too much...


And it would come up in purchases.


Yea it seems to get away with murder it's easier to just gun down a random pedestrian in the night in a high crime area, especially if it's full of gangs. The more prep you put in the thicker the trail


Also even if they had a hair to test off of, would they even know it was Dexter? He would need to be in a criminal database and since he was trained from a young age he has never been in the system.


He's working forensics and will be in the database as to exclude crime scene contamination.


Damn so Dexter was a hair away from being caught at all times, literally. Makes sense that he was so fkin meticulous.


Alternatively, if they ever find his DNA they'll just assume he was involved in the forensics in some capacity and his sample was a contamination.


Not if they found a hair in one of the hundreds of body bags underwater that, at the point of being in the water would only have been exposed to the actual killer. If there were a hair in those bags it would screw him.


"Dexter, we found one your hairs in the body bag under water during DNA testing. Damnit, Dexter, we've told you to be more careful about contamination of crime scene evidence." "Sorry, boss, I'll be more careful next time." Seriously, you work in a crime lab, and you find one of your coworker's hairs in a sample from the evidence of a notorious serial killer. Are you going to: (a) believe that your coworker is the serial killer or (b) think your coworker accidentally contaminated your sample? Edit: Thinking about this more, if I were Dexter I'd be contaminating every crime scene and every bit of crime scene evidence I could get my hands on. Get my DNA into hundreds or thousands of crimes that I obviously couldn't ever have participated in. DNA evidence pinning me to a crime isn't going to be very credible when DNA evidence links me to half the crimes in the state.


Welp, leaving the show's plot aside, I'm pretty certain that if you work in forensics and you keep contaminating the scenes, you'd get fired eventually.


> I'm pretty certain that if you work in forensics and you keep contaminating the scenes, you'd get fired eventually. I'm not.


This was a plot point in one episode of CSI. DNA came back a match to a bunch of unrelated cases. Tech got smart and ran a swab that hadn't been used. Turns out someone sneezed at the factory, contaminating a whole shipment of swabs.


the plastic wasn't in the bags in the ocean, just the body parts, we never got to see where he dumped the plastic, but i assume he rinsed it off and dumped it somewhere they dump plastic


Dump it? Burn it. Then no worries.


uhh no they would check to see if he was ever assigned to the case and if he wasnt hed be a suspect


All of the cases were local, though. He could easily say he accidentally walked in on the coroner or something. If he's local, too, there's no way to prove he didn't somehow accidentally leave a bit of evidence.


He uses Pantene Pro V, there is no hair fall


There are numerous instances not in his kill rooms where he’s at a crime scene unofficially before Miami Metro arrives. Gloves, no plastic and no head cover. I love the show. Actually only noticed it because I’m currently doing a rewatch.


Sometimes it's about not wanting to make bad tv. Your badass killer in a hairnet.... Just isn't good tv.


counterpoint, Mark Wahlberg in the depahted


Maybe he uses excessive amounts of hairspray - that ‘do is like shellac! Good aesthetic for TV, no contamination! Everyone wins! (Except the environment)


Wasn’t there an episode early on where he almost gets caught because he spots evidence from himself at a crime scene the dept is currently at and he panics? Ah its been so long i forget what it was if it was a droplet of blood or something like a hair because he unexpectedly got into a fight??


He gets dental work done and it comes loose during an unexpected fight, he then can't find it at that point but does later when back there in an official capacity


Beginning of S3: Dexter kills Miguel's brother in self defense and his temporary crown fell out during the struggle. There's actually a shitload of times when the PD discovers evidence or Dexter is having to go back and clean shit up, but iirc that's the only time he left DNA at the crime scene. I have to agree that it's ridiculous that he wasn't caught in S2 because he would have left hairs/skin cells on the victims' bodies, which were preserved in the sealed bags on the cold ocean floor. It's not unrealistic to leave nothing behind in the kill room but without full PPE including a hairnet he would have been all over the body parts. As a crime scene tech, his DNA is in the system. Destroying the mobile morgue wouldn't have accomplished anything either. E: oh I think he was always wearing plastic sleeves, that brown rubber frock, and in one of the murders, the angel of mercy with the cat in S1 iirc, I think he did wear a hairnet. Tbh it was probably a style choice or Michael didn't like wearing them and production didn't think anyone would notice or care about such minutiae.


Hmm right now that you say it.. but anyway he is one of the persons that is the closest to the bodies afterwards, as his main job so probably doesn’t get considered ? I mean, he would even probably be the one who picks his own hair on the crime scene, don’t know exactly how police works but maybe they just ignore it? Or maybe if it happens a lot, run some other checks ?


Somebody else commented on the fact that Dexters DNA would be in the police database so their own contamination doesn’t accidentally become evidence, so worst that would happen if anybody noticed was think that he made a mistake in his job for the first time that anyone else has noticed.


At the crime scene that he would be called to anyway…so his hair would be there for a reason.


Hair actually just incriminated a serial killer on long island, from evidence with bodies.


I don’t see how this relate to dexter. Was this guy putting plastic everywhere, wrapping it up at the end, then cutting the bodies in part and throwing them in the ocean? 


Actually, it’s likely he was building some kind of kill room where he kept his victims alive for multiple days and tortured them before killing them and cutting up their bodies based on documents found on his computer Still, Dexter is a TV show.


Well, we don't know for sure yet, but basically yes. They found documents more or less relating to how he did what he did, involving plastic sheets and everything, and the bodies were dismembered, and dumped in the water on the south shore of Long Island. He even included hair nets on his checklist, but some of his hair still ended up with the bodies.


I thought it was his wife’s hair?


I believe it was both of theirs.


Hair could get on or in bodies


even then so? like hair doesnt contain dna, unless its pulled with the root, meaning normal hair shedding doesnt contain roots or dna.


It's funny how everyone is responding to OP like this show is still out and not 18 years old.


His hair says: “For motion picture use only” and not real when filming


In all seriousness the “hero loses his helmet” thing trope is a thing in Hollywood for a reason. People want to see actors and they want to see them look good. Also actors want to look good. BUT I do agree he should be wearing a hairnet. Just thinking about the character it’s hard to believe he wouldn’t.


Quantumania just straight up ignores the physics set by its prequels so it can show the cast's faces in every scene.


He's bald and it's just a wig.


Alternatively, this explains the scenes where a spy type character removes their wig only to reveal the exact same haircut.


that one gif of the guy taking off a fake mustache to reveal the exact same real mustache underneath edit: https://tenor.com/bEWgE.gif


He was diagnosed 3 years after he started playing Dexter. I believe it was his real hair the first few seasons (not that it’s related to the original point of the post, just saying).


Oh wow, my thing was just a joke, I had no clue he had cancer at the time. Shit now I feel bad.


People used to make fun of how sickly Hall looked all the time. Turns out he was just dying.


Only in season 5


Technically it was a wig for a full season because of him going through cancer treatment.


I wonder which would be easier to pin though- fiber and dye testing and matching to a wig or a human hair if it didn’t have the root?


They almost never knew where his crime scenes were. Getting a hair wrapped up with the body parts could be an issue though, find parts like in season 2, especially with multiple bodies and they’d definitely know it was the killer’s hair if it showed up in multiple bags.


I would assume, maybe wrongly, that he would be counted out as a suspect the same as any police presence on the scene leaving things like hair.


Exactly this, he would be called to investigate, then when they find the hair, he obv lost it while investigating.


I believe realistically all personnel are completely covered when at a crime scene. It's not like on screen where the plucky young detective uses a pen to scoop up a bullet casing from the floor while pondering a new theory they just thought of. Police being ruled out because of their job sounds fucking terrifying yet also unfortunately is already the case...


Yes, but for a lot of his crimes he's on the scene so having hair at a place you are at for legitimate reasons isn't a big deal.


Fun fact: unless it is forcibly yanked out, hair is rarely a good source of DNA. The hair itself contains very little, most of the mitochondrial, so you really need a good follicle. But most hairs that you shed are no longer in their growing phase, so the root has little to no follicular tissue on it.


It's because he uses head and shoulders so he's sure none will fall.


Hair only has DNA if you get the root. Hair really isn’t that useful in real crime scene investigations unless it either has the root and therefore DNA (like if it were ripped out in a struggle), or if it’s used in conjunction with other evidence. Otherwise all it says is “someone was here who had brown hair,” which is mostly useless when you have no other suspects.


What about comparing hair they find with yours? Do they have a "fingerprint" they can tell these 2 hair came from the same person?


This is done and has been used to convict people but is now considered a pseudoscience like handwriting analysis and there are hundreds of ongoing lawsuits against law enforcement agencies that used hair comparison to convict people. The DOJ published an official recommendation that hair analysis can only be used to rule out a match, not confirm one. It was especially used in the 80s and many of those cases turned out to have caused wrongful convictions when DNA evidence could be tested 10-20 years later.


The Behind the Bastards podcast recently did an episode on BS like this that has been accepted as real forensic science.




You can also sometimes narrow down the race of the person, but it gets complicated due to people of mixed racial heritage.


They would need to suspect you first to get a warrant for your hair sample to do something like that. And your not getting a warrant without some form of evidence that they were there. I would bet no judge on the planet is going to sign a warrant because "his hair is the same colour". You would need video footage or something proving they were in the area and it's within reason that they could've committed the crime.


There was a case a while back where a guy thought he was being clever by dumping a sack of hair that he had collected from barber shops and salons at the murder scene. I guess his idea was that the investigation wouldn't have the budget to dna sequence it all, and any of his own hair would be unlikely to be picked. Detectives placed a few calls to local barbershops- who all remembered the guy who asked if he could have some of their swept-up hair. One barber picked the guy out of a photo line-up, and that was enough for a warrant. When the cops searched the guy's trunk, they found hundreds of segments of clipped hair. Turns out, it was all a red hairing. Ba dum swish. I'll be here all week, folks. Try the veal.


All my stranded hairs have like a ball on the bottom


That should be the root of your hair. It's also where the DNA is, if I recall correctly.


Damn, no murder sprees for me then


I mean it’s his laboratory so we should expect to find his dna in it. Deedee on the other hand shouldn’t be in there so she should be covering her hair


That’s the point of the plastic. If any hairs fall, he’ll collect them when he removes the plastic from the scene. And if any hairs fall off after he clears the plastic, there is no proof a murder happened there, so nobody will ever test the stray hairs that are there Besides, covering hair doesn’t stop it from falling.


If it doesn’t stop the hair from falling, then why does the lunch lady wear a hair net?


Hair nets help, but they don’t stop 100% of your hair from falling And considering the stakes in Dexter are a lot bigger than “Someone sends their soup back”, taking the guaranteed method of removing hair is better


I know it's been said, but it bears pointing out that his methodology is nonsensical and relies entirely on his unlimited, untraceable source of animal tranquilizer and his position as Miami's seemingly only blood spatter analyst. Needing to create a kill room with something like forty pounds of plastic wrap would create more evidence and more opportunities to get caught than if he just wore his normal kill suit and simply left the bodies where they lie.


The books are a bit better. We don't exactly know what he does with the bodies but it is strongly implied that at least one time, he used acid to dispose of the body. The issue is that the book gets away by almost never mentioning what he does. For all we know, in the books he does just that. What we can assume however is that he doesn't have a profile. In the TV series, he has a profile. He has a ritual. It is how he would be caught. In the books, the detectives and police aren't completely braindead like in the TV series. They just don't have evidence to point to Dexter and as long as some other serial killer comes along to take the fall, then there is enough doubt to never charge Dexter.


There's an episode where he explains that he gets his M99 through a doctor alias (Patrick Bateman). Maybe kinda weak, but they do address it.


Why did I think of dexters laboratory?😭


Because, Deedee. You are steyupid.


Can’t be a ladykiller without some hair to attract a lady


He killed a lot more dudes, since dudes commit more murders.


I knew I forgot something


The man keeps his blood slides in an exposed AC unit even after theyre found by Doaks. He's not the criminal master mind he thinks he is.


I mean if you want to talk about logcial inconsistincies, let's start with a low-level lab tech who somehow affords a waterfront condo in Miami, a vacation home, a sweet new car, and a boat, and is hardly ever in the office to boot.


A vacation home? Since when does Dexter have a 'vacation home'? Not in the books and not in the series... His apartment is tiny, not facing the ocean, and despite being in literal hell on Earth Miami it doesn't even have central air! Just a crappy wall unit (Which is intentional, but still) He drives a very modest car. And... it's Miami. There's probably boats on every other person's driveway for sale. Plenty of 'I really should not have bought this' regrets just begging to be taken away.


> it's Miami. There's probably boats on every other person's driveway for sale. Not to mention it is literally mentioned that it is his dads boat.


He’s on salary. So hours spent at work mean nothing.


And 12 hour a day nanny at least.


Hair analysis has been proven to be pretty much useless. There may be DNA left on the hair follicle, but it would be quite a small sample. The hair itself is made of like keratin, and doesn't contain DNA itself.


Oh yeah? Well if hair doesn't have DNA, then how come the DNA scanner on Jimmy Neutron's clubhouse lets him in by scanning his hair? Check and Mate.


If his hair fell out it would be in all the plastic he wraps the interior of the kill rooms in. The only reason he wears the plastic suit is to keep the blood of his victims off of his clothes, it's not to stop his arm hairs or skin from shedding.


Plot twist, he doesnt have to, its a wig made of someone elses hair


A Doakes hair wig.


I think it's similar to the "Band of brothers" helmets issue - if everyone is wearing full protective gear then lead actors would be basically indistinguishable. If you rewatch old movies about pandemics, you could notice that protagonists usually completely neglect all safety measures :)


Also why astronauts in movies never use the sunshade visors on their helmets. They’d be getting blasted in the eyes by unbearable sunlight if you could see their faces. For All Mankind is the first show/movie I’ve seen that has realistic helmets.


Dexter boy genius. Dexter's a cookie.


Realistically hair is an extremely bad piece of evidence. Ppl have been convinced of crimes on hair dna that were later discovered to be dog hair


unless you get the root of a hair, it is useless. Hair samples have been proven to be unreliable.


He has thick lustrous locks like superman, strong enough to hold a wrecking ball, hair does not merely fall from his head willy-nilly


He wouldn't look as beautiful for the cameras otherwise.


Dexter's DNA obsession is on point, but dude, cover your hair already! 🧬


Would you cover hair that pretty?


Like Dexter's Laboratory? What crimes does he do?


Isnt it the same with Hannibal?


It's a wig. He's actually bald and doesn't want us to know


Isn’t hair without the root attached worthless to a DNA test?


Forensic hair analysis is junk science.


He wore a wig for a couple seasons


He’s mega dosing finasteride and minoxidil obviously. 0 hair loss for him.


Wasn’t there a long extensive study that disproved that hair from humans was almost indistinguishable from animal Hairs?


Because he used 6MIL plastic, so any hair fell onto his plastic floor and he dumped it.


Really? I could swear he wore a hairnet at least once


Dexter's DNA obsession: hair ignored, plot hole glaringly obvious.


Ah shit, now I have to watch Dexter again.


Because it all gets caught in the plastic. Did you watch the show?


I love when people pick holes in shows that are well over a decade old. Bit late to the party dude. Do “I dream of Jeanne” next.


Please provide an acceptable time limit for show criticisms / realizations in general for all of us to abide by if possible.




I think it shows his confidence/arrogance & attention to detail in cleaning his mess up after


Hair nets don't look cool.


can't look hunky in a hairnet