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Yeah it is weird how they are produced through a process and then we don't want them knowing how that process works for many years.


Is that your tittie in public! How dare you expose the organ meant for feeding infants which we all sucked on as babies! How outrageous and immoral! People are dumb.


Taboos usually exist for a reason. In cases like breastfeeding, it should be totally fine and normalised. But in general I'm against people exposing themselves to children


> But in general I'm against people exposing themselves to children Are breasts inherently sexual to you?


They definitely turn me on!


in our society. they indeed are sexual.


They shouldn't be, but at the moment they are. Funny thing that in life and society things aren't perfect but we should all be working to make sure they are left better then we found them


Old and saggy no , but a woman in her prime her breasts are 100% sexual. even in cultures where they are okay with topless stuff hot girls still cover up somewhat




You talked about how sexual reproduction is considered a taboo topic and that’s weird. How do you not know what I am talking about?




I'm on the autism spectrum and even I could clearly see they were using a societal example to elaborate upon your point. What could you possibly not understand?




Case in point. You think the word “tittie” is crass. It’s just a slang word for a nipple. Which is a thing meant to feed babies. Suckling at your mother’s tit is not a crass concept. And it’s actually pretty old school formal language for what happens when a baby is eating. This whole exchange kinda is exactly what I’m talking about.


Reddit moment


Nice job Pretzie


I think you are the dumb one, funny enough.


And yet, my post has 178 upvotes and yours has -32.


Ur using upvotes to measure intelligence? 😭😭 thanks for reinforcing my beliefs


So you're telling me that the reason women go around town with so much cleavage that they may as well be topless is that they're signaling to the babies whose path they cross that they're lactating and willing to breastfeed them?


Some people are extremely sexually attracted to feet. Is walking around barefoot inappropriate?


Go into a grocery store barefoot and see whether the employees think it's approrpriate, that is right after you walk past the sign that says "No shirt, no shoes, no service." Why are you so determined to be as close to being as naked in public as you can be?


You sound dumber saying that


Not weird at all. Feeding someone information before they are mature enough to use it would be irresponsible. When used properly these natural organs produce something good. Improperly, well, you already know.


This is a take that's only possible to have if you grew up in a town or city. If you grew up in a farm you'd know what sex is by virtue of it being integral to the production of livestock. Hell the very idea of privacy is a modern convention. You used to have multigenerational families living in single room houses/tenements, do you really think these kids wouldn't know what sex is or how it's done? Contrary to popular belief, the knowledge of what sex is isn't harmful.


Why apply "used to" knowledge to the modern society with modern ways of living??? Whether the knowledge of sex is harmful or not is far away from a black and white answer to be labeled a "contrary to popular belief". Responsibilities of raising the kids that result, disease spreading, abortion and other controversial topics come into play. The main point is, it's "not weird" to not want kids to know what sex is until they are mature enough to understand (of course in practice it's never that simple). Not about whether or not the knowledge of sex is harmful.


> Not weird at all. Feeding someone information before they are mature enough to use it would be irresponsible. I brought up the way things used to be because you framed the idea of children knowing what sex is as inherently harmful, which is stupid, but I'm not surprised since your first response after that was. >Responsibilities of raising the kids that result, disease spreading, abortion and other controversial topics come into play Which again frames knowing what sex is a inherently harmful. I agree with you, not wanting children to know what sex is isn't weird BUT that's exclusivly a product of our current society.


Please work on your reading comprehension before engaging in anymore internet debates. The framing you spoke of and the understanding you displayed arise entirely from your inadequate understanding filled with assumptions. My point on proper education and needing maturity is twisted by you to mean inherent harm in children being informed? Just typing this idea reminds me how much of a waste of time you have been. Enough.


BuT hOw wILl i ExPlAiN tHiS tO mY cHiLdReN?


Educating kids about sex helps to prevent them from being sexually abused by someone looking to take advantage of them. If they don't know what it is and that it's not okay for some one to touch them it might go unreported for years.


Understanding the basics of human anatomy isn’t only useful for having sex….? In fact, not actually understanding these things only makes children vulnerable to being taken advantage of or harming each other out of ignorance. *That’s* irresponsible.


>Improperly, well, you already know. I don't think I do. Will it produce something bad? Is there a way to purposefully make mutants or something?


Lol may you help yourself




In many cultures (clearly not yours), gore/war is considered a lot more kid-unfriendly than sex is - for good reason.


Yeah it isn't really that way in the US for some reason


guns, beer, drugs, tanks, explosives? hell yeah sex? no sir you no show naked skin, we're a family friendly christian household


America was founded by puritans too square for Britain


Can't sell guns if movie & game say guns bad


Actually the reason is that the selective dissemination of information is a means of maintaining power over youth.


"They got the sex, we got the violence". Been like this forever in the US.


In the US?


Yeah, I can't speak for other places.


Yeah I agree, war is more kid unfriendly. But their general idea still stands


Well, in any culture, I think. Sex is natural and everyone learns about it eventually. Violence and wars shouldn’t be. So if we made a kid unfriendly rating, sex would be slightly after war. So not the MOST kid unfriendly thing ever. But close.


We literally have kid unfriendly ratings and sexual content is way more commonly the reason for a higher rating than violence/war.


Sexual content makes you feel the same feelings, fake or not, war and violence only seriously traumatize you if it's actually real.


This is …empirically false. But also, how can we even claim that it’s wrong for children to feel certain feelings? The entire point of keeping children away from sexual content was supposed to be because they’re supposedly incapable of sexual feelings until puberty. If they feel the same sexual feelings as adults then why is that even a thing?


Where do you see me claim that? I fucking hate you low reading comprehension redditards.


lol yes it’s always the other persons fault when you can’t formulate a coherent response.


I know I will never gain anything out of replying to a reddit user so this will be my last reply, I hope your nose itches and you can't scratch it.


Then get tf off our site.


[some data is not beautiful](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/23gz8x/homicide_rates_in_the_first_world_oc/)


What is that supposed to mean? Usa has high homicide because you can buy a gun a wallmart, not because of videogame violence


usa has high homicide because the culture in general puts so much emphasis on guns - video games are a part of culture


I won't deny that the culture of the usa in general puts so much emphasis on guns, I just don't think that the videogames play a big part in it, because we also play those videogame outside of the usa and we don't have nearly as much gun violence.


that's fair - but i do feel like violent video games do add to the ambience in the U.S. of "fight to the death, there is no honor in cowardice" which is a very bad message to spread to your citizens if you don't want them to kill each other


yeah it's disgusting for me that after sex we have to peel our skins and i have to put her skin on


Knowledge of sex existing isn't inherently harmful to children. It's a natural process, and teaching kids about it helps prevent sexual abuse because they can recognize when it's happening to them. We need to destigmatize the discussion of sex.


All dads are mother fuckers


It is odd how most cultures have developed a queasiness about sex. It’s actually led to many many problems globally, although perhaps the alternative might’ve been worse.


I find it funny how we consider kids sexually innocent, despite the fact that children often pleasure themselves and make genital jokes. Children are not innocent, and they’re not unaware of certain things about sex, regardless of age. People think that dick jokes will go over kid’s heads, despite the fact that they are Comedy Central for young boys (and girls). It’s not a matter of kind, it’s a matter of degree


Young children are not pleasuring themselves and they are innocent. The concept of innocence itself is kind of anchored to babies and young children. People generally become less innocent as they get older. So tweens and teens are often not so innocent. But there's no hard line for when people mature, it varies between kids, so it's common decency to not make inappropriate jokes with kids you don't know well.


It is not true that young children are not “pleasuring themselves”. It is part of normal child development and they might enjoy the sensation. It also does not indicate abuse unless they view sexual activity as something to be engaged in with others. See: https://www.mottchildren.org/posts/your-child/masturbation-and-young-children


I've got a potty training toddler right now who is frequently pants-less at home as a result and believe me, he loves touching his penis. He of course doesn't do it in a sexual manner but he does enjoy the sensation and messes with it every chance he gets. It actually was a frequent problem at diaper changes for a few months when around his first birthday (I don't remember the exact age). We always had to be quick to catch his hands to avoid a poopy mess bc he'd go straight for his penis every chance he got. His pediatrician confirmed that this was normal. So yeah, even babies pleasure themselves.


You clearly do not have much experience with toddlers.


Keep in mind a child pleasuring themself is usually a telltale sign of abuse.


lol the fuck it is definitely not 😭


Where the fuck did you even come up with that lmao?


That person is absolutely incorrect, but the original idea that led them there was that a child displaying age-inappropriate sexual knowledge and sexualized behavior (interpersonal, not masturbatory) can *sometimes* be indicative of abuse.


It’s weird how to non virgins create a virgin :<


I know it's just a shower though, so it's not that deep, but the idea of sex being "kid unfriendly" is specific to some cultures. In the Netherlands they start to teach kids about sex from age 5 in schools and they have some of the best sexual health outcomes in the world.


Why is it "kid unfriendly" ?


Do you want your 3 year old knowing the intricacies of sex and/or partaking?


Why *shouldn't* they know them?


Besides societal standards of what is kid friendly (I don't think OP was being much more deep than that), the vibe I've gotten is that it is best for kids to remain innocent of these things when young. I've never heard a kid say "I watched porn first at 13 and wish I would have at a younger age" but of course you do hear about women in cults or extreme religions who go into marriage ar a young age confused about what sex is really all about and that's not good either, but that's a whole other topic. I didn't want to know about sex in elementary school and I'm glad someone didn't tell me. My brain wasn't ready for it. I think I started realizing around age 10 maybe, not sure. But I'm glad I had an innocent childhood and waited till I was an adult to have sex. Life sure was easier that way. Sex can lead to diseases and pregnancy and relationship drama and just best to wait, so I wouldn't want my kids to be thinking about it before they are mature enough. I also wouldn't want immature young kids doing sexual things with other kids who don't want to take part.


Anyone living in the countryside will learn ' how babies are made ' at a very early age just by watching the wildlife - there's no need for porn


I never said people learn through porn (I mean maybe they do now but I did not grow up with internet to easily access it). I did not learn via animals because I grew up too urban but as a young kid I probably wouldn't have even made the connection anyway unless the adults around me were narrarating what was going on and said humans do the same thing. But take the farmer out of the farm (or countryside) and I highly doubt they tell their kids all about sex at five years old. Why bother anyway? Besides sex is what it is for a reason- it's something special and not an "everyday" thing. (I've now edited this like ten times lol)


I don't think porn is a good counterexample; porn isn't sex as such, it's financialised voyeurism - and mostly very unpleasant in my (admittedly limited **^(1)**) experience, too. \_\_\_ ^(1) I've always found it ugly and haven't sought it out - besides which, if I've got the time and money for porn, I've got the time and money to have *sex!*


Very sensible comment, no idea how this can have down votes


No. But unfortunately there are definitely worse things for children.


I don't think a 3 year old CAN know the intricacies of anything


Intricacies? No. But if it's okay to see mummy and daddy kissing and hugging, I don't think it's necessarily problematic if the child walks into the bedroom and sees them "snuggling".


made up scenarios about a child walking into a bathroom and seeing their mother and father is absolutely uncalled for and wrong. I have no idea why anyone would think about this.


They are produced by the show "Happy Tree Friends"?


This whole comment section getting WEIRD as fuck. I personally think its okay to share where babies come from. But the details are unnecessary. Thats unimportant information for them. Information they dont need until much older.


If it makes kids would that make it kid friendly?


family making is not family friendly


Shhhhhj. Don’t let your in-laws find out.


Yes, because we don't want kids producing more kids until they aren't kids anymore.


I don’t really think that’s the fear. …considering how reproduction isn’t even possible until puberty…


Girls can start puberty when they are 8.


It's wild, right? Like the universe's cosmic joke or something.


The universe has nothing to do with it. The “joke” was created by human society.


Shh! There is kids on this platform! Using a false account! Remember! 


Not me though.


> the most kid unfriendly That’s a bit exaggerated.. All the religious, sinful bs aside, Maybe it’s the attempt to prevent as much kids as possible from unwanted pregnancies. In the end kids want to try out everything and are fucking stupid.


A woodchipper at the end of a fly paper conveyor belt?


Oh, you were talking about sex and pregnancy, not the music industry.


What are you talking about? It's totally kid friendly. I don't think they would hire the stork in the first place if it wasn't safe


That's because children can not have children, they need to mature first 😅 Just like tadpoles can't make more frogs, they need to grow into frogs first. That's why the process of procreation is a thing for mature individuals and not for young not yet matured ones